Sails.js Can I add sort functionality to default find action without overriding it? - sails.js

I was just curious to know if it's by any means possible to add a sort functionality to the default find action of a model without overriding the same in the controller ?
We do have beforeCreate and afterCreate features in the models which is quite useful in many cases. Similarly beforeFetch or something like that, if exists can be really useful when we want some pre/post processing on the result set while doing a get request.

An example of this would be: localhost:1337/user?sort=id desc


Implement the Lead conversion using custom button

I will need to create a Custom Button "convert lead" that will perform the same functionality as Standard Button "Convert" when the button is clicked.
What is the best approach to do it..?
That's a very broad question. What exactly you need, what have you tried so far? Do you really need just a button that opens the conversion page or something more?
If you want to somehow recreate it with Apex... Core of the coded solution would be the Database.convertLead method. You don't pass to it whole leads (like to Database.insert for example) but instead just their IDs + bunch of control flags to make it do exactly what you need. Read up about LeadConvert object. And similarly you can get Account/Contact/Opportunity ID from the result object if it succeeded.
I don't think there's programmatic way to access field names & mappings defined by administrator for lead conversion. Maybe you'd need to store this info somehow (in helper object? custom metadata?). So then you'd query the field names from metadata, then query the lead fields and finally display table of fields & mappings to the user.

Alternative to triggerEvent attribute in mak:addForm

According to the documentation, the triggerEvent attribute can be used in mak:form, mak:newForm or mak:editForm. I would like however to use the same feature in mak:addForm, but it doesn't seem to work.
Is there an alternative way to get the partial reload feature in mak:addForm without this attribute?

i18n in Symfony Forms

Is there any way I can use the format_number_choice function inside of a actions file. In fact I need to use it for a Form error message.
'max_size' => 'File is too large (maximum is %max_size% bytes).',
In English it's simply "bytes", but in other languages the syntax changes after a certain value (for example if the number is greater than 20 it's: "20 of bytes").
I can use parenthesis, of course, but if the framework offers support for doing this specific thing, why not to use it?!
The way it's currently implemented in the 1.4 branch, you can define only one translation per message using il18n XML files.
What you could do is create a custom validator which inherits the current validator (sfValidatorFile in your example) and does the size checking in the doClean method before calling its parent's method.
I suggest you take a look at the source to see how it works : sfValidatorFile
The correct way to handle number ranges for translation is explained here in the Definitive Guide. I won't reproduce it here as the documentation itself is clear and concise. Note however that the string is not extracted automatically by the i18n-extract task, so you need to add it manually - again, the documentation explains this.
So yes, you can use the format_number_choice() function inside an action - you just need to load the helper inside the action like this:

Drupal - dynamic options for text_list field

I have a custom node type for which I want to have a field that uses a special combobox based on list_text. When one chooses the type list_text it is normally possible to enter a static list of selectable texts, however, I want this list to be dynamic, i.e. based on the results of a db_query. What is the best way to do this using Drupal 7?
A simple example for clarification: A node of this custom type X contains a field that points to another node, so whenever a node of type X is created I want a combobox that contains all other nodes.
(Best solution would be to only display the combobox during node creation, and no longer during edit. But I could also live with it if the combobox was shown during the edit as well.)
I have tried to customize options_select by defining my own data type and implementing hook_options_list accordingly. The combobox was displayed during creation with the correct values, however, I could not save it.. I have no idea what went wrong there, but on the first submit it would change to a different theme, and when I tried again I got an internal server error. Am I on the right track at all with defining a completely new data type for the field? there surely must be a simpler way?
You're right in that you don't need a new datatype. Here's a good tutorial on how to do this. It's not specifically for D7 but I didn't see much that wasn't still applicable. There may be a better way to do it in D7 specifically but I would love to know it too if so :)
The tutorial linked by allegroconmolto sent me on the right way. Thanks for that.
Here's the simpler way of doing it: tutorial
Basically, it is, as I assumed, a common problem and hence a simple solution for it was included in the webform module by now. It provides a hook_webform_select_options_info which can be used to register a callback method. The callback method is then called each time a corresponding option select of a webform is shown, so that you can easily fill it with the results of a dbquery or anything else. Works like a charm and takes next to no time to implement.

Windows Workflow - IfElse branch

I am trying to use Windows Workflow and have a model that looks similar to the image in the link below:
After each of the Send Activities (GetSomthing, GetSomthingElse, GetSomeMoreStuff) the same custom activity is being called (LogSomthingBadHappened).
While it might not look so bad in this picture in my real model the custom activity is a SequenceActivty, has quite a few nodes, and when its repeated 3 times starts to make the workflow look very ugly.
I would like to do something like this:
Can the IfElse branches be merged like this?
Should I be using a State Machine work flow instead (haven't figured these out yet)?
Use a FaultHandler on the workflow and throw a specific exception type that the handler will catch. Not the most graceful, but I think it should work.
In sequential workflows all steps must appear in a specific order, and the execution path is regulated exclusively by control structures (IF, WHILE).Altering the execution path in the way you describe would be like using a GOTO statement in imperative code, which we know leads to unnecessary complexity.
If the activities contained in the SequenceActivity that you need to execute at different stages of your workflow are exacty the same, you could embed them in a custom activity. This way it is easier to manage them since they are contained in a single logical unit.In imperative code, this would be like refactoring out a portion of duplicated code into a method, which is then invoked multiple places.
Another alternative that might work is to put your LogSomthingBadHappened activity into a custom workflow and include that several time. Several things to watch out for: Subworkflow are executed asynchronously, if the LogSomthingBadHappened activity needs state information from the main workflow, copying it to the sub workflow might be hard.
I have not tried this, so it might not even work.
I think the answer by gbanfill points to the right direction.
To generalize, I define the problem as:
Is there a way to define a group of activities that will be executed in several places of a workflow?
Further requirements are:
The group of activities should be defined in XAML only ie no code.
Type of input to this group will, of course, be fixed but actual values should depend on call (like calling a function).
Maybe the way to do it is define sub-workflows and build a custom activity that would instantiate the sub-workflow and wait for it to complete before continuing.
This custom activity should have at least two parameters: the sub-workflow id and input parameters.