JBoss re-deploys on every file change after upgrading to Eclipse Luna - deployment

After upgrading my Eclipse installation to Luna (from Kepler), my JBoss servers started being overly pedantic with the redeployment of my web projects: even if I change a JavaScript file, a deployment replacement begins and takes significant amount of time. The same happens for JSP files too.
I've set Publishing to Automatically publish when resources change (as it was in Kepler), I've deleted/added JBoss 7.0 several times, tried various combinations of the checkboxes in Deployment Scanners & Application Reload Behavior, the issue persists though.
Eclipse Luna 4.4
JBoss Tools 4.2 beta 2
JBoss server 7.0

After searching further, I found that this was a bug in the beta 2 version of JBoss Tools 4.2 for Luna.
As answered here, beta 3 of JBoss Tools fixes this issue.


What community version of Jboss is recommended for jdk 1.7 and why

I need to migrate from Jboss 5.1.0 GA to any other that supports jdk 1.7.
I'm currently using jboss 5.1 with seam 2, jdk 1.6 and sqlserver 2008 r2.
What community version of Jboss is recommended for jdk 1.7 and why?
Thanks in advance!
You can actually get JBoss AS 5.1.0 GA to run on JDK 7, see JBAS-6981. All of the following options will work with JDK 7:
JBoss AS 5.1.0 (plus the fix for JBAS-6981)
JBoss AS 6.1.0
JBoss AS 7.1.1
JBoss EAP 6.2
WildFly AS 8 CR 1
The right solution depends on your situation:
The simplest solution with the least risk is to stay with JBoss AS 5.1.0 and fix JBAS-6981 yourself. We did that and ran with it for over a year and it worked fine. Note however that JBoss AS 5.1.0 is end of life, eg. there aren't any security patches available.
If you don't want to fix JBAS-6981 yourself you can go with JBoss AS 6.1.0. This should be quite a simple migration because it builds on the same architecture and has the same disk layout. Note however that it is Java EE 6 which means among other things standardized JNDI names. Depending on your application this can have quite a bit impact — or none at all. Note however that JBoss AS 6.1.0 is end of life, eg. there aren't any security patches available.
The next "stable" community version is JBoss AS 7.1.1 with brings a whole new architecture. Depending on your application that can be quite a large migration — or a really simple one. However I would recommend against JBoss AS 7.1.1 as it's buggy as hell. Note there won't be any future releases for JBoss AS 7.1.1 as well.
JBoss EAP 6.2 builds on JBoss AS 7.1.1 (AS 7.3 actually) and contains many bug fixes (and some features). You either need to build it from source or get a license from Red Hat. There will be patches for EAP 6.2.
The current in development community version is WildFly AS 8 CR1. As you can see from the version name there isn't a stable release yet. And it contains a whole new servlet engine, which makes a whole lot of people nervous. I would only use it if you have really good integration tests.
I don't know what the situation regarding Seam is for any of them.
Note that sooner or later you'll have to migrate to a newer version of JBoss AS anyway. To judge how hard the migration will be you first need to know what dependencies on JBoss AS you have in your code.

JBoss AS 7.2 and 7.1.1 differences

For some reason JBoss AS 7.2 is not available for download (a question in itself). But what are the changes between AS 7.2 and 7.1.1? If we test on 7.1.1, what are the risks that the build will not work on 7.2?
JBoss AS 7.2 is available for download, as I listed in my other answer, as EAP 6.1 Alpha branding or openlogic build.
Issues fixed are listed here. There are mainly bug fixes and some updates. Depends on what you do with your app, but I can't think of any big reason why a build working on 7.1.1 would not work on 7.2 (or 7.3 for that matter), other than relying on some specific client implementation version on some integrated component (hornetq comes to mind).

JSF and Richfaces on JBoss AS 4

I need to develop a presentation layer for an existing Java EE application running on JBoss AS 4.2.1.GA. I have been reading on JSF, Facelets and RichFaces and tried a few examples - some things worked but others didn't because of the limitations of library versions I used, considering the outdated JBoss.
Can someone recommend the direction I need to be heading to get this done as quickly as possible by using the mentioned server? By this I mean the Eclipse tool (WTP, JBoss Tools, ...), type of project, dependencies, ... Also, to shorten development time, maybe also use JRebel?
I know I would be better off using the latest server, but unfortunately it is not an option.
Also, I have installed JBoss Tools for Eclipse Indigo, but for creating RichFaces Project, it requires JBoss EAP 6 or AS 7.1.
I had created applications using JSF 1.2, RichFaces 3.3.3, JBoss Seam 2.0.2 (not required) for JBoss AS 4.2.2.GA. For development was used Eclipse (3.4/3.5) IDE for Java EE Developers. Version of Eclipse is not important. Yes, you need WTP. In my projects seam-gen was used for generating project skeleton. If you don't use Seam you can create Web project.

What's the ideal setup for a quick turnaround in Java EE development?

I'm currently struggling with the project setup while implementing a Java EE 6 application with Eclipse Indigo and JBoss 6. The application server and the IDE is pretty much set in the project. Maven 3 is used and was the base for the setup by using the WELD archetype and creating a WAR.
Now, the problem is, that I'm very disappointed about the development turnaround. I don't have a working automatic redeploying within eclipse and often need to restart JBoss since it gets confused with the new publishing and then is not able to redeploy correctly. This is very frustrating and time consuming. (Plus I feel the smirks behind me from the guys preferring script languages.)
From earlier projects we were using Seam 2 and the project created by seam-gen came with a somewhat decent republishing, although I still had to do a manual application restart whenever I changed Java classes. Then, from playing around with Netbeans 7 and the integrated GlassFish 3.1 I found that automatic redeployment was working ok. And since Java EE 6 is very wide spread, I assume, there must be a better setup than I have now.
So with this post I hope to get some more insight in having a good project setup for fluent development of Java EE 6 based WAR projects on JBoss and eclipse - who can share some best practices?
Thanks a lot!
You should use JBoss Tools plugins for Eclipse. JBoss Tools 3.3M2 is compatible with Indigo and JBoss AS 7 (which is 10 times faster than JBoss 6 for redeploy).
Regarding an equivalent to Seam Gen with CDI, you should really take a look to Seam Forge which is included in JBoss Tools 3.3 now.
Finally I'm using Jrebel to reload class and configuration without restarting the server. But for now it doesn't work yet with JBoss AS 7, so if you stick with JBoss AS 6 it's a goof combination.
This might not be the answer to your question, but if you want Java and fast turnaround look at http://www.playframework.org/ your script colleagues will be astounded.
For Eclipse to work well, use Eclipse Java EE edition and then add the JBoss server adapter.
The usual WTP-tooling then works for automatic deployments etc.

how to get jboss tools to not automatically deploy on server start

ive just upgraded to eclipse 3.6 and i have a seam application running on jboss 5 with the latest version of jboss tools. my problem is that when i opened an xhtml page it asked me to activate the jsf components. i went ahead and did so and now my problem is that when i start jboss inside of eclipse it automatically deploys an exploded version of my app. i don't want this, i use ant to build and deploy the app and just use jboss tools to start and stop the server. i need to turn this feature off, does anyone have an idea how to do it?
Double click the server and select the radiobutton that says "Never publish automatically"
btw. you can also enable "Deploy projects as compressed archives" if your problem is that the deployment is exploded.