In Matlab you can issue the eig function with the 'nobalance' option. What exactly does it do differently from the default one?
From mathworks documentation:
Balance option, specified as one two strings: 'balance', which enables a preliminary balancing step, or 'nobalance' which disables it. In most cases, the balancing step improves the conditioning of A to produce more accurate results. However, there are cases in which balancing produces incorrect results. Specify 'nobalance' when A contains values whose scale differs dramatically. For example, if A contains nonzero integers, as well as very small (near zero) values, then the balancing step might scale the small values to make them as significant as the integers and produce inaccurate results.
EDIT: A related function balance is said to be the default preceding step in eig.
Note a few lines in the documentation - "The ill conditioning is concentrated in the scaling matrix" .... "If a matrix contains small elements that are due to roundoff error, balancing might scale them up to make them as significant as the other elements of the original matrix."
So, my answer to #Isopycnal's question is "nobalance suppresses amplification of round-off errors, when dealing with ill-conditioned matrices". Here are a few points that may help -
"balancing" a matrix A is essentially performing a similarity transformation B = T\A*T where B is called as a "balanced matrix".
by balancing a good-conditioned matrix (which means it has reasonable scale), the "asymmetry" is concentrated into the scaling matrix, T. According to the documentation of eig, "In most cases, the balancing step improves the conditioning of A to produce more accurate results. "
however, balancing an ill-conditioned (means very large scale) matrix will scale up the round-off errors, because Matlab is trying to make the small values (such as 1e-9) as significant as the large ones (say 1e10). Without careful thinking it's already known that the result will be less precise.
I know it has something to do with the matrix decomposition algorithms which Matlab picks when performing eig, eg "Pencil decomposition LU factorization etc", as #EJG89 has pointed out. But it's too deeply buried in my memory to recall :( Anyone who knows how Matlab perform commands like eig please consider expanding this answer! Thanks!
Just for completeness, the balancing method is along the lines of LAPACK's ?GEBAL and ?GEBAK routines but some testing suggests that there are some modifications as the results differ occasionally.
The balancing helps to improve the conditioning via similarity transformations. However, in some cases balancing actually makes the problem worse. The documented cases include Hessenberg matrices and matrices with numerical noise that is amplified by the scaling which the algorithm tries to balance with the actual data. Depending on the problem the data matrix is also permuted to bring the matrix to upper triangular form as much as possible.
The balancing algorithm can also be used via balance.m
Other relevant balancing routines deep in the toolboxes are mscale.m and arescale.m routines from control system toolbox which offers more refined control (excuse the pun).
I have gone through neural networks and have understood the derivation for back propagation almost perfectly(finally!). However, I had a small doubt.
We are updating all the weights simultaneously, so what is the guarantee that they lead to a smaller cost. If the weights are updated one by one, it would definitely lead to a lesser cost and it would be similar to linear regression. But if you update all the weights simultaneously, might we not cross the minima?
Also, do we update the biases like we update the weights after each forward propagation and back propagation of each test case?
Lastly, I have started reading on RNN's. What are some good resources to understand BPTT in RNN's?
Yes, updating only one weight at the time could result in decreasing error value every time but it's usually infeasible to do such updates in practical solutions using NN. Most of today's architectures usually have ~ 10^6 parameters so one epoch for every parameter could last enormously long. Moreover - because of nature of backpropagation - you usually have to compute loads of different derivatives in order to compute derivative with respect to a parameter given - so you will waste a lot of computations when using such approach.
But the phenomenon which you mention has been noticed a long time ago and there are some ways in dealing with it. There are two most common issues connected with it:
Covariance shift: it's when error and weight updates of a layer given strongly depends on output from previous layer, so when you update it - the results in the next layer might be different. The most common way to deal with this problem right now is Batch normalization.
Nolinear function vs Linear Differentation: it's quite uncommon when you think about BP but derivative is a linear operator which might generate a lot of problems in gradient descent. The most countintuitive example is the fact that if you multiply your input by a constant then every derivative will also be multiplied by the same number. This may lead to a lot of problems but most of recent methods of learning do a great job in dealing with it.
About BPTT I stronly recomend you Geoffrey Hinton course about ANN and especially this video.
(Note: This is intended to be a community Wiki.)
Suppose I have a set of points xi = {x0,x1,x2,...xn} and corresponding function values fi = f(xi) = {f0,f1,f2,...,fn}, where f(x) is, in general, an unknown function. (In some situations, we might know f(x) ahead of time, but we want to do this generally, since we often don't know f(x) in advance.) What's a good way to approximate the derivative of f(x) at each point xi? That is, how can I estimate values of dfi == d/dx fi == df(xi)/dx at each of the points xi?
Unfortunately, MATLAB doesn't have a very good general-purpose, numerical differentiation routine. Part of the reason for this is probably because choosing a good routine can be difficult!
So what kinds of methods are there? What routines exist? How can we choose a good routine for a particular problem?
There are several considerations when choosing how to differentiate in MATLAB:
Do you have a symbolic function or a set of points?
Is your grid evenly or unevenly spaced?
Is your domain periodic? Can you assume periodic boundary conditions?
What level of accuracy are you looking for? Do you need to compute the derivatives within a given tolerance?
Does it matter to you that your derivative is evaluated on the same points as your function is defined?
Do you need to calculate multiple orders of derivatives?
What's the best way to proceed?
These are just some quick-and-dirty suggestions. Hopefully somebody will find them helpful!
1. Do you have a symbolic function or a set of points?
If you have a symbolic function, you may be able to calculate the derivative analytically. (Chances are, you would have done this if it were that easy, and you would not be here looking for alternatives.)
If you have a symbolic function and cannot calculate the derivative analytically, you can always evaluate the function on a set of points, and use some other method listed on this page to evaluate the derivative.
In most cases, you have a set of points (xi,fi), and will have to use one of the following methods....
2. Is your grid evenly or unevenly spaced?
If your grid is evenly spaced, you probably will want to use a finite difference scheme (see either of the Wikipedia articles here or here), unless you are using periodic boundary conditions (see below). Here is a decent introduction to finite difference methods in the context of solving ordinary differential equations on a grid (see especially slides 9-14). These methods are generally computationally efficient, simple to implement, and the error of the method can be simply estimated as the truncation error of the Taylor expansions used to derive it.
If your grid is unevenly spaced, you can still use a finite difference scheme, but the expressions are more difficult and the accuracy varies very strongly with how uniform your grid is. If your grid is very non-uniform, you will probably need to use large stencil sizes (more neighboring points) to calculate the derivative at a given point. People often construct an interpolating polynomial (often the Lagrange polynomial) and differentiate that polynomial to compute the derivative. See for instance, this StackExchange question. It is often difficult to estimate the error using these methods (although some have attempted to do so: here and here). Fornberg's method is often very useful in these cases....
Care must be taken at the boundaries of your domain because the stencil often involves points that are outside the domain. Some people introduce "ghost points" or combine boundary conditions with derivatives of different orders to eliminate these "ghost points" and simplify the stencil. Another approach is to use right- or left-sided finite difference methods.
Here's an excellent "cheat sheet" of finite difference methods, including centered, right- and left-sided schemes of low orders. I keep a printout of this near my workstation because I find it so useful.
3. Is your domain periodic? Can you assume periodic boundary conditions?
If your domain is periodic, you can compute derivatives to a very high order accuracy using Fourier spectral methods. This technique sacrifices performance somewhat to gain high accuracy. In fact, if you are using N points, your estimate of the derivative is approximately N^th order accurate. For more information, see (for example) this WikiBook.
Fourier methods often use the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to achieve roughly O(N log(N)) performance, rather than the O(N^2) algorithm that a naively-implemented discrete Fourier transform (DFT) might employ.
If your function and domain are not periodic, you should not use the Fourier spectral method. If you attempt to use it with a function that is not periodic, you will get large errors and undesirable "ringing" phenomena.
Computing derivatives of any order requires 1) a transform from grid-space to spectral space (O(N log(N))), 2) multiplication of the Fourier coefficients by their spectral wavenumbers (O(N)), and 2) an inverse transform from spectral space to grid space (again O(N log(N))).
Care must be taken when multiplying the Fourier coefficients by their spectral wavenumbers. Every implementation of the FFT algorithm seems to have its own ordering of the spectral modes and normalization parameters. See, for instance, the answer to this question on the Math StackExchange, for notes about doing this in MATLAB.
4. What level of accuracy are you looking for? Do you need to compute the derivatives within a given tolerance?
For many purposes, a 1st or 2nd order finite difference scheme may be sufficient. For higher precision, you can use higher order Taylor expansions, dropping higher-order terms.
If you need to compute the derivatives within a given tolerance, you may want to look around for a high-order scheme that has the error you need.
Often, the best way to reduce error is reducing the grid spacing in a finite difference scheme, but this is not always possible.
Be aware that higher-order finite difference schemes almost always require larger stencil sizes (more neighboring points). This can cause issues at the boundaries. (See the discussion above about ghost points.)
5. Does it matter to you that your derivative is evaluated on the same points as your function is defined?
MATLAB provides the diff function to compute differences between adjacent array elements. This can be used to calculate approximate derivatives via a first-order forward-differencing (or forward finite difference) scheme, but the estimates are low-order estimates. As described in MATLAB's documentation of diff (link), if you input an array of length N, it will return an array of length N-1. When you estimate derivatives using this method on N points, you will only have estimates of the derivative at N-1 points. (Note that this can be used on uneven grids, if they are sorted in ascending order.)
In most cases, we want the derivative evaluated at all points, which means we want to use something besides the diff method.
6. Do you need to calculate multiple orders of derivatives?
One can set up a system of equations in which the grid point function values and the 1st and 2nd order derivatives at these points all depend on each other. This can be found by combining Taylor expansions at neighboring points as usual, but keeping the derivative terms rather than cancelling them out, and linking them together with those of neighboring points. These equations can be solved via linear algebra to give not just the first derivative, but the second as well (or higher orders, if set up properly). I believe these are called combined finite difference schemes, and they are often used in conjunction with compact finite difference schemes, which will be discussed next.
Compact finite difference schemes (link). In these schemes, one sets up a design matrix and calculates the derivatives at all points simultaneously via a matrix solve. They are called "compact" because they are usually designed to require fewer stencil points than ordinary finite difference schemes of comparable accuracy. Because they involve a matrix equation that links all points together, certain compact finite difference schemes are said to have "spectral-like resolution" (e.g. Lele's 1992 paper--excellent!), meaning that they mimic spectral schemes by depending on all nodal values and, because of this, they maintain accuracy at all length scales. In contrast, typical finite difference methods are only locally accurate (the derivative at point #13, for example, ordinarily doesn't depend on the function value at point #200).
A current area of research is how best to solve for multiple derivatives in a compact stencil. The results of such research, combined, compact finite difference methods, are powerful and widely applicable, though many researchers tend to tune them for particular needs (performance, accuracy, stability, or a particular field of research such as fluid dynamics).
Ready-to-Go Routines
As described above, one can use the diff function (link to documentation) to compute rough derivatives between adjacent array elements.
MATLAB's gradient routine (link to documentation) is a great option for many purposes. It implements a second-order, central difference scheme. It has the advantages of computing derivatives in multiple dimensions and supporting arbitrary grid spacing. (Thanks to #thewaywewalk for pointing out this glaring omission!)
I used Fornberg's method (see above) to develop a small routine (nderiv_fornberg) to calculate finite differences in one dimension for arbitrary grid spacings. I find it easy to use. It uses sided stencils of 6 points at the boundaries and a centered, 5-point stencil in the interior. It is available at the MATLAB File Exchange here.
The field of numerical differentiation is very diverse. For each method listed above, there are many variants with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. This post is hardly a complete treatment of numerical differentiation.
Every application is different. Hopefully this post gives the interested reader an organized list of considerations and resources for choosing a method that suits their own needs.
This community wiki could be improved with code snippets and examples particular to MATLAB.
I believe there is more in to these particular questions. So I have elaborated on the subject further as follows:
(4) Q: What level of accuracy are you looking for? Do you need to compute the derivatives within a given tolerance?
A: The accuracy of numerical differentiation is subjective to the application of interest. Usually the way it works is, if you are using the ND in forward problem to approximate the derivatives to estimate features from signal of interest, then you should be aware of noise perturbations. Usually such artifacts contain high frequency components and by the definition of the differentiator, the noise effect will be amplified in the magnitude order of $i\omega^n$. So, increasing the accuracy of differentiator (increasing the polynomial accuracy) will no help at all. In this case you should be able to cancelt the effect of noise for differentiation. This can be done in casecade order: first smooth the signal, and then differentiate. But a better way of doing this is to use "Lowpass Differentiator". A good example of MATLAB library can be found here.
However, if this is not the case and you're using ND in inverse problems, such as solvign PDEs, then the global accuracy of differentiator is very important. Depending on what kind of bounady condition (BC) suits your problem, the design will be adapted accordingly. The rule of thump is to increase the numerical accuracy known is the fullband differentiator. You need to design a derivative matrix that takes care of suitable BC. You can find comprehensive solutions to such designs using the above link.
(5) Does it matter to you that your derivative is evaluated on the same points as your function is defined?
A: Yes absolutely. The evaluation of the ND on the same grid points is called "centralized" and off the points "staggered" schemes. Note that using odd order of derivatives, centralized ND will deviate the accuracy of frequency response of the differentiator. Therefore, if you're using such design in inverse problems, this will perturb your approximation. Also, the opposite applies to the case of even order of differentiation utilized by staggered schemes. You can find comprehensive explanation on this subject using the link above.
(6) Do you need to calculate multiple orders of derivatives?
This totally depends on your application at hand. You can refer to the same link I have provided and take care of multiple derivative designs.
I have a dataset consists of (700 data points x 400 dimensions) which belong to 10 classes. I did cluster this data to see how data points will fit into clusters similar to their class. I performed two clustering experiments, one using basic k-means (euclidean) and another using Affinity Propagation. I noticed that the results using k-means are better and faster!! than the Affinity Propagation.
I could not understand the reason behind this. Can any of you help in giving explanation why I got such results (I thought Affinity Propagation is better than k-means)?
It could be a matter of granularity - the APC result could be close to a subclustering or superclustering of the class labels. There is a parameter that affects APC granularity (check yourself).
Another consideration is how you prepare the network that you give to APC (or any other network clustering algorithm). Ideally it should not be too dense. As a rough guideline, make sure that the distribution of { number of neighbours per node | all nodes } does not stray far outside [0.5 * sqrt(N) - 2.0 * sqrt(N)]. Especially try to avoid hubs, that is, nodes that have many more neighbours than that upper bound.
As a sanity check, are the values that you give to APC similarities? They should similarities be of course, not distances. You have a choice how the similarity is computed. The standard way to restrain the number of neighbours is to use a cut-off. Experiment with the combination of these. Finally you may also want to try MCL, an algorithm that precedes APC and uses conceptually similar principles but is a bit cleaner in its formulation (alternation of simple matrix operations). It is probably faster.
I am implementing stereo matching and as preprocessing I am trying to rectify images without camera calibration.
I am using surf detector to detect and match features on images and try to align them. After I find all matches, I remove all that doesn't lie on the epipolar lines, using this function:
[fMatrix, epipolarInliers, status] = estimateFundamentalMatrix(...
matchedPoints1, matchedPoints2, 'Method', 'RANSAC', ...
'NumTrials', 10000, 'DistanceThreshold', 0.1, 'Confidence', 99.99);
inlierPoints1 = matchedPoints1(epipolarInliers, :);
inlierPoints2 = matchedPoints2(epipolarInliers, :);
figure; showMatchedFeatures(I1, I2, inlierPoints1, inlierPoints2);
legend('Inlier points in I1', 'Inlier points in I2');
Problem is, that if I run this function with the same data, I am still getting different results causing differences in resulted disparity map in each run on the same data
Pulatively matched points are still the same, but inliners points differs in each run.
Here you can see that some matches are different in result:
UPDATE: I thought that differences was caused by RANSAC method, but using LMedS, MSAC, I am still getting different results on the same data
EDIT: Admittedly, this is only a partial answer, since I am only explaining why this is even possible with these fitting methods and not how to improve the input keypoints to avoid this problem from the start. There are problems with the distribution of your keypoint matches, as noted in the other answers, and there are ways to address that at the stage of keypoint detection. But, the reason the same input can yield different results for repeated executions of estimateFundamentalMatrix with the same pairs of keypoints is because of the following. (Again, this does not provide sound advice for improving keypoints so as to solve this problem).
The reason for different results on repeated executions, is related to the the RANSAC method (and LMedS and MSAC). They all utilize stochastic (random) sampling and are thus non-deterministic. All methods except Norm8Point operate by randomly sampling 8 pairs of points at a time for (up to) NumTrials.
But first, note that the different results you get for the same inputs are not equally suitable (they will not have the same residuals) but the search space can easily lead to any such minimum because the optimization algorithms are not deterministic. As the other answers rightly suggest, improve your keypoints and this won't be a problem, but here is why the robust fitting methods can do this and some ways to modify their behavior.
Notice the documentation for the 'NumTrials' option (ADDED NOTE: changing this is not the solution, but this does explain the behavior):
'NumTrials' — Number of random trials for finding the outliers
500 (default) | integer
Number of random trials for finding the outliers, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'NumTrials' and an integer value. This parameter applies when you set the Method parameter to LMedS, RANSAC, MSAC, or LTS.
MSAC (M-estimator SAmple Consensus) is a modified RANSAC (RANdom SAmple Consensus). Deterministic algorithms for LMedS have exponential complexity and thus stochastic sampling is practically required.
Before you decide to use Norm8Point (again, not the solution), keep in mind that this method assumes NO outliers, and is thus not robust to erroneous matches. Try using more trials to stabilize the other methods (EDIT: I mean, rather than switching to Norm8Point, but if you are able to back up in your algorithms then address the the inputs -- the keypoints -- as a first line of attack). Also, to reset the random number generator, you could do rng('default') before each call to estimateFundamentalMatrix. But again, note that while this will force the same answer each run, improving your key point distribution is the better solution in general.
I know its too late for your answer, but I guess it would be useful for someone in the future. Actually, the problem in your case is two fold,
Degenerate location of features, i.e., The location of features is mostly localized (on you :P) and not well-spread throughout the image.
These matches are sort of on the same plane. I know you would argue that your body is not planar, but comparing it to the depth of the room, it sort of is.
Mathematically, this means you are kind of extracting E (or F) from a planar surface, which always has infinite solutions. To sort this out, I would suggest using some constrain on distance between any two extracted SURF features, i.e., any two SURF features used for matching should be at least 40 or 100 pixels apart (depending on the resolution of your image).
Another way to get better SURF features is to set 'NumOctaves' in detectSURFFeatures(rgb2gray(I1),'NumOctaves',5); to larger values.
I am facing the same problem and this has helped (a little bit).
This is something I noticed in Matlab when trying to do MLE. My first estimator used the log likelihood of a pdf and broke the product up as a sum. For example, a log weibull pdf (f(x)=b ax^(a-1)exp(-bx^a)) broken up is:
Evaluating this is wildly different to this:
What is the computer doing differently in the two stages? The first one gives a much larger number (by a couple orders of magnitude).
Depending on the numbers you use, this could be a numerical issue: If you combine very large numbers with very small numbers, you can get inaccuracies due to limitations in number precision.
One possibility is that you lose some accuracy in the second case since you are operating at different scales.
I work on a scientific software project implementing maximum likelihood of phylogenetic trees, and consistently run into issues regarding numerical precision. Often the descepency is ...
between competing applications with the same values in the model,
when calculating the MLE scores by hand,
in the order of the operations in the computation.
It really all comes down to number three, and even in your case. Mulitplication of small and very large numbers can cause weird results when their exponents are scaled during computation. There is a lot about this in the (in)famous "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic". But, what I've mentioned is the short of it if that's all you are interested in.
Over all, the issue you are seeing are strictly numerical issues in the representation of floating point / double precision numbers and operations when computing the function. I'm not too familiar with MATLAB, but they may have an arbitrary-precision type that would give you better results.
Aside from that, keep them symbolic as long as possible and if you have any intuition about the variables size (as in a is always very large compared to x), then make sure you are choosing the order of parenthesis wisely.
The first equation should be better since it is dealing with adding logs, and should be much more stable then the second --although x^a makes me a bit weary as it would dominate the equation, but it would in practice anyways.