Get elements of vector by non-given indexes in Matlab - matlab

I have the following:
a = [1:10 1:10];
idx = [3 5 7];
b = a(idx);
b = [3 5 7];
c = a(~idx); %this syntax is not correct!
c = [1 2 4 6 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
is there a straight forward way to get c like this? In other words I have an vector and I want to exclude the elements at the given indexes, how can I do that?

Explicit way: generate a negated logical index:
logical_idx = true(1,numel(a));
logical_idx(idx) = false;
c = a(logical_idx);
More compact code using setdiff or ismember:
c = a(setdiff(1:numel(a), idx));
c = a(~ismember(1:numel(a), idx));
Directly remove elements indexed by idx:
c = a;
c(idx) = [];


How to get a matrix that has the common elements of two matrices?

Suppose I have two matrices, A and B.
A = [2 8 4; 7 3 9];
B = [2 1 6; 1 3 9];
I'd like to get a matrix C that is as follows:
C = [2 0 0; 0 3 9];
C is a matrix that retains the common elements of A and B but changes the rest of the elements to zero. I could use a for loop and iterate over every element in both A and B but is there a more efficient method to obtain the results?
Assuming both matrices have same dimensions.
A = [2 8 4; 7 3 9];
B = [2 1 6; 1 3 9];
C = zeros(size(A));
C(A == B) = A(A == B);
C =
2 0 0
0 3 9
Another possibility is to use
C = A.*(B==A);

Reshape 59x16 double into 236x4?

How can I reshape a matrix in MATLAB, preferably using reshape?
A simple matrix setup:
A = [1 4 7 10; 2 5 8 11; 3 6 9 12]
that I want to reshape into
B = [1 4; 2 5; 3 6; 7 10; 8 11; 9 12]
I've tried numerous settings of reshape, but I cannot figure it out.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
reshaped into
1 2
5 6
3 4
7 8
You can use reshape and permute:
reshape(permute(reshape(A,size(A,1),2,[]),[1 3 2]),[],2)
Thanks to #LuisMendo that suggests a modification to the answer to avoid depending on the size of A.
If I understand the transformation properly it is:
A = [1 4 7 10; 2 5 8 11; 3 6 9 12]
B = A(:,1:end/2);
B = [B;A(:,end/2+1:end)];
Is this correct?
Or the general case:
function [B] = elefaaant(A,n)
[a,b] = size(A);
if mod(b,n) ~= 0
error('Cannot reshape')
B = zeros(a*n,b/n);
fac = b/n;
for i = 1:n
B((i-1)*a+1:i*a,:) = A(:,(i-1)*fac+1:i*fac);
B = A(:,1:end/2);
B = [B;A(:,end/2+1:end)];
C = B(:,1:end/2);
C = [C;B(:,end/2+1:end)];
Maybe it can be done in a simpler way, but seems to work.

Concatenate different length vectors

I am having difficulty concatenating vectors in MATLAB.
A = [1
B = [6
Desired result:
C = [1
where the sizes of A and B are different in every iteration of my script and I want to form the concatenated resulting vector, C, which has a dynamic size.
This is what I have tried:
A = [1
B = [6
Vertical concatenation of two vectors/matrices is what you want, done like this...
C = [A; B];
... or this...
C = [A
... or this...
C = vertcat(A,B);
All three of these give
C = [1
% As you requested...
You were running into trouble because you were trying to use horzcat
C = horzcat(A',B');
Horizontal concatenation merges matrices horizontally, i.e.
C = [1, 6
2, 7
3, 8
?, 9
?, 10]
So to avoid this, you've transposed the matrices to make them rows instead of columns, then transposed the result back?? You just need vertcat! I have shown the shorthand and full form for this above.
A = [1 2 3];
B = [4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
C = [A B]
For vertical vectors A' and B' use:
C = [A;B]
The fool-proof way is this:
C = [A(:);B(:)];
If you use this method then it does not matter if A and B are row vectors, column vectors, or even matrices.

How do I Combine two equal sized vectors element wise in MatLab?

I have two vectors:
a = [1 3 5 7 9];
b = [2 4 6 8 10];
That I need to combine together element wise. Meaning that I need the first element of vector a, then the first element of vector b, second of a, second of b, and so forth until I get the following:
combined = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
How do I do this within MatLab?
I ran a test of the top three answers (Josh, Marc, & Kronos) and compared the time it took to run them. I ran each 100 times after doing a 10 iteration warmup. The vectors created were exactly the same size in length (16e+6) and were random values ranging from 1 to 100:
Test Results
Test: Total Time (100 runs): Avg Time Per Exec:
Josh B 21.3687 0.2137
Marc C 21.4273 0.2143
Kronos 31.1897 0.3119
It appears that both Josh's and Marc's solutions are similar in execution time.
a = [1 3 5 7 9];
b = [2 4 6 8 10];
temp = [a; b];
combined = temp(:)';
This can be done by the following:
a = [1 3 5 7 9];
b = [2 4 6 8 10];
combinedSize = size(a, 2) * 2;
combined(1:2:combinedSize) = a;
combined(2:2:combinedSize) = b;
This is obviously assuming that your vectors are exactly the same size. If by chance you want to merge two vectors that are not the same size then you can do the following:
combinedSize = max(size(a, 2), size(b, 2)) * 2;
combined = NaN(1,combinedSize);
combined(1:2:size(a,2)*2) = a;
combined(2:2:size(b,2)*2) = b;
This will place a NaN for the remaining elements of the smaller vector. For example, given the following sample vectors:
a = [1 3 5 7 9 11];
b = [2 4 6 8];
will result in the combined vector:
combined =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NaN 11 NaN
Place the vectors below eachother in a matrix and use reshape. For example:
>> A=[1 2 3]
A =
1 2 3
>> B=[4 5 6]
B =
4 5 6
>> C=reshape([A;B],1,size(A,2)+size(B,2))
C =
1 4 2 5 3 6
It's straightforward to generalize to more than 2 vectors.
You can also give a try to looping, for example:
a=[1 2 3 4 5];
b=[11 12 13 14 15];
for i = 1:N
if (i%2==0)
{ c[i] = b[i]; }
{ c[i] = a[i]; }
This shall work!
All the answers above only work if the two vectors have the same number of elements. The following will work even if they have different number of elements:
A = [1 3 5];
B = [2 4 6 7 8];
C = [1 3 5 7 8];
D = [2 4 6];
AB = nan(1,2*max(numel(A),numel(B)));
CD = nan(1,2*max(numel(C),numel(D)));
AB(2*(1:length(A))) = A;
AB(1+2*(1:length(B))) = B;
CD(2*(1:length(C))) = C;
CD(1+2*(1:length(D))) = D;
AB = AB(~isnan(AB))
CD = CD(~isnan(CD))
The result would be:
AB =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CD =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

How to vectorize for loop with custom index

I'm new to Matlab, so I'm not sure if this is possible. I have a simple for-loop:
for i=1:n
B.x(indexB(i)) += A.x(i);
Where A.x and B.x are two vectors of length n, and indexB is a vector of length n that contains the appropriate mapping from elements in A.x to B.x.
Is it possible to vectorize this loop?
I think so, following this example:
a = [1 2 3 4 5];
b = a;
idx = [5 4 3 2 1];
a(idx) = a(idx) + b(1:5);
Which should give:
a =
6 6 6 6 6
So in your case, if indexB has size n you can write:
B.x(indexB) = B.x(indexB) + A.x(1:n);
And otherwise:
B.x(indexB(1:n)) = B.x(indexB(1:n)) + A.x(1:n);