JBoss 6 Cluster Node register & deregister listener in deployed application - jboss

I have a cluster over jboss6 AS in domain mode. I have an application deployed in it. My application need to have a listener(callback) when a new node become member of the cluster and also when gets removed. Is there a way to get the member node list and to add such a listener?

The simplest way is to get define a clustered cache in the configuration and get access to it from your code (see example). With the cache available, you can call cache.getCacheManager().addListener(Object) that can listen for org.infinispan.notifications.cachemanagerlistener.annotation.ViewChanged. See listener documentation for more info.


Programmatically create Artemis cluster on remote server

Is it possible to programmatically create/update a cluster on a remote Artemis server?
I will have lots of docker instances and would rather configure on the fly than have to set in XML files if possible.
Ideally on app launch I'd like to check if a cluster has been set up and if not create one.
This would probably involve getting the current server configuration and updating it with the cluster details.
I see it's possible to create a Configuration.
However, I'm not sure how to get the remote server configuration, if it's at all possible.
Configuration config = new ConfigurationImpl();
ClusterConnectionConfiguration ccc = new ClusterConnectionConfiguration();
// need a way to get and update the current server configuration
Any advice would be appreciated.
If it is possible, is this a good approach to take to configure on the fly?
The org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.impl.ConfigurationImpl object can be used to programmatically configure the broker. The broker test-suite uses this object to configure broker instances. However, this object is not available in any remote sense.
Once the broker is started there is a rich management API you can use to add things like security settings, address settings, diverts, bridges, addresses, queues, etc. However, the changes made by most (although not all) of these operations are volatile which means many of them would need to be performed every time the broker started. Furthermore, there are no management methods to add cluster connections.
You might consider using a tool like Ansible to manage the configuration or even roll your own solution with a templating engine like FreeMarker to customize the XML and then distribute it to your Docker instances using some other technology.

Kubernetes: Policy check before container execution

I am new to Kubernetes, I am looking to see if its possible to hook into the container execution life cycle events in the orchestration process so that I can call an API to pass the details of the container and see if its allowed to execute this container in the given environment, location etc.
An example check could be: container can only be run in a Europe or US data centers. so before someone tries to execute this container, outside this region data centers, it should not be allowed.
Is this possible and what is the best way to achieve this?
You can possibly set up an ImagePolicy admission controller in the clusters, were you describes from what registers it is allowed to pull images.
kube-image-bouncer is an example of an ImagePolicy admission controller
A simple webhook endpoint server that can be used to validate the images being created inside of the kubernetes cluster.
If you don't want to start from scratch...there is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (incubating) project - Open Policy Agent with support for Kubernetes that seems to offer what you want. (I am not affiliated with the project)

How can I add metadata to all instances in a GKE node-pool?

I want to create a preemptible node-pool in GKE where each instance runs a shutdown script when it is shutdown. In order to do this I need to add metadata to each of the instances.
How can I configure that?
When creating your node pool, you may click on “advanced edit”, and add the shutdown script in Metadata. The section to edit Metadata is found just above the Save and Cancel buttons.

Handle upgrades with spring boot admin

I am using SBA for monitoring our microservices within AWS ecs clusters.
All looks OK, except upgrades, e.g when we spin new version of service we shutdown the old one once it becomes healthy. The thing is that the old one is shown as down and starts issuing notifications util we manually remove it.
Any solution ?
I tried to use the instance de-reregistration setting but it doesn't work well since ECS probably just kills the tasks and not gracefully shuts down the context.
you can issue a DELETE request to /api/applications/<id> during your deployment scripts to remove the application from the admin server

how to disable HAJNDI on jboss-4.0.3sp1

my test bed is 2 server which all run service based on jboss-4.0.3sp1, they are configured as cluster and has HA-JNDI online between 2 nodes.
due to some framework change, i need to shutdown the service on one node, how could we shutdown HA-JNDI?
i can not update cluster-service.xml to remove HA JDNI definition, that will cause application start-up error.
Here is from JBoss Clustering documentation:
java.naming.provider.url JNDI setting can now
accept a list of urls separated by a comma. Example:
When initialising, the JNP client code will try to get in touch with each
server from the list, one after the other, stopping as soon as one server
has been reached.
So set it to server that is up.
I hope it is helps.