how to add next and prev button to element with the inline property - fancybox

I am trying to create a web-based ## e-exam app ## . Rather than having about 40 questions displayed at time,I want the questions to be displayed one at a time,then use navigation button to navigate through and fro. Tried using the class="fancybox-buttons" in each div tag containing each question, but it's not working

Just create a hidden field for each question with the question's URI as a value. Have that read by a JS function invoked by an onclick() event. Name the html pages by the question number, e.g., 1.html, 2.html, etc.
For the first question, insert:
<input type='hidden' value='1' id='question'/>
For the nav buttons,
<input type='button' value='Prev' onclick="getPrevious(document.getElementById('question');"/>
<input type='button' value='Next' onclick="getNext(document.getElementById('question');"/>
For the JS:
function getPrevious(question) {
if( question.value == 1 ) {
} else {
window.location = (question.value - 1) + ".html";
function getNext(question) {
if( question.value == 40 ) {
} else {
window.location = (question.value + 1) + ".html";


How to access newly created DOM elements in JS? (I have used appendChild)

I am making a to do list. Each list item includes a remove button when created.
But I cannot access these remove buttons in my script, because it is not included in my DOM, although I used '.appendChild'. Can anyone help?
const buttonSubmit = document.querySelector('#button-submit');
const form = document.querySelector('form');
const icons = document.querySelector('#icons');
let toDoList = document.querySelector('#todolist');
const input = document.querySelector('#formtext');
form.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
const newListItem = document.createElement('li');
newListItem.innerHTML = '<span>' + input.value + '</span>' +
'<span id="icons">' +
'<button id="check" class="buttonlist">' + '<img src="checked.png" alt="">' + '</button>' +
'<button id="remove" class="buttonlist">' + '<img src="remove.png" alt="">' + '</button>' +
'<button id="edit" class="buttonlist">' + '<img src="edit.png" alt="">' + '</button>' + '</span>';
const buttonCheck = document.querySelector('#check');
const buttonEdit = document.querySelector('#edit');
const buttonRemove = document.getElementById('remove');
buttonRemove.addEventListener('click', function() {
alert('remove list item');
<div class="container-box">
<h1>To Do List</h1>
<form action="">
<input type="text" id="formtext" name="formtext">
<button id="button-submit">Add Item</button>
<!-- Dynamic list here -->
<ul id="todolist"> </ul>
ids must be unique, every time you add a task to the list -- after the first one everything is invalid HTML. When directed to an id the browser will find the first id then stop and ignore the duplicate ids. Use class and/or name attributes for any replicated tags.
The reason why the remove button doesn't work is because the reference to the button was defined when it didn't exist.
Figure I
// After page is loaded...
const buttonRemove = document.getElementById('remove');
// Console will tell you buttonRemove is null
// User has not entered any data nor has user clicked the add button
Moreover, even if that was fixed by referencing the button after it was created, binding it as shown on Figure II will only work for the first button only.
Figure II
buttonRemove.addEventListener('click', function() {
alert('remove list item'); // Don't use alert() use console.log()
Reference tags after they are created. In the OP (Original Post), the contents of the <li> is rendered htmlString which makes referencing newly created tags problematic plus binding to dynamically created tags individually should be avoided if it's feasible and practical in which in most cases it is.
To handle events for an unknown amount of dynamically created tags, bind the event to a static ancestor tag, which in the OP is <ul> or any of it's parent tags (even <body>, document, and window but it's best to be as close as possible). Then make it so the event handler controls which tags respond and how. See Appendix located at the very end of this answer for more details.
There are two examples:
Example A - revised OP code
Example B - a todo list using HTMLFormElement interface, see Appendix
Both examples have commented step-by-step details
Example A
// Reference <form>, <ul>, and <input>
const form = document.querySelector('form');
const list = document.querySelector('ul');
const input = document.querySelector('#text');
// Bind <form> to submit event
form.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
// Stop default behavior of <form> during submit ecent
// Create <li> and <output>
const item = document.createElement('li');
const out = document.createElement('output');
// Assign value of <input> to the value of <output>
out.value = input.value;
// Add <output> to <li> -- <li> to <ul>
Run a for loop 3 times -- on each iteration...
...create an <input> and assign type as "button"...
...buttons [name] and [value] is determined by current index...
...add button to <li>
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
let btn = document.createElement('input');
btn.type = 'button';
let cmd = i === 0 ? 'done' : i === 1 ? 'edit' : i === 2 ? 'remove' : false; = cmd;
btn.value = cmd;
// Reset <form>
// Bind <ul> to click event
list.addEventListener('click', manageList);
// Event handler always passes event object by default
function manageList(e) {
// Reference the tag user clicked
const clk =;
// If user clicked a remove button remove it's parent tag
if ( === 'remove') {
if ( === 'edit') {
if ( === 'done') {
li {
display: flex;
align-items: center
[type='button'] {
text-transform: capitalize
<input id="text" name="text" type="text">
<button>Add Item</button>
Example B
// Bind <form> to click event
document.forms.todo.onclick = taskList;
// Event handler akways passes the event object
function taskList(e) {
// Reference the tag user clicked
const clk =;
// Reference all form controls
const IO = this.elements;
If the user clicked the add button...
...reference the <ul>...
...create <li> and <output>...
...add text from <input> to <output>...
...add <output> to <li>...
...Run a for loop 3 times -- on each iteration...
...create an <button> and assign type as "button"...
...buttons [name] and text is determined by current index...
...add button to <li>...
...add <li> to <ul>...
...clear <input>
if ( == 'add') {
const list = IO.list.firstElementChild;
const item = document.createElement('li');
const text = document.createElement('output');
text.value =;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
let btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.type = 'button';
let cmd = i === 0 ? 'done' : i === 1 ? 'edit' : i === 2 ? 'remove' : false; = cmd;
btn.textContent = cmd;
list.append(item); = '';
If the user clicked a remove button...
...find the <li> ancestor of remove button and remove
it thereby removing the <output> and itself as well
if ( === 'remove') {
if ( === 'done') {
if ( === 'edit') {
<form id='todo'>
<input id='data' required><button name='add' type='button'>Add</button>
<fieldset id='list'>
Event delegation
Form Controls

Wordpress shortcode preview in tinyMCE

I've written a shortcode and its functioning like it should. Now the hard part:
I would like to show the user a preview already in the tinyMCE editor. Loading CSS in the editor is not a problem for me, but i would love to know if it is possible to already process the shortcode within TinyMCE.
Let the code talk:
I'll put a code to add a visual icon for highlight content word(s) shortcode, and you can then implement any other shortcode you want with the same logic,
class spot_shortcodes {
function spot_shortcodes()
add_action('init', array(&$this, 'init'));
function init(){
// Enable shortcodes in text widgets
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' );
// Fix for large posts,
#ini_set( 'pcre.backtrack_limit', 500000 );
// init process for button control
add_filter( 'tiny_mce_version', 'my_refresh_mce');
// Add only in Rich Editor mode
if ( get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') {
add_filter('mce_buttons_3', array(&$this, 'register_highlight_button'));
// Add your button plugin js code to tinyMCE
// codex: wp_register_script( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $in_footer );
wp_register_script( 'effects-highlight', SPOT_SHORTCODES_URL . '/js/jquery.effects.highlight.js', false ,SPOT_SHORTCODES_URL, true );
function add_youtube_button() {
// Don't bother doing this stuff if the current user lacks permissions
if ( ! current_user_can('edit_posts') && ! current_user_can('edit_pages') )
// Add only in Rich Editor mode
if ( get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') {
add_filter("mce_external_plugins", array(&$this, "add_youtube_tinymce_plugin"));
add_filter('mce_buttons', array(&$this, 'register_highlight_button'));
// function to register you button to tinyMCE dashboard
function register_highlight_button($buttons) {
array_push($buttons, "|", 'highlight_button');
return $buttons;
function add_youtube_tinymce_plugin($plugin_array) {
// your icon image(highlight.png) which will be displayed in the tinyMCE dashboard
$plugin_array['highlight'] = SPOT_TINYMCE_URL . '/icons-lib-custom.js';
return $plugin_array;
} // class end
// Finally make an object from your button
$spot_shortcodes = new spot_shortcodes();
Our js code for the highlight button option
make an dot js file put the followin code in it and put it in the tinyMCE plugin directory
// dont forget to change the paths
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.highlight', {
// creates control instances based on the control's id.
// our button's id is "highlight_button"
createControl : function(id, controlManageradel) {
if (id == 'highlight_button') {
// creates the button
var button = controlManageradel.createButton('highlight', {
title : 'Add a Hightlight Text', // title of the button
image :spotShortcodes.plugin_folder +"/tinymce/images/highlight.png", // path to the button's image
onclick : function() {
// triggers the thickhighlight
var width = jQuery(window).width(), H = jQuery(window).height(), W = ( 720 < width ) ? 720 : width;
W = W - 80;
H = H - 84;
tb_show( 'Insert text box shortcode', '#TB_inline?width=' + W + '&height=' + H + '&inlineId=highlight-form' );
return button;
return null;
// registers the plugin. DON'T MISS THIS STEP!!!
tinymce.PluginManager.add('highlight', tinymce.plugins.highlight);
// executes this when the DOM is ready
// creates a form to be displayed everytime the button is clicked
// you should achieve this using AJAX instead of direct html code like this
var form = jQuery('<div id="highlight-form"><table id="highlight-table" class="form-table" style="text-align: left">\
<th><label class="title" for="highlight-bg">Highlight color</label></th>\
<td><select name="bg" id="highlight-bg">\
<option value="#f02d33">Red</option>\
<option value="#b6bbbd">Grey</option>\
<option value="#3e3c3c">Darkgrey</option>\
<option value="#99cc33">Lightgreen</option>\
<option value="#6c8c2d">Darkgreen</option>\
<option value="#0f5ac6">Blue</option>\
<option value="#3cbcf7">Cyan</option>\
<option value="#9219f8">Purple</option>\
<option value="#fcc016">Yellow</option>\
<option value="#f65e0e">Orange</option>\
</select><br />\
<div class="info"><small>Select box type.</small></div></td>\
<th><label class="title" for="highlight-contet">Conent</label></th>\
<td><textarea rows="7"\ cols="45"name="content" id="highlight-content">hightlight text</textarea>\
<br />\
<div><small>this text displayed in box.</small></div></td>\
<p class="submit">\
<input type="button" id="highlight-submit" class="button-primary" value="Insert shortcode" name="submit" style=" margin: 10px 150px 50px; float:left;"/>\
var table = form.find('table');
// handles the click event of the submit button
// defines the options and their default values
// again, this is not the most elegant way to do this
// but well, this gets the job done nonetheless
var options = {
'bg' : '#f02d33',
'content' : 'hightlight text',
var shortcode = '[highlight ';
for( var index in options) {
var value = table.find('#highlight-' + index).val();
// attaches the attribute to the shortcode only if it's different from the default value
if ( value !== options[index] & index !== 'content')
shortcode += ' ' + index + '="' + value + '"';
shortcode += ']'+ value + '[/highlight]'
// inserts the shortcode into the active editor
tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', 0, shortcode);
// closes Thickhighlight
I hope this help, give me you feedback if you want any more explanation, thanks.

Google Autocomplete - enter to select

I have Google Autocomplete set up for a text field of an HTML form, and it's working perfectly.
However, when the list of suggestions appear, and you use the arrows to scroll and select using enter, it submits the form, though there are still boxes to fill in. If you click to select a suggestion it works fine, but pressing enter submits.
How can I control this? How can I stop enter from submitting the form, and instead be the selection of a suggestion from autocomplete?
You can use preventDefault to stop the form being submitted when enter is hit, I used something like this:
var input = document.getElementById('inputId');
google.maps.event.addDomListener(input, 'keydown', function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
Using the Google events handling seems like the proper solution but it's not working for me. This jQuery solution is working for me:
$('#inputId').keydown(function (e) {
if (e.which == 13 && $('.pac-container:visible').length) return false;
.pac-container is the div that holds the Autocomplete matches. The idea is that when the matches are visible, the Enter key will just choose the active match. But when the matches are hidden (i.e. a place has been chosen) it will submit the form.
I've amalgamated the first two answers from #sren and #mmalone to produce this:
var input= document.getElementById('inputId');
google.maps.event.addDomListener(input, 'keydown', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13 && $('.pac-container:visible').length) {
works perfectly on the page. prevents the form from being submitted when the suggestion container (.pac-container) is visible. So now, an option from the autocomplete dropdown is selected when the users presses the enter key, and they have to press it again to submit the form.
My main reason for using this workaround is because I found that if the form is sent as soon as an option is selected, via the enter key, the latitude and longitude values were not being passed fast enough into their hidden form elements.
All credit to the original answers.
This one worked for me:
google.maps.event.addDomListener(input, 'keydown', e => {
// If it's Enter
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
// Select all Google's dropdown DOM nodes (can be multiple)
const googleDOMNodes = document.getElementsByClassName('pac-container');
// Check if any of them are visible (using ES6 here for conciseness)
const googleDOMNodeIsVisible = (
Array.from(googleDOMNodes).some(node => node.offsetParent !== null)
// If one is visible - preventDefault
if (googleDOMNodeIsVisible) e.preventDefault();
Can be easily converted from ES6 to any browser-compatible code.
The problem I had with #sren's answer was that it blocks the submit event always. I liked #mmalone's answer but it behaved randomly, as in sometimes when I hit ENTER to select the location, the handler ran after the container is hidden. So, here's what I ended up doing
var location_being_changed,
input = document.getElementById("js-my-input"),
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input),
onPlaceChange = function () {
location_being_changed = false;
google.maps.event.addListener( this.autocomplete,
onPlaceChange );
google.maps.event.addDomListener(input, 'keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
if (location_being_changed) {
} else {
// means the user is probably typing
location_being_changed = true;
// Form Submit Handler
$('.js-my-form').on('submit', function (e) {
$('.js-display').text("Yay form got submitted");
<p class="js-display"></p>
<form class="js-my-form">
<input type="text" id="js-my-input" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<!-- External Libraries -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
The flag ensures that if the location is being changed & user hits enter, the event is blocked. Eventually the flag is set to false by google map's place_changed event, which then allows the form to be submitted on hitting the enter key.
Here's a simple code that worked well for me (uses no jquery).
const googleAutcompleteField = this.renderer.selectRootElement(this.elem.nativeElement);
This piece of code, to follow the code above, is used to implement google maps autocomplete (with or without the Enter key functionality sought in this question):
this.autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(googleAutcompleteField, this.googleMapsOptions);
this.autocomplete.setFields(['address_component', 'formatted_address', 'geometry']);
this.autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', () => { => {
selectOnEnter (called above in the first piece of code) defined:
selectOnEnter(inputField) {
inputField.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
const selectedItem = document.getElementsByClassName('pac-item-selected');
if (event.key == "Enter" && selectedItem.length != 0) {
This code makes the google maps autocomplete field select whichever item user selects with the down arrow keypress. Once user selects an option with a press of the Enter key, nothing happens. User has to press Enter again to trigger onSubmit() or other command
You can do it in vanilla :
element.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
const gPlaceChoices = document.querySelector('.pac-container')
// No choices element ?
if (null === gPlaceChoices) {
// Get choices visivility
let visibility = window.getComputedStyle(gPlaceChoices).display
// In this case, enter key will do nothing
if ('none' !== visibility && e.keyCode === 13) {
I tweaked Alex's code, because it broke in the browser. This works perfect for me:
function(e) {
// If it's Enter
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
// Select all Google's dropdown DOM nodes (can be multiple)
const googleDOMNodes = document.getElementsByClassName('pac-container');
//If multiple nodes, prevent form submit.
if (googleDOMNodes.length > 0){
//Remove Google's drop down elements, so that future form submit requests work.
function removeElementsByClass(className){
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName(className);
while(elements.length > 0){
I've tried the above short answers but they didn't work for me, and the long answers I didn't want to try them, so I've created the following code which worked pretty well for me. See Demo
Suppose this is your form:
<form action="" method="">
<input type="text" name="place" id="google-places-searchbox" placeholder="Enter place name"><br><br>
<input type="text" name="field-1" placeholder="Field 1"><br><br>
<input type="text" name="field-2" placeholder="Field 2"><br><br>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Then the following javascript code will solve the problem:
var placesSearchbox = $("#google-places-searchbox");
placesSearchbox.on("focus blur", function() {
placesSearchbox.closest("form").on("submit", function(e) {
if (placesSearchbox.closest("form").hasClass('prevent_submit')) {
return false;
And here is how the full code looks like in the HTML page (Note that you need to replace the YOUR_API_KEY with your google api key):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>Prevent form submission when choosing a place from google places autocomplete searchbox</title>
<form action="" method="">
<input type="text" name="place" id="google-places-searchbox" placeholder="Enter place name"><br><br>
<input type="text" name="field-1" placeholder="Field 1"><br><br>
<input type="text" name="field-2" placeholder="Field 2"><br><br>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<!-- jQuery -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Google Maps -->
<!-- Note that you need to replace the next YOUR_API_KEY with your api key -->
<script src=""
async defer></script>
var input = document.getElementById("google-places-searchbox");
var searchBox = new google.maps.places.SearchBox(input);
var placesSearchbox = $("#google-places-searchbox");
placesSearchbox.on("focus blur", function() {
placesSearchbox.closest("form").on("submit", function(e) {
if (placesSearchbox.closest("form").hasClass('prevent_submit')) {
return false;
$("#myinput").on("keydown", function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
Use $('.pac-item:first').trigger('click'); if you want to select first result

Incrementing value (integer) in an input type field

I have input text and I want to increase the number that is inside using the key up or down.
I have:
<input type="text" value="1" name="qty" />
After digging stackoverflow I found: Is it possible to handle up/down key in HTML input field?
The solution is to use: Keycodes 37 - 40 should do it for you. They map as 37=left, 38=up, 39=right, 40=down.
But How can I use these code in my form? Is there a Javascript function that do this (like : increase() or decrease()?
You could do something like this, using the "onkeydown" event.
<script type="text/javascript">
function increment(e,field) {
var keynum
if(window.event) {// IE
keynum = e.keyCode
} else if(e.which) {// Netscape/Firefox/Opera
keynum = e.which
if (keynum == 38) {
field.value = parseInt(field.value)+ 1;
} else if (keynum == 40) {
field.value = parseInt(field.value) - 1;
return false;
<input type="text" onkeydown="increment(event, this)" value="10">

Jquery retrieve values of Dynamically created elements

I have a html page with a form.
The form has Div which gets populated dynamically with Input elements like text box,radio,checkbox etc.
Now I want to retrieve the values of these dynamically created elements in the Html page,so that i can submit it to a page.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("#submit_btn").click(function() {
// validate and process form here
//HOW TO ??retrieve values???
var optionSelected = $("input#OptionSelected_1").val();// doesn't work?
// alert(optionSelected);
postAnswer(qid,values);//submit values
showNextQuestion() ;// populate Div Questions again new values
<form action="" name="frmQuestion">
<div id="Questions" style="color: #FF0000">
//Question DIV generation script example radio buttons
//questionText text of question
//option for question questionOptions
// **sample call**
var question = createQuestionElement("1","MCQ", "WHAT IS ABCD??", "Opt1$Opt2$Opt3");
function createQuestionElement(id, type, questionText, questionOptions) {
var questionDiv = $('<div>').attr('id', 'Question');
var divTitle = $('<div>').attr('id', 'Question Title').html(questionText);
var divOptions = $('<div>').attr('id', 'Question Options');
createOptions(id, "radio", questionOptions, divOptions);
return questionDiv;
function createOptions(id, type, options, div) {
var optionArray = options.split("$");
// Loop over each value in the array.
optionArray, function(intIndex, objValue) {
if (intIndex == 0) {
div.append($("<input type='" + type + "' name='OptionSelected_" + id + "' checked='checked' value='" + objValue + "'>"));
} else {
div.append($("<input type='" + type + "' name='OptionSelected_" + id + "' value='" + objValue + "'>"));
You are creating the same input multiple times, since you're splitting the option array, you're making this:
<input type='radio' name='OptionSelected_1' checked='checked' value='Opt1'>
<input type='radio' name='OptionSelected_1' value='Opt2'>
<input type='radio' name='OptionSelected_1' value='Opt3'>
You are currently fetching by ID with the #, instead you want to fetch by name and get the :checked item, like this:
var optionSelected = $("input[name=OptionSelected_1]:checked").val();