Perl populating a hash from an array of hashes - perl

I have a script where I am trying to populate a perl hash
I can dereference them fine when I do it individually
while(my($key,$value) = each(%{$spec_hash{'XISX'}})) {
print $key, "," .$value ;
print "\n";
while(my($key,$value) = each(%{$spec_hash{'XCBO'}})) {
print $key, "," .$value ;
print "\n";
However when i just try and dereference the %spec_hash It only containst one $exch reference, while it should had two - the XISX and the XCBO.
But it never gets to the XCBO.
use FOOConf; # this is our custom DBI module
use Data::Dumper ;
my $dbh=$FOOConf::dbh;
my $query = "select e_risk_symbol from gsd_etds where level_name='EXCH_CS' and e_exch_dest='XISX' and e_symbol_comment in ('Bin_6','Bin_56')";
if(!$dbh) {
print "Error connecting to DataBase; $DBI::errstr\n";
my $cur_msg = $dbh->prepare($query) or die "\n\nCould not prepare statement:".$dbh->errstr;
while (my #row=$cur_msg->fetchrow_array) {
$query = "select e_risk_symbol from gsd_etds where level_name='EXCH_CS' and e_exch_dest='XCBO' and e_combo_type='9999'";
if(!$dbh) {
print "Error connecting to DataBase; $DBI::errstr\n";
$cur_msg = $dbh->prepare($query) or die "\n\nCould not prepare statement: ".$dbh->errstr;
while (my #row=$cur_msg->fetchrow_array) {
#while(my($key,$value) = each(%spec_hash)) {
# print $key, "," .$value ;
# print "\n";
# }
# foreach my $exch (sort keys %spec_hash) {
# print "$exch: $spec_hash{$exch}" ;
# }
print Dumper(\%spec_hash);
this is the dumper - shouldn't the dumper contain the XCBO as well?
Why does the hash only have the XISX elements?
$VAR1 = {
'XISX' => {
'FCEL' => 1,
'GPS' => 1,
'MCO' => 1,
'DPZ' => 1,
'WM' => 1,
'SPLS' => 1,
'ILMN' => 1,
'BWLD' => 1,
'CTSH' => 1,
'EWU' => 1,
'MDVN' => 1,
'PDCO' => 1,
'AFAM' => 1,
'SHW' => 1,

Are you sure that you are populating it with those values?
Try adding a print statement in the while loop, something like this:
while (my #row=$cur_msg->fetchrow_array) {
print "DEBUG $row[0]\n";
My guess is that your query is not returning any results to add to the hash. Unless I missed something, your other code looks fine.


printing out a multilevel hash perl 5

I have to make sense of this script , without making major changes and insulting the guy who made it. I can't change the hashes, even though it would be easy to load data into arrays and then split. The guy who wrote this (my boss) loves his multilevel hashes. I have to print out the %extend_hash multilevel hash - and I don't understand how to get to the last level. I need to print this out in to a CSV file that cane be read by salespeople.
It looks like it goes out like 6 levels.
I have to sort keys of a hash, of a hash, of a hash ...etc.
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
my $dbUser = 'foo_01';
my $dbPass = 'foo_01';
my $dbSid = 'foo.WORLD';
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$dbSid","$dbUser","$dbPass") or die( "Couldn't connect: $!" );
#sub read_extend
my %extend_hash = ();
my $query = "select level_id,e_risk_symbol,e_exch_dest,penny,specialist from etds_extend";
if(!$dbh) {
print "Error connecting to DataBase; $DBI::errstr\n";
my $cur_msg = $dbh->prepare($query) or die "\n\nCould not prepare statement: ".$dbh->errstr;
while (my #row=$cur_msg->fetchrow_array) {
for my $what_row0 (sort keys %extend_hash) {
for my $what_row1 (sort keys %{$extend_hash {$what_row0} }) {
for my $what_row2 (sort keys ..... I am lost.
I don't know how to print out the %extend_hash down to the lowest level
I am trying to make it comma delimited, able to be pumped into an email and read by salespeople.
If I use Data::Dumper I get this which is great, but the sales/marketing guys will get confused. They will not be able to see ARCX penny0 in realtions to the group '6'. I don't think they are able to mentally walt through the data::dump
$VAR1 = {
'6' => {
'IACI' => {
'ARCX' => {
'specialist' => '1',
'penny' => '0'
'MCHP' => {
'ARCX' => {
'specialist' => '1',
'penny' => '0'
'BC' => {
'AMXO' => {
'specialist' => '1',
'penny' => '0'
'WM' => {
'XISX' => {
'specialist' => '1',
'penny' => '0'
'PKD' => {
'AMXO' => {
'specialist' => '1',
'penny' => '0'
'SPLS' => {
'XISX' => {
'specialist' => '1',
'penny' => '0'
update - amazing work I_alarmed_alien - this should be a good stackoverflow reference (my comments are disabled)
for my $level_1 (sort keys %extend_hash) {
for my $level_2 (sort keys %{$extend_hash{$level_1} }) {
for my $level_3 (sort keys %{$extend_hash{$level_1}{$level_2}}) {
for my $type (sort keys %{$extend_hash{$level_1}{$level_2}{$level_3}} ) {
print "$level_1, $level_2, $level_3 $type" . " $extend_hash{$level_1}{$level_2}{$level_3}{$type}" ."\n" ;
got it - I_alarmed_alien amazing work outputing a hash of a hash of a hash of a hash of a hash of a hash
6, XLNX, AMXO , specialist 1
6, XLP, AMXO , penny 0
6, XLP, AMXO , specialist 1
6, XLP, XISX , penny 0
6, XLP, XISX , specialist 1
6, XLV, AMXO , penny 0
6, XLV, AMXO , specialist 1
6, XLY, AMXO , penny 0
6, XLY, AMXO , specialist 1
6, YUM, AMXO , penny 0
6, YUM, AMXO , specialist 1
6, ZINC, XISX , penny 0
6, ZINC, XISX , specialist 1
6, ZMH, AMXO , penny 0
6, ZMH, AMXO , specialist 1
to traverse the whole structure and create the comma-separated table (quick and dirty, but working solution):
my $VAR1 = <insert the hash here>
sub printval
my ($val, $path) = #_;
if (ref($val) eq "HASH")
printval ($val->{$_}, ($path?"$path,":"")."$_") foreach (keys %{$val});
print "$path,$val\n";
You're almost there with your code. Here is how to get to the bottom of the hash:
foreach my $l1 (keys %extend_hash) {
# '6'
foreach my $l2 (keys %{$extend_hash{$l1}}) {
# IACI, MCHP, BC, etc.
foreach my $l3 (keys %{$extend_hash{$l1}{$l2}}) {
# ARCX, AMXO, XISX, etc.
foreach my $k (keys %{$extend_hash{$l1}{$l2}{$l3}}) {
print "$l1, $l2, $l3, $k, " . $extend_hash{$l1}{$l2}{$l3}{$k} . "\n";
Note that the hash keys are not accessed in any particular order, so you may want to sort them -- e.g. foreach my $l1 (sort keys %extend_hash).
Hashes of hashes of hashes of hashes are fun! ;)
ETA: Here is a more generic function for recursing into arbitrarily deep hashes-of-hashes-of-hashes-of...
sub print_hash {
# href = reference to the hash we're examining (i.e. \%extend_hash)
# so_far = arrayref containing the hash keys we are accessing
my $href = shift;
my $so_far = shift;
foreach my $k (keys %$href) {
# put $k on to the array of keys
push #$so_far, $k;
# if $href->{$k} is a reference to another hash, call print_hash on that hash
if (ref($href->{$k}) eq 'HASH') {
print_hash($href->{$k}, $so_far);
} else {
# $href->{$k} is a scalar, so print out #$so_far (our list of hash keys)
# and the value in $href->{$k}
print join(", ", #$so_far, $href->{$k}) . "\n";
# we've finished looking at $href->{$k}, so remove $k from the array of keys
pop #$so_far;
print_hash($hash, []);
if you only want to print it, use Data::Dumper
To check whether a certain variable is a hash reference, use:
if (ref($r) eq "HASH") {
print "r is a reference to a hash.\n";
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper %extend_hash;

dereferencing a multi-tiered hash in Perl

I cannot dereference the %spec_hash
Is it a multilevel hash?
use FOOConf; #custom module
use Data::Dumper ;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $dbh=$EVTConf::dbh;
my $query = "select e_risk_symbol from gsd_etds where level_name='EXCH_CS' and e_exch_dest='XISX' and e_symbol_comment in ('Bin_6','Bin_56')";
if(!$dbh) {
print "Error connecting to DataBase; $DBI::errstr\n";
my $cur_msg = $dbh->prepare($query) or die "\n\nCould not prepare statement:".$dbh->errstr;
while (my #row=$cur_msg->fetchrow_array) {
while(($key,$value) = each(%spech_hash)) {
print $key. "," .$value ;
I can see what is going into hash :
use strict;
use warnings ;
use FOOConf; # custom module we use for db access.
FOOConf::makeDBConnection(production); # amkes a database connection.
my $dbh=$EVTConf::dbh;
my $query = "select e_risk_symbol from gsd_etds where level_name='EXCH_CS' and e_exch_dest='XISX' and e_symbol_comment in ('Bin_6','Bin_56')";
if(!$dbh) {
print "Error connecting to DataBase; $DBI::errstr\n";
my $cur_msg = $dbh->prepare($query) or die "\n\nCould not prepare statement:".$dbh->errstr;
while (my #row=$cur_msg->fetchrow_array) {
foreach $row(#row) {
print "$row ";
print "\n";
this is what i get ;
I can see what is getting loaded in to the $spec_hash by walking through the
#row array, and I can dump the %spec_hash
while (my #row=$cur_msg->fetchrow_array) {
print Dumper(%spec_hash)
In the dump is XISX the name of the hash and FCEL the key in hash XISX and the value of key FCEL is 1
foo#fooserver:/tmp/walt $ ./just_db.row.dumper
$VAR1 = 'XISX';
$VAR2 = {
'FCEL' => 1,
'GPS' => 1,
'MCO' => 1,
'DPZ' => 1,
'WM' => 1,
'SPLS' => 1,
'ILMN' => 1,
'BWLD' => 1,
'CTSH' => 1,
'EWU' => 1,
'MDVN' => 1,
'PDCO' => 1,
'AFAM' => 1,
'SHW' => 1,
I just can't dereference
there is somthing I don't understand about the way this hash is loaded.
Do this dump to see a better hash structure:
print Dumper(\%spec_hash);
To dereference you need:
while(my($key,$value) = each(%{$spech_hash{'XISX'}})) {

Get value from hash of hashes

I would like to get value from hash of hashes but i do not. My code is :
sub test {
my $filename = $_[0];
open INFILE, ${filename} or die $!;
my %hashCount;
my #firstline = split('\t',<INFILE>);
while (my $line = <INFILE>)
my %temp;
my #line = split('\t', $line);
foreach my $cpt (1..$#line) {
return %hashCount;
sub get_hash_of_hash {
my $h = shift;
foreach my $key (keys %$h) {
if( ref $h->{$key}) {
get_hash_of_hash( $h->{$key} );
else {
say $h->{$key};
And when i display my hash :
$VAR10679 = 'M00967_43_1106_2493_14707';
$VAR10680 = {
'A' => '1',
'B' => '0',
'C' => '1',
'D' => '0',
'E' => '0'
My first function return my hash of hashes and i get my specific value with the second function.
So I want to get value like that :
my %hashTest = test("FILE.txt");
//return value '1'
You can either access nested elements like
or we can write a function that walks the data structure, like
sub walk {
my ($hashref, #keys) = #_;
my $pointer = $hashref;
for my $key (#keys) {
if (exists $pointer->{$key}) {
$pointer = $pointer->{$key};
} else {
die "No value at ", join "->", #keys;
return $pointer;
which can be used like
my %hash = (
'M00967_43_1106_2493_14707' => {
'A' => '1',
'B' => '0',
'C' => '1',
'D' => '0',
'E' => '0'
say walk(\%hash, 'M00967_43_1106_2493_14707', 'A');
Note: When using Data::Dumper, pass references to the Dump function:
print Dump \%hash; # not print Dump %hash
This is neccessary to show the correct data structure.
Your hash holds references to hashes.
You can access them like this:
See perlref for more info
Use this subroutine..
sub get_hash_of_hash {
my $h = shift;
foreach my $key (keys %$h) {
if( ref $h->{$key}) {
get_hash_of_hash( $h->{$key} );
else {
print $h->{$key};

Dereferencing on an Array of Hashes in Perl?

The data is stored in #emailaddresses as follows:
$VAR1 = { 'email' => '' };
$VAR2 = { 'email' => '' };
$VAR3 = { 'email' => '' };
$VAR4 = { 'email' => '' };
When I print #emailaddresses (print #emailaddresses), it prints HASH(0x...) instead of the values in the array. How can I print the values?
Simply loop through your array and print out each addresses 'email' value:
my #emailaddresses = ...;
for my $addr ( #emailaddresses ) {
print $addr->{email}, "\n";
better yet, wrap this logic in a function:
sub print_email_addresses {
my #addresses = #_;
for my $addr ( #addresses ) {
print $addr->{email}, "\n";

Perl Working On Two Hash References

I would like to compare the values of two hash references.
The data dumper of my first hash is this:
$VAR1 = {
'42-MG-BA' => [
'chromosome' => '19',
'position' => '35770059',
'genotype' => 'TC'
'chromosome' => '2',
'position' => '68019584',
'genotype' => 'G'
'chromosome' => '16',
'position' => '9561557',
'genotype' => 'G'
And the second hash is similar to this but with more hashes in the array. I would like to compare the genotype of my first and second hash if the position and the choromosome matches.
map {print "$_= $cave_snp_list->{$_}->[0]->{chromosome}\n"}sort keys %$cave_snp_list;
map {print "$_= $geno_seq_list->{$_}->[0]->{chromosome}\n"}sort keys %$geno_seq_list;
I could do that for the first array of the hashes.
Could you help me in how to work for all the arrays?
This is my actual code in full
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Benchmark;
use Config::Config qw(Sequenom.ini);
use Data::Dumper;
GetOptions("sam=s" => \my $sample);
my $geno_seq_list = getseqgenotypes($sample);
my $cave_snp_list = getcavemansnpfile($sample);
#print Dumper($geno_seq_list);
print scalar %$geno_seq_list, "\n";
foreach my $sam (keys %{$geno_seq_list}) {
my $seq_used = $geno_seq_list->{$sam};
my $cave_used = $cave_snp_list->{$sam};
print scalar(#$geno_seq_list->{$_}) if sort keys %$geno_seq_list, "\n";
print scalar(#$cave_used), "\n";
#foreach my $seq2com (# {$seq_used } ){
# foreach my $cave2com( # {$cave_used} ){
# print $seq2com->{chromosome},":" ,$cave2com->{chromosome},"\n";
# }
map { print "$_= $cave_snp_list->{$_}->[0]->{chromosome}\n" } sort keys %$cave_snp_list;
map { print "$_= $geno_seq_list->{$_}->[0]->{chromosome}\n" } sort keys %$geno_seq_list;
sub getseqgenotypes {
my $snpconn;
my $gen_list = {};
$snpconn = Database::Conn->new('live');
$snpconn->addConnection(DBI->connect('', 'sn', 'ss', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }),
#my $conn2 =Database::Conn->new('live');
#$conn2->addConnection(DBI->connect('','nst_owner','nst_owner', {RaiseError =>1 , AutoCommit=>0}),'nst');
my $id_ind = $snpconn->execute('snp::Sequenom::getIdIndforExomeSample', $sample);
my $genotype = $snpconn->executeArrRef('snp::Sequenom::getGenotypeCallsPosition', $id_ind);
foreach my $geno (#{$genotype}) {
push #{ $gen_list->{ $geno->[1] } }, {
chromosome => $geno->[2],
position => $geno->[3],
genotype => $geno->[4],
return ($gen_list);
} #end of sub getseqgenotypes
sub getcavemansnpfile {
my $nstconn;
my $caveman_list = {};
$nstconn = Database::Conn->new('live');
DBI->connect('', 'nst_owner', 'NST_OWNER', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }), 'nst');
my $id_sample = $nstconn->execute('nst::Caveman::getSampleid', $sample);
#print "IDSample: $id_sample\n";
my $file_location = $nstconn->execute('nst::Caveman::getCaveManSNPSFile', $id_sample);
open(SNPFILE, "<$file_location") || die "Error: Cannot open the file $file_location:$!\n";
while (<SNPFILE>) {
next if /^>/;
my #data = split;
my ($nor_geno, $tumor_geno) = split /\//, $data[5];
# array of hash
push #{ $caveman_list->{$sample} }, {
chromosome => $data[0],
position => $data[1],
genotype => $nor_geno,
} #end of while loop
return ($caveman_list);
The problem that I see is that you're constructing a tree for generic storage of data, when what you want is a graph, specific to the task. While you are constructing the record, you could also be constructing the part that groups data together. Below is just one example.
my %genotype_for;
my $record
= { chromosome => $data[0]
, position => $data[1]
, genotype => $nor_geno
push #{ $gen_list->{ $geno->[1] } }, $record;
# $genotype_for{ position }{ chromosome }{ name of array } = genotype code
$genotype_for{ $data[1] }{ $data[0] }{ $sample } = $nor_geno;
return ( $caveman_list, \%genotype_for );
In the main line, you receive them like so:
my ( $cave_snp_list, $geno_lookup ) = getcavemansnpfile( $sample );
This approach at least allows you to locate similar position and chromosome values. If you're going to do much with this, I might suggest an OO approach.
Assuming that you wouldn't have to store the label, we could change the lookup to
$genotype_for{ $data[1] }{ $data[0] } = $nor_geno;
And then the comparison could be written:
foreach my $pos ( keys %$small_lookup ) {
next unless _HASH( my $sh = $small_lookup->{ $pos } )
and _HASH( my $lh = $large_lookup->{ $pos } )
foreach my $chrom ( keys %$sh ) {
next unless my $sc = $sh->{ $chrom }
and my $lc = $lh->{ $chrom }
print "$sc:$sc";
However, if you had limited use for the larger list, you could construct the specific case
and pass that in as a filter when creating the longer list.
Thus, in whichever loop creates the longer list, you could just go
next unless $sample{ $position }{ $chromosome };
my $record
= { chromosome => $chromosome
, position => $position
, genotype => $genotype