Eclipse Marker plugin Installation - eclipse

I want to install following plugin:
But help > install new software > local results in this:
producing the following error:
No jar file found in marker
How to solve?

Unzip your and from eclipse, select File > Import > Existing project into Workspace
Select the unzipped folder which will add a new project in eclipse. Click on that project, click
Export> Deployable plugins and fragments > Install into host
It will install the plugin in Eclipse.


How to use sbt eclipse plugin to put all dependencies in eclipse Library Folder ClasspathContainer?

After I run activator eclipse command and import project into eclipse, we can see all dependencies be separated. I want to put all dependencies(jar) into a Library Folder ClasspathContainer when i run activator eclipse. So how to do it?
Just upgrade eclipse for the latest version.

Maven Error While updating Dependencies

I have a maven project in which i am getting the following error. I am using eclipse IDE
An internal error occurred during: "Importing Maven projects".
Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4
I have followed below steps for resolving this error. The reason for this error is class path file located in your project folder.
Disable Maven Nature for your project ( If in eclipse, right click on the project --> Maven --> Disable Maven Nature).
Delete the class path file in your project folder.
Re- enable the Maven Nature Again (right click on project --> configure --> Convert to Maven Project).
Try to Maven clean, install and Run the project.
Here's a better answer: stop using eclipse.
Here's the eclipse bug page:
They seem to have no interest in fixing this issue, so if you require|prefer to use the command line for projects, then really there is no fix but to quit eclipse.

Referenced classpath entry for JAR in local maven repository missing when importing nutch

I am trying to import nutch 1.4 into Eclipse. I cloned git repository and then build it using Maven. Then, I imported it in Eclipse as Maven project, but I'm getting the following error:
The archive: /home/devang/.m2/repository/javax/jms/jms/1.1/jms-1.1.jar which is referenced by the classpath, does not exist.
I've seen this behaviour when I had a project already imported in Eclipse, but then deleted the local Maven repository.
To solve this, make m2eclipse re-download the project's dependencies:
Right-click on the project and select Maven > Update Project...
Select Force Update of Snapshots/Releases and hit OK

gwt - Error when importing a gwt project using Maven import in Eclipse

I am using Eclipse, Version: Indigo Service Release 1.
My GWT version is 2.4.0. I installed everything like GWT and Maven related plugins.
I am trying to import a existing gwt-maven project. When importing, I see this dialog:
Can anyone tell me why and how to solve it?
Google is your dear friend.
By entering "no marketplace entries found to handle gwt-mavn-plugin", I got:
Error when importing Maven-GWT project ("No marketplace entries found to handle gwt-maven-plugin")
gwt-maven-plugin with Eclipse Indigo
Eclipse: Import Maven project, missing maven-gae-plugin
Actually I would advise you to use maven from the command line instead of using the Maven plugin in Eclipse as I had exprienced many issues with it.
From the command line, run the following commands:
To compile and install : mvn clean install
to generate eclipse project: mvn eclipse:eclipse
Afterwards, from your eclipse, import your generated project as a normal project and voila!
Hope this helps!

Griffon dont create Eclipse .project and .classpath files

Griffon 0.9.2-beta-3
after exec "griffon create-app DemoConsole"
cant find the .project, so cant import it into eclipse(sts).
but the docs say that "Griffon automatically creates Eclipse .project and .classpath files for you",
did i miss some step?
solved by :
griffon integrate-with --eclipse
griffon install-plugin eclipse-support
griffon eclipse-update
eclipse --> import existing project
solved by :
griffon integrate-with --eclipse
griffon install-plugin eclipse-support
griffon eclipse-update
eclipse --> import existing project
In STS 2.6 (& probably other Eclipse versions) also need to add a classpath variable.
If you get errors relating to 'unbound classpath variable' and the files concerned start with GRIFFON_HOME/....
Select Eclipse/STS -> Preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> Classpath Variables
New ... -> Add 'GRIFFON_HOME' and navigate to location of your Griffon installation.
Confirming this & a rebuild of proj. should clear the errors.
If you want to do this on a per project basis - just right click the project & follow the same procedure under Build Path -> Libraries