memcacheq ,the message body is not longer enough - memcached

memcacheq ,the message body is not longer enough,I start with "
memcacheq -u root -d -r -H /data1/memcacheq -N -R -v -L 2048 -B 65530 > /data1/mq_error.log 2>&1"
log show that "larger than database's maximum record length 1024"
but it doesn't work. how can I resize the body length.

According to multiple documentations:
So we have a limit on the message body size with a max of a bit less than *64K*.
It doesn't seem like there is a work around for this limitation.
EDIT: This was provided by one of the authors as a work around for body length, but it really seems that MemcacheQ has a size limitation.
Please let me know if you have any questions!

Have you tried "-A"? It is used to modify the page size of BDB


Filtering tshark output for .csv. Preventing errors from missing fields

I am trying to filter a pcap file in tshark wit a lua script and ultimately output it to a .csv. I am most of the way there but I am still running into a few issues.
This is what I have so far
tshark -nr -V -X lua_script:wireshark_dissector.lua -r myfile.pcap -T fields -e frame.time_epoch -e Something_UDP.field1 -e Something_UDP.field2 -e Something_UDP.field3 -e Something_UDP.field4 -e Something_UDP.field5 -e Something_UDP.field6 -e Something_UDP.field15 -e Something_UDP.field16 -e Something_UDP.field18 -e Something_UDP.field22 -E separator=,
Here is an example of what the frames look like, sort of.
frame 1
time: 1626806198.437893000
Something_UDP.field1: 0
Something_UDP.field2: 1
frame 2
time: 1626806198.439970000
Something_UDP.field8: 1
Something_UDP.field9: 0
Something_UDP.field13: 0
Something_UDP.field14: 0
frame 3
time: 1626806198.440052000
Something_UDP.field15: 1
Something_UDP.field16: 0
Something_UDP.field18: 1
Something_UDP.field22: 0
Something_UDP.field24: 0
The output I am looking for would be
That is if the frame contains one of the fields I am looking for it will output its value followed by a comma but if that field isn't there it will output a comma. One issue is that not every frame contains info that I am interested in and I don't want them to be outputted. Part of the issue with that is that one of the fields I need is epoch time and that will be in every frame but that is only important if the other fields are there. I could use awk or grep to do this but wondering if it can all be done inside tshark. The other issue is that the fields being requested will com from a text file and there may be fields in the text file that don't actually exist in the pcap file and if that happens I get a "tshark: Some fields aren't valid:" error.
In short I have 2 issues.
1: I need to print data only it the fields names match but not if the only match is epoch.
2: I need it to work even if one of the fields being requested doesn't exist.
I need to print data only it the fields names match but not if the only match is epoch.
Try using a display filter that mentions all the field names in which you're interested, with an "or" separating them, such s
-Y "Something_UDP.field1 or Something_UDP.field2 or Something_UDP.field3 or Something_UDP.field4 or Something_UDP.field5 or Something_UDP.field6 or Something_UDP.field15 or Something_UDP.field16 or Something_UDP.field18 or Something_UDP.field22"
so that only packets containing at least one of those fields will be processed.
I need it to work even if one of the fields being requested doesn't exist.
Then you will need to construct the command line on the fly, avoiding field names that aren't valid.
One way, in a script, to test whether a field is valid is to use the dftest command:
dftest Something_UDP.field1 >/dev/null 2>&1
will exit with a status of 0 if there's a field named "Something_UDP.field1" and will exit with a status of 2 if there isn't; if the scripting language you're using can check the exit status of a command to see if it succeeds, you can use that.

Any way to filter email dynamically by taking 'from' and matching it with database ? (Using procmail or Virtualmin or Webmin)

I basically want to check the incoming 'From' in the email received and then either
Keep it and make it deliver to the intended mailbox if the email matches a Specified MySQL/PostgreSQL
Database User (eg. select email from users where exists ('from email address') )
If the 'From' address is blank or it is not found in the database, the email should be discarded
Any way I can achieve this before the e-mail is delivered to the intended mailbox?
I am using Procmail + Virtualmin + Webmin + PostgreSQL
PS: I want to apply this filter not to the wole server but to some specified mailboxes/users (i'm assuming 1 user = 1 mailbox here)
Procmail can easily run an external command in a condition and react to its exit status. How exactly to make your particular SQL client set its exit code will depend on which one you are using; perhaps its man page will reveal an option to make it exit with an error when a query produces an empty result set, for example? Or else write a shell wrapper to look for empty output.
A complication is that Procmail (or rather, the companion utility formail) can easily extract a string from e.g. the From: header; but you want to reduce this to just the email terminus. This is a common enough task that it's easy to find a canned solution - generate a reply and then extract the To: address (sic!) from that.
FROM=`formail -rtzxTo:`
* FROM ?? ^(one#example\.com|two#site\.example\.net|third#example\.org)$
* ? yoursql --no-headers --fail-if-empty-result \
--batch --query databasename \
--eval "select yada yada where address = '$FROM'"
{ }
The first condition examines the variable and succeeds if it contains one of the addresses (my original answer simply had the regex . which matches if the string contains at least one character, any character; I'm not convinced this is actually necessary or useful; there should be no way for From: to be empty). If it is true, Procmail enters the braces; if not, they will be skipped.
The first recipe inside the braces runs an external command and examines its exit code. I'm imagining your SQL client is called yoursql and that it has options to turn off human-friendly formatting (table headers etc) and for running a query directly from the command line on a specific database. We use double quotes so that the shell will interpolate the variable FROM before running this command (maybe there is a safer way to pass string variables which might contain SQL injection attempts with something like --variable from="$FROM" and then use that variable in the query? See below.)
If there is no option to directly set the exit code, but you can make sure standard output is completely empty in the case of no result, piping the command to grep -q . will produce the correct exit code. In a more complex case, maybe write a simple Awk script to identify an empty result set and set its exit status accordingly.
Scraping together information from,
How do you use script variables in psql?,
Making an empty output from psql,
and from your question, I end up with the following attempt to implement this in psql; but as I don't have a Postgres instance to test with, or any information about your database schema, this is still approximate at best.
* ? psql --no-align --tuples-only --quiet \
--dbname=databasename --username=something --no-password \
--variable=from="$FROM" \
--command="select email from users where email = :'from'" \
| grep -q .
(We still can't use single quotes around the SQL query, to completely protect it from the shell, because Postgres insists on single quotes around :'from', and the shell offers no facility for embedding literal single quotes inside single quotes.)
The surrounding Procmail code should be reasonably self-explanatory, but here goes anyway. In the first recipe inside the braces, if the condition is true, the empty braces in its action line are a no-op; the E flag on the next recipe is a condition which is true only if any of the conditions on the previous recipe failed. This is a common idiom to avoid having to use a lot of negations; perhaps look up "de Morgan's law". The net result is that we discard the message by delivering it to /dev/null if either condition in the first recipe failed; and otherwise, we simply pass it through, and Procmail will eventually deliver it to its default destination.
The recipe was refactored in response to updates to your question; perhaps now it would make more sense to just negate the exit code from psql with a ! in front:
FROM=`formail -rtzxTo:`
* FROM ?? ^(one#example\.com|two#site\.example\.net|third#example\.org)$
* ! ? psql --no-align --tuples-only --quiet \
--dbname=databasename --username=something --no-password \
--variable=from="$FROM" \
--command="select email from users where email = :'from'" \
| grep -q .
Tangentially, perhaps notice how Procmail's syntax exploits the fact that a leading ? or a doubled ?? are not valid in regular expressions. So the parser can unambiguously tell that these conditions are not regular expressions; they compare a variable to the regex after ??, or examine the exit status of an external command, respectively. There are a few other special conditions like this in Procmail; arguably, all of them are rather obscure.
Newcomers to shell scripting should also notice that each shell command pipeline has two distinct results: whatever is being printed on standard output, and, completely separate from that, an exit code which reveals whether or not the command completed successfully. (Conventionally, a zero exit status signals success, and anything else is an error. For example, the exit status from grep is 0 if it finds at least one match, 1 if it doesn't, and usually some other nonzero exit code if you passed in an invalid regular expression, or you don't have permission to read the input file, etc.)
For further details, perhaps see also which has an old "mini-FAQ" which covers several of the topics here, and a "quick reference" for looking up details of the syntax.
I'm not familiar with Virtualmin but shows how to set up Postgres and as per I guess you will want to use the option to put this code in an include file.

Writing __fish_is_first_arg, but includes the arg's parameter

I'm writing a completions file for cwebp, Google's to-webp converter. Its help says that -preset should come before all other arguments. With that in mind, I tried restricting its availability with __fish_is_first_arg, like this:
complete -c cwebp -x -n '__fish_is_first_arg' -o preset -a 'default photo picture drawing icon text' -d 'Preset setting'
This would make it so cwebp -o -pres<Tab> would not suggest -preset, which is what I wanted.
Meanwhile, cwebp -pres<Tab> would fill out the argument to its full -preset, which is also what I wanted.
However, when I press the Tab key at cwebp -preset <Tab>, the only suggestions given are the files and directories in the current directory. This is not what I wanted.
With this in mind, I figured I had to write a "is first or second option" function. However, it's not going well. Here's what I have so far:
function __fish_cwebp_is_first_option_or_its_argument
set -l tokens (commandline -co)
# line alpha
switch (count tokens)
case 1
return 0
case 2
if test \( "$tokens[2]" = '-preset' \)
return 0
return 1
case '*'
# line beta
return 1
This function body, as far as I can tell, works the same way as return 0 ((true)). No matter what, -pres<Tab> completes to -preset, even when the line looks like cwebp -h -H -version -pres<Tab>.
When I put a breakpoint on line alpha, I can echo $tokens and see all the tokens that I've totally typed out (there needs to be at least one space between the last token and the cursor). However, when I have only a breakpoint on line beta as shown here, I can't even get the breakpoint to trigger. Not even with cwebp -h -H -version -pres<Tab> as mentioned above.
What am I doing wrong?
switch (count tokens)
should be:
switch (count $tokens)
(For others reading this: the $ activates variable expansion. count $tokens expands the variable tokens and counts its values, while count tokens counts only the single literal "tokens").

dynamic yad lists possible?

I wonder if anyone more familiar with yad (yet another dialogue) knows if dynamic lists are possible and if so how might one be implemented using the contents of a bash array assigning FALSE to each list item?
I have a script that manages multiple LUKS partitions, and so when user selects to mount a partition they are presented with a list of partitions not yet mounted from which to make their next selection. So the upshot is that they cannot select a mount point already mounted.
This is currently managed by presenting the user the list in a terminal, but I would like to try using a yad list dialogue if dynamic lists are possible.
From the scant pages detailing yad usage online I could not find anything regarding dynamic lists, leading me to believe this is will quite likely not be possible.
Taken from zenity example here you could do:
devsToMnt=$(for f in "${part_list_array[#]}" ; do echo FALSE ; echo "$f" ; done | yad --list --center --height="400" --checklist --column="Select" --column="Device to mount:" --print-column="2" --multiple --separator=" ")
and whatever partitions the user chooses will be available in $devsToMnt
Based on the example on the wiki, I would presume that something to the effect of
mounts=( "foo" "bar" "baz" )
mp=$(yad --width 300 --entry --title "Mount?" \
--button="Mount it." \
--text "Choose mountpoint:" \
--entry-text \
echo "let's mount $mp"
should work.

cURL filling up an HTML form with tcl

I need to make a Tcl program that logs into a web page and i need to fill up some information and get some information.
The page has lots of forms with diferent types of input, radio/check buttons, entry strings etc the usual.
i can log into the page no problem and fill up the forms without a problem but i have to fill EVERY input for that particular form or else it will be save as empty (the things i didnt specify)
Heres an example:
this is the form:
--- FORM report. Uses POST to URL "/goform/FormUpdateBridgeConfiguration"
Input: NAME="management_ipaddr" (TEXT)
Input: NAME="management_mask" (TEXT)
Input: NAME="upstr_addr_type" VALUE="DHCP" (RADIO)
Input: NAME="upstr_addr_type" VALUE="STATIC" (RADIO)
--- end of FORM
and this is the command i use to fill it up
eval exec curl $params -d upstr_addr_type=STATIC https://$MIP/goform/FormUpdateBridgeConfiguration -o /dev/null 2> /dev/null
where params is:
"\--noproxy $MIP \--connect-timeout 5 \-m 5 \-k \-S \-s \-d \-L \-b Data/curl_cookie_file "
yes i know is horrible but it is what it is .
In this case i want to change the value of upstr_addr_type to STATIC but when i sumit it i lose the info from management_ipaddr and management_mask.
This is a small example, i have to do this for every form and a gizillion more variables so its a real problem for me.
i figure its concept problem or something like that, i look and look and look some more, try -F -X GET -GET -almost every thing on cURL manual, can someone guide me here
If you know what the values of management_ipaddr and management_mask should be, you can just supply them as extra -d arguments. It probably makes sense to wrap this in a procedure
proc UpdateBridgeConfiguration {management_ipaddr management_mask upstr_addr_type} {
global MIP params
eval exec curl $params \
-d management_ipaddr=$management_ipaddr \
-d management_mask=$management_mask \
-d upstr_addr_type=$upstr_addr_type \
"https://$MIP/goform/FormUpdateBridgeConfiguration" \
-o /dev/null 2> /dev/null
# You ought to replace the first line of the above call with:
# exec curl {*}$params \
# Provided you're not on Tcl 8.4 or before...
Like that, you'll find it much easier to get the call correct. (You shouldn't need to specify -X POST for this; it's default behaviour when -d is provided.)
To get the existing values, you'll need to GET them from the right URL (which I can't guess for you) and extract them from the resulting HTML. Which might involve using a regular expression against the retrieved document. This is pretty awful, but it's what you're stuck with sometimes. (You can use tDOM to parse HTML properly — provided it isn't too ill-formed — and then use its XPath support to query for the values correctly, but that's rather more complex and introduces a dependency on an external package.) Knowing what the right RE to use is can be tricky, but it is likely to involve grabbing a copy of the form and doing something vaguely like this:
regexp -nocase {<input type="text" name="management_ipaddr" value="([^<"">]*)"} $formSource -> management_ipaddr
regexp -nocase {<input type="text" name="management_mask" value="([^<"">]*)"} $formSource -> management_mask
While in general it could be encoded all sorts of ways, that's very unlikely for IP addresses or masks! On the other hand, the order of the attributes can vary; you have to customize your RE to what you're really dealing with, not merely what it might be…
The curl invokation will be something like
set formSource [exec curl "http://$MIP/the/right/url/here" {*}$params 2>/dev/null]
It's much simpler when you're not having to send data up and you want to consume the result.