How to generate a random integer that is either 0 or 1 in MATLAB - matlab

I searched the MATLAB documentation for how to generate a random integer that is either a 0 or a 1.
I stumbled upon the two functions randint and randi.
randint appears to be deprecated in my version of MATLAB although it is in the documentation online and randi appears to only create randoms numbers between 1 and a specified imax value.
I even created my own randint function to solve the problem although it doesn't run very efficiently in my program since it is used for large data sets:
function [ints] = randint(m,n)
ints = round(rand(m,n));
Is there a built-in function to create a random integer that is either a 0 or 1 or is there a more efficient way to create such a function in MATLAB?

This seems to be a little faster:
result = rand(m,n)<.5;
Or, if you need the result as double:
result = double(rand(m,n)<.5);
Examples with m = 100, n = 1e5 (Matlab 2010b):
>> tic, round(rand(m,n)); toc
Elapsed time is 0.494488 seconds.
>> tic, randi([0 1], m,n); toc
Elapsed time is 0.565805 seconds.
>> tic, rand(m,n)<.5; toc
Elapsed time is 0.365703 seconds.
>> tic, double(rand(m,n)<.5); toc
Elapsed time is 0.445467 seconds.

randi is the way to go, just define the boundaries to 1 and 0
A = randi([0 1], m, n);

To generate either 0 or 1 randomly...


Relational operators between big sparse matrices in Matlab

I have two big sparse double matrices in Matlab:
P with dimension 1048576 x 524288
I with dimension 1048576 x 524288
I want to find the number of entrances i,j such that P(i,j)<=I(i,j)
Naively I tried to run
but it is extremely slow (I had to shut down Matlab because it was running since forever and I wasn't able to stop it).
Is there any other more efficient way to proceed or what I want to do is unfeasible?
From some simple tests,
n = numel(P) - nnz(P>I);
seems to be faster than sum(sum(P<=I)) or even nnz(P<=I). The reason is probably that the sparse matrix P<=I has many more nonzero entries than P>I, and thus requires more memory.
>> P = sprand(10485, 52420, 1e-3);
>> I = sprand(10485, 52420, 1e-3);
>> tic, disp(sum(sum(P<=I))); toc
(1,1) 549074582
Elapsed time is 3.529121 seconds.
>> tic, disp(nnz(P<=I)); toc
Elapsed time is 3.538129 seconds.
>> tic, disp(nnz(P<=I)); toc
Elapsed time is 3.499927 seconds.
>> tic, disp(numel(P) - nnz(P>I)); toc
Elapsed time is 0.010624 seconds.
Of course this highly depends on the matrix sizes and density.
Here is a solution using indices of nonzero elements:
xp = find(P);
xi = find(I);
vp = nonzeros(P);
vi = nonzeros(I);
[s,ia,ib] = intersect(xp,xi);
iia = true(numel(vp),1);
iib = true(numel(vi),1);
iib(ib) = false;
n = sum(vp(ia) <= vi(ib))+sum(vp(iia)<0)+sum(vi(iib)>0)-(numel(xp)+numel(xi)-numel(s))+numel(P);

Optimization/vectorization of Matlab algorithm including very big matrices

I have a optimization problem in Matlab. Assume I get the following three vectors as input:
A of size (1 x N) (time-series of signal amplitude)
F of size (1 x N) (time-series of signal instantaneous frequency)
fx of size (M x 1) (frequency axis that I want to match the above on)
Now, the elements of F might not (99% of the times they will not) necessarily match the items of fx exactly, which is why I have to match to the closest frequency.
Here's the catch: We are talking about big data. N can easily be up to 2 million, and this has to be run hundred times on several hundred subjects. My two concerns:
Time (main concern)
Memory (production will be run on machines with +16GB memory, but development is on a machine with only 8GB of memory)
I have these two working solutions. For the following, N=2604000 and M=201:
Method 1 (for-loop)
Simple for-loop. Memory is no problem at all, but it is time consuming. Easiest implementation.
I = zeros(M,N);
for i = 1:N
[~,f] = min(abs(fx-F(i)));
I(f,i) = A(i).^2;
Duration: 18.082 seconds.
Method 2 (vectorized)
The idea is to match the frequency axis with each instantaneous frequency, to get the id.
[ 0.9 0.2 2.3 1.4 ] N
[ 0 ][ 0 1 0 0 ]
fx [ 1 ][ 1 0 0 1 ]
[ 2 ][ 0 0 1 0 ]
And then multiply each column with the amplitude at that time.
m_Ff = repmat(F,M,1);
m_fF = repmat(fx,1,N);
[~,idx] = min(abs(m_Ff - m_fF)); clearvars m_Ff m_fF;
m_if = repmat(idx,M,1); clearvars idx;
m_fi = repmat((1:M)',1,N);
I = double(m_if==m_fi); clearvars m_if m_fi;
I = bsxfun(#times,I,A);
Duration: 64.223 seconds. This is surprising to me, but probably because the huge variable sizes and my limited memory forces it to store the variables as files. I have SSD, though.
The only thing I have not taken advantage of, is that the matrices will have many zero-elements. I will try and look into sparse matrices.
I need at least single precision for both the amplitudes and frequencies, but really I found that it takes a lot of time to convert from double to single.
Any suggestions on how to improve?
As of the suggestions, I am now down to a time of combined 2.53 seconds. This takes advantage of the fact that fx is monotonically increasing and even-spaced (always starting in 0). Here is the code:
tic; df = mode(diff(fx)); toc; % Find fx step size
tic; idx = round(F./df+1); doc; % Convert to bin ids
tic; I = zeros(M,N); toc; % Pre-allocate output
tic; lin_idx = idx + (0:N-1)*M; toc; % Find indices to insert at
tic; I(lin_idx) = A.^2; toc; % Insert
The timing outputs are the following:
Elapsed time is 0.000935 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.021878 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.175729 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.018815 seconds.
Elapsed time is 2.294869 seconds.
Hence the most time-consuming step is now the very final one. Any advice on this is greatly appreciated. Thanks to #Peter and #Divakar for getting me this far.
UPDATE 2 (Solution)
Wuhuu. Using sparse(i,j,k) really improves the outcome;
tic; df = fx(2)-fx(1); toc;
tic; idx = round(F./df+1); toc;
tic; I = sparse(idx,1:N,A.^2); toc;
With timings:
Elapsed time is 0.000006 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.016213 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.114768 seconds.
Here's one approach based on bsxfun -
abs_diff = abs(bsxfun(#minus,fx,F));
[~,idx] = min(abs_diff,[],1);
IOut = zeros(M,N);
lin_idx = idx + [0:N-1]*M;
IOut(lin_idx) = A.^2;
I'm not following entirely the relationship of F and fx, but it sounds like fx might be a set of bins of frequency, and you want to find the appropriate bin for each input F.
Optimizing this depends on the characteristics of fx.
If fx is monotonic and evenly spaced, then you don't need to search it at all. You just need to scale and offset F to align the scales, then round to get the bin number.
If fx is monotonic (sorted) but not evenly spaced, you want histc. This will use an efficient search on the edges of fx to find the correct bin. You probably need to transform f first so that it contains the edges of the bins rather than the centers.
If it's neither, then you should be able to at least sort it to get it monotonic, storing the sort order, and restoring the original order once you've found the correct "bin".

How to sum all other rows in MATLAB

I am still learning some of the advanced features in MATLAB.
I have a 2D matrix and I want to sum all rows, except for for i.
1 1 1
2 2 2
4 4 4
say i = 2, I want to get this:
5 5 5
I can do it by summing all the rows, then subtracting row i, but I want to know if there is a faster way using MATLAB's indexing/selection syntax.
It seems that summing all the rows, then subtracting row i, is much faster tough:
n = randi(500);
for i=1:1e3
%sum(A([1:n-1 n+1:end], :));
Elapsed time is 0.162987 seconds.
n = randi(500);
for i=1:1e3
sum(A([1:n-1 n+1:end], :));
Elapsed time is 1.386113 seconds.
To add to the performance considerations of previous authors. The solution by nate is faster, because it does not use complex matrix indexing of the second method. Complex matrix/vector indexing is very inefficient in MATLAB. I suspect this is the same problem with indexing as the one described in the cited question.
Consider the following simple tests, following the previous framework:
n = randi(500);
for i=1:1e3
B=sum(A(:, :));
Elapsed time is 0.747704 seconds.
for i=1:1e3
B=sum(A(1:end, :));
Elapsed time is 5.476109 seconds. % What ???!!!
id = [1:n-1 n+1:500];
for i=1:1e3
B=sum(A(id, :));
Elapsed time is 5.449064 seconds.
Well, you could do it like this:
>> A = [ 1 1 1
2 2 2
4 4 4];
>> n = 2;
>> sum(A([1:n-1 n+1:end], :))
ans =
5 5 5
However, as Nate has already indicated, as nice as it may look, it's actually so much slower than just subtracting a single row that I advise against using it :)

Number of values greater than a threshold

I have a matrix A. Now I want to find the number of elements greater than 5 and their corresponding indices. How to solve this in matlab without using for loop?
For example if A = [1 4 6 8 9 5 6 8 9]':
Number of elements > 5: 6
Indices: [3 4 5 7 8 9]
You use find:
index = find(A>5);
numberOfElements = length(index);
You use sum, which allows you to get the number of elements with one command:
numberOfElements = sum(A>5);
Do you really need explicit indices? Because the logical matrix A>5 can also be used as index (usually a tad more efficient than indexing with find):
index = (A>5);
numberOfElements = sum(index);
For completeness: indexing with logicals is the same as with regular indices:
>> A(A>5)
ans =
6 8 9 6 8 9
Motivated by the above discussion with Rody, here is a simple benchmark, which tests speed of integer vs. logical array indexing in MATLAB. Quite an important thing I would say, since 'vectorized' MATLAB is mostly about indexing. So
% random data
a = rand(10^7, 1);
% threashold - how much data meets the a>threashold criterion
% This determines the total indexing time - the more data we extract from a,
% the longer it takes.
% In this example - small threashold meaning most data in a
% will meet the criterion.
threashold = 0.08;
% prepare logical and integer indices (note the uint32 cast)
index_logical = a>threashold;
index_integer = uint32(find(index_logical));
% logical indexing of a
for i=1:10
b = a(index_logical);
% integer indexing of a
for i=1:10
b = a(index_integer);
On my computer the results are
Elapsed time is 0.755399 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.728462 seconds.
meaning that the two methods perform almost the same - thats how I chose the example threashold. It is interesing, because the index_integer array is almost 4 times larger!
index_integer 9198678x1 36794712 uint32
index_logical 10000000x1 10000000 logical
For larger values of the threashold integer indexing is faster. Results for threashold=0.5:
Elapsed time is 0.687044 seconds. (logical)
Elapsed time is 0.296044 seconds. (integer)
Unless I am doing something wrong here, integer indexing seems to be the fastest most of the time.
Including the creation of the indices in the test yields very different results however:
a = rand(1e7, 1);
threshold = 0.5;
% logical
for i=1:10
inds = a>threshold;
b = a(inds);
% double
for i=1:10
inds = find(a>threshold);
b = a(inds);
% integer
for i=1:10
inds = uint32(find(a>threshold));
b = a(inds);
Results (Rody):
Elapsed time is 1.945478 seconds. (logical)
Elapsed time is 3.233831 seconds. (double)
Elapsed time is 3.508009 seconds. (integer)
Results (angainor):
Elapsed time is 1.440018 seconds. (logical)
Elapsed time is 1.851225 seconds. (double)
Elapsed time is 1.726806 seconds. (integer)
So it would seem that the actual indexing is faster when indexing with integers, but front-to-back, logical indexing performs much better.
The runtime difference between the last two methods is unexpected though -- it seems Matlab's internals either do not cast the doubles to integers, of perform error-checking on each element before doing the actual indexing. Otherwise, we would have seen virtually no difference between the double and integer methods.
Edit There are two options as I see it:
matlab converts double indices to uint32 indices explicitly before the indexing call (much like we do in the integer test)
matlab passes doubles and performs the double->int cast on the fly during the indexing call
The second option should be faster, because we only have to read the double indexes once. In our explicit conversion test we have to read double indices, write integer indices, and then again read the integer indices during the actual indexing. So matlab should be faster... Why is it not?

Efficient comparison of two matrices MATLAB

Is there a way to efficiently compare two matrices, I was thinking something like
same = abs((A-B)) = 0...
substracting values of one matrix to the other and if they result is 0, they are the same, also there is a isequal() function, What would be the best to compare both matrices?
You can simply do isequal(A,B) and it will return 1 if true or 0 if false.
Since you're dealing with floating point, you probably don't want to test for exact equality (depending on your application). Thus, you can just check that
norm(A - B)
is sufficiently small, say < 1e-9, again depending on your application. This is the matrix 2-norm, which will be near zero if A - B is the all zeros matrix or nearly so.
It seems that ISEQUAL is faster than checking for non-zero elements after subtraction:
>> a = rand(100, 100);
>> b = a;
>> tic; for ii = 1:100000; any(any(a - b)); end; toc;
Elapsed time is 2.089838 seconds.
>> tic; for ii = 1:100000; isequal(a, b); end; toc;
Elapsed time is 1.201815 seconds.