PowerShell Script Ends in SQLSERVER:\> - powershell

I have a powershell script that does a Invoke-Sqlcmd and when the script completes it leaves me in 'SQLSERVER:>'.
Is there a way to tell my script to return me to original directory when it completes?

The canonical method for this is:
try {
$private:oldLocation = (Get-Location)
# Do Stuff
finally {
Set-Location $private:oldLocation

Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking | Out-Null
Push-Location "SQLSERVER:\sql\$Server\DEFAULT\databases\$database" | Out-Null
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query
#More Work
Alternatively you could push the location of the database you want to run queries/operations onto the location stack. Do work. Then pop the location off the location stack when done.
$Server : Being the server the db is being hosted on
$database : The database name in your database server
The Out-Null isn't required. It just prevents output being pumped into the pipeline

My preferred method is to do this:
try {
Import-Module SQLPS
# More code
} finally {
This is especially nice during testing because even when you throw an exception or stop the debugger your original path is still restored.


using invoke-command to create files on a remote server

I am new to powershell and all sorts of scripting and have been landed with the following task.
I need to create a file on a remote server based on the filename picked up on the local server using the invoke-command.
WinRM is configured and running on the remote server.
What i need to happen is the following
On Server1 a trigger file is placed folder. Powershell on Server1 passes the filename onto powershell on Server2. Powershell on Server2 then creates a file based on the name.
My heads been melted trolling through forms looking for inspiration, any help would be greatly appreciated
Many thanks
I think if you're new to scripting, something that will add a lot of extra complexity is storing and handling credentials for Invoke-Command. It would be easier if you could make a shared folder on Server2 and just have one PowerShell script writing to that.
Either way, a fairly simple approach is a scheduled task on Server1 which runs a PowerShell script, with its own service user account, every 5 minutes.
Script does something like:
# Check the folder where the trigger file is
# assumes there will only ever be 1 file there, or nothing there.
$triggerFile = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "c:\triggerfile\folder\path"
# if there was something found
if ($triggerFile)
# do whatever your calculation is for the new filename "based on"
# the trigger filename, and store the result. Here, just cutting
# off the first character as an example.
$newFileName = $triggerFile.Name.Substring(1)
# if you can avoid Invoke-Command, directly make the new file on Server2
New-Item -ItemType File -Path '\\server2\share\' -Name $newFileName
# end here
# if you can't avoid Invoke-Command, you need to have
# pre-saved credentials, e.g. https://www.jaapbrasser.com/quickly-and-securely-storing-your-credentials-powershell/
$Credential = Import-CliXml -LiteralPath "${env:\userprofile}\server2-creds.xml"
# and you need a script to run on Server2 to make the file
# and it needs to reference the new filename from *this* side ("$using:")
$scriptBlock = {
New-Item -ItemType File -Path 'c:\destination' -Name $using:newFileName
# and then invoke the scriptblock on server2 with the credentials
Invoke-Command -Computername 'Server2' -Credential $Credential $scriptBlock
# end here
# either way, remove the original trigger file afterwards, ready for next run
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $triggerFile -Force

Powershell delete MSMQ remotely

I was wondering if it was possible to delete queues remotely via PowerShell? I have the following script:
$computers = #("comp1","comp2","comp3");
foreach($computer in $computers) {
$messageQueues = [System.Messaging.MessageQueue]::GetPrivateQueuesByMachine($computer);
foreach ($queue in $messageQueues) {
$endpoint = [string]::Format("FormatName:DIRECT=OS:{0}\{1}", $computer, $queue.QueueName);
Write-Host $endpoint
This works fine, if I was running it on the machine whose queues I want to delete however when I run this remotely I get the error:
The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted.
Any ideas if this can be done?
Oddly, I have figured I can remote onto the machine via PowerShell and execute a script block. However, I don't understand the difference between doing:
$endpoint = [string]::Format("FormatName:DIRECT=OS:{0}\{1}", $computer, $queue.QueueName);
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock { [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Messaging"); [System.Messaging.MessageQueue]::Delete($endpoint) };
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock { [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Messaging"); [System.Messaging.MessageQueue]::Delete("FormatName:DIRECT=OS:MY_SERVER\some.endpoint") };
The value of $endpoint is the same however, for some odd reason it doesn't like the variable approach though both values are identical. I tested this by setting $endpoint then calling delete. I get the error:
Exception calling "Delete" with "1" argument(s): "Invalid value for parameter path."
What I'm trying to say is if I hard code the value as part of the argument it works but assign it to a variable then invoke the method I get an error
For historic purposes if anyone else is experiencing this issue or is wondering how to delete queues remotely then please see below.
How do I delete private queues on a remote computer? It is possible to delete queues remotely. This can be achieved using the command Enable-PSRemoting -Force. Without this, you encounter the issue #JohnBreakWell indicated (see his link to MSDN).
The scope of variables when using Invoke-Command? The problem I found was the variables I declared were simply out of scope (script block was unable to see it). To rectify this, I simply did the following:
The important bit being the argument list and the use of param.
$computers = #("comp1","comp2");
foreach($computer in $computers) {
$messageQueues = [System.Messaging.MessageQueue]::GetPrivateQueuesByMachine($computer);
foreach ($queue in $messageQueues) {
$endpoint = [string]::Format("FormatName:DIRECT=OS:{0}\{1}", $computer, $queue.QueueName);
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock {
param ($computer, $endpoint)
} -ArgumentList $computer, $endpoint
You cannot delete a remote private queue.
You need to perform the operation locally to the queue.
From MQDeleteQueue:
(2nd paragraph)
"Private queues registered on a remote computer ... cannot be deleted."
As Dr. Schizo mentioned, you'll need to execute
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
on the remote machine, but then, assuming you're using Server 2012 r2, it's as simple as:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName COMPUTERNAME { Get-MsmqQueue -Name QUEUENAME | Remove-MsmqQueue }

Command not found when execute powershell script from IIS

I have a script that gets the citrix sessions for a relation on our platform.
The problem is that when I run the script from the console on the webserver, the executing of the script is succesfull and the result is as expected.
When I run the script from my website (hosted on IIS) the result is as follows:
"The term 'Get-XASession' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program."
This is the script:
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Citrix\XenApp 6.5 Server SDK\Citrix.XenApp.Sdk.ps1"
. "D:\scripts\include\functions.ps1"
return "[ERROR]`t Import module XenApp 6.5 Server SDK gives an error $($_.Exception)"
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
if ($xaVersion -eq "XA65")
$sessions = Get-XASession -ComputerName $xaServer | Where-Object { $_.AccountName -like "ASPECT\$relationId*" }
$listSessions = #()
foreach($se in $sessions)
New-Object psobject -Property #{AccountName = $se.AccountName; SessionId = $se.SessionId; Name = $se.BrowserName; ClientName = $se.ClientName; ServerName = $se.ServerName; LogonTime = $se.LogonTime; Status = $se.State}
return $listSessions
return "[ERROR]`t Sessies ophalen voor gebruiker $samAccountName met XAversie $xaVersion gives the following error $($_.Exception)"
The identity of the IIS Application Pool is the same as the identity that I used to run the script from the console.
That user has all the rights it needs to access the Citrix XenApp module.
The wierd thing is, when I say Get-Command Get-XASession -neq $null then the script says, hé I know that command lets go to execute it. When it is going to execute it then the sripts says, huh Get-XASession? never hurt of.
I spent hours and hours and I don't have a clue.
Please help me!
jisaak did put me in the right direction.
Dot sourcing could be the answer but that gives an error about user interaction.
This is wat I did: I opened the module and copied everything except the write-host lines into my script. I did run it and guess what, it works!
So if you experience the same problem as me:
1. try dot sourcing
2. try to copy the content of the module into your script.
All credits go to jisaak (Y) :)

Return code and status from PowerShell command

I'm running the following command from within a Microsoft System Centre Orchestrator PowerShell activity:
Install-WindowsFeature -ConfigurationFilePath C:\DeploymentConfigTemplate.xml -ComputerName ServerXYZ
the command isn't doing what it's supposed to do, and I want to be able to return if the command was successful or not, and any error message if possible. Ignore the fact it's running in Orchestrator, as I'm more concerned about the PowerShell question. When I run the command from ISE it does what it's supposed to do, that's why I want to see what is returned from PowerShell.
It's hard to know what may be happening without more context. The following will record any errors encountered in an xml file that you can import later with import-clixml:
Install-WindowsFeature -ConfigurationFilePath C:\DeploymentConfigTemplate.xml -ComputerName ServerXYZ
IF (!($?)) {
$error[0] | export-clixml C:\myerror.xml
This solves my problem:
$Result = Install-WindowsFeature -Name SNMP-Service -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools
Write-Host $Result.ExitCode

Powershell - Copying File to Remote Host and Executing Install exe using WMI

EDITED: Here is my code now. The install file does copy to the remote host. However, the WMI portion does not install the .exe file, and no errors are returned. Perhaps this is a syntax error with WMI? Is there a way to just run the installer silently with PsExec? Thanks again for all the help sorry for the confusion:
#declare params
param (
[string]$finalCountdownPath = "",
[string]$slashes = "\\",
[string]$pathOnRemoteHost = "c:\temp\",
[string]$targetJavaComputer = "",
[string]$compname = "",
[string]$tempPathTarget = "\C$\temp\"
# user enters target host/computer
$targetJavaComputer = Read-Host "Enter the name of the computer on which you wish to install Java:"
[string]$compname = $slashes + $targetJavaComputer
[string]$finalCountdownPath = $compname + $tempPathTarget
#[string]$tempPathTarget2 =
#[string]$finalCountdownPath2 = $compname + $
# say copy install media to remote host
echo "Copying install file and running installer silently please wait..."
# create temp dir if does not exist, if exist copy install media
# if does not exist create dir, copy dummy file, copy install media
# either case will execute install of .exe via WMII
#[string]$finalCountdownPath = $compname + $tempPathTarget;
if ((Test-Path -Path $finalCountdownPath) )
copy c:\hdatools\java\jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe $finalCountdownPath
([WMICLASS]"\\$targetJavaComputer\ROOT\CIMV2:win32_process").Create("cmd.exe /c c:\temp\java\jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe /s /v`" /qn")
else {
New-Item -Path $finalCountdownPath -type directory -Force
copy c:\hdatools\dummy.txt $finalCountdownPath
copy "c:\hdatools\java\jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe" $finalCountdownPath
([WMICLASS]"\\$targetJavaComputer\ROOT\CIMV2:win32_process").Create("cmd.exe /c c:\temp\java\jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe /s /v`" /qn")
I was trying to get $Job = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -Scriptblock $Script to allow me to copy files on a different server, because I needed to off load it from the server it was running from. I was using the PowerShell Copy-Item to do it. But the running PowerShell script waits until the file is done copying to return.
I want it to take as little resources as possible on the server that the powershell is running to spawn off the process on another server to copy the file. I tried to user various other schemes out there, but they didn't work or the way I needed them to work. (Seemed kind of kludgey or too complex to me.) Maybe some of them could have worked? But I found a solution that I like that works best for me, which is pretty easy. (Except for some of the back end configuration that may be needed if it is is not already setup.)
I am running a SQLServer Job which invokes Powershell to run a script which backups databases, copies backup files, and deletes older backup files, with parameters passed into it. Our server is configured to allow PowerShell to run and under the pre-setup User account with SQL Server Admin and dbo privileges in an Active Directory account to allow it to see various places on our Network as well.
But we don't want it to take the resources away from the main server. The PowerShell script that was to be run would backup the database Log file and then use the another server to asynchronously copy the file itself and not make the SQL Server Job/PowerShell wait for it. We wanted it to happen right after the backup.
Here is my new way, using WMI, using Windows Integrate Security:
$ComputerName = "kithhelpdesk"
Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName RemoteServerToRunOn -Path win32_process -Name create -ArgumentList 'powershell.exe -Command "Copy-Item -Path \\YourShareSource\SQLBackup\YourDatabase_2018-08-07_11-45.log.bak -Destination \\YourShareDestination\YourDatabase_2018-08-07_11-45.log.bak"'
Here is my new way using passed in Credentials, and building arg list variable:
$Username = "YouDomain\YourDomainUser"
$Password = "P#ssw0rd27"
$ComputerName = "RemoteServerToRunOn"
$FromFile = "\\YourShareSource\SQLBackup\YourDatabase_2018-08-07_11-45.log.bak"
$ToFile = "\\YourShareDestination\SQLBackup\YourDatabase_2018-08-07_11-45.log.bak"
$ArgumentList = 'powershell.exe -Command "Copy-Item -Path ' + $FromFile + ' -Destination ' + $ToFile + '"'
$SecurePassWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Password -Force
$Cred = New-Object -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" -ArgumentList $Username, $SecurePassWord
Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName $ComputerName -Path win32_process -Name create -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -Credential $Cred
We think that this above one is the preferred one to use.
You can also run a specific powershell that will do what you want it to do (even passing in parameters to it):
Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName RemoteServerToRunOn -Path win32_process -Name create -ArgumentList 'powershell.exe -file "C:\PS\Test1.ps1"'
This example could be changed to pass in parameters to the Test1.ps1 PowerShell script to make it more flexible and reusable. And you may also want to pass in a Credential like we used in a previous example above.
Help configuring WMI:
I got the main gist of this working from: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.management/invoke-wmimethod?view=powershell-5.1
But it may have also needed WMI configuration using:
Powershell New-PSSession Access Denied - Administrator Account
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.management/invoke-wmimethod?view=powershell-5.1 (I used to get how to call Invoke-WmiMethod).
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/core-powershell/console/powershell.exe-command-line-help?view=powershell-6 (I used to get syntax of command line)
I didn't use this one, but could have: How to execute a command in a remote computer?
I don't know for sure if all of the steps in the web articles above are needed, I suspect not. But I thought I was going to be using the Invoke-Command PowerShell statement to copy the files on a remote server, but left my changes from the articles above that I did intact mostly I believe.
You will need a dedicated User setup in Active Directory, and to configure the user accounts that SQL Server and SQL Server Agent are running under to give the main calling PowerShell the privileges needed to access the network and other things to, and can be used to run the PowerShell on the remote server as well. And you may need to configure SQLServer to allow SQL Server Jobs or Stored Procedures to be able to call PowerShell scripts like I did. But this is outside the scope of this post. You Google other places on the internet to show you how to do that.