Trusting Secure Sites from Mono - service

I have a C# ServiceStack console listener application running on Ubuntu using Mono. Within that application I have one service that must authenticate first at Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS). I have tested the code locally(Xamarin .NET on OSX) and can see the code is fine. Based on the error and investigation using the almighty Google, Mono doesn't trust any secure sites by default.
So far I have tried using mozroots to import all mozilla root certs, and have used certmgr -ssl to import the certs directly from Nothing has worked so far.
I don't want to put code in place to bypass SSL in order to accomplish this as I think that is a cheap/insecure hack. There has to be a proper way to make this work.
Any and all suggestions appreciated!

I had it right. I was just missing the reboot which allowed Ubuntu to load up all the certs in the store.
Victory is mine, sayeth the coder...


SAPUI5 Can't run local Fiori Application properly from VS Code

We used this tutorial to start developing Fiori apps with VS Code:
Everything works fine so far, except the connection to the backend services. When we want to start the application locally we get the following error by getting the OData metadata.
Our server config in ui5-local.yaml:
Before switching to VS Code we used the local WebIDE which worked fine. So I guess there is no configuration on the SAP system which blocks the request.
Did anyone face the same issue and has a solution for us? I searched online and couldn't find anything that fits our problem.
Thanks a lot for any hints.
try this npm install ui5-middleware-proxy-basicauth --save-dev
Are you by any chance in corporate network which uses Self-Signed Certificate. If so npm might fail. Change the ignoreCertError: true and give it a try.

Deploying Meteor App to own server

I have a completed meteor project and is currently deployed on the meteor website. I would like to move it to my own website, which is currently hosted by GoDaddy.
How do I install Node and Mongo on my server (linux) and then run my meteor project? I received ssh access to my server, so I assume I can do this, but I'm just not sure how.
So how exactly do I proceed?
Additional Info:
I'm not exactly sure what of linux it is. On GoDaddy, it simply says linux.
When I ssh, it shows me:
Also, I having my website simply show the webpage would work too. An explanation on how to do this would work.
Discover Meteor has a chapter on deployment which helps to answer this question. For ubuntu-based servers they recommend meteor-up. I haven't used it, but it's probably worth checking out. Previous versions of the book recommended meteoric.
I wrote my own set of bash scripts using a few ideas from meteoric, but I already had a lot of experience doing deployment scripting. Frankly there's nothing quite like figuring it all out yourself, but doing sysadmin tasks doesn't appeal to everyone and it can be hard to pick up in a hurry.

General failure. Please try again. Server may be unavailable (2013)

So today, whenever I try to sign My Blackberry app using the WebWorks packager, I get this error...
"General failure. Please try again. Server may be unavailable".
My proxy settings have not changed and I have been using the same command line instruction with success before.
I've also checked the status of the Blackberry signing server using the following link... or RCR or RRT
And everything appears to be online!
So, where could I be going wrong? Here's the command line instruction I've been using. First, I navigate to my Blackberry build folder and run the following instruction against it...
bbwp –g <password> –o z:\projects\appname\signed
It goes through through parsing the various elements. The signing tool pops up and then the error is generated.
So, after a couple of days of banging my head against the wall-the answer finally came to me. I'm on a MAC but am also using a Windows virtual machine for Blackberry developement, which is running on another network altogether and this specific network is using a firewall, which, according to the network administrator, is currently experiencing a severe technical problem.
The way round it was to sign my Blackberry app using configured proxy settings to communicate with the signing server and viola! It worked!

Has anyone successfully used Talend MDM community edition over SSL?

We've managed to get talend MDM UI working fine over SSL, but we've not managed to get the MDM studio talk to the MDM server over SSL. Has anyone managed this? I've not tried the data integration input steps yet over SSL either.
I tried the forums - no joy.
I suspect for some reason it's not possible - And the reason I suspect this is that when you add an MDM server in TOS it prompts for port, hostname, user and password. Nowhere does it prompt for protocol.
One assumes that the EE version must surely support this? But we have a very simple model and wont be using EE as it would be OTT.
So it turns out this is a bug/unimplemented feature, and has been pencilled in to be fixed in 5.3.0 with luck!

Windows Cert Management - How To

I am supposed to fulfill a common-for-most-developers request to build/consume secure services using ssl/tls... via various communication protocols, not necessary wcf (web) services.
My problem is that I don't know much about certificates and I have been trying to get my background knowledge up to speed on the entire process.
The organization I am coordinating with issued 3 files for me to use:
and also gave me a password for these.
The organization also gave me another certificate:
which is supposed to be used with their test tools.
The scenario is that the organization provided a test suite that runs on one vm, and the software I am building on another. I am supposed to import both of the certs into the vm with my software, and I think the organization's cert into the vm with the test software.
Problem is I don't know how, and the help links they provided are pointing to OpenSSL and some Java2SE tracing the secure requests/responses from either side....
Well, my code is written in C#, and both VM's use Windows Server 2008R2 x64 Standard/Enterprise. I am not sure how to import the certs, and configure them a) on a per application basis for a specific PORT and b) per domain basis?
Any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Well, I downloaded the OpenSSL windows client and converted the AppName.cert.pem, AppName.csr AppName.Key.pem into a single consolidated AppName.PKCS12.
I later imported the result using the Cert Manager (MMC Snap In) in each WS2008R2 VM environment and it worked just fine.
It turns out that the Cert Manager also does understand what is a *.cert.pem file so I was able to import the Organization.cert.pem as well on both VM's.
PS: Never read instructions about Windows config written by a Linux/Unix nut-job. This whole exercise of certificate management would've been easier if the person that wrote the test software manual (which I ported from Linux by the way...) didn't send me on a wild goose chase due to his lack of understanding of the capabilities of the Windows Server Environment... No need for OpenSSL.