How do I reset the IPython input prompt numbering? (console, not notebook or qt) - ipython

The following is my current IPython command prompt (regular terminal IPython, not the notebook, or Qt):
In [45]:
I'm done with my workflow, and am moving on to a new task. I'd like a way to reset the IPython input prompt number as follows:
In [1]:
I understand this may be possible from non-duplicate question to which I cannot reply nor answer for my case: How do I reset the IPython input prompt numbering?
For further clarity, an example of the command I'm after:
In [99]: %reset_command_number
In [1]: 2+2
Out[1]: 4
In [2]: %reset_command_number
In [1]:
The 3 Magic Questions:
Does such magic (%reset_command_number) exist?
If the answer to 1 is yes, what dark magic is it?
If the answer to 1 is no, is this achievable from a lower level IPython api? (yes i've searched the api docs and no i did not find a way to do it, yet...)

One possibility would be to modify the execution_count of the InteractiveShell:
import IPython; IPython.get_ipython().execution_count = 0
Using a one line command with ; makes it easier to call this repeatedly (if you use up-arrow to scroll the command history)
This has the side effect that after first command you will also see this error. I do not know if it has any side effects, though. (it already says that the history logging was moved to another session)
ERROR! Session/line number was not unique in database. History logging moved to new session 20741
In [1]: a = 1
In [2]: b = 88
In [3]: c = 99
In [4]: import IPython; IPython.get_ipython().execution_count = 0
In [1]: a
Out[1]: 1
ERROR! Session/line number was not unique in database. History logging moved to new session 20767
In [2]: b
Out[2]: 88
In [3]: c
Out[3]: 99
In [4]: import IPython; IPython.get_ipython().execution_count = 0
In [1]: a = 15
ERROR! Session/line number was not unique in database. History logging moved to new session 20768
In [2]: a
Out[2]: 15
In [3]: b
Out[3]: 88
Using an alias?
It is also possible to use an alias for the command. For example, create file and put it into your site-packages, ~/.ipython/extensions/, your PYTHONPATH or any other folder you can see in your sys.path
def i_reset(line):
Reset IPython shell numbering to [1]
import IPython; IPython.get_ipython().execution_count = 0
def load_ipython_extension(ipython):
"""This function is called when the extension is
loaded. It accepts an IPython InteractiveShell
instance. We can register the magic with the
`register_magic_function` method of the shell
ipython.register_magic_function(i_reset, 'line')
Then, you may use the extension by first loading it and then calling it like so:
In [4]: %load_ext i_reset
In [5]: i_reset
In [1]: a
Out[1]: 1

I'm not sure you can, and what is done with the notebook is equivalent (from what I understood) to just open a new python session as if you open a new tab and start ipython again, and re-execute everything.
So, if I were you and had to start a new task and want to start at In [1] I would just start a new ipython environment.
The equivalent with ipython notebook to start a new task would be to start a new notebook.
The only reason I can imagine why you would do this is that you want to access some variable from the previous task.
What I would is to save the object you want to re-use using pickle or by saving a variable into a file an reload it in a new ipython session.
Did you looked at the Doc on Input caching system ? You may have answer to other question relative to yours.
Note that I'm aware that's not really an answer, but it's a bit more than just a comment, anyway, I hope this helps !
If you have more specific needs than just reseting the prompt number, just detail them.

Assuming you don't need the session data, the simplest is to exit and restart IPython.
$ ipython
In [1]: 1+1
Out[1]: 2
In [2]: 2+2
Out[2]: 4
In [3]: 3+3
Out[3]: 6
In [4]: exit
$ ipython
In [1]: print("Prompt numbering reset")
Prompt numbering reset
In [2]:


How to use Micropython Classes in separate files

Getting started with MicroPython and having problems with classes in separate files:
import clientBase
import time
if __name__ == "__main__":
time.sleep(15) # Delay to open Putty
print("Going to class")
cb = clientBase.ClientBaseClass
class ClientBaseClass:
def __init__(self):
def process(self):
Compiles and copies to Pico without errors but does not run. Putty output: No idea how to run Putty (or other port monitor) without blocking port!
MPY: soft reboot
Traceback (most recent call last):
Python Conslole:
"C:\Users\jluca\OneDrive\Apps\Analytical Engine\Python\Client\venv\Scripts\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2021.2.4\plugins\python-ce\helpers\pydev\" --mode=client --port=59708
import sys; print('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform))
sys.path.extend(['C:\Users\jluca\OneDrive\Apps\Analytical Engine\Python\Client', 'C:\Users\jluca\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharmCE2021.2\plugins\intellij-micropython\typehints\stdlib', 'C:\Users\jluca\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharmCE2021.2\plugins\intellij-micropython\typehints\micropython', 'C:\Users\jluca\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharmCE2021.2\plugins\intellij-micropython\typehints\rpi_pico', 'C:/Users/jluca/OneDrive/Apps/Analytical Engine/Python/Client'])
PyDev console: starting.
Python 3.10.3 (tags/v3.10.3:a342a49, Mar 16 2022, 13:07:40) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
The first problem I see here is that you're not properly instantiating the ClientBaseClass object. You're missing parentheses here:
if __name__ == "__main__":
time.sleep(15) # Delay to open Putty
print("Going to class")
cb = clientBase.ClientBaseClass # <-- THIS IS INCORRECT
This is setting the variable cb the class ClientBaseClass, rather than creating a new object of that class.
You need:
if __name__ == "__main__":
time.sleep(15) # Delay to open Putty
print("Going to class")
cb = clientBase.ClientBaseClass()
I don't know if that's your only problem or not; seeing your traceback will shed more details on the problem.
If I fix that one problem, it all seems to work. I'm using ampy to transfer files to my Pico board (I've also repeated the same process using the Thonny edit, which provides a menu-driven interface for working with Micropython boards):
$ ampy -p /dev/usbserial/3/1.4.2 put
$ ampy -p /dev/usbserial/3/1.4.2 put
$ picocom -b 115200 /dev/usbserial/3/1.4.2
I press return to get the Micropython REPL prompt:
And then type CTRL-D to reset the board:
>>> <CTRL-D>
MPY: soft reboot
And then the board comes up, the code executes as expected:
<pause for 15 seconds>
Going to class
MicroPython v1.18 on 2022-01-17; Raspberry Pi Pico with RP2040
Type "help()" for more information.
(note that if you replace MicroPython with CircuitPython,the Pico will show up as a drive and you can just drag-and-drop files on it.)
Tried micropython and circuitpython with Pycharm, Thonny and VisualStudio code. The only thing that reliably works is CircuitPython with Mu editor. I think its all about the way the .py files are copied to the Pico board and life's too short to do more diagnostics. Mu is pretty basic but it works! Thanks for the help.

ipython notebook is not updating when I change my code

So, I ran into a weird issue using an ipython notebook and not sure what to do. Normally, when I run a part of the code, if there is an error, I would trace it back, fix it, and then re-run the code. I was doing a similar thing but even after making changes to the code, it looks like nothing is changing!
Here is the example... I am using Python 3.5 so xrange is gone. This then caused an error to be thrown:
---> 26 for t in xrange(0,len(data),1):
NameError: name 'xrange' is not defined
but after changing my code (which you can see below the difference in line 26), the same error pops up!
---> 26 for t in range(0,len(data),1):
28 XXX
NameError: name 'xrange' is not defined
Any ideas on why this would be happening?
As Thomas K said, you're probably making a change in an external file that was not imported. There is a very useful command in ipython notebook for such cases, called autoreaload. With autoreaload, whenever you modify an external file you do not have to import it again because the extension takes care of it for you. For more information check: ipython autoreload.
Whenever using external files along with Ipython use autoreload. It will reload the external files every time before executing any code in IPython.
Add this at first cell of the IPython.
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
For me this was due to one of the following:
Cause 1: imported module not updated
import importlib
Cause 2: other
Solution: restart the kernel, for jupyter notebook this is how
I have the same problem. I tried jupyter magic autoreload but it didn't work. Finally, I solved it in this way:
in the first cell, add
import My_Functions as my
import importlib
But notice if the module is imported in this way:
from My_Functions import *
I couldn't reload it properly.
I have the same issue sometimes. I think it has to do with memory - if I have a bunch of dataframes hanging around it seems to cause issues. If I restart the kernel using the Kernel > Restart option the problem goes away.
I have the same problem sometimes. I restarted the kernels but it didn't work.I try to run the cell (ctr+ enter) two or three times. then the result will be displayed according to the updated codes. I hope it helps.
insert new empty cell with + option, go to Kernel, choose Restart & Run All.
Then, fill in the new inserted cell and run again in Kernel, choose Restart & Run All.
It works with me.

IPython Notebook: Open/select file with GUI (Qt Dialog)

When you perform the same analysis in a notebook on different data files, may be handy to graphically select a data file.
In my python scripts I usually implement a QT dialog that returns the file-name of the selected file:
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
def gui_fname(dir=None):
"""Select a file via a dialog and return the file name.
if dir is None: dir ='./'
fname = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Select data file...",
dir, filter="All files (*);; SM Files (*.sm)")
return fname[0]
However, running this function from an notebook
full_fname = gui_fname()
causes the kernel to die (and restart):
Interestingly, puttying this 3 command in 3 separate cells works
%matplotlib qt
full_fname = gui_fname()
%matplotlib inline
but when I put those commands in one single cell the kernel dies again.
This prevents to create a function like gui_fname_ipynb() that transparently allows selecting a file with a GUI.
For convenience, I created a notebook illustrating the problem:
Open/select file with GUI (Qt Dialog)
Any suggestion on how to execute a dialog for file selection from within an IPython Notebook?
Using Anaconda 5.0.0 on windows (Python 3.6.2, IPython 6.1.0), the following two options are both working for me.
OPTION 1: Entirely in a Jupyter notebook:
%gui qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog
def gui_fname(dir=None):
"""Select a file via a dialog and return the file name."""
if dir is None: dir ='./'
fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Select data file...",
dir, filter="All files (*);; SM Files (*.sm)")
return fname[0]
This is working for me but it seems a bit...fragile. If I combine these two things into the same cell, it crashes. Or if I omit the %gui qt, it crashes. If I "restart kernel and run all cells", it doesn't work. So I kinda like this other option...
MORE RELIABLE OPTION: Separate script that opens dialog box in a new process
(Based on mkrog code here.)
from sys import executable, argv
from subprocess import check_output
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog, QApplication
def gui_fname(directory='./'):
"""Open a file dialog, starting in the given directory, and return
the chosen filename"""
# run this exact file in a separate process, and grab the result
file = check_output([executable, __file__, directory])
return file.strip()
if __name__ == "__main__":
directory = argv[1]
app = QApplication([directory])
fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Select a file...",
directory, filter="All files (*)")
import blah
I have a universal code where it does its job without any problem. Here is my sugestion:
from tkinter import Tk
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilenames
from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter import filedialog
Tk().withdraw() # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing
filenames = filedialog.askopenfilenames() # show an "Open" dialog box and return the path to the selected file
print (filenames)
hope it can be useful
This behaviour was a bug in IPython:
that was fixed here:
The function to open a gui dialog should work on current master and on the oncoming 2.0 release.
To date, the last 1.x version (1.2.1) does not include a backport of the fix.
EDIT: The example code still crashes IPython 2.x, see this issue.

Pyinstaller --onefile warning pyconfig.h when importing scipy or scipy.signal

This is very simple to recreate.
If my script is:
import scipy
Then run:
python --onefile
When I launch foo.exe I get:
WARNING: file already exists but should not: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEI86402\Include\pyconfig.h
I've tested a few versions but the latest I've confirmed is 2.1dev-e958e02 running on Win7, Python 2.7.5 (32 bit), Scipy version 0.12.0
I've submitted a ticket with the Pyinstaller folks but haven't heard anything yet. Any clues how to debug this further?
You can hack the spec file to remove the second instance by adding these lines after a=Analysis:
for d in a.datas:
if 'pyconfig' in d[0]:
The answer by wtobia# worked for me. See
Go to C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PyInstaller\
Find the def append(self, tpl): function.
Change if tpl[2] == "BINARY": to if tpl[2] in ["BINARY", "DATA"]:
Expanding upon Ilya's solution, I think this is a little bit more robust solution to modifying the spec file (again place after the a=Analysis... statement).
a.datas = list({tuple(map(str.upper, t)) for t in a.datas})
I only tested this on a small test program (one with a single import and print statement), but it seems to work. a.datas is a list of tuples of strings which contain the pyconfig.h paths. I convert them all to lowercase and then dedup. I actually found that converting all of them all to lowercase was sufficient to get it to work, which suggests to me that pyinstaller does case-sensitive deduping when it should be case-insensitive on Windows. However, I did the deduping myself for good measure.
I realized that the problem is that Windows is case-insensitive and these 2 statements are source directories are "duplicates:
My solution is to manually tweak the .spec file with after the a=Analysis() call:
import platform
if platform.system().find("Windows")>= 0:
a.datas = [i for i in a.datas if i[0].find('Include') < 0]
This worked in my 2 tests.
A more flexible solution would be to check ALL items for case-insensitive collisions.
I ran the utility (from PyInstaller) on one of my own --onefile executables that has the same error and found that pyconfig.h is included twice:
(31374007, 6521, 21529, 1, 'x', 'include\\pyconfig.h'),
(31380528, 6521, 21529, 1, 'x', 'Include\\pyconfig.h'),
(31387049, 984, 2102, 1, 'x', 'pytz\\zoneinfo\\CET'),
Sadly though, I don't know how to fix it.
PyInstaller Manual link:

How to start IPython Notebook with a specified namespace

I have an GUI-based (TraitsUI/PyQt/Envisage) application written in Python. I would like to spawn an IPython Notebook in which I expose a small API and a number of objects. Those objects include a SQLAlchemy session and a bunch of SQLAlchemy models.
I've looked a lot, but I can't find any examples of this. I can start a notebook:
from IPython.frontend.html.notebook import notebookapp
app = notebookapp.NotebookApp.instance()
and that works well enough (although I'd prefer if 'start' was nonblocking... I assume I can do it in another thread if needed), but I can't alter the namespace.
I've also found examples like this:
from IPython.zmq.ipkernel import IPKernelApp
namespace = dict(z=1010)
kapp = IPKernelApp.instance()
# Update the ns we want with special variables auto-created by the kernel
# Now set the kernel's ns to be ours = namespace
But I'm not sure how to actually open the Notebook from here.
Does anybody have any suggestions?
>>> import IPython
>>> z=1010
>>> IPython.embed()
Python 3.5.2 (default, Oct 8 2019, 13:06:37)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.9.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: z
Out[1]: 1010