Intel XDK, change iOS7 status bar color - intel-xdk

How can I change the background color of the iOS7 statusbar? The statusbar, by default, is black and has white icons and text. I want to change the background color of the statusbar (which shows battery, time, carrier etc...). Who knows how I can do this with Intel XDK?

Try this Cordova plugin,, it should give you what you need. Note that you must use the Cordova build system to use this feature, there is no way to extend that "legacy" builds. Also, if you have not already, please upgrade to 1199, which makes it much easier to configure and build Cordova based apps.


How to specify different dock icon in Swift for macOS App

My app icons are a light blue with clear background and I find that it doesn't show up nicely in the macOS dock.
I'm trying to find a way to use a different icon for the dock icon only but can't seem to find a way to do it programatically or through Xcode.
The dock icon I created does adhere to the Apple HIG guidelines however I'm not distributing through the App Store anyways.
Can anyone help me out?
I'm using XCode 13 with Swift 5.
Setting NSApp.applicationIconImage should do what you need.
EDIT: If you need to display a custom icon even when the app is not running, you need to make a dock tile plugin. Unfortunately, documentation on this is pretty scarce, but basically you need to make a plugin target, embed it inside your app's bundle with the extension .docktileplugin, put the path to your plugin in your app's Info.plist under the NSDockTilePlugIn key, and then make the plugin's principal class implement the NSDockTilePlugIn protocol. Also keep in mind that dock tile plugins are not allowed in the Mac App Store, so you'll need to self-publish with a Developer ID certificate if you go this route.

UIButton has strange unexpected bakground color on different device

I've recently been building an app under iOS 15 (latest as of writing this code), and when I shipped a version of my app to test flight, one of my users sent me a video of the app working, and I noticed, all of my buttons have this strange background highlight effect. Is this some sort of accessibility mode? I've never seen this happen before. In included some screenshots below and the interface builder, there are no custom classes associated to this UIButton. And ALL of the buttons have this effect happening to them.
This other device has a strange background color attached:
But this is how its designed and how it shows up on my device and the simulator:
Here is a screenshot from Interface Builder:
I had a similar problem.
Change the style to default.
And then instead of the tint color, choose the text color.
The background can remain default.. and is therefore transparency.
Tested, works.
Turns out my user had something in iOS accessibility settings turned on, called "Button Shapes". I had no idea...

How to support dark mode in splash screens?

I am trying to support dark mode in a splash screen, which means that I am using a named color inside the LaunschScreen.storyboard file, but I have this error:
Named colors do not work prior to iOS 11.0.
Clearly the problem is that named colors work only in the newer versions of iOS, but there is no easy fix for that. I tried to create a custom view and set the color there, but I just found out that it's not allowed to use custom classes in launch screens. For now the only solution that comes to my mind is to create two separate targets, one for iOS 11+, one for the lower versions but it's a bit overkill and I don't like the idea. Apparently there is no recommendation from Apple on how to support dark mode in launch screen (or at least I couldn't find anything). Any suggestion?
Use systemBackgroundColor for the main view background color.
You can change in Storyboard GUI (no code needed) automatically the system will set the right color in iOS13 and white for previous iOS versions.
PS: for other colors you can use System xxxx Color for standards.
As you said named colors will not work below iOS 11.
[alternative] So, you can create an Image View in Launch screen and set a dark appearance for that image like below.
You can apply your colors in that image.

Make sidebar widget transparent on macOS Mojave

I have two apps for macOS Mojave that come with an extension for the sidebar.
I have noticed that the app extension looks different in the Widget Simulator and the sidebar. When the app runs in the Widget Simulator, the background has some transparency. When I run the app normally, there is no such transparency. I have attached two screenshots:
As you can see, the app has no transparency (compare to the calculator app of macOS).
The second screenshot shows the app running in the simulator with transparency.
Are there any options that I have to set to make it transparent? Is there a new type if NSView descendant? The title bar is also different, so I don't think it is enough to simply set the background color to "clear". The latest version of the app is built for 10.14 only, so I don't care if the solution is only available for macOS Mojave.
I have checked, that the widget inherits the appearance of the super view/window. I did not change any other properties. I also tried using a NSVisualEffectView with various settings, but this also did not solve the problem.
I just found a solution in the Apple Developer forums:
Apple Developer Forum
In the info.plist file of the extension, there is a section called NSExtension. In there, the NSExtensionAttributes/NSExtensionPointVersion had to be incremented (was 2.0, now is 3.0).
Now the app extension looks nice:

margins for ios app icons

I have an icon for my iOS app that seems to be missing some margins that other icons have. This creates an irregular, unwanted border around the icon when it is selected in Springboard (as the darkened selection overlay is smaller than the actual icon), as visible in this image:
When another app is selected (Safari, for example), there is no extra border:
I've tried this out with "Prerendered" setting (in the Xcode Target Summary page) on and off with no visible difference. I've also noticed other apps icons that have this issue. When I look at the icon for an app that doesn't have this issue, I do notice margins of a few pixels on every side.
I couldn't find any values listed online for the margins of different icon sizes. Does someone happen to know the values for the margins, or a program that can create the images with the correct margins? Or is there something else I may be missing?
(Note that the icons are not parallel due to the wiggling icons do in the app-deletion mode of Springboard. The 72#2x visible on the icon is--I assume--a separate issue.)
UPDATE: I myself have verified this on both a iPod Touch 4 (iOS 5) and iPhone 4 (iOS 6). (If it matters, both devices are jailbroken.) The project contains the following icons: Icon (57x57), Icon#2x (114x114), Icon-72 (72x72) and Icon-72#2x (144x144).
UPDATE 2: Since I'm developing an app for Cydia, the automatic icon rounding done by Springboard for regular App Store apps doesn't seem to be a possibility (see comments in #Vojtech Vrbka's answer).
UPDATE 3: Posted my solution to this problem (also removed the linked question in the last paragraph before the updates).
If you are making round corners manually, don't. Use square icon and the round corners will be added automatically.
Here is list of all sizes, that you should include in your app: Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines
It turns out the main problem I had was not knowing what margins to use, but that my app did not get the automatic rounded corners (and margins) from Springboard which regularly installed apps would get (as my app is for Cydia, meaning it's basically a System App, and I was installing it manually to /Applications).
I found a similar question here, which had two useful answers, one which provides a potential way to prepare the icons manually, and another which names a useful app in Cydia which can create the icons correctly: (most likely using the method from the other answer).