How do I view which versions of Elasticsearch plugin I am using - plugins

How do I view the versions of the elasticsearch plugins I am using? I have tried
$ES_HOME/bin/plugin --list
but it doesn't give the version

You can use the Nodes Info api to query the plugin list and version
curl -XGET localhost:9200/_nodes/_all/plugins


How to set the runtime version for Dataproc Serverless

The various runtimes are listed here:
When submitting a batch job how do you set which runtime it executes under?
I tried looking in the documentation and searching the web, but no luck.
I think what you're looking for is the --version flag in gcloud CLI:
Optional runtime version. If not specified, a default version will be used.
If you are using API/Client Library then you can set it via version field in RuntimeConfig.

Find installed Plugin List in Kibana UI

I'm using Kibana 7.1.1 and I have install plugin using ./bin/kibana-plugin install command and I can get list using ./bin/kibana-plugin list.
But Is there any way I can find this Installed Plugin list on Kibana UI?
You can check <kibanaurl>/status page.
You can check _cat/plugins API, it works with elasticsearch although I have not tested with kibana, more info on this API

json4s noSuchMethodError when querying deployed engine in predictionIO

I have a data stack built around PredictionIO 0.14. I use ES 6.4.2, spark2.4.3, and scala 2.11.12(because spark 2.4.3 is back to scala 2.11 as default). I manage to do pio build, pio train, and pio deploy. I'm able to see the engine info if I open the page where the engine is deployed as web service, however I'm not able to query it with curl. I try to do:
curl -k -XPOST http://host:port/queries.json
(using the correct host and port)
but I get the following error:
Stack Trace:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods$.parse(Lorg/json4s/JsonInput;Z)Lorg/json4s/JsonAST$JValue;
at com.actionml.URAlgorithm.buildQueryShould(URAlgorithm.scala:668)
at com.actionml.URAlgorithm.buildQuery(URAlgorithm.scala:585)
at com.actionml.URAlgorithm.predict(URAlgorithm.scala:488)
at com.actionml.URAlgorithm.predict(URAlgorithm.scala:180)
I looked for info and I believe it's due to scala2.11 not having the proper libraries. I would upgrade to scala2.12 but that would again have other serious conflicts with ElasticSearch 6+.
Somehow a solution would be to upload the proper json4s libraries, but I don't know how to do that and where I should put my hands on. It.s strange that the curl command itself has this issue, but it looks like it's related to scala. Do you guys have any suggestion?
Downgrading ES from version 6 to version 5.6 worked for me. I believe ES6 still has incompatibilities with certain scala libraries.

AWS Appsync working example in Swift of s3 image upload?

I'm following this tutorial here:
I'm having some issues getting it to work, wondering if anyone has a working example.
Current issues:
Pods don't match up to the tutorial (awss3 and awsappsync require
different versions of AWSCore (2.6.6 vs 2.6.12)
When using using different pod versions (apsync 2.6.7 and awss3 2.6.6) - the code generated by api-appsync-codegen
doesn't compile - it doesn't create an S3Object class - but tries to
extend it.
Thanks for the help.
AppSync SDK release of 2.6.14 fixes this issue. Now it takes dependency on latest available version of code. You should be able to run pod install --repo-update and be able to get the latest installation.

AEM Is there any other way of building the packages other than from Package manager console?

Is there any other way of building the packages other than from Package manager console in AEM or CQ5 ?
In CQ 5.4 apart from the CRX package Manager console, there used to be another console within CQ, which can be used for the same purpose. But with CQ 5.5, the removed it, and made the CRX package manager the standard one for managing packages.
The package manager does expose an HTTP service interface, which allows managing packages using through Command Line Interface. You can use curl or any other command line clients to achieve this.
The Package Manager Documentation provides the complete details on the various operations that are supported, the request and the response format, and some sample commands.
For e.g, the following is the curl command to create a new package.
curl -u <uid>:<pwd> -X POST
-d packageName=<name> -d groupName=<name>
Apart from the HTTP service mentioned by rakhi4110, you may also use Java API to manage packages. Start with this OSGi service:
You may also upload and install packages using maven crx plugin however this is just about upload and install programmatically