How do I run the Spark decision tree with a categorical feature set using Scala? - scala

I have a feature set with a corresponding categoricalFeaturesInfo: Map[Int,Int]. However, for the life of me I cannot figure out how I am supposed to get the DecisionTree class to work. It will not accept anything, but a LabeledPoint as data. However, LabeledPoint requires (double, vector) where the vector requires doubles.
val LP = => LabeledPoint(classMap(x(0)),Vectors.dense(x.tail)))
// Run training algorithm to build the model
val maxDepth: Int = 3
val isMulticlassWithCategoricalFeatures: Boolean = true
val numClassesForClassification: Int = countPossibilities(labelCol)
val model = DecisionTree.train(LP, Classification, Gini, isMulticlassWithCategoricalFeatures, maxDepth, numClassesForClassification,categoricalFeaturesInfo)
The error I get:
scala> val LP = => LabeledPoint(classMap(x(0)),Vectors.dense(x.tail)))
<console>:32: error: overloaded method value dense with alternatives:
(values: Array[Double])org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector <and>
(firstValue: Double,otherValues: Double*)org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
cannot be applied to (Array[String])
val LP = => LabeledPoint(classMap(x(0)),Vectors.dense(x.tail)))
My resources thus far:
tree config, decision tree, labeledpoint

You can first transform categories to numbers, then load data as if all features are numerical.
When you build a decision tree model in Spark, you just need to tell spark which features are categorical and also the feature's arity (the number of distinct categories of that feature) by specifying a map Map[Int, Int]() from feature indices to its arity.
For example if you have data as:
You can first transform data into numerical format as:
In that format you can load data to Spark. Then if you want to tell Spark the second and the third columns are categorical, you should create a map:
categoricalFeaturesInfo = Map[Int, Int]((1,3),(2,5))
The map tells us that feature with index 1 has arity 3, and feature with index 2 has artity 5. They will be considered as categorical when we build a decision tree model passing that map as a parameter of the training function:
val model = DecisionTree.trainClassifier(trainingData, numClasses, categoricalFeaturesInfo, impurity, maxDepth, maxBins)

Strings are not supported by LabeledPoint, one way to put it into a LabeledPoint is to split your data into multiple columns, considering that your strings are categorical.
So for example, if you have the following dataset:
Then you could split your string data, making each value of the strings into a new column
a -> 1,0,0
b -> 0,1,0
c -> 0,0,1
As you have 3 distinct values of Strings, you will convert your string column to 3 new columns, and each value will be represented by a value in this new columns.
Now your dataset will be
Which now you can convert into Double values and use it into your LabeledPoint.
Another way to convert your strings into a LabeledPoint is to create a distinctlist of values for each column, and convert the values of the strings into the index of that string in this list. Which is not recommended because if so, in this supposed dataset it will be
a = 0
b = 1
c = 2
But in this case the algorithms will consider a closer to b than to c, which cannot be determined.

You need to confirm the type of array x.
From the error log, it said that the item in array x is string which is not supported in spark.
Current spark Vectors can only be filled by Double.


Converting from vector column to Double[Array] column in scala Spark

I have a data frame doubleSeq whose structure is as below
res274: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [finalFeatures: vector]
The first record of the column is as follows
res281: org.apache.spark.sql.Row = [[3.0,6.0,-0.7876947819954485,-0.21757635218517163,0.9731844373162398,-0.6641741696340383,-0.6860072219935377,-0.2990737363481845,-0.7075863760365155,0.8188108975549018,-0.8468559840943759,-0.04349947247406488,-0.45236764452589984,1.0333959313820456,0.6097566070878347,-0.7106619551471779,-0.7750330808435969,-0.08097610412658443,-0.45338437108038904,-0.2952869863393396,-0.30959772365257004,0.6988768123463287,0.17049117199049213,3.2674649019757385,-0.8333373234944124,1.8462942520757128,-0.49441222531240125,-0.44187299748074166,-0.300810826687287]]
I want to extract the double array
from this -
Any = [3.0,6.0,-0.7876947819954485,-0.21757635218517163,0.9731844373162398,-0.6641741696340383,-0.6860072219935377,-0.2990737363481845,-0.7075863760365155,0.8188108975549018,-0.8468559840943759,-0.04349947247406488,-0.45236764452589984,1.0333959313820456,0.6097566070878347,-0.7106619551471779,-0.7750330808435969,-0.08097610412658443,-0.45338437108038904,-0.2952869863393396,-0.30959772365257004,0.6988768123463287,0.17049117199049213,3.2674649019757385,-0.8333373234944124,1.8462942520757128,-0.49441222531240125,-0.44187299748074166,-0.300810826687287]
Which is not solving my problem
Scala Spark - split vector column into separate columns in a Spark DataFrame
Is not solving my issue but its an indicator
So you want to extract a Vector from a Row, and turn it into an array of doubles.
The problem with your code is that the get method (and the implicit apply method you are using) returns an object of type Any. Indeed, a Row is a generic, unparametrized object and there is no way to now at compile time what types it contains. It's a bit like Lists in java 1.4 and before. To solve it in spark, you can use the getAs method that you can parametrize with a type of your choosing.
In your situation, you seem to have a dataframe containing a vector (
val firstRow = df.head(1)(0) // or simply df.head
val vect : Vector = firstRow.getAs[Vector](0)
// or all in one: df.head.getAs[Vector](0)
// to transform into a regular array
val array : Array[Double] = vect.toArray
Note also that you can access columns by name like this:
val vect : Vector = firstRow.getAs[Vector]("finalFeatures")

Vector vs Vectors in spark [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Difference between spark Vectors and scala immutable Vector?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
i am a newbie in Spark.
I am trying to read a text file that has data like:
timestamp id counter value
00:01 1 c1 0.5
00:02 5 c3 0.3
00:03 1 c2 0.1
00:04 2 c2 0.13
and transform them to:
(id, array_of_counters):
(1, [ c1 c2 ])
[ 0.5 0.1]
So, for every id, i create an 2d array, which will have every counter and every value for that specific id in the text file.
I tried to do it with Vectors but i think that what is stored in them, must be double and that i cannot add two vectors, except the case they are breeze Vectors.
Then, i found out there is a data structure called just Vector but i can't find any details about it.
So, my question is what are the main differences between Vector and Vectors in mllib?
val inputRdd = sc.textFile(inputFile).map(x => x.split(","))
val data = => (y(1), Vector(y(2), y(3)))).reduceByKey(_++_)
I don't think a Vector is necessary or appropriate for what it appears you are trying to do here (I could be wrong, we need more specifics on what you want to accomplish). The only way it makes sense is if there is a fixed number of counters (c1, c2, etc...) for each id. If you simply want a set of every id, with it's corresponding list of counters and values, try this (I'm assuming counters are unique to each id):
val data = inputRdd
.map(y => (y(1).toLong, y(2), y(3).toDouble))
.toDF("id", "counter", "value")
.agg(collect_list(map($"counter", $"value")))
.as[(Long, Seq[Map[String, Double]])]
.map(r => (r._1, r._2.reduce(_++_)))
//this results in a Dataset[(Long, Map[String, Double])]
A spark ml.linalg.Vector is basically an Array[Double], and would require a fixed number of counter for every record. You could tranform from the data above into a vector by ordering the Map[String, Double] by it's ._1 and creating a Vector from it's .values.
ml.linalg.Vectors is just a helper object with functions for creating Vector objects.
Factory methods for We don't use the name Vector because Scala imports scala.collection.immutable.Vector by default.
It's also worth noting that mllib is intended for the older RDD API while ml is intended for the newer Dataframe/Dataset API.
Edit: RDD[(Long, Seq[(String, Double)])]
val data = inputRdd
.map(y => (y(1).toLong, Seq[(String, Double)]((y(2), y(3).toDouble))))

BucketedRandomProjectionLSHModel approxNearestNeighbors function on entire dataframe

I'm trying to evaluate an entire DataFrame through the approxNearestNeighbors function of BucketedRandomProjectionLSHModel
What I expect:
A DataFrame containing the following information:
cookieId NN
id1 [id3, id5, id7]
id2 [id8, id9]
Input DataFrame (daily_content_transformed):
cookieID features(a sparse vector)
id1 sparse vector with features
id2 sparse vector with features
This works:
val key = Vectors.sparse(37599,
model.approxNearestNeighbors(daily_content_transformed, key, 20).show(20, false)
It returns a DataFrame with 21 rows. I could extract the cookieId column from this DataFrame and store it in the expected DataFrame.
Where I'm stuck:
instead of hard coding the key to retrieve NN from, run the method for every row in the input dataframe, and make a dataframe as expected above
Any help?
Edit in reply to first response:
After playing around with the suggestion to use approxSimilarityJoin instead of approxNearestNeighbors I came to the following conclusions:
the suggested solution works well for daily_content_transformed.limit(3000)
starting from daily_content_transformed.limit(5000), my spark job terminates with an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError.
my input table contains +- 800 000 unique cookieID's (rows).
Although the suggested solution works for small inputs, scalability is an issue.
BucketedRandomProjectionLSHModel doesn't provide required API. I think you approximate it using approxSimilarityJoin:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{struct, udf, collect_list. sort_array}
val threshold: Double
val n: Int
def take(n: Int) = udf((xs: Seq[String]) => xs.take(n))
.groupBy($"" as "cookieId")
// Collect pairs (dist, id)
.agg(collect_list(struct($"distCol", $"" as "id") as "NN"))
// Sort by dist, drop dist and take n
.withColumn("NN" take(n)(sort_array($"NN", false).getItem("id")))
This guarantees to preserve at most n neighbors.

Spark Build Custom Column Function, user defined function

I’m using Scala and want to build my own DataFrame function. For example, I want to treat a column like an array , iterate through each element and make a calculation.
To start off, I’m trying to implement my own getMax method. So column x would have the values [3,8,2,5,9], and the expected output of the method would be 9.
Here is what it looks like in Scala
def getMax(inputArray: Array[Int]): Int = {
var maxValue = inputArray(0)
for (i <- 1 until inputArray.length if inputArray(i) > maxValue) {
maxValue = inputArray(i)
This is what I have so far, and get this error
"value length is not a member of org.apache.spark.sql.column",
and I don't know how else to iterate through the column.
def getMax(col: Column): Column = {
var maxValue = col(0)
for (i <- 1 until col.length if col(i) > maxValue){
maxValue = col(i)
Once I am able to implement my own method, I will create a column function
val value_max:org.apache.spark.sql.Column=getMax(df.col(“value”)).as(“value_max”)
And then I hope to be able to use this in a SQL statement, for example
val sample = sqlContext.sql("SELECT value_max(x) FROM table")
and the expected output would be 9, given input column [3,8,2,5,9]
I am following an answer from another thread Spark Scala - How do I iterate rows in dataframe, and add calculated values as new columns of the data frame where they create a private method for standard deviation.
The calculations I will do will be more complex than this, (e.g I will be comparing each element in the column) , am I going in the correct directions or should I be looking more into User Defined Functions?
In a Spark DataFrame, you can't iterate through the elements of a Column using the approaches you thought of because a Column is not an iterable object.
However, to process the values of a column, you have some options and the right one depends on your task:
1) Using the existing built-in functions
Spark SQL already has plenty of useful functions for processing columns, including aggregation and transformation functions. Most of them you can find in the functions package (documentation here). Some others (binary functions in general) you can find directly in the Column object (documentation here). So, if you can use them, it's usually the best option. Note: don't forget the Window Functions.
2) Creating an UDF
If you can't complete your task with the built-in functions, you may consider defining an UDF (User Defined Function). They are useful when you can process each item of a column independently and you expect to produce a new column with the same number of rows as the original one (not an aggregated column). This approach is quite simple: first, you define a simple function, then you register it as an UDF, then you use it. Example:
def myFunc: (String => String) = { s => s.toLowerCase }
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
val myUDF = udf(myFunc)
val newDF = df.withColumn("newCol", myUDF(df("oldCol")))
For more information, here's a nice article.
3) Using an UDAF
If your task is to create aggregated data, you can define an UDAF (User Defined Aggregation Function). I don't have a lot of experience with this, but I can point you to a nice tutorial:
4) Fall back to RDD processing
If you really can't use the options above, or if you processing task depends on different rows for processing one and it's not an aggregation, then I think you would have to select the column you want and process it using the corresponding RDD. Example:
val singleColumnDF = df("column")
val myRDD = singleColumnDF.rdd
// process myRDD
So, there was the options I could think of. I hope it helps.
An easy example is given in the excellent documentation, where a whole section is dedicated to UDFs:
import org.apache.spark.sql._
val df = Seq(("id1", 1), ("id2", 4), ("id3", 5)).toDF("id", "value")
val spark = df.sparkSession
spark.udf.register("simpleUDF", (v: Int) => v * v)$"id", callUDF("simpleUDF", $"value"))

How to transform Array[(Double, Double)] into Array[Double] in Scala?

I'm using MLlib of Spark (v1.1.0) and Scala to do k-means clustering applied to a file with points (longitude and latitude).
My file contains 4 fields separated by comma (the last two are the longitude and latitude).
Here, it's an example of k-means clustering using Spark:
What I want to do is to read the last two fields of my files that are in a specific directory in HDFS, transform them into an RDD<Vector> o use this method in KMeans class:
train(RDD<Vector> data, int k, int maxIterations)
This is my code:
val data = sc.textFile("/user/test/location/*")
val parsedData = => Vectors.dense(s.split(',').map(fields => (fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble))))
But when I run it in spark-shell I get the following error:
error: overloaded method value dense with alternatives: (values:
Array[Double])org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector (firstValue:
Double,otherValues: Double*)org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
cannot be applied to (Array[(Double, Double)])
So, I don't know how to transform my Array[(Double, Double)] into Array[Double]. Maybe there is another way to read the two fields and convert them into RDD<Vector>, any suggestion?
Previous suggestion using flatMap was based on the assumption that you wanted to map over the elements of the array given by the .split(",") - and offered to satisfy the types, by using Array instead of Tuple2.
The argument received by the .map/.flatMap functions is an element of the original collection, so should be named 'field' (singluar) for clarity. Calling fields(2) selects the 3rd character of each of the elements of the split - hence the source of confusion.
If what you're after is the 3rd and 4th elements of the .split(",") array, converted to Double:
or if you want all BUT the first to fields converted to Double (if there may be more than 2):
There're two 'factory' methods for dense Vectors:
def dense(values: Array[Double]): Vector
def dense(firstValue: Double, otherValues: Double*): Vector
While the provided type above is Array[Tuple2[Double,Double]] and hence does not type-match:
(Extracting the logic above:)
val parseLineToTuple: String => Array[(Double,Double)] = s => s=> s.split(',').map(fields => (fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble))
What is needed here is to create a new Array out of the input String, like this: (again focusing only on the specific parsing logic)
val parseLineToArray: String => Array[Double] = s=> s.split(",").flatMap(fields => Array(fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble)))
Integrating that in the original code should solve the issue:
val data = sc.textFile("/user/test/location/*")
val vectors = => Vectors.dense(parseLineToArray(s))
(You can of course inline that code, I separated it here to focus on the issue at hand)
val parsedData = => Vectors.dense(s.split(',').flatMap(fields => Array(fields(2).toDouble,fields(3).toDouble))))