PrettyPhoto scroll issue - fusioncharts

I cannot understand why prettyphoto it's not showing the chart if the page has the scroll bar active.
Please check at these two pages, they have exactly the same code with the exception that the second one has more paragraphs and doesn't fit in one screen.
I would really appreciate your help!

Can you give more information. When I open both the pages in Chrome, it is working fine for me.
Also, please note that FusionCharts has stopped supporting the flash version of charts [the charts in your example pages uses Flash version of charts]. You can use the javascript version of their charts.


Syncfusion Charts for flutter, stacked bar chart render the bars is weird behavior

I am using Syncfusion charts for flutter and trying to render a Stacked chart bar
but as you can see in the images below it renders the bars in a weird way and leaves a gap between them
where it should start from zero or it should be linked with prev bar in case of stacked
Thanks for the interest in our Flutter charts. We have analyzed your query and unable to replicate the reported issue at our end. Please share the replication sample will help us to analyze your situation and provide the solution to you sooner. You can also contact us through our support forums, Direct-Trac, or feedback portal if you need any further assistance. We are always happy to assist you!

Mobile-Chrome-App not able to scroll

I also have this issue. I am using Ubuntu and just completed the Hello world tutorial. I wrote some more text and I am unable to scroll. I can see where the words keep going but nothing I have tried lets it scroll. I have not made any HTML/CSS edits. I have only added more text to the <p> tag.
There is some default CSS applied for chrome packaged apps. Putting the following in your CSS should re-enable scrolling:
html {
Someone is putting together a cool guide which might have some more tips. See
Chrome apps have a default stylesheet applied to them, to help the web "page" be more of an "app" by default.
For Chrome Apps on Mobile, we also include this (well, a nearly identical) default stylesheet.
So that is the reason for that behavior. Scrolling is absolutely useful in very many contexts, and is absolutely supported in any DOM element by adding overflow-y: auto;.
It was simply deemed to be the wrong default for packaged apps which live inside a dedicated window of set bounds and where we encourage not having full page content overflow (very much the opposite of the web). Most apps usually surround a main scrolling element with fixed navigational elements (but not always).
FYI, there is also another open issue for Chrome Apps on Mobile to replicate yet more of the Chrome for Desktop default styles.

Content Slideshow Plugin

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what wordpress plugin I can use to create a similar type of slideshow plugin as the ones that are used on Refinery29? Here is a link to an example...
What I like about this particular slideshow/gallery is that the images don't auto-resize to fit into a fixed gallery box, the slides are numbered, there is a full-screen option.
I also like that each slide is a new URL - better click-through rate I would assume.
This is another example that I like as well...
If anyone can provide any suggestions (free or premium plugins), I would be forever grateful!
Thank you!
jquery carousel lite is easy to implement and adapt to your needs;
for more heavyweight stuff you could use jquery carousel

Facebook XFBML like button will not resize width - using Joomla and K2

I just installed the Facebook Like button XFBML plugin on my blog site, which uses K2 and Joomla (I copied the code directly from facebook developers.) The problem is that the plugin is too wide - it's the default 450px wide. Even when I enter 400px, and redo it, it stays 450 px wide. I can't seem to get it to resize for some reason. This is a big problem, because the right side of the comment box is hidden (I have a column on the ride hand side that covers it.) So, you can't push the "post" button. I've searched google and your database, but I can't find any posts about a similar problem. And I'm not sure where to go for help. Here is a link to an article on my site so you can see what I mean:
Ok, your using Joomla, no problem. When I look at the code all I see is . Using Firebug I can see that the comments plugin is runnin at 550px.
When you edit this module do you turn the editor off? I would try that and make sure you add the width variable to the comments tag as it's not showing up.
Comments also requires an href tag to work properly if I'm not mistaken. Not the issue with the width but just a heads up.

How can i make a bottom toolbar with jqTouch for my webpage

I'm trying to make a iPad like toobar at the bottom of my webpage, using the free jqTouch framework. Here's an example I was trying to copy off (first random iphone image i googled for).
Now, a previous StackOverflow question sorta answers it .. but i'm not sure how to extended that answer to include
4 or so sections (eg. friends, person logged in (if they are), etc.)..
Keep that toolbar at the bottom, no matter what. The middle content is scrollable. but the header and this footer should always be visible.
Can this be done?
Actually your link won't help you at all because position:fixed isn't supported in Mobile Safari and brokenly supported in Android. You are going to need a plugin like iscroll, and some fixed positioning, it a bunch of work to get it all working together. However fear not, if you are not interested in going through the pain of developing this yourself, people have done the work for you. See the DataZombies fork of jqTouch, and you can see that in the demo he has a working bottom toolbar (with Badges even!)
To include a tab bar in jQTouch, you'll want to download a later version of jQT than r109, the default package from their homepage. Go to its GitHub to grab a later version of source.
Then, take a look at this post:
Fixed header in Jqtouch, and this demo:
i'm working on my version, to add a fixed tabbar on jQtouch
it's working with jQtouch, iScroll and the iTabbar
this work with the latest jQtouch version
Here a online demo (only Safari and Chrome for desktop browser)