Is maven required to install explicitly if already installed Eclipse Kepler? - eclipse

I have already installed Kepler in which maven comes inbuilt.
After that am I required to download Maven explicitly and set environment variable? or just downloading eclipse kepler version is fine?

The plugin in Eclipse is a different thing from Maven using on command line. So you have to download Maven and install it locally which has nothing to do with Eclipse.


Maven found missing in Eclipse IDE (Mars) after installing m2e-egit

unable to create a maven project after installing the m2e-egit plugin; Obviously I don't see the maven option under Eclipse > Window > preferences
Tool used:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Mars Release (4.5.0)
Try this :
Firstly, for Maven:
Eclipse > Help > Install new software and add
Secondly, for m2e-egit:
Eclipse > Help > Install new software and add
Because the version of m2e-egit in the Marketplace is outdated
Now restart eclipse.
It perfectly worked for me (Mars Version).
I had this same issue with m2eclipse-scala. I tracked the issue down to what seems to be multiple installs of the m2e plugin, one explicit and one implicit. This plugin gets installed by m2eclipse-scala if it's not already there (perhaps similarly to how m2e-egit operates). The base version of Eclipse that I'm using does NOT show m2e installed under Window > Installation Details, but all of the Maven buttons and toolbars are already present, and explicitly installing m2e makes them disappear.

Where does Eclipse install maven?

As far as I know eclipse ships with maven already installed. But in order to set up my M2_HOME in order to work with maven from the command line I need to know where eclipse stores it?
I don't want to download maven separate and have 2 instances of that on my PC. That can only create headaches.
In Eclipse there is only installed a maven-embedder which is a part of Maven which means you have to install maven for the command line separately.
Maven plugin, uses java implementation for calling maven.
What you can do is download and unzip/untar maven for mvn command-line scripts and bin, later you can configure eclipse to point to your created maven home.
Eclipse Embedded Maven is installed into:
Where XXX - version and timestamp

Eclipse - Convert to Maven project

I'm using Eclipse Indigo, and I installed m2eclipse plugin. However, I can't see in Configure a Convert to Maven Project option.
I think I've installed the m2e for a newer eclipse version..Is there a way to install m2e for Eclipse Indigo? (can't find it in the market)
SOLVED: Finally I uninstalled and installed again m2e and now it works..i guess i did something wrong while installing it the first time.
Run "mvn eclipse:eclipse" command in your project directory for convert project to maven project:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
OR (for web project)
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0
If you installed it through the Marketplace, try uninstalling it, and then reinstall it through "Install New Software" under Help. Enter this URL to get it from:
That worked for me. If that URL doesn't work (or if you want an older version), check this page.

Cannot upgrade/un-install m2eclipse plugin in Eclipse

I have Eclipse 3.6 with m2eclipse (Maven's plugin for Eclipse) 1.1, it works.
And now I want to try m2eclipse version 1.4, I upgrade it directly and find I cannot see Maven in any menu. Then I try to uninstall and re-install it but I always get this message and Eclipse doesn't install anything.
Your original request has been modified.
"m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse" is already present because other installed
software requires it. It will be added to the installed software list.
Finally, I try to search all files contain "m2e" and delete them from Eclipse's directory, but still get the same message, any suggestion to un-install m2eclipse?
ps: I use Eclipse Help > About eclipse > Installation details to un-install and restart to make sure m2e is not in Eclipse before re-install. I also use -clean parameter but still the same.
You can remove the m2e plugin in Eclipse Help > About eclipse > Installation details. You should find all the m2e to uninstall.
Edit :
You could also reload eclipse with the -clean option so any cached data used by the OSGi framework and eclipse runtime will be wiped clean

Maven plugin install with Eclipse

I am new to Maven, I have to install maven plugin in eclipse. I am facing some issues in the same, as the inputs I am getting different sites are not working.
I have also gone through existing posts like this, which talks about running the command like :
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=c:\kaptcha-2.3.jar
-DartifactId=kaptcha -Dversion=2.3 -Dpackaging=jar
but where do I run this command ??
This site talks about adding as parameter maven.repo.remote like :
maven -DartifactId=maven-eclipse-plugin-plugin -DgroupId=mevenide -Dversion=0.3.1 plugin:download
BUt where are these parameter set ??
Please can someone help me with pointing some good resource, which gives easy steps to install maven plugin in eclipse?
My eclipse version: indigo release, Java EE IDE.
If you are running eclipse Indigo for Java EE you can install the missing m2e plugin this way:
Help-> Install new software -> Work with: Indigo -> General Purpose Tools -> m2e
See also: Where is m2eclipse?
Start with Eclipse Indigo Java EE edition
m2e is the maven integration for Eclipse. Install this plugin in the IDE.
Import maven project if you have any or create a new one
mvn install:install-file is used to install maven artifacts in local repository, if it cannot be automatically downloaded and installed by maven. This is not normally required, but if you have to do this, you can go to Run as -> Run Configurations... and create an appropriate Maven Build configuration.
maveide is not maintained and not to be referred.
In the Indigo release, Maven is already included by the eclipse plugin m2e. At the plugins website, you will find plenty of material. The steps are normally:
Install eclipse with m2e
Install separately a current maven version (depending on what you need, Maven 2.2.x or Maven 3.0.x)
Configure your installed Maven inside Eclipse due to the documentation. Do that in the section Window > Preferences > Maven > Installations. If that is not visible in Eclipse, you first have to install m2e with the normal installation procedure: Help > Install New Software > Work with: Indigo > Filter text: m2e > Collaboration > m2e. Then next, next, next ...
Hope that helps.
Eclipse > Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
Search for m2e
Install Maven Integration for Eclipse (Juno and newer). [It works for Indigo also]