how to solve something associated with memory and speed of my computer? - matlab

first of all , i have a specific task that works at the expense of every possible combination of range , i already used a program that perform my purpose this code is :
a = input('Please, select your array: ')
b = a(:).'
c = length(b)
for d =1:c
if (d<c)
e{d} = nchoosek(b, d);
tt=cellfun(#(m) padarray(m,[0 max(cellfun(#(n) size(n,2), e)) - size(m,2)],'post'), e,'UniformOutput',0);
but i faced a big problem during the implementation of the program that this command :
e{d} = nchoosek(b, d)
has failed to continue as result of the number of possible choices and number of selected choices and finally the limitations:
When b = nchoosek(n,k) is sufficiently large, nchoosek displays a warning that the result might not be exact. In this case, the result is only accurate to 15 digits for double-precision inputs, or 8 digits for single-precision inputs.
C = nchoosek(v,k) is only practical for situations where length(v) is less than about 15.
that's where my vector consist of the hundreds of numbers which i want to do this process on.
when i run the program , then matlab is being busy until giving me out of memory error in a time and takes along time without implementation of the program then i am forced to out of the program . i looked for a solution by help "out of memory" but i failed to find any solution then i tried to use another command that's
but it takes along time without implementation of the program then i am forced to out of the program too
please please please , i want to practical solution to perform a lot of processes like this for my work .
If the solution depends on the capabilities of my computer tell me about that computer specifications which performs this program easily , quickly and immediately
note that my computer specifications are :
win 7
64 bit
2.3 cpu i3


Framework for Managing Matlab Runs

TL;DR: How should custom simulation runs be managed in Matlab? Detailed Questions at the end.
I am working with matlab where i created some code to check the influence of various parameters on a simulated system. It has a lot of inputs and outputs but a MWE would be:
function [number2x,next_letter] = test(number, letter)
number2x = number * 2;
next_letter = letter + 1;
disp(['next letter is ' next_letter])
disp(['number times 2 is ' num2str(number2x)])
This works if this is all there is to test. However with time multiple new inputs and outputs had to be added. Also because of the growing number of paramters that have been test some sort of log had to be created:
xlswrite('testfile.xlsx',[num2str(number), letter,num2str(number2x),next_letter],'append');
Also because the calculation takes a few hours and should run over night multiple parameter sets had to be started at one point. This is easily done with [x1,y1] = test(1,'a');[x2,y2] = test(2,'b'); in one line or adding new tasks while the old still run. However this way you can't keep track on how many are still open.
So in total I need some sort of testing framework, that can keep up with changeging inpus and outputs, keeps track on already doen calculations and ideally also handles the open runs.
I feel like i can't be the only one who faces this issue, in fact I think so many people face this issue that Mathworks would already came up with a solution.
For Simulink this has been done in form of a Simluationmanager, but for Matlab functions the closest thing i found is the Testing framework (example below) which seems to be rather for software development and debugging and not at all for what i am trying. And somepoint there seem to be 3rd party solutions but they are no longer continued in favor of this Testing framework.
function solutions = sampleTest
solutions = functiontests({#paramtertest});
function paramtertest(vargin)
function [number2x,next_letter] = test(number, letter)
number2x = number * 2;
next_letter = letter + 1;
disp(['next letter is ' next_letter])
disp(['number times 2 is ' num2str(number2x)])
xlswrite('testfile.xlsx',[num2str(number), letter,num2str(number2x),next_letter],'append');
Alternatively I could create my test as a class, create an interface similar to the Simulationmanager, create numerous functions for managing inputs and outputs and visualize the progress and then spawn multiple instances of if i want to set up a new set of parameters while already running a simulation. Possible, yet a lot of work that does not involve the simulation directly.
In total following questions arise:
Is there a build in Matlab function for managing simulations that i totally missed so far?
Can the the Testing framework be used for this purpose?
Is there already some Framework (not from Mathworks) that can handle this?
If i create my own class, could multiple instances run individually and keep track of their own progress? And would those be handled simultaniously or would matlab end up running the in the order they started?
I know this question is somewhat in the off-topic: recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource area. If you feel it is too much so, please focus on the last question.
Thank you!
I've done similar tests using GUI elements. Basic part of simulation was inside while loop, for example in your case:
iter = 0;
iter_max = 5; %the number of your times, you will call script
accu_step = 2; %the accuracy of stored data
Alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
while iter < iter_max
iter = iter+1;
[x1,y1] = test(i,Alphabet(i));
Now you should create a handle to progress bar inside your computation script. It will show you both on which step you are, and the progress of current step.
global h;
global iter_opt;
if isempty(h)
waitbar(t/t_end,h,sprintf('Solving... current step is:%d',iter));
You didn't specified which function you use, if it is for example time-depended the above t/t_end example is an estimation of current progress.
The solving of result also require to be changed on every execution of loop, for example:
global iter;
i_line = (t_end/accu_step+2)*(iter-1);
xlswrite('results.xlsx',{'ITERATION ', iter},sheet,strcat('A',num2str(i_line+5)))
The above example were also with assumption that your results are time-related, so you store data every 2 units of time (day, hours, min, what you need), from t_0 to t_end, with additional 2 rows of separation, between steps. The number of columns is just exemplary, you can adjust it to your needs.
After the calculation is done, you can close waitbar with:
global h

I want advice about how to optimize my code. It takes too long for execution

I wrote a MATLAB code for finding seismic signal (ex. P wave) from SAC(seismic) file (which is read via another code). This algorithm is called STA/LTA trigger algorithm (actually not that important for my question)
Important thing is that actually this code works well, but since my seismic file is too big (1GB, which is for two months), it takes almost 40 minutes for executing to see the result. Thus, I feel the need to optimize the code.
I heard that replacing loops with advanced functions would help, but since I am a novice in MATLAB, I cannot get an idea about how to do it, since the purpose of code is scan through the every time series.
Also, I heard that preallocation might help, but I have mere idea about how to actually do this.
Since this code is about seismology, it might be hard to understand, but my notes at the top might help. I hope I can get useful advice here.
Following is my code.
% This is the code for "Classic LR" algorithm
% 'ns' is the number of measurement in STW-used to calculate STA
% 'nl' is the number of measurement in LTW-used to calculate LTA
% 'dt' is the time gap between measurements i.e. 0.008s for HHZ and 0.02s for BHZ
% 'ltw' and 'stw' are long and short time windows respectively
% 'lta' and 'sta' are long and short time windows average respectively
% 'sra' is the ratio between 'sta' and 'lta' which will be each component
% for a vector containing the ratio for each measurement point 'i'
% Index 'i' denotes each measurement point and this will be converted to actual time
for i=1:nt-ns
if i>nl
if ~isempty(k)
If you have MATLAB 2016a or later, you can use movmean instead of your loop (this means you also don't need to preallocate anything):
lta = movmean(aseries(1:nt-ns),nl+1,'Endpoints','discard');
sta = movmean(aseries(nl+1:end),ns+1,'Endpoints','discard');
sra = sta./lta;
The only difference here is that you will get sra with no leading and trailing zeros. This is most likely to be the fastest way. If for instance, aseries is 'only' 8 MB than this method takes less than 0.02 second while the original method takes almost 6 seconds!
However, even if you don't have Matlab 2016a, considering your loop, you can still do the following:
Remove the else statement - sta(i) is already zero from the preallocating.
Start the loop from nl+1, instead of checking when i is greater than nl.
So your new loop will be:
for i=nl+1:nt-ns
lta = mean(aseries(i-nl:i));
sta = mean(aseries(i:i+ns));
But it won't be so faster.

How to run the code for large variables

I have one code like below-
W = 3;
i = 4;
s = fullfact(ones(1,i)*(W + 1)) - 1;
p2 = unique(sort(s(sum(s,2) == i,:),2),'rows');
I can run this code only upto "i=11" but i want to run this code for upto "i=25".When i run these code for i=12 it shows error message "Out of Memory".
I need to keep these code as it is.How can i modify these code for larger value of "i"?
Matlab experts need your valuable suggestion.
Just wanting to do silly things is not enough. You are generating arrays that are simply too large to fit into memory.
See that the size of the matrix s is a function of i here. size(s) will be 2^(2*i) by i. (By the way, some will argue it is a bad idea to use i as a variable, which is normally sqrt(-1), for such variables.)
So when i = 4, s is only 256x4.
When i = 11, s is 4194304x11. This array takes 369098752 bytes of space, so 370 megabytes.
When i = 25, the array will be of size
ans =
Multiply that by 8 to get the memory needed. Something like 224 petabytes of memory! If you have that much memory, then send me a few terabytes of RAM. You won't miss them.
Yes, there are times when MATLAB runs out of memory. You can get the amount of memory available at any point of time by executing the following:
However, I would suggest follow one of the strategies to reduce memory usage available here. Also, you might want to clear the variables which are not required in every iteration by
clear variable_name

MATLAB program takes more and more of my memory

I'm going to write a program in MATLAB that takes a function, sets the value D from 10 to 100 (the for loop), integrates the function with Simpson's rule (the while loop) and then displays it. Now, this works fine for the first 7-8 values, but then it takes longer time and eventually I run out of memory, and I don't understand the reason for this. This is the code so far:
global D;
tolerance = 9*10^(-5);
for D=10:1:100
r = Simpson(#f,0,D,s);
error = 1;
s = 2*s;
error = (1/15)*(Simpson(#f,0,D,s)-r);
r = Simpson(#f,0,D,s);
clear error;
mtrw's comment probably already answers the question in part: s should be reinitialized inside the for loop. The posted code results in s increasing irreversibly every time the error was too large, so for larger values of D the largest s so far will be used.
Additionally, since the code re-evaluates the entire integration instead of reusing the previous integration from [0, D-1] you waste lots of resources unless you want to explicitly show the error tolerance of your Simpson function - s will have to increase a lot for large D to maintain the same low error (since you integrate over a larger range you have to sum up more points).
Finally, your implementation of Simpson could of course do funny stuff as well, which no one can tell without seeing it...

Timing program execution in MATLAB; weird results

I have a program which I copied from a textbook, and which times the difference in program execution runtime when calculating the same thing with uninitialized, initialized array and vectors.
However, although the program runs somewhat as expected, if running several times every once in a while it will give out a crazy result. See below for program and an example of crazy result.
clear all; clc;
% Purpose:
% This program calculates the time required to calculate the squares of
% all integers from 1 to 10000 in three different ways:
% 1. using a for loop with an uninitialized output array
% 2. Using a for loop with a pre-allocated output array
% 3. Using vectors
% (done only once because it is so slow)
maxcount = 1;
for jj = 1:maxcount
clear square
for ii = 1:10000
square(ii) = ii^2;
average1 = (toc)/maxcount;
% (averaged over 10 loops)
maxcount = 10;
for jj = 1:maxcount
clear square
square = zeros(1,10000);
for ii = 1:10000
square(ii) = ii^2;
average2 = (toc)/maxcount;
% (averaged over 100 executions)
maxcount = 100;
for jj = 1:maxcount
clear square
ii = 1:10000;
square = ii.^2;
average3 = (toc)/maxcount;
% Display results
fprintf('Loop / uninitialized array = %8.6f\n', average1)
fprintf('Loop / initialized array = %8.6f\n', average2)
fprintf('Vectorized = %8.6f\n', average3)
Result - normal:
Loop / uninitialized array = 0.195286
Loop / initialized array = 0.000339
Vectorized = 0.000079
Result - crazy:
Loop / uninitialized array = 0.203350
Loop / initialized array = 973258065.680879
Vectorized = 0.000102
Why is this happening ?
(sometimes the crazy number is on vectorized, sometimes on loop initialized)
Where did MATLAB "find" that number?
That is indeed crazy. Don't know what could cause it, and was unable to reproduce on my own Matlab R2010a copy over several runs, invoked by name or via F5.
Here's an idea for debugging it.
When using tic/toc inside a script or function, use the "tstart = tic" form that captures the output. This makes it safe to use nested tic/toc calls (e.g. inside called functions), and lets you hold on to multiple start and elapsed times and examine them programmatically.
t0 = tic;
% ... do some work ...
te = toc(t0); % "te" for "time elapsed"
You can use different "t0_label" suffixes for each of the tic and toc returns, or store them in a vector, so you preserve them until the end of your script.
t0_uninit = tic;
% ... do the uninitialized-array test ...
te_uninit = toc(t0_uninit);
t0_prealloc = tic;
% ... test the preallocated array ...
te_prealloc = toc(t0_prealloc);
Have the script break in to the debugger when it finds one of the large values.
if any([te_uninit te_prealloc te_vector] > 5)
Then you can examine the workspace and the return values from tic, which might provide some clues.
EDIT: You could also try testing tic() on its own to see if there's something odd with your system clock, or whatever tic/toc is calling. tic()'s return value looks like a native timestamp of some sort. Try calling it many times in a row and comparing the subsequent values. If it ever goes backwards, that would be surprising.
function test_tic
t0 = tic;
for i = 1:1000000
t1 = tic;
if t1 <= t0
fprintf('tic went backwards: %s to %s\n', num2str(t0), num2str(t1));
t0 = t1;
On Matlab R2010b (prerelease), which has int64 math, you can reproduce a similar ridiculous toc result by jiggering the reference tic value to be "in the future". Looks like an int rollover effect, as suggested by gary comtois.
>> t0 = tic; toc(t0+999999)
Elapsed time is 6148914691.236258 seconds.
This suggests that if there were some jitter in the timer that toc were using, you might get rollover if it occurs while you're timing very short operations. (I assume toc() internally does something like tic() to get a value to compare the input to.) Increasing the number of iterations could make the effect go away because a small amount of clock jitter would be less significant as part of longer tic/toc periods. Would also explain why you don't see this in your non-preallocated test, which takes longer.
UPDATE: I was able to reproduce this behavior. I was working on some unrelated code and found that on one particular desktop with a CPU model we haven't used before, a Core 2 Q8400 2.66GHz quad core, tic was giving inaccurate results. Looks like a system-dependent bug in tic/toc.
On this particular machine, tic/toc will regularly report bizarrely high values like yours.
>> for i = 1:50000; t0 = tic; te = toc(t0); if te > 1; fprintf('elapsed: %.9f\n', te); end; end
elapsed: 6934787980.471930500
elapsed: 6934787980.471931500
elapsed: 6934787980.471899000
>> for i = 1:50000; t0 = tic; te = toc(t0); if te > 1; fprintf('elapsed: %.9f\n', te); end; end
>> for i = 1:50000; t0 = tic; te = toc(t0); if te > 1; fprintf('elapsed: %.9f\n', te); end; end
elapsed: 6934787980.471928600
elapsed: 6934787980.471913300
It goes past that. On this machine, tic/toc will regularly under-report elapsed time for operations, especially for low CPU usage tasks.
>> t0 = tic; c0 = clock; pause(4); toc(t0); fprintf('Wall time is %.6f seconds.\n', etime(clock, c0));
Elapsed time is 0.183467 seconds.
Wall time is 4.000000 seconds.
So it looks like this is a bug in tic/toc that is related to particular CPU models (or something else specific to the system configuration). I've reported the bug to MathWorks.
This means that tic/toc is probably giving you inaccurate results even when it doesn't produce those insanely large numbers. As a workaround, on this machine, use etime() instead, and time only longer chunks of work to compensate for etime's lower resolution. You could wrap it in your own tick/tock functions that use the for i=1:50000 test to detect when tic is broken on the current machine, use tic/toc normally, and have them warn and fall back to using etime() on broken-tic systems.
UPDATE 2012-03-28: I've seen this in the wild for a while now, and it's highly likely due to an interaction with the CPU's high resolution performance timer and speed scaling, and (on Windows) QueryPerformanceCounter, as described here: It is not a bug in tic/toc, the issue is in the OS features that tic/toc is calling. Setting a boot parameter can work around it.
Here's my theory about what might be happening, based on these two pieces of data I found:
There is a function maxNumCompThreads which controls the maximum number of computational threads used by MATLAB to perform tasks. Quoting the documentation:
By default, MATLAB makes use of the
multithreading capabilities of the
computer on which it is running.
Which leads me to think that perhaps multiple copies of your script are running at the same time.
This newsgroup thread discusses a bug in an older version of MATLAB (R14) "in the way that MATLAB accelerates M-code with global structure variables", which it appears the TIC/TOC functions may use. The solution there was to disable the accelerator using the undocumented FEATURE function:
feature accel off
Putting these two things together, I'm wondering if the multiple versions of your script that are running in the workspace may be simultaneously resetting global variables used by the TIC/TOC functions and screwing one another up. Maybe this isn't a problem when converting your script to a function as Amro did since this would separate the workspaces that the two programs are running in (i.e. they wouldn't both be running in the main workspace).
This could also explain the exceedingly large numbers you get. As gary and Andrew have pointed out, these numbers appear to be due to an integer roll-over effect (i.e. an integer overflow) whereby the starting time (from TIC) is larger than the ending time (from TOC). This would result in a huge number that is still positive because TIC/TOC are internally using unsigned 64-bit integers as time measures. Consider the following possible scenario with two scripts running at the same time on different threads:
The first thread calls TIC, initializing a global variable to a starting time measure (i.e. the current time).
The first thread then calls TOC, and the immediate action the TOC function is likely to make is to get the current time measure.
The second thread calls TIC, resetting the global starting time measure to the current time, which is later than the time just measured by the TOC function for the first thread.
The TOC function for the first thread accesses the global starting time measure to get the difference between it and the measure it previously took. This difference would result in a negative number, except that the time measures are unsigned integers. This results in integer overflow, giving a huge positive number for the time difference.
So, how might you avoid this problem? Changing your scripts to functions like Amro did is probably the best choice, as that seems to circumvent the problem and keeps the workspace from becoming cluttered. An alternative work-around you could try is to set the maximum number of computational threads to one:
This should keep multiple copies of your script from running at the same time in the main workspace.
There are at least two possible error sources. Can you try to differentiate between 'tic/toc' and 'fprintf' by just looking at the computed values without formatting them.
I don't understand the braces around 'toc' but they shouldn't do any harm.
Here is a hypothesis which is testable. Matlab's tic()/toc() have to be using some high-resolution timer. On Windows, because their return value looks like clock cycles, I think they're using the Win32 QueryPerformanceCounter() call, or maybe something else hitting the CPU's RDTSC time stamp counter. These apparently have glitches on some multiprocessor systems, mentioned in the linked articles. Perhaps your machine is one of those, getting different results if the Matlab process is moved from core to core by the process scheduler.
This would be hardware and system configuration dependent, which would explain why other posters haven't been able to reproduce it.
Try using Windows Task Manager to set the affinity on your Matlab.exe process to a single CPU. (On the Processes tab, right-click MATLAB.exe, "Set affinity...", un-check all but CPU 0.) If the crazy timing goes away while affinity is set, looks like you found the cause.
Regardless, the workaround looks like to just increase maxcount so you're timing longer pieces of work, and the noise you're apparently getting in tic()/toc() is small compared to the measured value. (You don't want to have to muck around with CPU affinity; Matlab is supposed to be easy to run.) If there's a problem in there that's causing int overflow, the other small positive numbers are a bit suspect too. Besides, hi-res timing in a high level language like Matlab is a bit problematic. Timing workloads down to a couple hundred microseconds subjects them to noise from other transient conditions in your machine's state.