Spark: RDD.saveAsTextFile when using a pair of (K,Collection[V]) - scala

I have a dataset of employees and their leave-records. Every record (of type EmployeeRecord) contains EmpID (of type String) and other fields. I read the records from a file and then transform into PairRDDFunctions:
val empRecords = sc.textFile(args(0))
val empsGroupedByEmpID = this.groupRecordsByEmpID(empRecords)
At this point, 'empsGroupedByEmpID' is of type RDD[String,Iterable[EmployeeRecord]]. I transform this into PairRDDFunctions:
val empsAsPairRDD = new PairRDDFunctions[String,Iterable[EmployeeRecord]](empsGroupedByEmpID)
Then, I go for processing the records as per the logic of the application. Finally, I get an RDD of type [Iterable[EmployeeRecord]]
val finalRecords: RDD[Iterable[EmployeeRecord]] = <result of a few computations and transformation>
When I try to write the contents of this RDD to a text file using the available API thus:
the I find that in the file every record begins with an ArrayBuffer(...). What I need is a file with one EmployeeRecord in each line. Is that not possible? Am I missing something?

I have spotted the missing API. It is well...flatMap! :-)
By using flatMap with identity, I can get rid of the Iterator and 'unpack' the contents, like so:
That solves the problem I have been having.
I also have found this post suggesting the same thing. I wish I saw it a bit earlier.


Scala/Spark determine the path of external table

I am having one external table on on gs bucket and to do some compaction logic, I want to determine the full path on which the table is created.
val tableName="stock_ticks_cow_part"
val primaryKey="key"
val versionPartition="version"
val datePartition="dt"
val datePartitionCol=new org.apache.spark.sql.ColumnName(datePartition)
import spark.implicits._
val compactionTable = spark.table(tableName).withColumnRenamed(versionPartition, "compaction_version").withColumnRenamed(datePartition, "date_key")
compactionTable. <code for determining the path>
Let me know if anyone knows how to determine the table path in scala.
I think you can use .inputFiles to
Returns a best-effort snapshot of the files that compose this Dataset
Be aware that this returns an Array[String], so you should loop through it to get all information you're looking for.
So actually just call
and look at each element of the Array
Here is the correct answer:
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
lazy val tblMetadata = catalog.getTableMetadata(new TableIdentifier(tableName,Some(schema)))
lazy val s3location: String = tblMetadata.location.getPath
You can use SQL commands SHOW CREATE TABLE <tablename> or DESCRIBE FORMATTED <tablename>. Both should return the location of the external table, but they need some logic to extract this path...
See also How to get the value of the location for a Hive table using a Spark object?
Use the DESCRIBE FORMATTED SQL command and collect the path back to the driver.
In Scala:
val location = spark.sql("DESCRIBE FORMATTED table_name").filter("col_name = 'Location'").select("data_type").head().getString(0)
The same in Python:
location = spark.sql("DESCRIBE FORMATTED table_name").filter("col_name = 'Location'").select("data_type").head()[0]

Spark Spark Empty Json Files reading from Directory

I'm reading from a path say /json//myfiles_.json
I'm then flattening the json using explode. This causes an error since I have some empty files. How do I tell it to ignore empty files of somehow filter them out?
I can detect individual files checking if the head is empty but I need to do this on the collection of files iterated in the dataframe with the use of the wildcard path.
So the answer seems to be that I need to provide a schema explicitly because it can't infer one from empty file - as you would expect!
val schemadf = //infer schema from file with data or do manually
val schema = schemadf.schema
val raw =
val prep = raw.withColumn("MyArray", explode($"MyArray"))
.select($"ID", $"name", $"CreatedAt")

How to remove header by using filter function in spark?

I want to remove header from a file. But, since the file will be split into partitions, I can't just drop the first item. So I was using a filter function to figure it out and here below is the code I am using :
val noHeaderRDD = baseRDD.filter(line=>!line.contains("REPORTDATETIME"));
and the error I am getting says "error not found value line "what could be the issue here with this code?
I don't think anybody answered the obvious, whereby line.contains also possible:
val noHeaderRDD = baseRDD.filter(line => !(line contains("REPORTDATETIME")))
You were nearly there, just a syntax issue, but that is significant of course!
Using textFile as below:
val rdd = sc.textFile(<<path>>)
rdd.filter(x => !x.startsWith(<<"Header Text">>))
In Spark 2.0:"header","true").csv("filePath")

Copy all elements in RDD to Array

So, I'm reading data from a JSON file and creating a DataFrame. Usually, I would use"//line//to//some-file.json")
Problem is that my JSON file isn't consistent. So, for each line in the file, there are 2 JSONs. Each line looks like this
{ I don't need....}, { I need....}
I only need my DataFrame to be formed from the data I need, i.e. the second JSON of each line. So I read each line as a string and substring the part that I need, like so
val lines = sc.textFile(link, 2)
val part = x => x.substring(x.lastIndexOf('{')).trim)
I want to get all the elements in 'part' as an Array[String] then turn the Array[String] into one string and make the DataFrame. Like so
val strings = part .collect() //doesn't work
val strings = part.take(1000) //works
val jsonStr = "[".concat(strings.mkString(", ")).concat("]")
The problem is, if I call part.collect(), it doesn't work but if I call part.take(N) it works. However, I'd like to get all my data and not just the first N.
Also, if I try part.take(part.count().toInt) it still doesn't work.
Any Ideas??
I realized my problem after a good sleep. It was a silly mistake on my part. The very last line of my input file had a different format from the rest of the file.
So part.take(N) would work for all N less than part.count(). That's why part.collect() wasn't working.
Thanks for the help though!

Apache Spark streaming mapping object and printing attribute

I'm reading from a text file, parsing each line to JSON and am attempting to print one of the attributes:
val msgData = ssc.textFileStream(dataDir)
val msgs =
msgs.foreach(msg => println(msg.my_attribute))
However, I get the following error on compilation:
value my_attribute is not a member of org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[]
What am I missing?
Spark Streaming discretizes a stream of data by creating micro-batch containers. Those are called 'DStreams' and contain a collection of RDD's.
Translated to your case, you need to operate on the content of the RDD, not the DStream:
msgs.foreach(rdd => rdd.foreach(elem => println(elem.my_attribute))
DStreams offer a help method to print the first elements (10 I think) of each RDD:
Of course, that will just invoke .toString on the objects contained in the RDD and print the result. Maybe not what you want with my_attribute as stated in the question.