Restful principles - sending user's identifier in HTTP headers - rest

I'm creating restful api that is used by angular web page. I'm using token based authentication. Server side determines which user sent request based on token value, so I don't have to pass user id on URI. For example, request that returns all orders for logged (with token) user looks like this:
instead of:
Api is still stateless, but the same URI returns different data depending on headers. Is it consistent with Restful principles?

I think that this suggested API violates the address-ability feature of REST. The address of a resource should be in a form that is visible and readable (and some other things not related to your question...). One of the nice things of nice URIs is that one can link to it easily. Headers are actually hiding the real address of the resource hence making it impossible to link to it. So bottom line I would not go for such an API.


What is the best way to implement checking whether a username is already registered on the client side, if I want to keep my API RESTful?

As the title suggests, I am looking to have the client be able to check whether a username or email is already registered before the user submits the registration form. I had considered using an API endpoint that would return true or false for a given username, but this seems more RPC than RESTful. Is it bad practice to have such an endpoint if the rest of my API is RESTful? If so, what would a RESTful approach to this situation look like?
A key concept in REST is that anything that can be named can be a resource; this includes procedures. If you want to have an endpoint that accepts a username in the request body and returns true/false that's perfectly fine.
Alternatively, you can (or may already) treat a user as a resource. Take the GitHub API as an example: you can fetch a user by sending a GET request to{username}. If the user exists, and therefore the username is taken, you'll get back 200 OK. If the user does not exist you'll get 404 Not Found.
If you want to check if a username has been taken you can just issue a request for that username and then check the response. If you choose this approach HEAD is the more appropriate method. HEAD is essentially the same as GET except that the response body is empty. Since you don't need the body to determine if the user exists you can save a tiny bit of bandwidth with HEAD over GET.
You could do a POST /registrations and return a 400 with validation errors array and just have client side logic filter that array for invalid username. In other words, no reason you can't hit the endpoint multiple times. This should help decouple your UX from your API.

Where would be the best place to put the captcha token in a REST API

I'm designing a REST api that allow client side to POST (create) a resource.
Let's call my resource is Subscription and my REST api accepts a Dto called Subscription
The POST request needs to be sent together with a captcha token that will be verified on server side.
My question is where would be the best place to put the captcha token, there're some options that I'm thinking about:
Directly inside Subscription
As a parameter in URL, e.g: /subscriptions?captcha_token=abcd1234
As a HTTP header
Create a new Dto that wraps Subscription and carry field captchaToken
Any other suggestion are welcome.
Thank you.
For anything authentication or authorization related I typically rely on headers or querystring parameters.
Generally I don't like to commingle payload with auth-related material, nor do I like to encapsulate it.
Having it in an HTTP header or as a querystring parameter gives you a good amount of isolation there. Also since it's independent of the request body you can implement broader auth controls for every API call without being dependent on the presence of a request body (important for GET requests which shouldn't carry a request body anyway).
Using a HTTP Header is only an option if your clients can modify / send HTTP Header information. This approach does not work for Standard Browsers.
You are not filtering a resource, so a query parameter from the REST Point of view does not make sense, and you don't want to send the captcha answer as query parameter.
Usually the one submits the captcha information (id, answer) together with the form data (payload). You also usually display captchas together with the form.
So at the end the only useful option is to send the captcha information as part of the payload / form data.
If you should put the data into your Subscription DTO or not depends on your design / preferences.
I'd suggest to use something like a Subscription(Data) and SubscriptionRequest where the SubscriptionRequest contains the SubscriptionDataand the Captha Information (capcha id and answer)

Is leaving out the current user ID in a REST endpoint bad practice?

I'm currently writing my own REST API. One of my endpoints is named /api/profile, which takes either GET to retrieve or PUT to update this profile. I have been told that it's considered bad practice or plain wrong to not include any form of user ID, email or username in the URL, when calling PUT /api/profile. Every request has a Bearer token for authentication, which makes the server load the user in case and stores it in the request data. Upon updating information using PUT, I thought it'd be safe to assume that if no parameter has been supplied to the URL, the target is self, in this case, the authenticated user.
Am I wrong to make this assumption and/or is this a bad example of REST?
One of the architectural constraints of REST is to make your resources cacheable.
When you have some proxy or other cache between your client and server, the request line GET /api/profile cannot be cached, or another user would potentially retrieve the wrong profile.
You could use a Vary: Authorization header in your case to prevent this. But having an id in the URL will make unequivocally clear which resource you want to retrieve.
For PUT requests, this is not an issue as they won't be cached, but you should keep your URI design consistent.

Client Facing REST API Authentication

I have seen many different posts regarding different solutions for authenticating a RESTful API and I have some questions, given this current scenario.
I've built a REST API that will allow clients of my software service (we are a B2B company) to access resources programmatically. Now that I've got the API working properly, I'd like to secure it in the most standardized way possible. I need to allow access to certain resources based on the caller of the API. That is to say, not all users of the API can access all resources.
I have URLS available in the following formats:
So far I've come up with these possible solutions:
Provide a unique key to each client that they can use to ultimately generate an encrypted token that will be passed as a GET parameter at the end of each REST call to (re)-authenticate every single request. Is this approach too expensive
Provide a value in the HTTP Authorization Header as seen here. Is this almost the same as #1? (Except I can't paste a URL into the browser) Do people use these headers anymore?
Use OAuth 2 (which I'm still a bit unclear on). Does OAuth 2 actually authenticate the client as a logged in user? And doesn't that go against the spirit of a REST API being stateless? I was hoping OAuth was the proper solution for me (since it's a public standard), but after reading up on it a little bit, I'm not so sure. Is it overkill and/or improper for REST API calls?
My goal is to provide an API that will not have to be changed for each client that wants to consume the API, but rather that I can provide a standard documentation made available to all of our clients.
I'll be happy to post additional details if I've been unclear.
There are 2 type of clients you probably want to prepare your API:
trusted clients - Which are written by you. They can have the username and password of the actual user, and they can send that data to your server with every request, possibly in a HTTP auth header. All you need is an encrypted connection by them.
3rd party clients - Which are written by some random developer. You can register them in your service and add a unique API key to each of them. After that if an user wants to use their services, you have to show her a prompt in which she can allow access to the 3rd party client. After that the 3rd party client will be assigned to the user's account with the given permissions and it will get an user specific access token. So when the client sends its API key and the user specific token along with the request, then it sends the requests in the name of the user.
OAuth can help you to control the second situation.
Your URLs do not have a meaning to the clients. By REST you have to decouple the clients from the URL structure by sending links annotated with semantics (e.g. link relations). So your documentation does not have to contain anything about the URL structure (maybe it can be useful for server side debug, but nothing more). You have to talk about different types of links. By generating these links on server side, you can check the permissions of the actual user (or 3rd party client) and skip the links which she does not have permission to follow.

RESTful HATEOAS Client Url

I'm reasonably sure I understand the server-side of HATEOAS design - returning state URL's in the response - but I'm slightly confused about how to design a client to accept these.
For instance, we access a resource at // - this provides us with the resource data and links. We'll assume POST to // is returned, indicating a 'new' action. Now I understand posting some data to that url creates a new resource, and provides a response, but where does the form to post that data reside? I've seen implementations where // provides a form which POSTS to /resource, but that URL itself contains a verb, and seems to violate REST.
I think my confusion lies in that I'm implementing a RESTful API and a client to consume it, within the same application.
Is there some sort of best-practice for this sort of thing?
I've seen implementations where // provides a form which POSTS to /resource, but that URL itself contains a verb, and seems to violate REST.
This is incorrect. A URI containing a verb does not, in itself, violate any REST constraint. It is only when that URI represents an action that this becomes a violation. If you can perform a GET request on the URL and receive some meaningful resource (such as a "create new resource" form), then that is perfectly RESTful, and good practice.
My own API is exactly as you describe: /{collection}/new returns a form. /new is just shorthand for a hypothetical /new-resource-creation-form and still represents a noun, and only supports GET requests (HEAD, OPTIONS and TRACE not withstanding).
What HATEOAS prohibits is the user agent being required to know, that in order to create a new resource, it must add /new to the name of the collection.
Basically, if you implement your API as (X)HTML, and can surf it in a browser and perform all actions (AJAX may be required for non-POST form submissions until HTML and browsers catch up with HTTP), then it complies with the hypermedia constraint of REST.
EDIT promoted from comments:
As long as the response negates any need for a priori knowledge, it conforms to the hypermedia constraint. If the client claims to understand HTML, and you send back a response containing a link to an external stylesheet or javascript (no matter where that is hosted) which the client needs to be able to render the page correctly, then it is reasonable to say that the constraint is met. The client should know how to handle all media types it claims to support. A normal human web browser is the perfect example of a client with no out-of-band knowledge about any one HTTP service (web site).
Just to say it explicitly, a web site is a kind of HTTP service. Web browsers do not treat different web sites differently. In order to search for products on Amazon, you load the Amazon service endpoint at and follow links or fill out forms provided in that response. In order to search for products on eBay, you load the eBay service endpoint at and do the same.
Browsers don't know in advance that for searching eBay you must do this, but for searching Amazon you have to do that. Browsers are ignorant. Clients for other HTTP services should be ignorant too.
Yes, you could provide a URI that returns a form for resource creation. Conceivably the form could be used for dynamic discovery of the elements needed to construct a new resource (but you'd want to decide how practical that would really be in a machine-to-machine environment).
Unless there is a requirement that somehow the API has an exact browser-surfable equivalent, the documentation of the media type will describe what elements are needed.
Remember that documentation of media types and the allowed HTTP verbs for a resource is not contrary to RESTful principles. Look at the SunCloud API for an example.
Indeed, according to your example, POST'ing to
to create a new resource is more standard than first returning a form
and THEN POST'ing to