How to avoid naming colisions in resource names? - chef-recipe

I just had an error in my recipe because i had an resource with the same name in another recipe. I had a execute resource named 'download-package' resource in both recipes...
How can i avoid naming collisions in chef recipes?

As far as I know there's no magical way for this and a report handler won't be able to report resource duplication (but I may be wrong here, anyone with better knowledge is welcome to confirm/infirm this statement)
The best you can do is running test with vagrant isolated boxes and fix the Warnings when necessary ...
I think you may already check this with chefspec/berkshelf as the converge will raise this kine of warnings, it involves mocking the runlist with chefspec (with a role or something like that)
Here is a great blog about how to test cookbooks
Chefspec doc is here:
Hope it will help you


NodeId as string in ModelCompiler OPC UA

I am trying to develop a OPC UA server on my own, but since I am quite a newbie in coding, it is quite hard for me.
I have started from the QuickstartApplication found here:
in particular I edit the ModelDesign.xml file to customize it as I wish
I would like to define some nodes with NodeId as string (all the NodeId in the ModelDesign.xml in the example are numeric)
Following this xsd, I have found "StringId" and "NumericId" that look like what was looking for
but changing their value in ModelDesign.xml does nothing about the NodeId. There is no error, just the compiler assigns new NodeIds (all numeric) as if it does not consider the changes I have made.
As a compiler, I am using the ModelCompiler found on GitHub
Can somebody help me, please? How can I customize the NodeId of the nodes?
Thank you
the best suggestion that I can offer at this stage is to clone the UA-.NETStandard and run the NetCoreConsoleServer in
through the debugger. The boiler node manager, if my memory serves me well, uses stringIDs. The Interface INodeIdFactory in ISystemContext.cs offers some insight in how ID's are generated.
IMHO, the model designer has no switch to enforce string ID's as you know. So you'll need to programmatically allocate stringID's rather than numeric ID's to nodes upon server boot. I haven't figured it out yet either.
So, you may set breakpoints in the BoilerNodeManager.cs and see how the nodeID is actually constructed.

Yocto: how to remove/blacklist some dependency from RDEPENDS of a package?

I have a custom machine layer based on
I've upgraded the kernel to 4.8.6 and want to add X11 to the image.
I'm modifying to image recipe (
Since wandboard is based on i.MX6, I want to include the xf86-video-imxfb-vivante package from meta-fsl-arm.
However, it fails complaining about inability to build kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv. I believe that happens because xf86-video-imxfb-vivante DEPENDS on imx-gpu-viv which in turn RDEPENDS on kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv.
I realize that those dependencies have been created with meta-fsl-arm BSP and vanilla Poky distribution. But those things are way outdated for wandboard, hence I am using the custom machine layer with modern kernel.
The kernel is configured to include the Vivante DRM module and I really don't want the kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv package to be built.
Is there a way to exclude it from RDEPENDS? Can I somehow swear my health to the build system that I will take care of this specific run-time dependency myself?
I have tried blacklisting 'kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv' setting PNBLACKLIST[kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv] in my local.conf, but that's just a part of a solution. It helps avoid build failures, but the packaging process still fails.
IIUC you problem comes from these lines in img-gpu-viv recipe:
FILES_libgal-mx6 = "${libdir}/libGAL${SOLIBS} ${libdir}/libGAL_egl${SOLIBS}"
FILES_libgal-mx6-dev = "${libdir}/libGAL${SOLIBSDEV} ${includedir}/HAL"
RDEPENDS_libgal-mx6 += "kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv"
INSANE_SKIP_libgal-mx6 += "build-deps"
I would actually qualify this RDEPENDS as a bug, usually kernel module dependencies are specified as RRECOMMENDS because most modules can be compiled into the kernel thus making no separate package at all while still providing the functionality. But that's another issue.
There are several ways to fix this problem, the first general route is to tweak RDEPENDS for the package. It's just a bitbake variable, so you can either assign it some other value or remove some portion of it. In the first case it's going to look somewhat like this:
RDEPENDS_libgal-mx6 = ""
In the second one:
RDEPENDS_libgal-mx6_remove = "kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv"
Obviously, these two options have different implications for your present and future work. In general I would opt for the softer one which is the second, because it has less potential for breakage when you're to update meta-fsl-arm layer, which can change imx-gpu-viv recipe in any kind of way. But when you're overriding some more complex recipe with big lists in variables and you're modifying it heavily (not just removing a thing or two) it might be easier to maintain it with full hard assignment of variables.
Now there is also a question of where to do this variable mangling. The main option is .bbappend in your layer, that's what appends are made for, but you can also do this from your distro configuration (if you're maintaining your own distro it might be easier to have all these tweaks in one place, rather than sprayed into numerous appends) or from your local.conf (which is a nice place to quickly try it out, but probably not something to use in longer term). I usually use .bbappend.
But there is also a completely different approach to this problem, rather than fixing package dependencies you can also fix what some other package provides. If for example you have a kernel configured to have imx-gpu-viv module built right into the main zimage you can do
RPROVIDES_kernel-image += "kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv"
(also in .bbappend, distro configuration or local.conf) and that's it.
In any case your approach to fixing this problem should reflect the difference between your setup and recipe assumptions. If you do have the module, but in a different package, then go for RPROVIDES, if you have some other module providing the same functionality to libgal-mx6 package then fix libgal-mx6 dependencies (and it's better to fix them, meaning not only drop something you don't need, but also add things that are relevant for your setup).

ansible / boto / any other suggestions - update ASG tag

Would anyone have suggestions, pointers, examples of updating a current ASG's tagging?
I have a need to update tags on ASGs rather frequently. So far, playing with ec2_asg, I'm unable to figure out if it's possible. My next best so far has been having ansible run the CLI commands themselves. Before I start going the boto path and writing my own script, I thought I'd ask the community.
Any suggestion, pointer or example is always appreciated. Thank you.
You can use the ec2_tag module. Just apply the tags you want on the ASG ARN.
Creates, removes and lists tags from any EC2 resource. The resource is referenced by its resource id (e.g. an instance being i-XXXXXXX). It is designed to be used with complex args (tags), see the examples. This module has a dependency on python-boto.

How to replace a shared file when deploying code with Capistrano?

Update: TL;DR there seems to be no built-in way to achieve this, so a custom task is an easy solution.
Capistrano provides facilities to share files and directories over all releases. This is convenient and provides even some safety on files that should not be easily changed (or must remain the same across releases), e.g. a database configuration file.
But when it comes to replace or just update one of these shared files, I end up doing it manually, directly on the target machine. I would like to improve on that, for instance by asking Capistrano to overwrite some or all shared files when deploying. A kind of --force flag with some granularity.
I am not aware of any such kind of facility, and failing so far in my search. Any pointer?
Thinking about it
One of the reason why this facility does not exist (except that I did not find it!) is that it may be harder than it looks. For example, let's assume we have a shared database configuration file, and we exclude it from version control for security reason (common practice). Current release relies on version 1 of the DB configuration. The next release requires version 2 of the DB configuration. If the deployment goes well, everything's good. It gets harder when rolling back after some error with the new release (e.g. a regression), as version 1 must then be available.
Such automation would be cool and convenient, but dangerous as well. Yet I have practical use cases at hand.
I created a template method to do this. For example, I could have a task like this:
task :create_database_yml do
on roles(:app, :db) do
within(shared_path) do
template "local/path/to/database.yml.erb",
:mode => "600"
And then I have a database.yml.erb template that uses things like fetch(:database_password) to fill in appropriate values. You can use the ask method in Capistrano to prompt for these values so they are never committed.
The implementation of template can be very simple: you just need to read the file, pass it through ERB, and then use Capistrano's upload! to place the results on the server.
My version is a little more complicated than yours probably needs to be, but in case you are curious:
One approach is to use a system configuration tool like Chef or Puppet to deploy the configuration files distinctly from Capistrano.
Another approach is to create a custom task to do this:
I personally don't change on-server configs often enough or on enough servers yet to have tried to automate it. Crafting an scp command which copies the desired config file to all of the required servers has sufficed in the past.

What can make Class::Loader fail where "use" and "new" do not?

I'm working on a very large CGI application that uses Crypt::RSA, which is properly installed. I get a "attempted to call a null reference as a function" type of error (I can't go back to get the exact error right now because we had to rollback for a release date) when I try to run any the embedded library. I trace the null reference to Crypt::RSA's constructor, which uses Class::Loader to enable Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP.
I replaced the class loader with a "use" and a "new", and that part works fine, though the library still fails in many points. Obviously something is wrong with my environment. I'm just not certain as to what. Can anyone give me any leads?
Ok, after 12 hours of digging into it, I got this working.
Here's what was going on (but not why). Whenever I called eval() on a quoted use or require statement (as occurs in Class::Loader, but also in other locations in the Crypt:: framwork), it failed to see paths that were otherwise included as Perl classpaths. Since most quoted use/require objects simply assume the class will be there, very few useful errors were thrown out at me. I would dump #INC to file, outside an eval block, and everything would be there.
Ironically, I used the same setup in dev vs staging, and it worked in dev, but not in staging. I must also point out that FindBin (I shouldn't be using it in CGI, I know, but Crypt uses it) was flailing up and down about /dev/null in staging, but not in development.
Since I can't easily compare versions or global configs, that's where my quest ends.
How I resolved the issue for myself in Crypt::RSA was to disable all commands tied to FindBin, and hard-code require references for anything my code would ever access. I did a require in Crypt::RSA for Crypt::RSA::ES::OAEP and one in Crypt::Random::Generator for Crypt::Random::Provider::rand
Hope this helps anyone in the future who has the problem. Anyone who can suggest the why of it, please respond and I'll add it to complete the post.