Julia MongoDB save raw variable - mongodb

I would like to save some variables in Julia to a database using MongoDB. I ran into a problem when using the following function:
insert(client, "myDB.rawInfo", { "raw" => status})
This works when saving simple information, like strings or ints. However, status is of type Array{Any,1}. When saving, I get the following error message:
`build` has no method matching build(::Ptr{None}, ::Dict{String,Any})
while loading In[256], in expression starting on line 18
in append at C:\Users\Guido\.julia\v0.3\Mongo\src\BSON.jl:225
in append at C:\Users\Guido\.julia\v0.3\Mongo\src\BSON.jl:231 (repeats 2 times)
in build at C:\Users\Guido\.julia\v0.3\Mongo\src\BSON.jl:207
in BSONObject at C:\Users\Guido\.julia\v0.3\Mongo\src\BSON.jl:82
in find_one at C:\Users\Guido\.julia\v0.3\Mongo\src\Mongo.jl:30
in find_one at C:\Users\Guido\.julia\v0.3\Mongo\src\Mongo.jl:34
Can anyone help me?

There seems to be something wrong with the MongoDB package for Julia which causes the malfunction of nested variables. A fix has been made a while ago and can be applied by manually reinstalling this version of MongoDB for Julia (first uninstall, than manually reinstall): https://github.com/rened/Mongo.jl


Custom function that returns the latest value

I am trying to create a script using mongo shell in Robo3T, where I can get returned all the latest dates of users that have submitted to userhistories. Although for some reason this script wont work. I am trying to compare 2 rows and then print the date if the ID is the same.
function lastDate(userID) {
print(db.userhistories.find({"user": userID}).sort({date:1}).limit(1));
lastDate(db.users.find().forEach(function(val){ val._id.toString()}));
What is wrong with this script? Or is there a better way to fix this issue??

For loop to open files in Python

I am relatively new to Python and need to run a python macro through Abaqus. I am opening files e.g "nonsym1, nonsym2, nonsym3". I'm trying to do this with a loop. The code opens nonsym1 (in abaqus) and performs some operations on it, then is supposed loop back and do the same to the other files. Here is the code I'm trying...
for i in range (1,10):
filename = 'nonsym(i)'
step = mdb.openStep(
'C:/Users/12345678/Documents/Inventor/Aortic Dissection/%s.stp' %filename,
My main issue is coming from the fact that the %s in the directory I think?...
error message when trying to run this macro Don't know how to best approach this, so any help would be great thanks! Still learning!
Instead of using filename=nonsym1-2-3-..., name the step files as integers 1.stp,2.stp,3.stp and then convert integers to the string values with %str(i)...
And use the code below:
for i in range (1,10):
step = mdb.openStep(
'C:/Users/12345678/Documents/Inventor/Aortic Dissection/%s.stp' %str(i), scaleFromFile=OFF)
To obtain equal quantity of odb files, modify the Job code line as similiar as this code.

Update in MongoDB Meteor

Is there any scenario that explains why the update is not working, I can't seem to pinpoint the cause and I don't see any errors whatsoever. Is there a way to check the output of the update function because currently the update is not doing anything. That means the last log line shows a value different than 20170615-7702.
console.log(item._id+ " =======> " + item.build.parameters.BUILD_NUM);
Db.update({"_id":item._id}, {$set:{"build.parameters.BUILD_NUM":"20170615-7702"}});
console.log(Db.findOne({"_id": item._id}).build.parameters.BUILD_NUM);});
Thank you
The code above should work. I think that the problem above is that it is not able to update the document as fast as it prints the output. First try:
var itemUpdated = Db.findOne({"_id": item._id});
The other option is very simple go to the command line and run meteor mongo. Then see all the entries in the collection and their properties.
Third and maybe the best option to test here is to use setTimeout() for the console.log().
Hope it helps.

dataFrame keying using pandas groupby method

I new to pandas and trying to learn how to work with it. Im having a problem when trying to use an example I saw in one of wes videos and notebooks on my data. I have a csv file that looks like this:
I loading it to a data frame and the group it by "filePath" and "vp", the code is:
res = df.groupby(['filePath','vp']).size()
and the output is:
[E:\Audio\7168965711_5601_4.wav Cust_2102513187,
Cust_4062144116, Cust_5105831247,
Cust_5753907026, Cust_6073165338,
Cust_6625625104, Cust_7023544759,
Cust_7403410322, Cust_9513082770,
Cust_9513243289, Cust_9702229339,
Cust_9702445777, Cust_9708568031,
Now Im trying to approach the index like a dict, as i saw in examples, but when im doing
I get an error:
KeyError: 'Cust_4062144116'
I do succeed to get a result when im putting the filepath, but as i understand and saw in previouse examples i should be able to use the vp keys as well, isnt is so?
Sorry if its a trivial one, i just cant understand why it is working in one example but not in the other.
Rutger you are not correct. It is possible to "partial" index a multiIndex series. I simply did it the wrong way.
The index first level is the file name (e.g. E:\Audio\7168965711_5601_4.wav above) and the second level is vp. Meaning, for each file name i have multiple vps.
Now, this is correct:
and will return:
Cust_2102513187 2
Cust_4062144116 8
but trying to index by the inner index (the Cust_ indexes) will fail.
You groupby two columns and therefore get a MultiIndex in return. This means you also have to slice using those to columns, not with a single index value.
Your .size() on the groupby object converts it into a Series. If you force it in a DataFrame you can use the .xs method to slice a single level:
res = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(['filePath','vp']).size())
res.xs('Cust_4062144116', level=1)
That works. If you want to keep it as a series, boolean indexing can help, something like:
res[res.index.get_level_values(1) == 'Cust_4062144116']
The last option is a bit less readable, but sometimes also more flexibile, you could test for multiple values at once for example:
res[res.index.get_level_values(1).isin(['Cust_4062144116', 'Cust_6073165338'])]

Can not delete collection from mongodb

Can not delete the collection from the shell,
The thing that the collection is available and my php script is accessing it (selecting|updating)
But when I used:
it gives me an error:
Date, JS Error: TypeErrorL db._registration has no properties (shell): 1
The problem is not with deleting the collection. The problem is with accessing the collection. So you would not be able to update, find or do anything with it from the shell. As it was pointed in mongodb JIRA, this is a bug when a collection has characters like _, - or .
Nevertheless this type of names for collections is acceptable, but it cause a problem in shell.
You can delete it in shell with this command:
or this
but I would rather rename it (of course if it is possible and will not end up with a lot of changing).
You can also use:
which syntax works in JS as well.
For some reason the double quotes "_registration" did not workfor me .. but single quote '_registration' worked