Get state of MATLAB GUI radiobuttons? - matlab

I have two radio buttons in my interface. I also have some pushbuttons. When ever I click a pushbutton I want it to call a function according to the selected radio button.
I tried adding the function given below
function rotation_SelectionChangeFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)]
Tag = get(hObject, 'Tag');
But nothing is coming up when I change the selection. I want to know whether there is any mistake in the way I implemented the code or is there a better way of doing this?

Whenever you use radiobuttons you might want to regroup them in button groups, then it's quite easy to play with radio buttons, and you make sure that only 1 radio button per group gets selected at any time.
For radio buttons in button groups, you want to use the following:
to get the tag of the new value just being selected. You can also use OldValue as well if you want.
In the callback of your pushbutton, you can query whether a radio button is activated with its 'value', i.e. 1 if it is selected.
StateRadioButton = get(handles.RadioButton1,'Value'); %assuming the tag is "RadioButton1".
The hObject property is particular for the specific callback in which it is used, otherwise you need to use the handles structure to access elements from other functions.


how to hide existing uicontrol in Matlab before printing figure?

I am using a Matlab based program that does some nice plots of some model results. It adds uicontrol slides and buttons in figures. I have no expierence with gui programming in Matlab, and I dont need it, I just wanna add on my matlab script a couple of lines to hide slides and buttons. I can do it manually from the property editor and set "Visible" to "off", but I was reading the Matlab manual and it does not explain how to retrieve an existing uicontrol and change its properties. Any hint? I tried this with no luck:
b = get(gcf,'uicontrol');
You simply need to access the element from the handles structure and change its property from there.
For example, if the pushbutton is stored in the handles structure like this:
handles.b %// Whatever name you gave it and see in the Property Inspector
you can make it not visible using the command
and likewise for every other properties.
Little trick: If you need to repeatedly turn on and off elements of your GUI, you can put them in an array of handles for example in the Opening_Fcn of the GUI and change them all at once using this array anywhere in the GUI. This way you won't have to always call them one by one which can be tedious.
handles.AllButtons = [handles.button1; handles.button2; handles.button3]
this contains the handles to 3 pushbuttons let's say. Now if yu need to turn them all off/on at the same time, you can do:
instead of doing
From GUIDE, you can check the actual name of any uicontrol component in the Property Inspector. Here is a screenshot from a GUI I made with GUIDE:
In this case, the Tag associated with the button is pushbutton28_ReferenceChannelApply.
Therefore, in order to change any of its properties I would need to use:
You can look for pushbuttons in your GUI with the findobj command like so:
FindButtons = findobj('Style','push')
which will output an array of handles to those pushbuttons. Then you can query their properties using the get command:

uimenu buttons remain pressed and trigger also other menus by just sliding over them: pushbutton behaviour desired

I implemented various uimenus in my uitable but there appears a very annoying behaviour.
function createUItable
h = figure
function someAction(~,~)
%some action
But after executing the callback function, the menu button remains pressed and highlighted and not even that, when I slide over the next menu button, this one is triggered also!
This behaviour was also described at Matlab Central, but without solution.
I tried the suggested:
function someAction(~,~)
%some action
which does not change anything. set(gcbo,'Enable','off') alone would solve the sliding problem, but also disables the whole button, what I don't want.
I also tried to use the 'Checked','Visible' and 'Interuptible' property without success.
This problem must be known, any hints?
I also thought about using uicontrol instead of uimenu and use a pushbutton, but I don't get it work.
Edit: when I put my menubutton into a submenu it works perfect:
button = uimenu(h,'Label','MenuButton');
A pushbutton works also, but how could I place it into the menubar?
I guess MATLAB implementation is this way, because setting a callback at the top-level menu is very odd.
Naturally in GUI's (not only MATLAB), when you click the top-level menu (like "File", "Edit", etc.) the standard behaviour is, that a submenu pops open rather than an immediate action being executed.
So you should only use the top-level callback to e.g. dynamically create/modify the associated submenus.
I think there are two alternatives to go:
1) If you'd like to stick to that manner (one, always-visible button-like element), then you should rather use the toolbar via a uipushtool:
hToolbar = uitoolbar(parentFigure);
uipushtool(hToolbar, 'ClickedCallback', #someAction);
This does not have the 'Label' property though, so you'll have to work with 'CData' and may be a 'TooltipString'.
2) Create a top-level menu that contains your actual action-menu:
topMenu = uimenu(parent, 'Label', 'Actions');
uimenu(topMenu, 'Label', 'MenuButton', 'callback', #someAction)
From the general point of view on GUI design, both alternatives have the benefit of being the more commonly used style, thus being more intuitive to any user.
I found an interesting work-around for this problem while keeping the callback in the TOP menu. Turns out that using the uistack function released focus from the menu item so in the top-level menu callback, I placed
Which does nothing to the actual ordering but releases the menu items' focus.

using a pushbutton's call back in an other callback in matlab

I have two push buttons in my MATLAB GUI. I am trying to recognize a push button in button1's callback function and do something with regard to which button was pressed. I have tried to use button group and put all my buttons in that group. It seems as if there is no code when any of these push buttons is clicked. Why?
Here is my code:
function uibuttongroup1_SelectionChangeFcn(hObject,eventdata)
switch get(eventdata.NewValue,'Tag') % Get Tag of selected object.
case 'notSimul'
disp('notSimul clicked')
case 'simul'
% Code for when radiobutton2 is selected.
case 'stopTest'
% Code for when togglebutton1 is selected.
case 'start'
% Code for when togglebutton2 is selected.
% Continue with more cases as necessary.
% Code for when there is no match.
If I understand your question correctly that you placed a push button in a button group, the answer is it would not work because button group is supposed to be composed of only toggle button and radio button. When I tried putting a push button in a button group, nothing would happen, just as you described.

JQgrid:Get the action from the pager

how can i get the action (what button was clicked) when a button is clicked in the pager?(edit, del, add...)
You probably means button of the navigation bar or navigator (see
You can implement what you want with at least three different ways:
You define your custom buttons which look like the original add/edit/del buttons (see and use {add:false, edit: false, del: off} parameter of navGrid to switch off standard buttons.
You can use addfunc, editfunc and delfunc if you want replace the default add/edit/del functions.
You can use onclickSubmit or afterSubmit or some another supported events (see of add/edit/del button to do some additional action on click the buttont or on submit.
You can chose the way which is the best for your requirements.
You can use the grid onPaging event:
This event fires after click on [page
button] and before populating the
data. Also works when the user enters
a new page number in the page input
box (and presses [Enter]) and when the
number of requested records is changed
via the select box. To this event we
pass only one parameter pgButton
(string) which can be -
first,last,prev,next in case of button
click, records in case when a number
of requested rows is changed and user
when the user change the number of the
requested page.requested page.
Also there are beforeRequest and LoadComplete events. Examples that worked for me are as follows:
beforeRequest: function () {
//alert("before request");
loadComplete: function () {
//alert("load complete");

How to pass function to radio button in a button group created using guide in MATLAB?

I have created a button group with four radio buttons and a push button using guide.
There are four functions, one for each radio button written separately.
How do you to call these functions from respective radio buttons.
When a push button is pressed, the function associated with the active radio button should execute.
A solution for the Button Group Callback: SelectionChangeFCN
Use the Selection Change callback property (right click on the Button Group and select View Callbacks->SelectionChangeFcn) of the uipanel. The eventdata argument contains the handles to the current and previously selected radiobutton. The eventdata argument is a structure with the following fields:
So, depending on the value of eventdata.NewValue; for example
function uipanel1_SelectionChangeFcn(hObject,eventdata,handles)
switch newButton
case 'radiobutton1'
% code for radiobutton 1 here
case 'radiobutton2'
% code for radiobutton 2 here
A solution for the push button callback
The callback for your push button could have something along the lines of
function button1_Callback(hObject,eventdata,handles)
h_selectedRadioButton = get(handles.uipanel1,'SelectedObject');
selectedRadioTag = get(h_selectedRadioButton,'tag')
switch selectedRadioTag
case 'radiobutton1'
case 'radiobutton2'
I also refer you to the MATLAB documentation for more information on Handle Graphics and building graphical user interfaces.
Crash course on GUI's starts... now:
If you're using guide, then when you save your figure mygui.fig, the M-file should be automatically generated as mygui.m. Open up mygui.m and enter your code under the radio button callback function. Any variables that you want initialized when you start the program should be defined under the opening function. Make sure you update the handles structure at the end of each callback, with the command guidata(hObject,handles).
For example, if you wanted two mutually exclusive radio buttons (when you select one, the other de-selects, or when you de-select one, the other is selected), enter the following code under their callbacks:
function radiobutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if get(handles.hObject,'Value')
function radiobutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if get(hObject,'Value')
And initialize radio button one to be selected under the opening function: