TileContainer is not displaying in IconTabFilter - sapui5

I have added a Tile Container in one of the Icon Tab Filter of my Icon Tab Bar. When I click on the filter, the tiles and tile container are missing. When I use Chrome Inspector to look into the page, it seems like the Tiles are there but it is not displayed. Any idea why?
View for the Icon Tab Bar
text="Tile Container"
<mvc:XMLView viewName="nav.view.TestTile" />
View for the Tile Container (nav.view.TestTile)

There are two properties of sap.m.IconTabBar: expandable and expanded.
expandable: user can click the filter to toggle the collapse state of filter tab.
expanded: Indicates if the actual filter tab is expanded or not.
You can set set expandable = "false" and expanded = "true" to let the filter tab visible all the time.

it appearantly is a problem with the height of the tile container depending on the parent container and the parent container depending on the content ...
In my case i could do something by fixing the height of the container:
<TileContainer editable="false" allowAdd="false" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" id="myTileContainer" height="500px">
<StandardTile press="doSomething" removable="false" title="huhu" info="We are a tile"/>
<StandardTile press="doSomething" removable="false" title="huhu" info="We are a tile"/>
<StandardTile press="doSomething" removable="false" title="huhu" info="We are a tile"/>
<StandardTile press="doSomething" removable="false" title="huhu" info="We are a tile"/>
But that is obviously not apllicable to most cases, since the height should not be fixed, since it kind of defeats most purposes.

I came across the same issue. Set the IconTabBar's stretchContentHeight property to true.
Check the documentation for more details

Hook on to this. The right answer is already given: the height of the parent view of the TileContainer is 0 as long as no explicit height given for the TileContainer.
I figured it out by using the element inspector.
But how to make this whole stuff more repsonsive? I am receiving items form a oData service and cannot just set a fixed height. There must be any better way. Looking for something to tell the ItemTabBar that it should completely adapt to the size of its contents. Actually it looks more like a bug to me right now.
Anyone found a better solution than just setting a fixed height?


Where to add a Shell Bar control in an XML view when using SAPUI5?

I am new to OpenUI5/SAPUI5 and trying to build my first app with it. It will be a standalone app and I am struggling with the Shell Bar control, which I want to add to my views.
As I understand things, I write my root view which contains an App control, and then I swap in and out my individual views using the pages aggregation of the App control (by using a router).
Now I want the Shell Bar to be "stuck" to the top, which means it cannot be part of the individual pages, as this would also swap out the Shell Bar and I would have to include it in every view that is managed by the router. It also feels "wrong" to have the Shell Bar not be part of the root view.
I tried different approaches for "nailing" the Shell Bar to the top of my view, but depending on my different tries, I end up with various results, all of which are not what I intend to do.
Example 1 (Shell Bar is a child of App outside its pages aggregation):
<f:ShellBar title="Funky Title"
<MenuItem text="{i18n>learnMenuEntry}" icon="sap-icon://e-learning"/>
<MenuItem text="{i18n>catalogMenuEntry}" icon="sap-icon://course-book"/>
<MenuItem text="{i18n>statisticsMenuEntry}" icon="sap-icon://line-chart"/>
<MenuItem text="{i18n>settingsMenuEntry}" icon="sap-icon://settings"/>
<f:Avatar initials="UI"/>
<Page title="{i18n>homePageTitle}">
[ ... ]
This shows the Shell Bar at the top, but whatever is part of the Page control is not shown at all. I think adding controls outside of the aggregation breaks the App control.
Example 2 (Shell Bar is outside of Shell):
<f:ShellBar title="Funky title"
<MenuItem text="{i18n>learnMenuEntry}" icon="sap-icon://e-learning"/>
<MenuItem text="{i18n>catalogMenuEntry}" icon="sap-icon://course-book"/>
<MenuItem text="{i18n>statisticsMenuEntry}" icon="sap-icon://line-chart"/>
<MenuItem text="{i18n>settingsMenuEntry}" icon="sap-icon://settings"/>
<f:Avatar initials="UI"/>
<Page title="{i18n>homePageTitle}">
[ ... ]
This somehow works, but because the Shell Bar lives "outside" the Shell, it is not part of the letterboxing which limits the width of the page. It covers the whole width of the screen.
I also tried adding the Shell Bar as a child of the Shell control, but this is not supported as per the documentation for the Shell control, which only allows an App control as its child.
What am I missing? I also browsed through the examples on the OpenUI5 website, but the documentation on the use of the Shell Bar control is rather scarce.
This is how I do it.
Here is App.view.xml
<mvc:View xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:f="sap.f" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m" controllerName="cis.gp.controller.App" height="100%">
<Shell showLogout="false" appWidthLimited="false" >
<App busy="{appView>/busy}" busyIndicatorDelay="0" height="100%" autoFocus="false">
<Page id="app" class="sapMBrandingBar-CTX sapUiResponsivePadding--header sapUiResponsivePadding--content">
<f:ShellBar title="{i18n>appTitle}">
<Avatar src="sap-icon://sap-ui5" />
In your manifest routing,
"routing": {
"config": {
"routerClass": "sap.m.routing.Router",
"viewType": "XML",
"async": true,
"viewPath": "kk.view",
"controlAggregation": "content",
"controlId": "app",
"clearControlAggregation": false
Note that controlAggregation is 'content' (as Page is our root control now)

Show SAPUI5 View two times simultaneous

I build a sapui5 application which shows information related to a SAP plant. Now I need to show the same view two times on the same page but with information of two different plants. Imagine like two iFrames. The App should be able to run with only one view (like now), also it should be able to show data several times on the same page.
To solve this, I build an additional view (splitview) which contains a componentcontainer to load the "real" view (main view). This ends up in a continuous loop.
This is how I tried to build splitview
<mvc:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout"
controllerName="zqinsplotlist.zqinsplotlist.controller.splitview" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<Page title="Title">
<l:HorizontalLayout class="sapUiContentPadding">
<ComponentContainer xmlns="sap.ui.core" name="zqinsplotlist.zqinsplotlist"
settings='\{ "componentData" : \{ "startupParameters" : \{"Werks" : ["1001"], "Zfcod" : ["PLOS"], "Herkunft" : ["03"] \} \}\}'/>
<Text text="Hello Split"/>
I expected that this will load my Main view once. But it gets called in a loop over and over again.
Why don't you try sth. like this:
<l:HorizontalLayout class="sapUiContentPadding">
data:some="data to distinguish the views"
data:some="other data to distinguish this view from the above"
In the controller of MyView distinguish the two view instances by sth. like this:
if (this.getView().data('instance') === 1) {
// do stuff
That should work but I haven't tested. Not a 100% sure that custom data works on views instanciated from XML. Well, it should...

Vizframe line chart does not show in object page section

I have a line chart in my sapui5 app and I want to put it in an object page subsection. When I put it in a normal layout in a page, it's working. But when I separate it in a fragment and call from object page subsection nothing is shown.
here is my fragment :
<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns:m="sap.m" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:viz="sap.viz.ui5.controls" xmlns:layout="sap.ui.layout"
xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:viz.feeds="sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds" xmlns:viz.data="sap.viz.ui5.data" height="100%" xmlns:common="sap.suite.ui.commons">
<viz:Popover id="idPopOver"></viz:Popover>
<viz:VizFrame id="idLineGraph" uiConfig="{applicationSet:'fiori'}" height='100%' width="100%" vizType='line'></viz:VizFrame>
and here is my subsection:
<ux:ObjectPageSection id="idChart" title="{i18n>chartSection}" titleUppercase="false">
<core:Fragment id="idChartFragment" fragmentName="mynamespace.zmm_stok_list.fragments.grafik" type="XML"/>
I also saw that question Q but it looks like OP have preferred to keep that answer which hi's found for himself.
lastly, there a blog about almost same thing but using cds views.blog
But you know cds views are not like xml views and I guess they are generated automatically and we can not see which componenets are used.
So I still couldn't found a way to do this that way. But if I put my vizframe in object layout section directly (not seperated in a fragment) and give the height of vizframe with pixels it works. Not much but I'm ok with this.
Ps: When vizframe is seperated in a fragment, giving its height with pixels does not work either.

Text field in matrix layout

I want to place a text field in a matrix layout. Please check below code and please suggest how to check XML code errors? Every time I stuck in designing the XML code. Please suggest me how to overcome that.
<Page title="ytftfhgff">
<l:MatrixLayout layoutFixed="true" columns="4" width="600px" widths="150px,150px,150px,150px">
<l:MatrixLayoutCell colSpan="4">
<Text text="Its a heading" />
<Label text="First Name"/>
<TextField id="axscx" width="20em"></TextField>
Thanks in advance,
In general the errors logged by the XMLTemplateParser to the console should be understandable enough to get a basic idea of what's going wrong. In your case it is quite simple. The default namespace is set to "sap.m", i.e. the runtime tries to load the TextField control from that library. This cannot work as sap.m does not have a TextField control.
You can either use the Input control, i.e. replace TextField with Input. Or introduce an additional namespace:
and define the TextField in the following way:
<commons:TextField id="axscx" width="20em"/>
I would prefer using the Input field.

What is the <l:content> tag meaning?

What is the meaning of the <l:content> tag in SAPUI5? I know it is about content, but the references to this tag in the documentation are not making sense to me. Can someone give me use cases for this tag? It is used only on the <l:Grid> control?
Thanks in advance!
The Grid is the sap.ui.layout.Grid .
As you can see that Grid has an aggregation called content. The Tag <l:content> is placed there to show the interpreter, which aggregation you fill.
That is not the problem in the sap.ui.layout.Grid, since it has only one aggregation, but ...
... imagine you want to use a sap.ui.layout.form.SimpleForm.
The SimpleForm has the aggregations titleand content. So to define a title you have to write the tag <title> (with the correct prefix, in this case it would be eg. <f:title> with xmlns:f="sap.ui.layout.forms")
<mvc:View xmlns:f="sap.ui.layout.form" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc">
<f:title>some random title</f:title>
<!-- any sap.ui.core.Control you like -->
And another thing: The aggregation, that is marked with "(default aggregation)" (in the case with the Grid it is content) you do not have to add the tag.
<mvc:View xmlns:f="sap.ui.layout.form" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc">
<f:title>some random title</f:title>
<!-- any sap.ui.core.Control you like, is is recognized as content -->