Convert a SAML token to JWT - saml

I am trying to connect to ACS using a SAML token, problem is ACS has been configured to only accept JWT tokens.
What is the best way to convert SAML to JWT?

You should ask your IDP to provide the JWT token as a SAML attribute inside your current SAML tokens, or ask them to provide you with an alternative way of acquiring the JWT tokens you require.
The SAML token (typically a SAML assertion) is usually issued by an identity provider (IDP) and digitally signed - so that the relaying parties can verify authenticity of the token. This means that you cannot convert token from SAML to JWT, as you will be unable to create a new signature on behalf of your IDP.
The JWT specification contains a good explanation of difference between SAML and JWT tokens, you might want to go through it:
While JWTs can do some of the things SAML assertions do, JWTs are not intended as a full replacement for SAML assertions, but rather as a token format to be used when ease of implementation or compactness are considerations.
I'm presuming here that you are not self-issuing your SAML tokens, as in such a case you wouldn't need to convert them - you could create your own JWT token directly.


How to programmatically extract SAML token for IDP and SP?

I have SSO configured between IDP (ADFS) and SP, and IDP generate SAML token and post to the SP page for authentication. But, I like to create a new application called test-app, and this app should programmatically generate/extract SAML token for IDP and SP by using a pop up login window.
Is it possible?
After I get the SAML token, I intent to use it on a REST webservice of the SP.
The SAML flow requires the SAML token to be generated by the IDP.
The IDP has the private key to sign the SAML token.
You can generate one in your app. but you won't be able to sign it correctly and there is no flow to send it to the IDP.

Multiple types of tokens for ADFS

I'm trying to find out if it is possible for ADFS to send two types of tokens on one authentication ?
We have external systems working with JWT tokens but also systems with SAML tokens. We like to receive a JWT token and SAML token as a response on one authentication request to ADFS.
I was reading up on the following: but this seems to be consecutive means of authentication not what I'm looking for
No - it's either one or the other.
It's not an ADFS issue.
That behaviour is proscribed by the protocol.

JWT. Why is it better than oAuth and what's the signature?

I'm reading about JWT and I'm confused about why there's a signature:
JWT site
What is the purpose of the signature if it's just a hashed version of the header and payload?
Also, why not just use oAuth? Or whatever 2 factor auth uses?
The purpose of Oauth2 and JWT is different, so it is not possible to compare them directly
JWT is a compact way of representing claims to be transferred between two parties (JSON with digital signature).
OAuth2 is an authorization framework used by third party applications (websites, mobile apps) to access on resources on a resource server, without exposing user password. OAuth2 can use JWT as the exchanged token
JWT is self contained and does not need server sessions . The digital signature is performed with server private key and protects the content. Any alteration of the header, the payload or the signature will be detected by the server and reject the token.

Difference between JWT and SAML?

What are the main difference between JWT (Json Web Token) and SAML?
Can you suggest me any examples of these with spring security?
Both SAML and JWT are security token formats that are not dependent on any programming language. SAML is the older format and is based on XML. It's used commonly in protocols like SAML-P, WS-Trust and WS-Federation (although not strictly required).
JWT (JSON Web Token) tokens are based on JSON and used in new authentication and authorization protocols like OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0.
Both are are used for authentication and authorization, commonly used for Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions.
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML,pronounced SAM-el) is an XML-based standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, i.e. IdP (Identity Provider) and a SP (Service Provider).
An IdP (Identity Provider) : authenticates users and provides to Service Providers an Authentication Assertion if successful. Identity providers offer User Authentication As A Service.
A SP (Service Provider): relies on the Identity Provider to authenticate users.
Term in SAML
Term in OAuth
Example: A web browser
Identity Provider(IdP)
Authorization Server
Server that owns the user identities and credentials
Service Provider(SP)
Resource Server
The protected application
JSON Web Token (JWT, pronounced jot) is a ID Token based on JSON to pass user information as Header, Payload and Signature structure.
OpenID Connect(OIDC) is built on the OAuth 2.0 protocol and uses an additional JSON Web Token (JWT), called an ID token. This token is a compact and self-contained (i.e. piece of data that is able to function independently) authentication mechanism that uses a JSON object to encode claims that are signed and encrypted. JWT can be used to authenticate clients, pass information between parties, or to authenticate APIs.
Use case:
OIDC is specifically focused on user authentication and is widely used to enable user logins on consumer websites and mobile apps. for example Stackoverflow login with Google account.
SAML commonly used to help enterprise users sign in to multiple applications using a single login.
OIDC is a more modern, lightweight, and easier-to-use protocol compared to SAML, while SAML provides a more complete and complex solution for SSO and identity management in enterprise scenarios.
In addition, SAML is a protocol and a token format while JWT is only a token format.

OAuth 2.0 and SAML - fine grained authorization

In an OAuth 2.0 setting, suppose that, besides OAuth authorization (optionally using OAuth scopes), you want the resource server to use SAML assertions to implement fine-grained authorization checks, for example allowing certain operations only if the 'consumer' holds a 'Gold' status.
1) Is it possible for an OAuth acces token to "convey" a SAML 2 assertion? How?
2) If not, is there a way to use both Oauth and SAML 2 to obtain a similar result?
3) Is there a way to use OAuth by its own (without SAML) to obtain a similar result?
Please note that I know that you can use a SAML assertions as user credential when you are getting a token but here the point is different: what is needed is to use a SAML assertion when accessing to the resource, that is when using a token.