Can I specify a soft mask into a graphics state? - itext

I'd need to fill in the SMask entry of the graphics state dictionary (see Section 4.3.4 of the PDF specification). Do I have any other alternative than to override PdfGState for myself?

OK, solved it, it really was a no-brainer. Sorry...
public class PdfGStateEx : PdfGState {
public PdfObject SoftMask {
set { Put(PdfName.SMASK, value); }


The client syncs variable from the server (mirror unity)

I have a variable on the server, I simply increase it according to deltatime. How can the client when connecting can synchronize that variable and show the text?
sorry for my english, and i'm new to mirror research. many thank :)
Note that updating a SyncVar on each update may led to performance issues.
Add this Component to an object in the scene:
public class MyComponent: NetworkBehaviour
public float myVar;
void Update(){
public void OnMyVarChanged(float oldVal,float newVal){
//DISPLAY myvar on a text field

Text element with graphical text effects

I want create Text elements (com.itextpdf.layout.element.Text) with different kind of additional graphical effects, for example a drop shadow or adding some kind of texture on the glyphs. (see DropShadow some 3D Effect)
What is the best way of achiving this?
The best idea i had so far, is using the clipping Text Rendering mode. (Defined in PDF 32000-1 9.3.6; com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.canvas.PdfCanvasConstants.TextRenderingMode). Drawing the Text as clipping boundary and the apply some kind of Texture or drawing an additional shadow "layer". However the clipping path is restored to the state before text drawing with canvas.restoreState(), which is called at the end in com.itextpdf.layout.renderer.TextRender#draw. Extending this to a custom TextRenderer could work, but the draw function is a big one with some calls to private functions of TextRenderer.
Any adivces for other possible methods?
I think in general customization of that level will require quite come code anyway. Completely overriding draw may indeed not work because some private implementation details are not exposed to the public. One option is of course to duplicate those implementation details into your custom renderer.
Another idea is to plug into the PdfCanvas which does low-level drawing. You can create your own wrapper like the following one and delegate all operations to the PdfCanvas instance you wrap around except a couple of "interesting" operations where you will customize the logic and apply some styling:
private static class PdfCanvasWrapper extends PdfCanvas {
private PdfCanvas delegate;
public PdfCanvasWrapper(PdfCanvas wrapped) {
super(wrapped.getContentStream(), wrapped.getResources(), wrapped.getDocument());
this.delegate = wrapped;
// "Interesting" methods
public PdfCanvas endText() {
delegate.rectangle(10, 10, 300, 300);
return this;
// "Boring" methods - just delegate the implementation to the wrapped instance
public PdfCanvas beginVariableText() {
return this;
public PdfCanvas endVariableText() {
return this;
// Override all other members like above
In this case your custom text renderer will only plug in the right DrawContext but use the default draw operation:
private static class CustomTextRenderer extends TextRenderer {
public CustomTextRenderer(Text textElement) {
public void draw(DrawContext drawContext) {
DrawContext newContext = new DrawContext(drawContext.getDocument(), new PdfCanvasWrapper(drawContext.getCanvas()));
public CustomTextRenderer getNextRenderer() {
return new CustomTextRenderer((Text) modelElement);
Main could could look like this:
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
Text text = new Text("Hello");
text.setNextRenderer(new CustomTextRenderer(text));
In general this approach is also hacky and of course depends on the implementation details as much as the initial approach you suggested. The approach you suggested is a more stable one but requires more code and probably more tuning when you update to the new version of the library. The approach I described above is more hacky but it results in less business logic copy-pasting and maybe easier to maintain.

Saving string variables in a custom EditorWindow while formatted like a TextArea

Basically, I want to figure out how I can:
Save string (or any) variables in a custom editor window (inheriting
from EditorWindow) when they are changed in that window.
Display strings in a format like a TextArea while still allowing
saving changes as mentioned above.
Display strings from a string array by index, rather than individually defined strings (I've had trouble with this before)
If you know how to do the above in a custom inspector too
(inheriting from Editor, not EditorWindow), that'd be great too.
I've run into this issue a few times with different classes inheriting from Editor, and previously solved by using a PropertyField rather than a TextArea/TextField, but that gets rid of the TextArea-style formatting that I want.
Also, classes inheriting from EditorWindow don't seem to allow it in the same way (t = (script type)target; doesn't work, and PropertyField needs it)..?
I'm pretty new to custom inspectors and this stuff, so code examples would be super helpful if possible.
Before starting a general note because you mentioned it in your question:
Whenever possible I strongly recommend to avoid using target at all! In particular do not set any fields directly. this makes things like marking your scene direty and thus saving changes and also Undo/Redo functionality pretty complicated as you will have to implement it by yourself!
Rather always go through SerializedProperty combined with SerializedObject.Update and SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties (examples will be below). This handles all this stuff like marking dirty and thus saving the scene changes and Undo/Redo automatically for you!
Then to the TextArea.
Lets say you have a class like
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private string _exampleString;
public string AnotherExampleString;
Basically there are three main options. I will do the Editor (custom Inspector) script first since there you are a bit more flexible.
The EditorWindow will be below.
Editor Attribute [TextArea]
Actually you wouldn't even need an Editor script at all! Simply tag the according field(s) as [TextArea] like this:
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] [TextArea] private string _exampleString;
// You can also directly configure the min and max line count here as well
// By default it is 3 lines
[TextAre(3,7)] public string AnotherExampleString;
This already looks like this
Then if you still need the Editor script the good thing about a EditorGUILayout.PropertyField is it automatically uses the correct drawer for the according type ... and it also applies all editor attributes! Isn't this great?
So simply having and Editor like
public class ExampleEditor : Editor
private SerializedProperty _exampleString;
private SerializedProperty AnotherExampleString;
private void OnEnable()
// Link in the serialized properties to their according fields
_exampleString = serializedObject.FindProperty("_exampleString");
AnotherExampleString = serializedObject.FindProperty("AnotherExampleString");
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
// load the real target values into the serialized properties
// write back the changed properties into the real target
// Little bonus from my side so you have the script field on top
private void DrawScriptField()
EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Script", MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour((Example)target), typeof(Example), false);
The result looks basically exactly the same:
Using a EditorGUILayout.TextArea you can display any string as a multi-line text area. This also applies to an EditorWindow.
Lets say again we didn't tag our string fields
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private string _exampleString;
public string AnotherExampleString;
But we can make them appear just as before using this Editor script:
public class ExampleEditor : Editor
private SerializedProperty _exampleString;
private SerializedProperty AnotherExampleString;
private Vector2 scroll1;
private Vector2 scroll2;
private void OnEnable()
// Link in the serialized properties to their according fields
_exampleString = serializedObject.FindProperty("_exampleString");
AnotherExampleString = serializedObject.FindProperty("AnotherExampleString");
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
// load the real target values into the serialized properties
scroll1 = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll1,GUILayout.MaxHeight(3 * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight));
_exampleString.stringValue = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(_exampleString.stringValue, EditorStyles.textArea);
scroll2 = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll2, GUILayout.MaxHeight(7 * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight));
AnotherExampleString.stringValue = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(AnotherExampleString.stringValue);
// write back the changed properties into the real target
// Little bonus from my side so you have the script field on top
private void DrawScriptField()
EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Script", MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour((Example)target), typeof(Example), false);
Though you can see we already had to fake it a bit using the additional EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView
This same thing you can also do in an EditorWindow. Most of the times it makes not much sense to go through SerializedProperty for EditorWindow
public class ExampleWindow : EditorWindow
private string exampleString;
private Vector2 scroll;
[MenuItem("Example/Show ExampleWindow")]
private static void Initialize()
var window = GetWindow<ExampleWindow>();
private void OnGUI()
EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Example String");
scroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll,GUILayout.MaxHeight(3 * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight));
exampleString = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(exampleString, EditorStyles.textArea);
which results in

Unity Editor Script, how to programatically mark a property field's value be changed

I want to prevent some property field may change by the prefab's "Apply" button, Is there a way to programatically mark property field's value be changed (make it always bold)?
You need different instances of the Waypath so they're unique for each of the instantiated NPC's.
Your question is quite interesting. I made a quick research to give you a good answer, but I just couldn't. Unity has not a built-in solution for this. It'll be useful for sure, but sorry no.
The only thing I found useful, but haven't tried myself is this forum post. The author answers himself with a good piece of code for a workaround he is using, you can just adapt to your needs.
For simplicity, I paste it here:
public override void OnInspectorGUI ()
serializedObject.Update ();
DrawDefaultInspector ();
SerializedProperty myProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty ("maxDistance");
if (tick) {
myProperty.floatValue = tempValue;
tick = false;
if (!myProperty.prefabOverride) {
GUI.color =;
tick = true;
tempValue =myProperty.floatValue;
myProperty.floatValue += 1;
GUI.color =;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (myProperty);
if (GUI.changed) {
EditorUtility.SetDirty (target);
serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
I hope this is useful to you, due the date of the question.
Good luck!

How do I set first column width on GWT CellBrowser

There is a bug preventing the setting of the first column width of the CellBrowser widget. There is also a workaround, explained here
Apparently it works, but can anybody explain how to subclass the CellBrowser to make it work? Please show me some code.
CellBrowser cellBrowser = new CellBrowser(model, null) {
// HACK: workaround for setDefaultColumnWidth not setting the width of the first column!
// SEE:!topic/google-web-toolkit/T8Ob...
public void setDefaultColumnWidth(int width) {
SplitLayoutPanel splitPanel = (SplitLayoutPanel) getWidget();
splitPanel.setWidgetSize(splitPanel.getWidget(0), width);
from the thread linked to in the question:
If you wanted a re-usable class with this fix in (which would probably be a good idea), it's simple enough to convert this anonymous subclass into a regular subclass:
public class FixedCellBrowser<T> extends CellBrowser<T> {
public FixedCellBrowser(TreeViewModel model, T root) {
super(model, root);
public void setDefaultColumnWidth(int width) {
SplitLayoutPanel splitPanel = (SplitLayoutPanel) getWidget();
splitPanel.setWidgetSize(splitPanel.getWidget(0), width);
(Note: I have not tried compiling this code.)