How to get the current tool SitePage and/or its Properties? - sakai

With the ToolManager I can get the the current placement, the context and of course, the Site through the SiteService. But I want to get the current SitePage properties the user is currently accessing.
This doubt can be extended to the current Tool properties with a
little more emphasis considering that once I have the Tool I could not
find any methods covering the its properties.
I could get the tool properties and I'm using it (it is by instance) through Properties got with sitepage.getTool(TOOLID).getConfig(). To save a property, I'm using the ToolConfiguration approach and saving the data after editing with the method. Is it the correct approach?

You can do this by getting the current tool session and then working your way backward from that. Here is a method that should do it.
public SitePage findCurrentPage() {
SitePage sp = null;
ToolSession ts = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession();
if (ts != null) {
ToolConfiguration tool = SiteService.findTool(ts.getPlacementId());
if (tool != null) {
String sitePageId = tool.getPageId();
sp = s.getPage(sitePageId);
return sp;
Alternatively, you could use the current tool to work your way to it but I think this method is harder.
String toolId = toolManager.getCurrentTool().getId();
String context = toolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext();
Site s = siteService.getSite( context );
ToolConfiguration tc = s.getTool(toolId);
String sitePageId = tc.getPageId();
SitePage sp = s.getPage(sitePageId);
NOTE: I have not tested this code to make sure it works.


local rest api controller does not receive data from repository function-call

Our VS-2022 development project is Blazor WASM Core-6 with local REST-API for data. Using Postman, my testing is not getting data from the controller call to a repository function -- using breakpoints and local debugging -- as one would expect.
The repository function return statement is return Ok(vehicleTrips);. The IEnumerable vehicleTrips data variable contains the correct four records as expected from the DB fetch.
From the controller the call to the repository function is:
var result = (await motripRepository.GetMOTripsByDateRange((int)eModelType.Vehicle, pVehicleList, pDateFrom, pDateTo)!)!;
The controller function signature is:
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<MOTRIP>>> GetVehicleMOTripsByDateRange([FromRoute] string pVehicleList, [FromRoute] string pDateFrom, [FromRoute] string pDateTo) {
This is my problem. The result return value from the repository has a return.Value of null -- NOT four trip records as we should.
Additionally, the VS-Studio's 'local'-debugger shows that there are other properties of return such as .Return and .Return.Value.Count as 4 (four).
My question is "what could be causing this"? All of my other rest-api calls and controller calls with Postman work correctly as one would expect.
Did I select the wrong type of "controller" from Visual-Studio? I am not experienced at all in coding classic MVC web-applications. VS-Blazor offer a number of controller-types. In the past, I "copied" a working controller and "changed the code" for a different "model".
Your assistance is welcome and appreciated. Thanks...John
I found out what actually happened to cause the result.Value is null and had nothing to do with the controller-type -- it was in the interpretation of the return value from the repository function.
I found an SO link Get a Value from ActionResult<object> in a ASP.Net Core API Method that explains how to respond to a ActionResult<objecttype> return value in the reply/answer section with the word "actual" is first defined. You will see this word "actual" in my revised code below.
My revised code is posted here with comments both inside the code section and below the code section. My comment inside the code begins with "<==" with text following until "==>"
// Initialize.
MOTRIP emptyMoTrip = new MOTRIP();
MOTRIP? resultMoTrip = new MOTRIP();
IEnumerable<MOTRIP> allTrips = Enumerable.Empty<MOTRIP>();
int daysPrevious = (int)(pTripType == eTripType.Any ? eDateRangeOffset.Week : eDateRangeOffset.Month);
// convert DateRangeOffset to 'dateonly' values.
DateOnly dtTo = DateOnly.FromDateTime( DateTime.Today);
DateOnly dtFrom = dtTo.AddDays(daysPrevious);
// Fetch the vehicle trips by date-range.
var result = await GetVehicleMOTripsByDateRange(UID_Vehicle.ToString(), dtFrom.ToString(), dtTo.ToString());
if ((result.Result as OkObjectResult) is null) { **<== this is the fix from the SO link.==>**
return StatusCode(204, emptyMoTrip);
var statusCode = (result.Result as OkObjectResult)!.StatusCode;
if (statusCode==204) {
return StatusCode(204, emptyMoTrip);
**<== this next section allows code to get the result's DATA for further processing.==>**
var actual = (result.Result as OkObjectResult)!.Value as IEnumerable<MOTRIP>;
allTrips = (IEnumerable<MOTRIP>)actual!;
if ((allTrips is not null) && (!allTrips.Any())) {
return StatusCode(204, emptyMoTrip);
<== this next section continues with business-logic related to the result-DATA.==>
if (allTrips is not null && allTrips.Any()) {
switch (blah-blah-blah) {
**<== the remainder of business logic is not shown as irrelevant to the "fix".==>**
Please use browser search for "<==" to find my code-comments.
Please use browser search for "actual" and "OkObjectResult" to see the relevant code fix sentences.

Assistant Entities and Different Speakers

It is possible to differentiate among speakers/users with the Watson-Unity-SDK, as it seems to be able to return an array that identifies which words were spoken by which speakers in a multi-person exchange, but I cannot figure out how to execute it, particularly in the case where I am sending different utterances (spoken by different people) to the Assistant service to get a response accordingly.
The code snippets for parsing Assistant's json output/response as well as OnRecognize and OnRecognizeSpeaker and SpeechRecognitionResult and SpeakerLabelsResult are there, but how do I get Watson to return this from the server when an utterance is recognized and its intent is extracted?
Both OnRecognize and OnRecognizeSpeaker are used only once in the Active property, so they are both called, but only OnRecognize does the Speech-to-Text (transcription) and OnRecognizeSpeaker is never fired...
public bool Active
return _service.IsListening;
if (value && !_service.IsListening)
_service.RecognizeModel = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_recognizeModel) ? "en-US_BroadbandModel" : _recognizeModel);
_service.DetectSilence = true;
_service.EnableWordConfidence = true;
_service.EnableTimestamps = true;
_service.SilenceThreshold = 0.01f;
_service.MaxAlternatives = 0;
_service.EnableInterimResults = true;
_service.OnError = OnError;
_service.InactivityTimeout = -1;
_service.ProfanityFilter = false;
_service.SmartFormatting = true;
_service.SpeakerLabels = false;
_service.WordAlternativesThreshold = null;
_service.StartListening(OnRecognize, OnRecognizeSpeaker);
else if (!value && _service.IsListening)
Typically, the output of Assistant (i.e. its result) is something like the following:
Response: {"intents":[{"intent":"General_Greetings","confidence":0.9962662220001222}],"entities":[],"input":{"text":"hello eva"},"output":{"generic":[{"response_type":"text","text":"Hey!"}],"text":["Hey!"],"nodes_visited":["node_1_1545671354384"],"log_messages":[]},"context":{"conversation_id":"f922f2f0-0c71-4188-9331-09975f82255a","system":{"initialized":true,"dialog_stack":[{"dialog_node":"root"}],"dialog_turn_counter":1,"dialog_request_counter":1,"_node_output_map":{"node_1_1545671354384":{"0":[0,0,1]}},"branch_exited":true,"branch_exited_reason":"completed"}}}
I have set up intents and entities, and this list is returned by the Assistant service, but I am not sure how to get it to also consider my entities or how to get it to respond accordingly when the STT recognizes different speakers.
I would appreciate some help, particularly how to do this via Unity scripting.
I had the exact same question about dealing with the Assistant's messages, so I looked at the Assistant.OnMessage() method that returns a string like “Response: {0}”, customData[“json”].ToString() plus the JSON output that will be something like this:
[Assistant.OnMessage()][DEBUG] Response: {“intents”:[{“intent”:”General_Greetings”,”confidence”:1}],”entities”:[],”input”:{“text”:”hello”},”output”:{“text”:[“good evening”],”nodes_visited”: etc...}
I personally parse the JSON in order to extract the content from messageResponse.Entities. In the above example, you can see that that the array is empty, but if you are populating it, then that’s where you need to extract the values from and then in your code you can do what you want.
Regarding the different speaker recognition, in the Active property whose code you have included, the _service.StartListening(OnRecognize, OnRecognizeSpeaker) line takes care of both, so perhaps put some Debug.Log statements inside their code blocks to see if they are called or not.
Please set SpeakerLabels to True
_service.SpeakerLabels = true;

Angular 2 creating models vs working with json objects on the fly?

when interacting with a rest api using Angular 2. Is it worth creating typescript classes for each object (eg. employee, company, project, user ...). the other option is getting json object and working with it on the fly ?
i suggest using models because :
your code will be more readable for yourself after a while coming back to change it, every one else also can easily understand what you've done
making changes in project will be more easily for example obj[0] does not have any special meaning but obj['username'] is more obvious
you will get intellinsense in you IDE
you can put logic in model for example so your controller will be more thin
name: string
age: number
sayInfo(): string {
return `name is ${} and age is ${this.age}`
generally managing you app will be without headache (or at least less headache) :D
just remember that fat models thin controllers
don't forget that passing more than five arguments to a function is not a good practice use an object instead for example :
constructor(file) { = file['id']
this.fileName = file['fileName']
this.extention = file['extention']
this.fileSize = file['fileSize']
this.permission = file['permission']
this.description = file['description']
this.password = file['password']
this.isFolder = file['isFolder']
this.parent = file['parent']
this.banStat = file['banStat']
this.tinyLink = file['tinyLink']
getName(): string {
return `${this.fileName}${(this.isFolder) ? '' : '.'}${this.extention}`
getIcon(): string {
return this.isFolder ? 'fa-folder' : 'fa-music'

How to store and compare annotation (with Gold Standard) in GATE

I am very comfortable with UIMA, but my new work require me to use GATE
So, I started learning GATE. My question is regarding how to calculate performance of my tagging engines (java based).
With UIMA, I generally dump all my system annotation into a xmi file and, then using a Java code compare that with a human annotated (gold standard) annotations to calculate Precision/Recall and F-score.
But, I am still struggling to find something similar with GATE.
After going through Gate Annotation-Diff and other info on that page, I can feel there has to be an easy way to do it in JAVA. But, I am not able to figure out how to do it using JAVA. Thought to put this question here, someone might have already figured this out.
How to store system annotation into a xmi or any format file programmatically.
How to create one time gold standard data (i.e. human annotated data) for performance calculation.
Let me know if you need more specific or details.
This code seems helpful in writing the annotations to a xml file.
String docXMLString = null;
// if we want to just write out specific annotation types, we must
// extract the annotations into a Set
if(annotTypesToWrite != null) {
// Create a temporary Set to hold the annotations we wish to write out
Set annotationsToWrite = new HashSet();
// we only extract annotations from the default (unnamed) AnnotationSet
// in this example
AnnotationSet defaultAnnots = doc.getAnnotations();
Iterator annotTypesIt = annotTypesToWrite.iterator();
while(annotTypesIt.hasNext()) {
// extract all the annotations of each requested type and add them to
// the temporary set
AnnotationSet annotsOfThisType =
if(annotsOfThisType != null) {
// create the XML string using these annotations
docXMLString = doc.toXml(annotationsToWrite);
// otherwise, just write out the whole document as GateXML
else {
docXMLString = doc.toXml();
// Release the document, as it is no longer needed
// output the XML to <inputFile>.out.xml
String outputFileName = docFile.getName() + ".out.xml";
File outputFile = new File(docFile.getParentFile(), outputFileName);
// Write output files using the same encoding as the original
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
OutputStreamWriter out;
if(encoding == null) {
out = new OutputStreamWriter(bos);
else {
out = new OutputStreamWriter(bos, encoding);

Crm 2011 - How to set a default form depending on attribute value (without using Javascript)?

I have a little requirement that is making me crazy:
We have 8 different forms for the Contact Entity.
We also have a pick list with 8 options.
The idea is that based on the option selected we could open that Contact record showing by default a particular form WITHOUT USING JAVASCRIPT in order to avoid performance problems (each record has to be loaded twice). Example:
Form 1
Form 2
Form 3
Pick List Values - Default Form:
Form 1
Form 2
Form 3
If Form 3(pick list value) is selected then, the next time I open that record, Form 3 should be displayed by default.
If Form 1(pick list value) is selected then, the next time I open that record, Form 1 should be displayed by default.
I've trayed registering a plugin at the systemform entity, in RetrieveFilteredForms message, updating the userentityuisettings table and I've been able to set a "DEFAULT" that is displayed every time the records is opened regardless the last opened form.
I've trayed registering a plugin at the contact entity, in Retrieve message, updating the userentityuisettings table but I found that Crm only consults the table Once if there is no attribute updated, the following times Crm take the the default form to open value from the cache.
This is an old question but since it's coming up in my searches for this problem I wanted to add my solution.
We use Dynamics CRM 2013. To my knowledge, later versions of 2011 also support this technique.
The form that is displayed when an entity is opened is determined by a few things - the default form, the security roles and fallback settings for a form and the last form used by the current user for that entity. We had a similar problem to the asker where we wanted a different account form displayed based on the value of a form. We were also tired of the constant reload/refresh that javascript techniques are subject to.
I found some blog posts (in particular this one: which mentioned that it is possible to write a plugin to the Retrieve of the entity that allows you to read out the value (LastViewedFormXml) from UserEntityUISettings that stores which form was last used. If it's not the form you want, you can write in the desired value. This avoids the javascript form refreshing.
I had to modify some code from the samples I found to get it to work, but I'm happy with the results. You need to generate an entity class using CrmSvcUtil and include it in the project. You can get your form guids from the url of the form editor.
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;
namespace CRM.Plugin.AccountFormSwitcher
public class Plugin : IPlugin
public enum accountType
Customer = 100000000,
Vendor = 100000001,
Partner = 100000002,
Other = 100000003
public const string CustomerAccountFormId = "00000000-E53C-4DF4-BC99-93856EDD168C";
public const string VendorAccountFormId = "00000000-E49E-4197-AB5E-F353EF0E806E";
public const string PartnerAccountFormId = "00000000-B8C6-4E2B-B84E-729AA11ABE61";
public const string GenericAccountFormId = "00000000-8F42-454E-8E2A-F8196B0419AF";
public const string AccountTypeAttributeName = "cf_accounttype";
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
if (serviceProvider == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceProvider");
// Obtain the execution context from the service provider.
IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
ITracingService tracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));
IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
var pluginContext = (IPluginExecutionContext)context;
if (pluginContext.Stage == 20) //pre-operation stage
var columns = (ColumnSet)pluginContext.InputParameters["ColumnSet"];
if (!columns.Columns.Contains(AccountTypeAttributeName))
else if (pluginContext.Stage == 40) //post-operation stage
EntityReference currentEntity = (EntityReference)context.InputParameters["Target"];
if (currentEntity == null)
var query = new QueryExpression(Account.EntityLogicalName);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("accountid", ConditionOperator.Equal, currentEntity.Id);
query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(AccountTypeAttributeName);
var accounts = service.RetrieveMultiple(query).Entities;
Account currentAccount = (Account)accounts[0];
SetForm(currentAccount, service, context.UserId);
private void SetForm(Account account, IOrganizationService service, Guid userId)
var query = new QueryExpression(UserEntityUISettings.EntityLogicalName);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("ownerid", ConditionOperator.Equal, userId);
query.Criteria.AddCondition("objecttypecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, Account.EntityTypeCode);
query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("lastviewedformxml");
var settings = service.RetrieveMultiple(query).Entities;
// Some users such as SYSTEM have no UserEntityUISettings, so skip.
if (settings == null || settings.Count != 1 || account.cf_AccountType == null) return;
var setting = settings[0].ToEntity<UserEntityUISettings>();
string formToUse;
switch ((accountType)account.cf_AccountType.Value)
case accountType.Customer:
formToUse = String.Format("<MRUForm><Form Type=\"Main\" Id=\"{0}\" /></MRUForm>", CustomerAccountFormId);
case accountType.Vendor:
formToUse = String.Format("<MRUForm><Form Type=\"Main\" Id=\"{0}\" /></MRUForm>", VendorAccountFormId);
case accountType.Partner:
formToUse = String.Format("<MRUForm><Form Type=\"Main\" Id=\"{0}\" /></MRUForm>", PartnerAccountFormId);
case accountType.Other:
formToUse = String.Format("<MRUForm><Form Type=\"Main\" Id=\"{0}\" /></MRUForm>", GenericAccountFormId);
formToUse = String.Format("<MRUForm><Form Type=\"Main\" Id=\"{0}\" /></MRUForm>", GenericAccountFormId);
// Only update if the last viewed form is not the one required for the given opportunity type
if (!formToUse.Equals(setting.LastViewedFormXml, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
var s = new UserEntityUISettings { Id = setting.Id, LastViewedFormXml = formToUse };
And to address the asker's issue with it only consulting the UserEntityUISettings once, I'm not sure why that's happening. But why not use javascript to change the form when the triggering attribute is changed? That what I do and I haven't ran into any problems with the plugin not displaying the desired for.
EDIT: the OP specified after that he needs a solution without javascript, I leave this reply for future references.
You can use javascript, inside the OnLoad event you check the picklist value and navigate to the desired form. Check this code as example
var value = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_optionset").getValue();
switch(value) {
case 100000000:
case 100000001:
case 100000002:
/// ... other cases here
// default form to open when there is no value
This is an oldy but a goody... I use CRM Rules to generate Hide Tab and Show Tab actions that essentially show each user role a different form.
Create one, massive form with all of the fields you want to display (if you already have many forms, this would include all fields across all forms).
Organize the form into TABS, with each tab showing 'one form' worth of data. (You can also have many TABS for each user group). Typically, I create one 'General' tab that has the key option set that will set the rest of the form up, and any fields that are common across roles / user groups / forms, like status, name, etc...
3) Hide all of the tabs except the General tab by unchecking the visible box on those tab form property forms in the Admin UI.
4) Using CRM Rules (, you can then bring in the metadata, with the form, and all of the tabs and sections in there. Then you just have to write one rule for each 'form' you are trying to show... Each rule is of this format:
IF User_Role contains 'Sales' THEN Show Tab: Sales
IF User_Role contains 'Marketing' THEN Show Tab: Marketing
You can also do this, of course, with an option set, or any field on the form as the condition... One of the benefits of this approach is that if users cross role boundaries (or some users were part of security roles that could access multiple forms), this technique shows them both forms at once...
HTH somebody, CRM Rules ( generates the JavaScript to make this happen...