selectSingleNode failing with Soap Response VB6 - soap

I have used this same code for many other projects and had no issues but for some reason it will not work here. Every time I get to the "If Not .selectSingleNode(strNode) Is Nothing Then" it comes back with nothing and drops me to the else. I have been able to verify the XML that is returned it is listed below as well as the code block that is reading it.
Unfortunately I have to develop this in VB6 in order to maintain compatibility with another product.
The Code is as follows:
With objXMLResponse
Dim strNode As String
strNode = "//PingResponse/PingResult/ResultCode"
If Not .selectSingleNode(strNode) Is Nothing Then
If .selectSingleNode(strNode).Text = "Success" Then
MsgBox "We have succeded", vbOKOnly
MsgBox "We have failed", vbOKOnly
End If
MsgBox "We have failed", vbOKOnly
End If
End With
The Soap Response is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<PingResponse xmlns="">
Thanks in advance for any help with this.

I have code below and its working fine (I am hitting "We have succeeded" message) with the data sample you provided
Are you forgetting to load XML file?
Your code does not specify how you load XML data. If loading from a file, do you have access to it?
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim objXMLResponse As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim success As Boolean
success = objXMLResponse.Load("C:\Temp\123.txt")
If success Then
With objXMLResponse
Dim strNode As String
strNode = "//PingResponse/PingResult/ResultCode"
If Not .selectSingleNode(strNode) Is Nothing Then
If .selectSingleNode(strNode).Text = "Success" Then
MsgBox "We have succeded", vbOKOnly
MsgBox "We have failed", vbOKOnly
End If
MsgBox "We have failed", vbOKOnly
End If
End With
MsgBox "Error loading XML file"
End If
End Sub


Send email with attachment from any email program

I need to send an email from an MS Access database with an attachment (not an Access object, but a separate file), but not tied to any one email software (Groupwise, Outlook, etc). I have found code to send an email with an attachment using Groupwise and Outlook, and there is the generic DoCmd.SendObject which only appears to support attaching Access objects. Is there a way to send an email from Access with an attachment, regardless of the email client configured on the user's PC?
Rationale: There's complications with software rollout here. The machine I work on has Access 2013 and Outlook 2013 installed. The users of the database are running Access 2010, but when I compile the database into a .accde in 2013, it does not work on 2010. The only way I can get it to work is to compile it on a much older PC also running Access 2010. However, this old PC does not have Outlook and IT won't/can't install Outlook on it. This means I can't compile the database using the Outlook library, as there is no Outlook library on the machine.
Here is code I use to send e-mails using Gmail:
Public Function SendEmailViaGmail(SendTo As String, Optional Subject As String = "", Optional TextBody As String = "", Optional ReplyTo As String = "", Optional AttachedFiles As Variant = "") As String
On Error GoTo send_emailErr
Dim ErrNum As Long
Dim ErrDes As String
SendEmailViaGmail = ""
ErrNum = 0
Set cdomsg = CreateObject("CDO.message")
With cdomsg.Configuration.Fields
.Item("") = 2 'NTLM method
.Item("") = ""
.Item("") = 587
.Item("") = 1
.Item("") = True
.Item("") = 60
.Item("") = sendusername '
.Item("") = sendpassword
End With
' build email parts
With cdomsg
.To = SendTo
.FROM = sendusername
.Subject = Subject
.TextBody = TextBody & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "--" & vbCrLf & "Sent using Marlan Data-Systems"
If IsArray(AttachedFiles) Then
For Each AttachedFile In AttachedFiles
If Len(AttachedFile) > 3 Then .AddAttachment AttachedFile
If Len(AttachedFiles) > 3 Then .AddAttachment AttachedFiles
End If
End With
SendEmailViaGmail = "Done!"
Set cdomsg = Nothing
Exit Function
ErrNum = Err.Number
ErrDes = Err.Description
Select Case Err.Number
Case -2147220977 'Likely cause, Incorrectly Formatted Email Address, server rejected the Email Format
SendEmailViaGmail = "Please Format the Email Address Correctly."
Case -2147220980 'Likely cause, No Recipient Provided (No Email Address)
SendEmailViaGmail = "Please Provide an Email Address"
Case -2147220960 'Likely cause, SendUsing Configuration Error
SendEmailViaGmail = "SendUsing Configuration Error"
Case -2147220973 'Likely cause, No Internet Connection
SendEmailViaGmail = "Please Check Internet Connection"
Case -2147220975 'Likely cause, Incorrect Password
SendEmailViaGmail = "Please Check Password"
Case Else 'Report Other Errors
SendEmailViaGmail = ""
End Select
SendEmailViaGmail = SendEmailViaGmail & " Error number: " & Err.Number & " Description: " & Err.Description
'If ErrNum = -2147220975 Then
' cdomsg.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 465
' Resume
'End If
Resume send_emailExit
End Function
AttachedFiles is a String, or an Array of Strings, representing full paths to file or files that are to be attached to the email.
CDO.message is a Microsoft windows object.
You can replace value of smtpserver to some other mailing service. If you do so, please be sure to modify other parameters as well.
Code is based on code I found on the web.

Mantis Bug Tracker SOAP API Response XML Error

I am using Mantis Bug Tracker SOAP API, but unfortunately every time it returns to me message like
"looks like we got no XML document",
after tracing the last response I got following message
"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""
<SOAP-ENV:Body><SOAP-ENV:Fault><faultcode xsi:type="xsd:string">Client</faultcode><faultactor xsi:type="xsd:string"></faultactor><faultstring xsi:type="xsd:string">Issue does not exist.</faultstring><detail xsi:type="xsd:string"></detail></SOAP-ENV:Fault></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"
I hope that, I am getting xml respose back, it appears that there is a addition of "" characters in the beginning.
Any clue or help would be great, in removing those characters.
The code for connecting to MANTIS SOAP API SERVER
$c = new \SoapClient("http://dev06/api/soap/mantisconnect.php?wsdl", array('trace'=> true, 'encoding'=>' UTF-8', 'soap_version'=>1.2));
$username = "xxxxx";
$password = "xxxxx";
try {
$c->mc_issue_get(trim($username), trim($password), 2331);
} catch (SoapFault $exception) {
I don't see any issue with your code and it works perfectly in my environment with slight modifications:
$c = new \SoapClient("http://localhost/demo/mantisbt-1.2.15/api/soap/mantisconnect.php?wsdl", array('trace'=> true, 'encoding'=>' UTF-8', 'soap_version'=>SOAP_1_2));
$username = "XXXXXXXX";
$password = "XXXX";
try {
$issue = $c->mc_issue_get(trim($username), trim($password), 31);
} catch (SoapFault $exception) {
It could be the soap_version, so may be you could try with soap_version=SOAP_1_1
Finally got the solution for it. Its very simple.
Firstly mantis SOAP API code base contains may be more than 20,000 lines of code. I think there is some where some one is printing some BOM characters.
So best solution would be, just use following function,
This function must be used in
Because this file has
That printouts payload, So just use ob_clean() at the beginning of the send_response() function.
Thanks and hope it will help others.

How to check is myMail.Send is true/false

Dim sent
Dim YourName
Dim YourEmail
Dim YourMessage
Set myMail2=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
YourName = Trim(Request.Form("Name"))
YourEmail = Trim(Request.Form("Email"))
YourMessage = Trim(Request.Form("Message"))
Dim Body
Dim body2
Body = Body & "Their Name: " & VbCrLf & YourName & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Their Email: " & VbCrLf & YourEmail & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Their Message: " & VbCrLf & YourMessage & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="A New Enquiry!"
myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
'Name or IP of remote SMTP server
myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
'Server port
myMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
set myMail=nothing
body2="Thank you for contacting us!" & VbCrLf & "This is just a brief message to let you know your form was submitted successfully!"& VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "You may reply to this address, but you may not necessarily receive a reply, "& "you should receive a reply in 1-2 business day(s)!"& VbCrLf & "Thank you very much,"& VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Musical Matters."& VbCrLf & ""
Set myMail2=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail2.Subject="Thanks for Contacting Us!"
myMail2.Configuration.Fields.Item _
'Name or IP of remote SMTP server
myMail2.Configuration.Fields.Item _
'Server port
myMail2.Configuration.Fields.Item _
If myMail2.Send="" Then
set myMail2=nothing
set myMail2=nothing
End If
The problem with my asp script is that I need to check whether the emails were sent or not and redirect them to an error or success page depending on the result.
If myMail2.Send="" Then
set myMail2=nothing
set myMail2=nothing
End If
in the code above mymail2.Send="" because i was testing something, i know i have to change the value to true or false, please be hasty with your answers!
Thanks in advance!
If the email address has valid syntax and the SMTP server is up and running, the Send method will never throw error, even if the email address does not exist.
There is no way to know 100% if the email reached its destination - one thing I can think is to check (using FSO) the BadMail and Queue folders in the SMTP root after few seconds from sending, and if they contain new entry it means something went wrong.
However as you're using external mail service, you'll have to contact them and ask for a way to get notified somehow when the delivery fails.
Seems to require using On Error statement.
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number = 0 Then
set myMail2 = Nothing
set myMail2 = Nothing
End If

xpath soap namespace grabbing items

I am feeling like i am doing something really not correct.
When doing a soap they return me with an xml which may or may not contain an error.
I would like to check if the error exists if not read the values.
somehow, I can't grab it directly :(
Below is a sample return of something with results and one which gives an error (name not found)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soapEnvelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
<envHeader xmlns:env="">
<wsuTimestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-061df7b5-32a2-4021-852d-2df98953e076">
<searchPersonResponse xmlns="">
<CCR_WS xmlns="">
and the one without results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soapEnvelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
<envHeader xmlns:env="">
<wsuTimestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-061df7b5-32a2-4021-852d-2df98953e076">
<searchPersonResponse xmlns="">
<CCR_WS xmlns="">
<exceptie errorcode="1">No Results found.</exceptie>
Here is my code to select the namespace, then check
$results = simplexml_load_string($response);
$lijst = $results->xpath('//ccr:CCR_WS');
$errorcode = $lijst[0]->exceptie->attributes()->errorcode;
$error = $lijst[0]->exceptie;
if (isset($errorcode) AND $errorcode != "") {
// do things with the error code
} else {
$lijst = $results->xpath('//ccr01:searchPersonResult');
$cur = $lijst[0]->CCR_WS->curandus;
echo $cur->ccn."<BR>";
echo $cur->cur_voornamen."<BR>";
echo $cur->cur_voorvoegsels."<BR>";
echo $cur->cur_achternaam."<BR>";
echo $cur->geboorte_datum."<BR>";
echo $cur->geboorte_plaats."<BR>";
surely there is a better way of grabbing
for example...
...Don't know if this is a "better way" to everyone, but here is a direct XPath expression to select the errorcode. You can make it shorter and less efficient by dropping steps and using // (in the beginning or in the middle). Attributes are selected with # (or with attribute:: axis if you prefer the longer syntax). If attribute (or the exceptie element) doesn't exist, nothing is returned.
Remember to register all the namespace prefixes that yo use in your XPath expression.

400 Bad Request : Consuming WCF basicHttpBinding (Soap) using JScript/VBScript

var oXMLDoc, oXMLHttp, soapRequest, soapResponse;
oXMLHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");"POST", "http://nerdbox/HelloService.svc", false);
// Add HTTP headers
oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
// Form the message
soapRequest = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body><SayHello xmlns=""><name>Zuhaib</name></SayHello></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>';
WScript.Echo("Request : " + soapRequest);
soapResponse = oXMLHttp.responseXML.xml;
WScript.Echo("Respose : " + soapResponse);
Whats wrong with this JScript? why am I getting 400 Bad Request. I read similar threads in stackoverflow .. some say its soap message formatting problem.
This is what the message looks like if I take it from fiddler.
Try changing your action from IHelloService to HelloService.
And let me ask you, why are you doing it the hard way. Just add a webHttpBinding and use JSON.
See a very easy example here.
I had to change your code to the following to get it to run in VBSEdit...then I (obviously) got the error about it not being able to find the resource...but change your code to this and see if it makes a difference?
Dim oXMLDoc, oXMLHttp, soapRequest, soapResponse
Set oXMLHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "POST", "http://nerdbox/HelloService.svc", False
'// Add HTTP headers
oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", ""
'// Form the message
soapRequest = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-16""?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="""" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:xsd=""""><soap:Body><SayHello xmlns=""""><name>Zuhaib</name></SayHello></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>"
WScript.Echo "Request : " + soapRequest
oXMLHttp.send soapRequest
soapResponse = oXMLHttp.responseXML.xml
WScript.Echo "Respose : " + soapResponse