Given 4 points of an area, I want to calculate 30 random points inside the area. Is there a way to do that fast? I ask this because if there is a library to do that I could calculate more than 30 random points.
Do you mean 4 corners? Find the transform that maps your shape to a square, calculate random uniform coordinates in the square, then map back to your shape with the inverse transform.
Im trying to calculate numerically an area of different shapes where the only thing I know about them is the (x,y) of each corner.
For example the shapes are:
P.s. The points inside the shape are for other calculation, I only need the area of the most outer shape.
Thank you.
Create polygon, and use polyarea function.
Given x,y location of corners than:
I want a function to compute and get the diameter of the circle that circumscribes the object. Is there a built-in function in MATLAB to do this? Otherwise, what can I do?
Try this algorithm:
Compute the average x and average y for every point in the irregular object. This is done by taking the x and y component for every point and add them into the total x and total y and then divide by the number of points. This average x and average y point algorithm gives you a non-weighted center of the object.
Use that center point to compute the distance for every point in the irregular object again. Keeping the largest distance as the radius of the object.
Use the center point and the radius to compute the circumference.
I am submitting proof that the distance between the 2 points that are furthest apart in the object fails with a simple triangle. See image below. Also, the big-O notation for computing the two points that are the furthest apart is x^2. The big-O for this algorithm is 2x. The diameter of the circle in the image would be computed as 20; distance between -10,0 and 10,0. A circle of diameter 20 will not encompass the point # 0,-11. Any movement of the circle would automatically remove at least one of the two points used to compute the diameter of the circle because both points are on tangents.
Suppose M is a mask in BW, just do :
[b_x,b_y] = find(bwperim(M)== 1)
Check this function bwperim
I have some binary images that want to classify them base on shape of them in MATLAB. If they have circular or elliptical shape they belong to class one,if they have elliptical shape with dent in their boundary they belong to class two. I dont know how can I use this feature. Can any body help me with this?
You can use the eccentricity property in regionprops. From MATLAB documentation of eccentricity:
The eccentricity is the ratio of the distance between the foci of the ellipse and its major axis length. The value is between 0 and 1. (0 and 1 are degenerate cases. An ellipse whose eccentricity is 0 is actually a circle, while an ellipse whose eccentricity is 1 is a line segment.)
So as the value of eccentricity increases , the ellipse starts becoming flatter. Hence, at its maximum value = 1, it is a line segment.
To check if there is a dent in the ellipse, you can use check for convexity. Whenever there is a dent in an ellipse, it will be non-convex. In other words, if you try to fit a convex polygon, it won't be able to approximate the shape well enough. You can use convexArea property to check the same. From MATLAB documentation of convexArea:
Returns a p-by-2 matrix that specifies the smallest convex polygon that can contain the region. Each row of the matrix contains the x- and y-coordinates of one vertex of the polygon. Only supported for 2-D label matrices.
So you use bwlabel to create a 2-D label matrix from your binary image and then check the difference between the area of your binary image and the area of the fitted convex polygon. Measuring area could be as simple as counting pixels. You already know that the number pixels of your fitted convex polygon = p. Just take the absolute difference between p and the number of pixels in your original binary image. You should be able to easily set a threshold to classify into one of the two classes.
I think you can write the code for this. Hope this helps.
I have this 3 points (x,y) and I need to obtain a mask with a triangle where vertices is the points. I should respect some parameters, like the pixel pitch and I need a grid from the minimum x cordinate to the maximum x coordinate (the same for the y).
I tried to do this in matlab with the function poly2mask but the problem is the resultant image: when I have negative coordinates, I cannot see the polygon.
So I tried to center the polygon but I loose the original coordinates and I cannot have they back again because I need to do some elaboration on the image.
How I can obtain a mask triangle from 3 points without modifying the points and respecting the parameters?
Can you explain that a histogram can find the degree of similarity in the image? for example, the euclidean distance.
so base on color look at the stats of color the most for color and how it is trough out the image
euclidean distance is the different between the two points so
1 color and amount of color different
2 how fare the pixels are a part count pixels [x=2 y=4 z=2] [x=4 y=-4 z=9] = [x=>2 y=>8 z=7]