In libgdx's Batch interface, what are these arguments used for? - eclipse

I'm trying to figure out what all these arguments do, as when I draw my bullet image it appears as a solid block instead of a sprite that alternates between solid color and an empty portion (i.e instead of 10101 it's 11111, with 0's being empty parts in the texture).
Before, I was using batch.draw(texture, float x, float y) and it displays the texture correctly. However I was playing around with rotation, and this is the version of draw that seemed most suitable:
batch.draw(texture, x, y, originX, originY, width, height, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, flipX, flipY)
I can figure out the obvious ones, those being originX, originY (location to draw the image from its upper left pixel I believe) however then I don't know what the x, y coordinate after texture is for.
scaleX,scaleY, rotation, and flipX, flipY I know what to do with, but what is srcX and srcY, along with the srcWidth and srcHeight for?
edit: I played around and figured out what the srcX,srcY and srcHeight,Width do. I can not figure out what originX,Y does, even though I'm guess it's the centerpoint of the image. Since I don't want to play around with this one anyway, should I leave it as 0,0?
What would be common uses for manipulating the centerpoint of images?

Answering main question.
srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight are values determine which part (rectangle) of source texture you want to draw. For example, your source image is 100x100 pixels of size. And you want to draw only 60x60 part in a middle of source image.
batch.draw(texture, x, y, 20, 20, 60, 60);
Answering your edited question.
Origin is a center point for rotation and scale transformations. So if you want to your sprite scales and rotates around it's center point you should set origin values so:
float originX = width * 0.5f;
float originY = height * 0.5f;
In case you don't care about rotation and scaling you may not specify this params (leave it 0).
And keep in mind, that origin is not determines image drawing position (this is most common mistake). It means that two next method calls are draw image at same position (forth and fifth params are originX and originY):
batch.draw(image, x, y, 0, 0, width, height, ...);
batch.draw(image, x, y, 50, 50, width, height, ...);

According to the documentation, the parameters are as defined:
srcX - the x-coordinate in texel space
srcY - the y-coordinate in texel space
srcWidth - the source with in texels
srcHeight - the source height in texels


Draw line relative to Image position and scale

I am making a game in Unity and I have a Canvas set to Screen Space - Overlay and it has that background green as you can see from the image. I also have a RawImage with the background blue as a child of the Canvas and the player will have to draw an object like a car or a house inside the RawImage.Right now, the line Instantiates in a random position on the screen even if I give it the coordinated (0, 0).
What I need help with is to find a way to convert the coordinates so I only work with the inside coordinates of the RawImage. For example, the (0, 0) coordinate I will pass to the line, has to be converted to the bottom-left corner of the RawImage. and the maximum width or height should also depend on the RawImage width and height.
Here is the CreateLine function I have for now:
public void CreateLine(int x, int y)
currentLine = Instantiate(linePrefab,, Quaternion.identity);
currentLine.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("GameMenu(Clone)").transform; //Make the line a child of the Canvas named GameMenu
lineRenderer = currentLine.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, new Vector3(x, y, 99));
lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, new Vector3(x, y, 99));
Any amount of help will be greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

Convert screen coordinates to Metal's Normalized Device Coordinates

I am trying to render a 2D triangle using user touches. So, I will let a user touch three points on the screen and those points will be used as vertices of a triangle.
You're already aware that you need to return clip-space coordinates (technically not normalized device coordinates) from your vertex shader. The question is how and where to go from UIKit coordinates to Metal's clip-space coordinates.
Let's start by defining these different spaces. Note that below, I actually am using NDC coordinates for the sake of simplicity, since in this particular case, we aren't introducing perspective by returning vertex positions with w != 1. (Here I'm referring to the w coordinate of the clip-space position; in the following discussion, w always refers to the view width).
We pass the vertices into our vertex shader in whatever space is convenient (this is often called model space). Since we're working in 2D, we don't need the usual series of transformations to world space, then eye space. Essentially, the coordinates of the UIKit view are our model space, world space, and eye space all in one.
We need some kind of orthographic projection matrix to move from this space into clip space. If we strip out the unnecessary parts related to the z axis and assume that our view bounds' origin is (0, 0), we come up with the following transformation:
We could pass this matrix into our vertex shader, or we could do the transformation prior to sending the vertices to the GPU. Considering how little data is involved, it really doesn't matter at this point. In fact, using a matrix at all is a little wasteful, since we can just transform each coordinate with a couple of multiplies and an add. Here's how that might look in a Metal vertex function:
float2 inverseViewSize(1.0f / width, 1.0f / height); // passed in a buffer
float clipX = (2.0f * in.position.x * inverseViewSize.x) - 1.0f;
float clipY = (2.0f * -in.position.y * inverseViewSize.y) + 1.0f;
float4 clipPosition(clipX, clipY, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Just to verify that we get the correct results from this transformation, let's plug in the upper-left and lower-right points of our view to ensure they wind up at the extremities of clip space (by linearity, if these points transform correctly, so will all others):
These points appear correct, so we're done. If you're concerned about the apparent distortion introduced by this transformation, note that it is exactly canceled by the viewport transformation that happens prior to rasterization.
Here is a function that will convert UIKit view-based coordinates to Metal's clip space coordinates (based on warrenm`s answer). It can be added directly to a shader file & called from the vertex shader function.
float2 convert_to_metal_coordinates(float2 point, float2 viewSize) {
float2 inverseViewSize = 1 / viewSize;
float clipX = (2.0f * point.x * inverseViewSize.x) - 1.0f;
float clipY = (2.0f * -point.y * inverseViewSize.y) + 1.0f;
return float2(clipX, clipY);
You'll want to pass the viewSize (UIKit's bounds) to Metal somehow, say via a buffer parameter on the vertex function.
Translated Thompsonmachine's code to swift, using SIMD values which is what I need to pass to shaders.
func convertToMetalCoordinates(point: CGPoint, viewSize: CGSize) -> simd_float2 {
let inverseViewSize = CGSize(width: 1.0 / viewSize.width, height: 1.0 / viewSize.height)
let clipX = Float((2.0 * point.x * inverseViewSize.width) - 1.0)
let clipY = Float((2.0 * -point.y * inverseViewSize.height) + 1.0)
return simd_float2(clipX, clipY)

Is CGContextAddArc really that slow (compared to a circle drawn with a few lines

While coding up a few dials and sliders (e.g. like a big volume button one can rotate around) - I found that the standard CGContextAddArc() used like:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, radius * (KE-KR)+8);
.... more some colour/width/etc settings
CGContextAddArc(ctx, dx,dy,radius, 0, 2*M_PI, 0);
to be unbelievable slow.
On an iPad - with a handful of filled/stroked circles, less than some 10 clean [self setNeedsDisplay] updates/second during drag. A very quick hack with a hand-drawn circle (shown below) was several orders of magnitude faster. Same applies to the emulator.
Why is this. Seems to be the case for both a normal fill and various gradient fills. What am I doing wrong ?
// Stupid replacement for CGContectAddArc() which seems to be very slow.
void CGContextAddCirlce(CGContextRef ctx, float ox, float oy, float radius)
double len = 2 * M_PI * radius;
double step = 1.8 / len; // over the top :)
// translating/scaling would more efficient, etc..
float x = ox + radius;
float y = oy;
// stupid hack - should just do a quadrant and mirror twice.
for(double a = step; a < 2.0 * M_PI -step; a += step) {
x = ox + radius * cos(a);
y = oy + radius * sin(a);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, x, y);
The vector drawing operations of Quartz 2D can be slow, which is why it is a good idea to redraw only when needed.
In your case, I would suggest drawing your volume button once, then transforming the UIView or CALayer into which you've drawn the button using a rotational transform. By simply moving, rotating, or scaling a view, you do not trigger an expensive redraw. The content is already cached as a texture, and the GPU can quickly manipulate and composite this rasterized content on top of your other views.
You'll find that avoiding redrawing in this manner will yield much improved performance.
Issue partly (mostly resolved).
Extensive benchmarking does show that AddArc is indeed slow compared to drawing a complete circle with a vector/straight-line path for circles in the 100-200 pixel radius range. For partial circles the effect is much less pronounced; am wondering if this is tied to the number of beziers.
The code below did not compile as one would read it; M_PI was not the 3.14etc as actually expected by set to (3.14... * ((EVP_ARM7_ADJUST[(PLTF)])) by an included fixed-point DSP library (set to x100).
Hence it specified the end-arc double by a factor of 256 too large.
And it was the latter which did make the issue so noticeable (evidently the underlaying implementation just keeps going round and round and round..).
So issue now understood (and will keep an optimized/benchmarked version).
Thanks for the help!

Weird anti-aliasing in custom view

I have a custom UIView which is drawn using its -[drawRect:] method.
The problem is that the anti-aliasing acts very weird as black lines horizontal or vertical lines are drawn very blurry.
If I disable anti-aliasing with CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing, everything is drawn as expected.
alt text
No Anti-Aliasing (which looks like the expected result with AA):
alt text
The line width is exactly 1, and all coordinates are integral values.
The same happens if I draw a rectangle using CGContextStrokeRect, but not if I draw exactly the same CGRect with UIRectStroke.
Since a stroke expands equal amounts to both sides, a line of one pixel width must not be placed on an integer coordinate, but at 0.5 pixels offset.
Calculate correct coordinates for stroked lines like this:
CGPoint pos = CGPointMake(floorf(pos.x) + 0.5f, floorf(pos.y) + 0.5f);
BTW: Don't cast your values to int and back to float to get rid of the decimal part. There's a function for this in C called floor.
in your view frames, you probably have float values that are not integers. While the frames are precise enough to do fractions of a pixel (float), you will get blurriness unless you cast to an int
CGRect frame = CGRectMake((int)self.frame.bounds..., (int)...., (int)...., (int)....);

Car turning circle and moving the sprite

I would like to use Cocos2d on the iPhone to draw a 2D car and make it steer from left to right in a natural way.
Here is what I tried:
Calculate the angle of the wheels and just move it to the destination point where the wheels point to. But this creates a very unnatural feel. The car drifts half the time
After that I started some research on how to get a turning circle from a car, which meant that I needed a couple of constants like wheelbase and the width of the car.
After a lot of research, I created the following code:
float steerAngle = 30; // in degrees
float speed = 20;
float carWidth = 1.8f; // as in 1.8 meters
float wheelBase = 3.5f; // as in 3.5 meters
float x = (wheelBase / abs(tan(steerAngle)) + carWidth/ 2);
float wheelBaseHalf = wheelBase / 2;
float r = (float) sqrt(x * x + wheelBaseHalf * wheelBaseHalf);
float theta = speed * 1 / r;
if (steerAngle < 0.0f)
theta = theta * -1;
drawCircle(CGPointMake(carPosition.x - r, carPosition.y),
The first couple of lines are my constants. carPosition is of the type CGPoint. After that I try to draw a circle which shows the turning circle of my car, but the circle it draws is far too small. I can just make my constants bigger, to make the circle bigger, but then I would still need to know how to move my sprite on this circle.
I tried following a .NET tutorial I found on the subject, but I can't really completely convert it because it uses Matrixes, which aren't supported by Cocoa.
Can someone give me a couple of pointers on how to start this? I have been looking for example code, but I can't find any.
EDIT After the comments given below
I corrected my constants, my wheelBase is now 50 (the sprite is 50px high), my carWidth is 30 (the sprite is 30px in width).
But now I have the problem, that when my car does it's first 'tick', the rotation is correct (and also the placement), but after that the calculations seem wrong.
The middle of the turning circle is moved instead of kept at it's original position. What I need (I think) is that at each angle of the car I need to recalculate the original centre of the turning circle. I would think this is easy, because I have the radius and the turning angle, but I can't seem to figure out how to keep the car moving in a nice circle.
Any more pointers?
You have the right idea. The constants are the problem in this case. You need to specify wheelBase and carWidth in units that match your view size. For example, if the image of your car on the screen has a wheel base of 30 pixels, you would use 30 for the WheelBase variable.
This explains why your on-screen circles are too small. Cocoa is trying to draw circles for a tiny little car which is only 1.8 pixels wide!
Now, for the matter of moving your car along the circle:
The theta variable you calculate in the code above is a rotational speed, which is what you would use to move the car around the center point of that circle:
Let's assume that your speed variable is in pixels per second, to make the calculations easier. With that assumption in place, you would simply execute the following code once every second:
// calculate the new position of the car
newCarPosition.x = (carPosition.x - r) + r*cos(theta);
newCarPosition.y = carPosition.y + r*sin(theta);
// rotate the car appropriately (pseudo-code)
[car rotateByAngle:theta];
Note: I'm not sure what the correct method is to rotate your car's image, so I just used rotateByAngle: to get the point across. I hope it helps!
update (after comments):
I hadn't thought about the center of the turning circle moving with the car. The original code doesn't take into account the angle that the car is already rotated to. I would change it as follows:
if (steerAngle < 0.0f)
theta = theta * -1;
// calculate the center of the turning circle,
// taking int account the rotation of the car
circleCenter.x = carPosition.x - r*cos(carAngle);
circleCenter.y = carPosition.y + r*sin(carAngle);
// draw the turning circle
drawCircle(circleCenter, r, CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(180), 50, NO);
// calculate the new position of the car
newCarPosition.x = circleCenter.x + r*cos(theta);
newCarPosition.y = circleCenter.y + r*sin(theta);
// rotate the car appropriately (pseudo-code)
[car rotateByAngle:theta];
carAngle = carAngle + theta;
This should keep the center of the turning circle at the appropriate point, even if the car has been rotated.