I'm getting into single-table ddb design and I'm discovering the need for delimiters and other significant characters in the keys themselves.
In order to avoid the possibility of having the delimiter symbol show up in the key value-itself, I'm thinking of using emojis/symbols as delimiters:
I read here that dynamo accepts UTF-8, and I read here that emojis can be UTF-8 encoded. But I'm far from expert on the matter, so, an authoritative answer would be well appreciated : )
I tested your text as is in a real DynamoDB table and it works just fine as a key and a value, but personally I would use double colons. So it looks like this:
IMO, it is easier to read is why I use them and nothing else uses that.
Whatever you choose, just a small tip. Remember that these characters count as part of the overall size of the item. When it comes to GetItem, Query, and Scan operations the size of the names matters. So, do not go wild here unless it really makes sense.
In mongodb docs the author mentions it's a good idea to shorten property names:
Use shorter field names.
and in an old blog post from how to node (it is offline by now April, 2022 edit)
....oft-reported issue with mongoDB is the
size of the data on the disk... each and every record stores all the field-names
.... This means that it can often be
more space-efficient to have properties such as 't', or 'b' rather
than 'title' or 'body', however for fear of confusion I would avoid
this unless truly required!
I am aware of solutions of how to do it. I am more interested in when is this truly required?
To quote Donald Knuth:
Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of
it) in programming.
Build your application however seems most sensible, maintainable and logical. Then, if you have performance or storage issues, deal with those that have the greatest impact until either performance is satisfactory or the law of diminishing returns means there's no point in optimising further.
If you are uncertain of the impact of particular design decisions (like long property names), create a prototype to test various hypotheses (like "will shorter property names save much space"). Don't expect the outcome of testing to be conclusive, however it may teach you things you didn't expect to learn.
Keep the priority for meaningful names above the priority for short names unless your own situation and testing provides a specific reason to alter those priorities.
As mentioned in the comments of SERVER-863, if you're using MongoDB 3.0+ with the WiredTiger storage option with snappy compression enabled, long field names become even less of an issue as the compression effectively takes care of the shortening for you.
Bottom line up: So keep it as compact as it still stays meaningful.
I don't think that this is every truly required to be shortened to one letter names. Anyway you should shorten them as much as possible, and you feel comfortable with it. Lets say you have a users name: {FirstName, MiddleName, LastName} you may be good to go with even name:{first, middle, last}. If you feel comfortable you may be fine with name:{f, m,l}.
You should use short names: As it will consume disk space, memory and thus may somewhat slowdown your application(less objects to hold in memory, slower lookup times due to bigger size and longer query time as seeking over data takes longer).
A good schema documentation may tell the developer that t stands for town and not for title. Depending on your stack you may even be able to hide the developer from working with these short cuts through some helper utils to map it.
Finally I would say that there's no guideline to when and how much you should shorten your schema names. It highly depends on your environment and requirements. But you're good to keep it compact if you can supply a good documentation explaining everything and/or offering utils to ease the life of developers and admins. Anyway admins are likely to interact directly with mongodb, so I guess a good documentation shouldn't be missed.
I performed a little benchmark, I uploaded 252 rows of data from an Excel into two collections testShortNames and testLongNames as follows:
Long Names:
"_id": ObjectId("6007a81ea42c4818e5408e9c"),
"countryNameMaster": "Andorra",
"countryCapitalNameMaster": "Andorra la Vella",
"areaInSquareKilometers": 468,
"countryPopulationNumber": NumberInt("77006"),
"continentAbbreviationCode": "EU",
"currencyNameMaster": "Euro"
Short Names:
"_id": ObjectId("6007a81fa42c4818e5408e9d"),
"name": "Andorra",
"capital": "Andorra la Vella",
"area": 468,
"pop": NumberInt("77006"),
"continent": "EU",
"currency": "Euro"
I then got the stats for each, saved in disk files, then did a "diff" on the two files:
pprint.pprint(db.command("collstats", dbCollectionNameLongNames))
The image below shows two variables of interest: size and storageSize.
My reading showed that storageSize is the amount of disk space used after compression, and basically size is the uncompressed size. So we see the storageSize is identical. Apparently the Wired Tiger engine compresses fieldnames quite well.
I then ran a program to retrieve all data from each collection, and checked the response time.
Even though it was a sub-second query, the long names consistently took about 7 times longer. It of course will take longer to send the longer names across from the database server to the client program.
Server Start DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:38
Server End DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:39
StartTimeMs= 606964546 EndTimeM= 606965328
ElapsedTime MilliSeconds= 782
Server Start DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:39
Server End DateTime=2021-01-20 08:44:39
StartTimeMs= 606965328 EndTimeM= 606965421
ElapsedTime MilliSeconds= 93
In Python, I just did the following (I had to actually loop through the items to force the reads, otherwise the query returns only the cursor):
results = dbCollectionLongNames.find(query)
for result in results:
Adding my 2 cents on this..
Long named attributes (or, "AbnormallyLongNameAttributes") can be avoided while designing the data model. In my previous organisation we tested keeping short named attributes strategy, such as, organisation defined 4-5 letter encoded strings, eg:
First Name = FSTNM,
Last Name = LSTNM,
Monthly Profit Loss Percentage = MTPCT,
Year on Year Sales Projection = YOYSP, and so on..)
While we observed an improvement in query performance, largely due to the reduction in size of data being transferred over the network, or (since we used JAVA with MongoDB) the reduction in length of "keys" in MongoDB document/Java Map heap space, the overall improvement in performance was less than 15%.
In my personal opinion, this was a micro-optimzation that came at an additional cost (and a huge headache) of maintaining/designing an additional system of managing Data Attribute Dictionary for each of the data models. This system was required to have an organisation wide transparency while debugging the application/answering to client queries.
If you find yourself in a position where upto 20% increase in the performance with this strategy is lucrative to you, may be it is time to scale up your MongoDB servers/choose some other data modelling/querying strategy, or else to choose a different database altogether.
If using verbose xml, trying to ameliorate that with custom names could be very important. A user comment in the SERVER-863 ticket said in his case; I'm ' storing externally-defined XML objects, with verbose naming: the fieldnames are, perhaps, 70% of the total record size. So fieldname tokenization could be a giant win, both in terms of I/O and memory efficiency.'
Collection with smaller name - InsertCompress
Collection with bigger name - InsertNormal
I Performed this on our mongo sharded cluster and Analysis shows
There is around 10-15% gain in shorter names while saving and seems purely based on network latency. I added bulk insert using multiple threads. So if single inserts it can save more.
My avg data size for InsertCompress is 280B and InsertNormal is 350B and inserted 25 million records. So InsertNormal shows 8.1 GB and InsertCompress shows 6.6 GB. This is data size.
Surprisingly Index data size shows as 2.2 GB for InsertCompress collection and 2 GB for InsertNormal collection
Again the storage size is 2.2 GB for InsertCompress collection while InsertNormal its around 1.6 GB
Overall apart from network latency there is nothing gained for storage, so not worth to put efforts going in this direction to save storage. Only if you have much bigger document and smaller field names saves lot of data you can consider
What is the maximum number of placeholders is allowed in a single statement? I.e. the upper limit of attribute NUM_OF_PARAMS.
I'm experiencing odd issue where I try to tune the maximum number of multiple rows insert, ie set the number to 20,000 gives me an error because $sth->{NUM_OF_PARAMS} becomes negative.
Reducing the max inserts to 5000 works fine.
As far as I am aware the only limitation in DBI is that the value is placed into a Perl scalar so it is what can be held in that. However, for DBDs it is totally different. I doubt many, if any databases support 20000 parameters. BTW, NUM_OF_PARAMS is readonly so I've no idea what you mean by "set the number to 20,000". I presume you just mean you create a SQL statement with 20000 parameters and then read NUM_OF_PARAMS and it gives you a negative value. If the latter I suggest you report (with an example) that on as it does not sound right at all.
I cannot imagine creating a SQL statement with 20000 parameters is going to be very efficient in any database. Far better to try and reduce that to a range or something like it if you can. In ODBC, 20000 parameters would mean 20000 IPDs and APDs and they are quite big structures. Since DB2 cli library is very like ODBC I would imagine you are going to eat up loads of memory.
Given that 20,000 causes negative problems and 5,000 doesn't, there's a signed 16-bit integer somewhere in the system, and the upper bound is therefore approximately 16383.
However, the limit depends on the underlying DBMS and the API used by the DBD module for the DBMS (and possibly the DBD code itself); it is not affected by DBI.
Are you sure that's the best way to deal with your problem?
I've seen multiple sizes and I don't want to waste server memory on a MySQL field which is reserving too much space for too many characters. What's the biggest they can get and will this ever change?
This is how integer overflows, integer->string migrations etc happen, by making datatypes too restrictive. Splash out on a few bytes for a 128b varchar and save yourself the hassle down the road. If your user base gets so massive that you need to be worrying about how many bytes you will save by crunching data types of UIDs, consider yourself a huge success and that is a problem you will be happy to solve.
Short answer, I dont think anyone will be able to answer your question, "ever" is a long time and who knows how many entities facebook will have enslaved by then.
I'll end with a quote from one who said it best;
We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.
—Donald E. Knuth
How could you ever be sure that this will never change? Better make it a varchar.
Currently, Facebook UIDs are 64 bits integers. But I can't guarantee that won't change one day.
The Facebook UID will never change because it is a unique identifier in their database. If it changed then facebook would cease to work
edit: many thanks for all the answers. Here are the results after applying the optimisations so far:
Switching to sorting the characters and run length encoding - new DB size 42M
Dropping the indexes on the booleans - new DB size 33M
The really nice part is this hasn't required any changes in the iphone code
I have an iphone application with a large dictionary held in sqlite format (read only). I'm looking for ideas to reduce the size of the DB file, which is currently very large.
Here is the number of entries and resulting size of the sqlite DB:
franks-macbook:DictionaryMaker frank$ ls -lh dictionary.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 frank staff 59M 8 Oct 23:08 dictionary.db
franks-macbook:DictionaryMaker frank$ wc -l dictionary.txt
453154 dictionary.txt average of about 135 bytes per entry.
Here is my DB schema:
create table words (word text primary key, sowpods boolean, twl boolean, signature text)
create index sowpods_idx on words(sowpods)
create index twl_idx on words(twl)
create index signature_idx on words(signature)
Here is some sample data:
The last field represents the letter frequencies for anagram retrieval (each position is in the range 0..9). The two booleans represent sub dictionaries.
I need to do queries such as:
select signature from words where word = 'foo'
select word from words where signature = '10001021100002210101010000' order by word asc
select word from words where word like 'foo' order by word asc
select word from words where word = 'foo' and (sowpods='1' or twl='1')
One idea I have is to encode the letter frequencies more efficiently, e.g. binary encode them as a blob (perhaps with RLE as there are many zeros?). Any ideas for how best to achieve this, or other ideas to reduce the size? I am building the DB in ruby, and reading it on the phone in objective C.
Also is there any way to get stats on the DB so I can see what is using the most space?
Have you tried typing the "vacuum" command to make sure you don't have extra space in the db you forgot to reclame?
Remove the indexes on sowpods and twl -- they are probably not helping your query times and are definitely taking lots of space.
You can get stats on the database using sqlite3_analyzer from the SQLite downloads page.
As a totally different approach, you could try using a bloom filter instead of a comprehensive database. Basically, a bloom filter consists of a bunch of hash functions, each of which is associated with a bitfield. For each legal word, each hash function is evaluated, and the corresponding bit in the corresponding bit field is set. Drawback is it's theoretically possible to get false positives, but those can be minimized/practically eliminated with enough hashes. Plus side is a huge space savings.
I'm not clear on all the use cases for the signature field but it seems like storing an alphabetized version of the word instead would be beneficial.
The creator of SQLite sells a version of SQLite that includes database compression (and encryption). This would be perfect.
Your best bet is to use compression, which unfortunately SQLite does not support natively at this point. Luckily, someone took the time to develop a compression extension for it which could be what you need.
Otherwise I'd recommend storing your data mostly in compressed format and uncompressing on the fly.
As a text field, signature is currently using at least 26 * 8 bytes per entry (208 bytes) but if you were to pack the data into a bitfield, you could probably get away with only 3 bits per letter (reducing your maximum frequency per letter to 7). That would mean you could pack the entire signature in 26 * 3 bits = 78 bits = 10 bytes. Even if you used 4 bits per letter (for a maximum frequency of 15 per letter) you would only use 104 bits (13 bytes).
EDIT: After a bit more thought, I think 4 bits per letter (instead of 3) would be a better idea because it would make the binary math easier.
EDIT2: Reading through the docs on SQLite data types, it seems that you might be able to just make the "signature" field span 26 columns of type INTEGER and SQLite will do the right thing and only use as many bits as required to store the value.
Do I reckon correctly that you have about 450K words like that in your database ?
I've got no clue about iPhone, neither serious about sqlitem but... as long as sqlite does not allow for a way to save the file as gz right away (it maybe already does internally? no, does not look like that when you say it's about 135 b per entry. not even with both indexes), I would move away from the table approach, save it "manually" in a dictionary approach compression and build the rest on the fly and in memory. That should perform VERY well on your type of data.
Wait... Are you using that signature to allow for fulltextsearching or mistyping recogition ? Would full text search on sqlite not obsolete that field ?
As noted storing "Signature" more efficiently seems like a good idea.
However, it also seems like you could gain a ton of space savings by using some kind of lookup table for words - since you seem to be taking a root word and then appending "er", "ed", "es", etc why not have a column with a numeric ID that references a root word from a separate lookup table, and then a separate column with a numeric ID that references a table of common word suffixes that would be appended to the base word.
If there were any tricks around storing shorthand versions of signatures for multiple entries with a single root word, you could also employ those to reduce the size of stored signatures (not sure what algorithm is producing those values)
This also seems to make a lot of sense to me as you have the "word" column as a primary key, but do not even index it - just create a separate numeric column that is the primary ID for the table.
mhmm... an iPhone... doesn't it have a permanent data connection ?
I think this is where a webapplication/webservice can jump in snugly.
Move most of your business logic to the webserver (he's gonna have real SQL with FTS and looooots of memory) and fetch that info online to the client on the device.
As mentioned elsewhere, lose the indexes on the boolean columns, they will almost certainly be slower (if used at all) than a table scan and are going to use space needlessly.
I'd consider applying a simple compression to the words, Huffman coding is pretty good for this sort of thing. Also, I'd look at the signatures: sort the columns in letter frequency order and don't bother storing trailing zeroes, which can be implied. I guess you could Huffman-encode those, too.
Always assuming your encoded strings don't upset SQLite, of course.