How to accept subscription payments for services on my website that would go to multiple users - paypal

I am building an application that has two types of users: owners and buyers.
When a user signs up for a payment subscription to the services offered on the website, the system checks to which owner those selected services belong to and should then make that subscription payment go to that owner. So basically, users have no idea that payments go to multiple people. As far as they are concerned, they are just selecting certain services on our website and signing up for a monthly recurring subscription payment. The system then decides where that subscription money should go.
So, how can I do this? What possible systems can I use? I have looked into two: PayPal and Stripe. I can see how I might be able to use them for this if I get really creative, however I just wanted to ask you guys to see if any one has experience in doing something like this and what is a good way to do this.
Thank you.

Here're description about PayPal Adaptive Payment, you need setup preapproval and Chained Payment .
In this scenario, you act as Primary Receiver. You can setup the payment that Primary Receiver keep certain percentage amount ($10 in in 2nd picture), or distribute all payment to multiple receivers (service providers). It's up to your business logic.


How to split incoming payments into two or more accounts? 2022 (Paypal or other platform?)

We are a team of completely junior developers and we'd like to know if there's a way to split incoming payments -equally- into different accounts, wether it's through Paypal or other platform.
For example, we would send a link button to the client to make the payment, let's say $100, and we would like to be automatically split into 2 accounts (50%-50%) or 3 accounts (33%-33%-33%).
Is there a way to do that?
Should we create a special type of account to be able to access that functionality? (for example I have my personal -non business- account on Paypal, should we create a business account in order to be able to have that split payment option and, from there, split it into my personal account and my partner's?)
Should we use another platform instead of Paypal?
Should we integrate the code into a website with the Paypal payment method? or can it just be a link that we send to the client, let's say, via email?
Are there easier ways to solve this (for example with crypto -binance or sth like that-)?
We are completely lost on this topic since we're just starting, so any advice would do.
Thanks in advance!!
For PayPal, after receiving the payment into a single account you control, you could (as separate transactions) send some of that amount to other account(s) using Payouts, which you can request access to. Approval may or may not be granted for your use case.
Without Payouts, a manual sending from that single account to others can be done in the account interface, using the Send Money feature.

Square API to create merchant account?

I am creating an app where sellers can sign up on an app, and sell products (think Etsy). Local users can view and purchase the product from the seller.
What would be the best approach for doing this? I was looking at the Square API. I looked through Square's Merchant API but could not find an endpoint to create a new Merchant account (which I would ideally create for each seller). Another option might be to create one Merchant account (for the app) and a new Location for each seller. Does this seem like a good idea?
At this time the ability to create merchant accounts with Square APIs isn't currently available. We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your request to the API product team.
It isn't recommended to have all payments run through one Square account cause you'd have to deal with all of the chargeback risk for every payment and all the payouts of funds to the sellers.

Is it possible to block an amount in Paypal like a credit card

I am starting a business and I would like to offer Paypal as a payment option, but for my business it is essential to be able to block an amount of money, just like a car rental or a hotel does on a credit card. Would it be possible to block an amount from my users PayPal account and release it or book it for good later?
My business is of course an online service, and I want to do this pragmatically in a Spring based application.
I think what you are looking for is Authorization and capture.
I haven't used that feature from Paypal, but have used it elsewhere. What you are looking for is usually called card authorization, preauthorization, or preauth.
Yes it's possible
PayPal's REST API offer 3 primary ways to ensure you paid for product/services that you give to your customers
sale. Makes an immediate payment so you get paid immediately
authorize. Authorizes a payment for capture later.(this is what you see in a car rental or hotel)
order. Creates an order. - which gives you the flexibility to
multiple to do multiple authorizations and captures (these are for
complex use cases such as when you buy a computer from Dell you would
be authorized for the desktop, monitor, keyboard at different points
of time based on availability and then the funds captured when they
are shipped)

Paypal vault for recurring payments

I'm going to offer my customers a selection of subscriptions to digital content. I want the customer to be able to add or delete subscriptions later, with as little hassle as possible.
It seems that if I use Paypal vault, I can collect the card information on the same subscriptions screen without multiple redirects and later change the monthly total without another checkout process or even customer sending approval to Paypal!
Does Paypal allow this? It seems too easy and also too permissive. Also, do I need to worry about PCI compliance?
Does anyone know a better way to do this (with or without Paypal)? I don't know how to use paypal recurring payments without a lengthy checkout if they ever change their subscriptions. Google wallet does not have subscription cancellation in their API! Several other alternatives only allow preset subscription amounts.
The CSC/CVV is missing from the examples here: which makes me think you cannot use the card at will. The customer is probably going to be asked for authorisation.
Normally your online payment provider needs to support recurring payments (installments, subscriptions). PayPal does, there's a specific API:
For the customer it's one-off, then the card is billed, say, monthly.

Paypal ExpressCheckout + chained Payment

I developed a Web Application that accepts payments via the ExpressCheckout API, for users to become a members.
Everything works fine.
I now want to extend my Web Application Services and offer my users with the possibility to buy items which are sold by third parties (my members).
The principle I would like to implement is quite simple: for each order, let the user pay for the item they choose and then transfer a part of the amount I received to the item provider, and keep some money for me. I would like to automate this process so that once I received the payment notification, I compute the amount of money to transfer to the item provider who might or not have a Paypal account (in other words, this means that I could maybe need to transfer the money to a bank account, using the IBAN/SWIFT data) and then proceed with the money transfer.
I tried to find a solution reading your documentation and came across the "chained payment" but the latter does not seem to be used within the ExpressCheckout workflow.
Also, since my implementation of the ExpressCheckout flow works, I would not like to have to find a totally different solution but rather extend it... if possible.
Could you please tell me which is the best solution for me?
In advance, many thanks for your help.
You could do 1 of 2 things. You could use Express Checkout with parallel payments. This means you could split the transaction up between different accounts at the time of purchase. The other option would be to just receive all of the funds into your account, and then when you are wanting to send money to the other accounts you could either use the Adaptive Payments (Pay) API or the MassPayments API to send money to the other accounts. Keep in mind you would have to send it to their PayPal accounts, you would not be able to send it directly to a bank account with either one of these API's.
I had the same issue and I got an answer from PayPal that it is not allowed to use Express Checkout to transfer money to your PayPal account and - at a later point in time - transfer the amount minus your service fee (which stays on your PayPal account) via Adapative Payments API to the seller's PayPal account. PayPal suggested to use Chained Payments API instead. All works fine in the sandbox, but once you need a Live APP ID from PayPal they will review your business case and deny it. At least that what happened to me.
I know that is old question, but anyway, I tried to find solution and was enable to perform the simillar thing like described in question. So, then I asked paypal about this, and they gave me advice to use SellerDetailsType Fields that 's called PayPalAccountID, description for this field is Unique identifier for the merchant. For parallel payments, this field is required and must contain the Payer Id or the email address of the merchant. It wasn't clear for me to use this field for solving my problem. Here is link I described field for soap request, for NVP it's called PAYMENTREQUEST_n_SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID, but the idea is the same. I hope it will help someone.