Pre-increment and post-increment operators in Swift - swift

//Post and Pre-Increment Test
func FindValueOFC() -> String
var a : Int = 10
var b : Int = 20
var c = a++ + a++ + b++ + b++ + ++a + ++b
return "The value Of variable C is \(c)"
let whatsTheValueOfC = FindValueOFC()
Why does this program prints out The value Of variable C is 98?
Logically it should be 96, as a++ + a++ + b++ + b++ + ++a + ++b can be translated to 10+11+20+21+12+22 = 96

Please don't ever do this in a real program. It leads to undefined behavior when you mix multiple mutators in the same expression. There is nothing in the language that guarantees that the pre-increment operator happens immediately before the value is accessed or that the post-increment operator happens immediately after the variable is accessed.
The compiler could have done the pre-increment of a and b first, added up all of the values, and then applied the post-increments. This would have given the result of
11 + 11 + 21 + 21 + 11 + 21 = 96
The point being that many answers are possible and valid, hence the name undefined behavior. It is possible that you would get different answers with different levels of compiler optimization, which could lead to very puzzling differences between your testing and shipping versions of your app.


babel 6 and constants folding / propagation

Could someone suggest the right way to eliminate constants from the code in production mode? I've already tested babel-plugin-constant-folding and babel-plugin-dead-code-elimination but they both work only with babel 5, not with babel 6.
const K=1;
const B=K + 13;
console.log("b=" + B);
I expect to get:
console.log("k=" + 1 + ", b=" + 14)
or, better (honestly, I don't need this level of optimization, replacing all ID with their values without string concat is completely enough for me):
console.log("k=1, b=13")
but get only:
var K = 1,
B = K + 13;
console.log("k=" + K + ", b=" + B);
Could someone suggest me the right sequence of babel plugins?

Simplifying boolean algebra (XOR)

I know how to convert first and second term to the first term of the simplified expression, but I don't know how to convert the rest.
By simplifying, I can get rid of A_Bar in the third term and A in the fifth term and get =B*C_bar
How is it that B*C_bar + the fourth term = becomes XOR(B,C) ?
The two expressions are clearly the same. This can be easily proven by truth tables.
The first one is:
And the second one:
However, this does not fully answer your question.
B*C_bar + the fourth term = becomes XOR(B,C)
This is clearly true if A is true, since per definitionem, B XOR C = B_bar and C OR B and C_bar.
If A is false, these terms are always false and you cannot simplify these two to B XOR C! They are not equal!
Note: Tables generated with
Note2: ^= OR, ¬ = NOT, ∨ = AND
let play a game.
Let a=not(A), b=not(B) and c=not(C) and *=xor
Y = ab + (B*C)
Y = ab + Bc + bC
Y = ab(1) + Bc(1) + bC(1)
Y = ab(c+C) + Bc(a+A) + bC(a+A)
Y = abc + abC + Bca + BcA + bCa + bCA
Y = abc + abC + aBc + ABc + abC + AbC
Y = abc + abC + aBc + ABc + AbC
That is the first equ.

In a recursive function, how does a series of returns get assembled back into a single result?

I'm trying to understand what's going on in this recursive function. It reverses a String, but I don't quite get how these separate return calls get assembled into one string at the end.
def reverse(string: String): String = {
if (string.length() == 0)
return string
return reverse(string.substring(1)) + string.charAt(0)
I've analysed the function by adding in print statement, and while I kind of understand how it works (conceptually), I don't understand, well... how it works.
For instance, I know that each cycle of recursion pushes things into the stack.
So, I would expect reverse("hello"), to become a stack of
But it must be more complex than that, as the recursive call is return reverse(string.substring(1)) + string.charAt(0). So is the stack actually
l, o
l, lo
e, llo
H, ello
How does that get turned into the single string we expect?
The stack contains all local variables, as well as any temporary result in an expression where the recursion appears (though those are pushed on the stack even without recursion, because JVM is a stack machine) and, of course, the point where the code execution should resume on return.
In this case, the recursive call is the whole expression (that is, nothing is computed before reverse on the expression it appears). So the only thing besides the code pointer is string. At the deepest level of recursion, the stack will look like this:
level string
5 (empty string)
4 o
3 lo
2 llo
1 ello
0 hello
So when the call to level 5 returns, level 4 will finish computing the expression that reverse is a part of, reverse(string.substring(1)) + string.charAt(0). The value of reverse(string.substring(1)) is the empty string, and the value of string.charAt(0) is o (since the value of string on level 4 is o). The result is o, which is returned.
On level 3, it concatenates the return value from level 4 (o) with string.charAt(0) for string equal to lo, which is l, resulting in ol.
On level 2, it concatenates ol with l, giving oll.
Level 1 concatenates oll with e, returning olle.
Level 0, finally, concatenates olle with h, returning olleh to its caller.
On a final note, when a call is made, what is pushed into the stack is the return point for the code and the parameters. So hello is the parameter to reverse, which is pushed on the stack by reverse's caller.
Use the substitution model to work through the problem:
reverse("hello") =
(reverse("ello") + 'h') =
((reverse("llo") + 'e') + 'h') =
(((reverse("lo") + 'l') + 'e') + 'h') =
((((reverse("o") + 'l') + 'l') + 'e') + 'h') =
(((((reverse("") + 'o') + 'l') + 'l') + 'e') + 'h') =
((((("" + 'o') + 'l') + 'l') + 'e') + 'h') =
(((("o" + 'l') + 'l') + 'e') + 'h') =
((("ol" + 'l') + 'e') + 'h') =
(("oll" + 'e') + 'h') =
("olle" + 'h') =
Аdd a couple of tips on how to make your code better:
Don't use return in functions because function automaticaly return result of last evaluated line
String is a List of Char's, and you can replace string.substring(1) => string.tai, and string.charAt(0) => string.head
If you call immutable method, like length, size or etc you can omit the parentheses string.length() === string.length
That last version of your single line function:
def reverse(s: String): String = if (s.size == 0) s else reverse(s.tail) + s.head

Mapping binary data in perl

I have the following predefined codes that represent an index in a binary bitmap:
0 = standard
1 = special
2 = regular
3 = late
4 = early
5 = on time
6 = generic
7 = rfu
An example value I would take as an input would be 213, which becomes 11010101 in binary. Index 0, 2, 4, 6, and 7 have their bit flipped indicating that this record is:
standard + regular + early + generic + rfu.
I am trying to figure out in perl how to take that binary data and build a string, like mentioned above with code + code + code, etc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: My thoughts on how I might approach this are:
Convert decimal to binary
Find length of binary string
Using substr get the value (0 or 1) index by index
If index value = 1 then add relevant code to string
Is there a better way to go about this?
You can test bits on input from 0 to 7, and take only these that are set,
my $in = 213;
my #r = ("standard","special","regular","late","early","on time","generic","rfu");
print join " + ", #r[ grep { $in & (1 << $_) } 0 .. $#r ];
# or
# print join " + ", map { $in & (1<<$_) ? $r[$_] : () } 0 .. $#r;
standard + regular + early + generic + rfu

Nested 'if' statement inside 'for' loop not working - MATLAB

for Temp = 1000:10:6000
cp_CO2 = ((2e-18)*Temp.^5) - ((4e-14)*Temp.^4) + ((3e-10)*Temp.^3) - ((8e-07)*Temp.^2) + (0.0013*Temp) + 0.5126;
cp_CO = ((5e-12)*Temp.^3) - ((7e-08)*Temp.^2) + (0.0003*Temp) + 0.9657;
cp_H2O = ((7e-12)*Temp.^3) - ((1e-07)*Temp.^2) + (0.0008*Temp) + 1.6083;
cp_N2 = ((-1e-18)*Temp.^5) + ((2e-14)*Temp.^4) - ((8e-11)*Temp.^3) + ((1e-07)*Temp.^2) + (0.0001*Temp) + 0.9985;
D_H = (y(1)*cp_CO2*44*(25-Temp)) + (y(2)*cp_CO*28*(25-Temp)) + (y(3)*cp_H2O*18*(25-Temp)) + (percent_air*x_final(2)*3.76*28*(25-Temp));
DELTA_H = round(D_H);
if DELTA_H == delta_h
The 'for' loop in my code is above, the variables delta_h, y and percent_air have been defined and calculated/input earlier. If I work on the loop as a cell and manually increase Temp then the values of D_H etc. all change. But for some reason when I try and execute the loop the 'if' statement doesn't seem to come into effect and the final values where Temp = 6000 are displayed in the workspace instead of the value of Temp where it produces a DELTA_H equal to that of delta_h. It's the first time I've used MATLAB for about 2 years (I'm a 3rd Year Mech Eng student) so please forgive me if it's a simple error to fix.
If either of the variables are floating-point, doing an exact compare like that is problematic. A <= or >= comparison might work better.