Mobile Page Slider content with dynamic height - jssor

I am trying to implement the app that have 4 pages in 4 table. It supposed to be support swipe gesture, and each page contains dynamic data and make the pages have different height.
I tried to use responsive-slider-div-span.source example and integrate the 4 table into the slides.
I would like to set the width and height for the slides dynamically while the document ready, However, The slide will not show if the width and height is not pre set in the the slide div.
May I know any suggestion?

Typically, the size of jssor slider is defined in html code, and you can alter the size grammatically.
Given a slider at size 600x300, you can use javascript to change size before initialization of jssor slider.
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var options = {};
//retrieve height of the slider, assuming the height should be 200px;
var jssor_slider1 = new $JssorSlider$("slider1_container", options);
//According to your comment, please add following code
//Handle $EVT_PARK event BEGIN
function OnSliderPark(slideIndex, fromIndex) {
if (slideIndex == 0 || slideIndex == jssor_slider1.$SlidesCount() - 1) {
//do something scroll page to top
jssor_slider1.$On($JssorSlider$.$EVT_PARK, OnSliderPark);
//Handle $EVT_PARK event END
<div id="slider1_container" style="... width: 600px; height: 300px; ...">
<div u="slides" id="slider1_slides" style="... width: 600px; height: 300px; ...">


ag-grid auto height for entire grid

I can't find a good way to size the grid to fit all rows perfectly.
documentation only points to sizing by % or px.
Since I want it to size based on rows, I came up with the following function. Seem like im re-inventing the wheel, so maybe there is a better way?
getHeight(type:EntityType) {
var c = this.Apis[type] && this.Apis[type].api && this.Apis[type].api.rowModel // get api for current grid
? this.Apis[type].api.rowModel.rowsToDisplay.length
: -1;
return c > 0
? (40+(c*21))+'px' // not perfect but close formula for grid height
: '86%';
there has to be a less messy way..
I came across this solution:
There are 2 answers to this problem.
1) If you are using anything below v10.1.0, then you can use the following CSS to achieve the problem:
.ag-scrolls {
height: auto !important;
.ag-body {
position: relative !important;
top: auto !important;
height: auto !important;
.ag-header {
position: relative !important;
.ag-floating-top {
position: relative !important;
top: auto !important;
.ag-floating-bottom {
position: relative !important;
top: auto !important;
.ag-body-viewport {
height: auto !important;
2) Anything above v10.1.0, there is now a property called 'domLayout'.
If the following is the markup
Note that [domLayout]="domLayout"
set it as this.domLayout = "autoHeight"; and you're done..
Hope it helps.
You can now automate grid height by setting the domLayout='autoHeight' property, or by calling api.setDomLayout('autoHeight')
reference Grid Auto Height
Add the following code on onGridReady function for auto width and auto height
onGridReady = params => {
// Following line to make the currently visible columns fit the screen
// Following line dymanic set height to row on content
Auto Height
Auto width
determineHeight() {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.gridApi.getDisplayedRowCount() < 20) {
else {
document.getElementById('myGrid').style.height = "600px";
}, 500);
You can use ag-grid feature AutoHeight = true in the column Configuration. or if you want to calculate the height dynamically you should use getRowHeight() callback and create DOM elements like div and span, and add your text in it, then the div will give the OffsetHeight for it then you wont see any cropping of data/rows.
Hope this helps.

Mapbox-gl-js - Mouse events are off after applying CSS transform to map

I am using mapbox-gl-js to display a map inside of a responsive container.
Regardless of the size of the responsive container, I want the map to maintain the same resolution such that resizing the window does not affect the bounds or zoom level of the map, it simply scales the map as if it were a static image.
I achieve this by dynamically calculating the scale factor and applying it to the container via CSS transform:
#map {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#map-scaler {
width: 1280px;
height: 1280px;
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
-moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
transform-style: preserve-3d;
transform-origin: 0 0;
#map-container {
background-color: #fff;
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
-moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
transform-style: preserve-3d;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
<div id="map-container">
<div id="map-scaler">
<div id="map"></div>
// Get size of map container for display
var mapContainer = $("#map-container");
var mcWidth = mapContainer.width();
var mcHeight = mapContainer.height();
// Get size of scaler container
var scaleContainer = $("#map-scaler");
var sWidth = scaleContainer.width();
var sHeight = scaleContainer.height();
var scaleWidth = mcWidth / sWidth;
var scaleHeight = mcHeight / sHeight;
$("#map-scaler").css("transform", "scale(" + scaleWidth + ", " + scaleHeight + ")");
This achieves the desired results visually. For example, I can have a 1280x1280 map displayed inside of a 500x500 container.
The problem is that all the mouse events are now "off". For example, if you attempt a map click or a scroll zoom, the map applies your mouse event to the wrong area of the map.
How can I compensate for my CSS transform so that mouse events accurately reflect where the user clicked?
Can you try the resize method? As mentionned in the doc, the method looks at your div width&height and resize your map. Event should be updated too.

How to get work Infinite scroll depending on div container's scroll position?

I'm looking for a infinite scroll script, but can't find one which really fits my needs. I have found one which would be great, but the problem is that the script works after the User scrolls down using the browser SCROLLBAR. Instead it should load and display more data depending on the div "scroll" position.
How can i do that? It doesn't have to be this script but it should include a mysql query function so I can implement mine easily, because I'm really a newbie in Javascript, jQuery etc. A tutorial would do it also...but can't really find one. All of them are depending on the browser's scroll position.
That's the script I'm using:
I made only one modification:
news_area{ width:400px; height:95px; overflow:auto;}
Thanks in advance!
Instead of $(window).scrollTop() use any container that you would want to get it's scrolling position from, like $('.scrollable').scrollTop().
$('.scrollable').on('scroll', function(){
var $el = $(this);
if( $el.innerHeight()+$el.scrollTop() >= this.scrollHeight-5 ){
var d = new Date();
$el.append('more text added on '+d.getHours()+':'+d.getMinutes()+':'+d.getSeconds()+'<br>');
div {
height: 50px;
border: 1px solid gray;
overflow: auto;
<script src=""></script>
<p>Scrolled from top: <span class="scrolled">0</span></p>
<div class="scrollable">

Html2Canvas is not able to render multiple DIVs properly

Html2Canvas is not able to render multiple DIVs properly when
The number of DIVs increases significantly, OR
The size of each DIV increases significantly (then it fails with fewer number of DIVs)
I am using Html2Canvas Plugin to convert div (containing image) to canvas. I have implemented a recursive function to convert multiple images at a time (see code below).
var div_number = 0;
function image2canvas() {
var img2canvasObj = {
onrendered: function (canvas) { = "cvs" + div_number;
//incrementing the counter
div_number = div_number + 1;
if (div_number <= 18) {
html2canvas($("#tempDivforpublishplan" + div_number), img2canvasObj);
if (div_number === 19) {
<Some Ajax Call>
html2canvas($("#Content_to_convert" + div_number), img2canvasObj);
The HTML for multiple images (which I am converting to canvas) is as follows. Note that I am using images as background of div elements. Each of these elements have a base64 string appended to the image URL which is used to convert the image to canvas.
<div id="tempDivforpublishplan0" style='background: url("…..") 0% 0% / 634px 2266.26px; width: 634px; height: 2266.26px; position: relative; cursor: auto;'> </div>
<div id="tempDivforpublishplan1" style='background: url("…..") 0% 0% / 634px 2266.26px; width: 634px; height: 2266.26px; position: relative; cursor: auto;'> </div>
<div id="tempDivforpublishplan19" style='background: url("…..") 0% 0% / 634px 2266.26px; width: 634px; height: 2266.26px; position: relative; cursor: auto;'> </div>
When image count is more, or the size and resolution of images is high, only few images are converted properly. Remaining images are either converted partially or not converted at all. Is there any workaround which can be used to fix this issue?
i have achieved this using callback and delay....
before calling your recursive function use delay and use callback as html2canvas is asynchronous call
I think you are having this trouble because you reach CanvasRenderer height limit during rendering. Assuming all your divs your page height is more than 40000px. Html2Canvas renders your page completely and then crops your div from it according to your div's position. You can see how big your canvas object is if you take a look throw your console having 'logging: true' in html2canvas options. Here is some more info about this subject: Maximum size of a <canvas> element

iPhone Unlock Slider With Mootools?

I try to make a slider similar to the iPhone unlock Slider, that forwards to a linked site, when complete, and returns to its initial position when the slider wasn't dragged to the end.
This is not meant to be a iPhone webapp, i just want to put this to a general website as a effect.
So far I've tried those two tests, but i'm stuck on both.
The first is:
// First Example
var el = $('slideOne'),
// Create the new slider instance
var sliderOne = new Slider(el, el.getElement('.slider'), {
steps: 20, // There are 35 steps
range: [8], // Minimum value is 8
Problem here is that i can't fire an event on (0) not on (20) aswell, i tried onComplete but this fires the function immediatly after the page is load!?
The second
$$('.textslider').setStyle('opacity', 0.8);
snap: 0,
container: 'slideOne',
droppables: '.slidedrop1',
onDrop: function(element, droppable, event){
if (!droppable);
else console.log(element, 'dropped on', droppable, location = 'index.php/kredite.html', event);
Problem here is , that the droppable don't work as fine as i hoped, sometimes i move the the slider on the invisible droppable, which indicates if the slider is dragged to the end, and nothing happens, sometimes it works fine, i think this may be due the different position of the cursor on the slider. and i can't get it done that it is only possible to slide horizontal , since it is that drag not the slider function, so i think this won be the proper way.
On both Tests, i didn't figured out who i could return the slider back to its initial position, with a slide Effect.
Are there some mootools cracks around who maybe could help me with this? Thanks already for the great ideas of y'all.
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
var el = $('slideOne');
var debug = $('debug');
var mySlider = new Slider(el, el.getElement('.knob'), {
range: [0], // Minimum value
steps: ACTIVATE_VALUE, // Number of steps
onChange: function(value){
if (value == ACTIVATE_VALUE) {
// go to url after delay
} else {
// if not activated, reset after 2 second delay
value = 0;
debug.set('text', value);
<style type="text/css">
div.slider {
width: 200px;
height: 50px;
background: #eee;
div.slider div.knob {
background: #000;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
div#debug {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: xx-large;
<title>Slider that resets if it does not reach the end</title>
<div id="slideOne" class="slider">
<div class="knob"></div>
<div id="debug">-</div>