facebook ad api access - facebook

I want to use the facebook graph api for creating custom audience.
The doc says
For an app to do ad management, a user (including an app developer) must give the app permission. This permission is called the ads_management extended permission.
Any idea how can i get the ads_management permission. Can that be applied to an account or will that need an app creation?
Please share any doc links.
Pradeep S

The ads_management permission is available as part of the Facebook Ads API, an API on top of the Graph API that's of restricted use. To use the Ads API and thus the ads_management permission you'll need to have your app approved by Facebook as per the Ads API documentation. The form for requesting Ads API access is at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/preferredmarketingdevelopers/ads-api-access


Are Facebook App publish_pages permissions required for my personal API access?

I am trying to automate posting to my Facebook Business page. FB is forcing me to get an app review to approve the manage_pages and publish_pages permissions. I am not making an app for any other users, it is just for me.
Is there a way to avoid app review since I am not creating a public app?
When I try to use my user token (I am a page admin) in the API call it gives me the permission not available error. I can publish using the page token in Dev mode, (which makes all the posts hidden).
Sorry, this isn't a specific code question, If there is a better place to post this I will move it.
When I use my user token:
(#200) The permission(s) publish_actions are not available. It has been deprecated. If you want to provide a way for your app users to share content to Facebook, we encourage you to use our Sharing products instead.
When I use my page token:
(#200) The permission(s) manage_pages,publish_pages are not available. It could because either they are deprecated or need to be approved by App Review.

Get user profile link from Facebook's Graph API

I have an app-scoped user id (ASUID) for a Facebook user and I wish to obtain a link to that user's profile page.
A post on Facebook's Developer blog dated May 1, 2018 states that this link is accessible as of Graph API v3.0 through the link field on a user object. Access to this field requires the user_link permission be approved for the app and granted by the app user.
I have attempted to access this field with a user access token associated with my test app and I have verified the access token has the user_link permission granted via the Access Token Debugger. However, the link is not included in the response.
{ "id": "[ASUID]" }
Is there any indication as to why this is not working?
As documented, the user_link permission requires an App Review pass before it's available to live apps.
At time of writing this answer there is no way to get user profile page using Facebook API.

Graph API v2.2 : user_status permission is obtained from facebook but still cant get the v2.2/me?fields=statuses data

I have an app & user_status permission is obtained from facebook after its submitted for review. I can get the v2.2/me?fields=statuses data for the App's admin. No other fb accounts are able to get this data. When I login with facebook from my portal, the permissions requested are not shown to the users.
Is the issue related to FB API. I can use the obtained permissions only for the App's admin alone?
Is this issue related to not obtaining consent from the account while logging in from my portal. If yes, what is the method to get this done.
Anyone kindly help me regarding this.
It's all in the docs:
...your app's developers will be able to see, and grant, any permission without requiring review by Facebook.
People who are listed in your app's Roles tab will have access to extended permissions without going through review (e.g. publish_actions or manage_pages). For example, if you use the Facebook Plugin for Wordpress to publish your blog posts to your Facebook Page or Profile, you do not need to submit for review so long as all your publishers are listed in your app's Roles tab.

Facebook Graph API read_stream permission actually blocked for non-Facebook branded apps?

Getting some conflicting information from Facebook currently on whether or not the read_stream permission is actually deprecated for non-Facebook branded apps moving forward. I know recently the change was made to require app-specific access tokens for read-stream permissions.
In the Facebook graph explorer it looks as though my existing application which was already granted an app-specific access token for the read_stream persmission is still providing access to the [user-id]/posts endpoint, although I also noticed that searching for this endpoint in the reference takes you now to [user-id]/feed, which also requires the read_stream permission.
When searching the read_stream permission in the reference however, it now reads:
This permission is granted to apps building a Facebook-branded client on platforms where Facebook is not already available. For example, Android and iOS apps will not be approved for this permission. In addition, Web, Desktop and TV apps will not be granted this permission.
Wondering if anyone from Facebook or outside can actually confirm that this endpoint is now closed to 3rd-party apps, and if there is any explanation whatsoever for why?
Now someone can use "user_posts" permission - This new permission allows an app to access the posts on a person's Timeline. This includes the someone's own posts, posts they are tagged in and posts other people make on their Timeline.
This is a useful alternative to News Feeds.
Previously, this content was accessible with the read_stream permission. The user_posts permission is automatically granted to anyone who previously had read_stream permission.
Facebook Platform Changelog

Cannot get Facebook ads_management extended permission

I'm trying to get statistics on my facebook ad campaigns. I've followed Facebook own guide, and I've created an app and so on. However I'm unable to get ads_management permission. If I use the Graph Explorer and its "Get Access Token", I cannot select ads_management under extended permissions, the option is simply not there.
I've also tried just sending a request to the Facebook api as follows:
Which does get me a access token, but not one with ads_management permission
Any thoughts?
Edit: My app is not whitelisted, but unless I've misunderstood the guide, it does not have to be, as long as I'm a developer on the app, is this correct?
From what I understand of the Facebook Ads API guide is that the ads_management extended permission is only granted to whitelisted apps. So if the Graph endpoint you're hitting requires that permission then you'll have to get your app approved. Check out the getting started overview https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/overview