Cannot add maven dependencies to deployment assembly in ejb packaging - eclipse

I have a project with a POM that looks like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Some EJB component</name>
<!-- some jars ... -->
I want to use m2eclipse with m2e-wtp to deploy this project to Glassfish 3. However, m2e-wtp does not deploy the dependencies. I know that building superjars with jar-with-dependencies is probably not the way to go for EJB projects, but I cannot really change this without messing up the customer's build / deployment processes.
So, the problem is that the deployment assembly wizard does not display the maven dependencies:
I need a solution that works without changing the pom.xml, since that would disturb the customer's build processes. I am aware that using an EAR would be the preferred solution here.
Is the behaviour that I'm seeing a bug or is it an inherent limitation in the way m2e-wtp and the ejb packaging work?
Is it even possible to have m2e-wtp extract dependency jars into the deployed application?


Bind Maven resource filtering to specific phase

I am on Eclipse 2019-09 and trying the following:
I created a file src/main/resources/build/ to hold some information about the current build:
When building the project the variables get replaced correctly and the file inside the target folder is rendered correctly. When changing code in Eclipse (without a Maven build), the buildNumber gets replaced by its variable name.
I suppose it has something to do with m2e doing the filtering too often (not only when clicking build via the menu). The buildNumber is only available during the "real" build and so it is not available on other occasions, hence it is not getting replaced.
Can I tell Maven to only execute the variable replacement during a specific build phase?
Relevant excerpt from the pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<>dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss</>
<!-- Dummy for Build Number Plugin -->
<!-- Maven Build Number Plugin -->
Working example showing my problems:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<>dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss</>
<!-- Dummy for Build Number Plugin -->
<!-- Copy dependencies into target/lib -->
<!-- Create JAR -->
<!-- Maven Build Number Plugin -->
Create a simple class with just a sysout:
package org.whatever.test;
public class Main {
public static void main(String... args) {
And create a under src/main/resources:
Building increases the build number by three. Changing your (causing recompilation) makes the replaced version of the in the target directory lose the build number.
EDIT: Fixed the by-three-incrementation. Thanks to khmarbaise. Still left with the replacing issue. states
Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: process-resources.
which comes just before compile. Eclipse probably does a compile on every code change (just guessing) and replaces the resources. On this phase no buildNumber is available (and I do not want to increase this number on every code change). I cannot find out how to bind to another phase or go a more elegant way.
EDIT: The more I am thinking about it the more I am thinking of keeping it this way. Building via Maven increments my build number. The build process also zips my class files, libraries etc. Inside the target directory and in the zip files, now there is the correct build number. Changing my code results in the build number being reset to ${buildNumber} in target/classes which is technically correct. I am not on the same build as I was before changing the code, I am somewhere between builds.
I think the build of Eclipse won't bother Maven's building.
The truely problem is the maven-resources-plugin invoked in 'process-resources' phase,and your buildnumber-maven-plugin runs after that.
Here is my solution here, hope it works for you.

Build Failure Error “maven-compiler-plugin:3.3.9 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved”

Am creating new java project using the pom.xml file. when i run the command mvn clean install am getting build failure error.
Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue.
and my pom.xml is like this
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Maven Central doesn't seem to have a 3.3.9 build for maven-compiler-plugin (see here). Regardless, the 3.3 generation is quite old. Unless you absolutely, positively have to use such an old version, just move forward to a newer version that actually exists, like 3.6.0, and you should be fine.

Eclipse could not find artifact on local maven-plugin module

I have a maven project with 1 parent and 5 modules. One of the modules (call it P) is of packaging "maven-plugin", which is configured to be run in the execution phase "process-test-classes of other module (call it T).
The module T has pom.xml as follows. I omitted dependencies, but they don't include P. As in many other cases it all works perfectly in command line.
Question: Whatever I do Eclipse shows "Could not find artifact org.local.enhancer:pom:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT pom.xml /test line 1 Maven Configuration Problem".
Seems like the issue started after installing "m2e-wtp" v0.17 to resolve other issue with offending jars. Configuration is Eclipse Juno SR2, m2e v1.3.1, m2e-wtp v0.17.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Does anybody have any insight on this? Thanks!

Compiling LESS CSS with Maven and m2e-wtp

I'm trying to compile LESS CSS files with lesscss-maven-plugin, both in pure maven (with command line) and within Eclipse (Juno).
In the lesscss-maven-plugin, I need to define an output directory, but I noticed that in Eclipse WTP copies files from target/m2e-wtp in my server (JBoss), but that this directory is ignored by the war plugin of Maven.
I succeeded to reach my goal with Maven profiles : in Eclipse I use a m2e profile configured in Project settings, so I can define two different destination folders depending on I build in Eclipse or not.
Here is my pom.xml :
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
This works, but is there a better way to do this, without the profile trick ?
I found another solution with a different less compiler : wro4j. With this compiler, both exists maven and m2e plugins.
In addition, a tutorial (for building boostrap) can be found here: m2e-wro4j
The same solution you provided, a bit cleaner :
The m2e profile is activated with a m2e variable, so you don't have to select it.

How to add the plugin with my RCP application in the Tycho SWTBot test runtime

My RCP was created on a 3.x Eclipse and is now on 4.x using the compatibility layer.
This is the setup that I have: I have two plugins: xyz-plugin and xyz-rcp-plugin. My RCP application is composed of these two plugins. I have a Test fragment (xyz-test) whose host plugin is xyz-plugin and contains SWTBot tests. My product configuration points to the application defined in the plugin.xml of xyz-rcp-plugin.
When I run the SWTBot Test via Eclipse, it all works ok. I point it to the correct application on the Main tab and it launches the correct one.
When I try to run it via Maven (using mvn integration-test), after the command to launch the UI for testing, no UI opens and it just reports saying there are test failures but it never actually even reaches the stage for testing my cases.
I feel this is happening because my test fragment only has xyz-plugin as its host and so knows its dependency but the application is actually contained in xyz-rcp-plugin so I am guessing it doesn't bring that plugin into the testing workspace. In fact, the test runs when I omit the <application> configuration in my pom file; it simple launches the default which is the Eclipse SDK.
So but how can I make the SWTBot test run my application, if the plugin with the application is not a dependency of the test plugin?
Below is my pom file for the test fragment,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- explicit dependency is only needed because SWTbot brings its
own hamcrest bundle which conflicts with the one from junit in the eclipse
platform -->
Tycho does not automatically add the bundle defining the configured <application> to the test runtime - you need to manually ensure that this bundle is included.
One way to do this is to specify extra dependencies in the pom.xml of the test project. In this way, you can add bundles or even entire features (as always, including transitive dependencies) to the test runtime.
Example pom.xml snippet: