TYPO3-6.2 Extbase custom content type -> invalid value - typo3

I made an extbase Extension for custom content elements. Since this is my first extension I started with a simple "hello_world_ce". This are my files:
$TCA['tt_content']['types']['hello_world_ce']['showitem'] = '--palette--;LLL:EXT:hello_world/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod.xlf:content_element.hello_world.general;general, --palette--;LLL:EXT:hello_world/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod.xlf:content_element.hello_world.header;header';
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPageTSConfig('<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:'.$_EXTKEY.'/Configuration/TypoScript/ModWizards.ts">');
mod.wizards {
newContentElement {
wizardItems {
hello_world {
header = LLL:EXT:hello_world/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod.xlf:content_tab_header
elements {
hello_world_ce {
icon = gfx/c_wiz/regular_header.gif
title = LLL:EXT:hello_world/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod.xlf:content_element.hello_world
description = LLL:EXT:hello_world/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod.xlf:content_element.hello_world.description
tt_content_defValues {
CType = hello_world_ce
show = *
In the TYPO3 Backend I see my content element and can add it to a page but the dropdown menu for the content type says INVALID VALUE ("hello_world_ce")
What am I missing?
EDIT: I found the missing part. I needed to add my content type to the CType array
$backupCTypeItems = $GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['columns']['CType']['config']['items'];
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['columns']['CType']['config']['items'] = array(
foreach($backupCTypeItems as $key => $value){
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['columns']['CType']['config']['items'][] = $value;

The question was edited, but I think there is a better way to achieve the solution.
Only to be clear about the problem:
The content element hello_world_ce was not added to the "types" dropdown by adding a new content element.
The hint in the question is correct it was not defined for the CType field.
But instead of manipulating the array you could use a core function:
// Adds the content element to the "Type" dropdown
Here is a very good example of how to add your own content element in the version TYPO3 7.6.
Note: This function is accessible in TYPO3 6.2 as well.


TYPO3 Render FLUID Template in Backend

I have an extbase extension with this TCA:
= \Vendor\Name\Backend\Preview\PreviewRenderer::class;
and this tsconfig:
mod.web_layout.tt_content.preview.list.items_item = EXT:EXT/Resources/Private/Templates/Preview/Items.html
Everything works well if i write the complete Code in this template file. But if i change it and use Partials like this:
<f:render arguments="{_all}" partial="Preview/List"/>
I only get the following error:
Error while rendering FluidTemplate preview using /typo3conf/ext/EXT/Resources/Private/Templates/Preview/Items.html The Fluid template files "" could not be loaded.
How can i set the Partial and Layout path?
Ive tried ist with module via typoscript but it doesnt work.
It depends on what your PreviewRender is doing.
The StandardContentPreviewRenderer supports only a template-file, no layouts, no partials. It's using a FluidStandaloneView and only setting setTemplatePathAndFilename() without setting paths for other parts of the template (renderContentElementPreviewFromFluidTemplate()):
protected function ‪renderContentElementPreviewFromFluidTemplate(array $row): ?string
$tsConfig = BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($row['pid'])['mod.']['web_layout.']['tt_content.']['preview.'] ?? [];
$fluidTemplateFile = '';
if ($row['CType'] === 'list' && !empty($row['list_type'])
&& !empty($tsConfig['list.'][$row['list_type']])
) {
$fluidTemplateFile = $tsConfig['list.'][$row['list_type']];
} elseif (!empty($tsConfig[$row['CType']])) {
$fluidTemplateFile = $tsConfig[$row['CType']];
if ($fluidTemplateFile) {
$fluidTemplateFile = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($fluidTemplateFile);
if ($fluidTemplateFile) {
try {
$view = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(StandaloneView::class);
if (!empty($row['pi_flexform'])) {
$flexFormService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlexFormService::class);
$view->assign('pi_flexform_transformed', $flexFormService->convertFlexFormContentToArray($row['pi_flexform']));
return $view->render();
} catch (\‪Exception $e) {
$this->logger->warning('The backend preview for content element {uid} can not be rendered using the Fluid template file "{file}"', [
'uid' => $row['uid'],
'file' => $fluidTemplateFile,
'exception' => $e,
if (‪$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['debug'] && $this->‪getBackendUser()->isAdmin()) {
$view = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(StandaloneView::class);
$view->assign('error', [
'message' => str_replace(‪Environment::getProjectPath(), '', $e->getMessage()),
'title' => 'Error while rendering FluidTemplate preview using ' . str_replace(‪Environment::getProjectPath(), '', $fluidTemplateFile),
$view->setTemplateSource('<f:be.infobox title="{error.title}" state="2">{error.message}</f:be.infobox>');
return $view->render();
return null;
If you want more advanced features in your preview, you have to extend/override this method.
StandaloneView extends TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\View\AbstractTemplateView, so you have also those setters:
setTemplateRootPaths(array $templateRootPaths)
setPartialRootPaths(array $partialRootPaths)
setLayoutRootPaths(array $layoutRootPaths)
So setting paths for partials in your ‪renderContentElementPreviewFromFluidTemplate() should solve it:

TYPO3 extbase, the php based views do not work when migrating from 9 to 10 version

I have developed a custom TYPO3 extbase extension that was perfectly worked on 8 and 9 version of TYPO3.
Recently I upgraded my installation to TYPO3 10 version but the php based views of my TYPO3 extbase extension do not work anymore.
The error that is displayed is:
Sorry, the requested view was not found.
The technical reason is: No template was found. View could not be resolved for action "getIcal" in class "Luc\Lucevents2\Controller\EventController"
I have read the instructions in the page
https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/book-extbasefluid/10.4/en-us/8-Fluid/9-using-php-based-views.html, but there is nothing different from what I have already done in my extension.
So, I am very confused because there is no explanation why the code stopped to work, the above link doesn't include any instructions about deprecated code or possible changes after migration!!
Could you give me any help?
Thank you very much!
I hit this problem today. The documentation for "php based views" seems to be outdated.Below is a description of my setup and the solution for TYPO3 10
What I had:
My situation was that I had a Controller with a showAction() action method.
In typoscript, I had setup a new format through the type parameter. Something like
rss = PAGE
rss {
typeNum = 58978
10 =< tt_content.list.20.skevents_eventfeeds
For this type (parameter type=58978) I had setup a class named View\EventFeeds\ShowRss with a render() method.
TYPO3 automatically resolved this class based on the type (rss) and the action name (show). This does not work any more.
What solves this issue:
in order for TYPO3 to find the correct class with the render method, it is sufficient to set the defaultViewObjectName variable of the Controller to the correct class name for the specific action. This can be done in the controller with the following new method
public function initializeShowAction()
$this->defaultViewObjectName = \Skar\Skevents\View\EventFeeds\ShowRss::class;
So now, before calling the showAction method, defaultViewObjectName is set to my ShowRss class which produces the output.
Please note that my ShowRss class extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\View\AbstractView . According to https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/book-extbasefluid/master/en-us/8-Fluid/9-using-php-based-views.html this is deprecated in TYPO3 11 and will have to change for TYPO3 12
the static template is already included and all the other operations of the extension are working very well except the php based views. The ext_localconf.php looks as follows: <?php
defined('TYPO3_MODE') || die('Access denied.');
$boot = function () {
'Event' => 'list, show, delete, edit, monthview, test, ajax, deleteConfirm, showRss, getIcal, addForm, add, editForm, importeventtoforum',
'Channel' => 'list, show',
'Tag' => 'filter, show'
// non-cacheable actions
'Event' => 'list, show, delete, edit, monthview, test, ajax, deleteConfirm, showRss, getIcal, addForm, add, editForm, importeventtoforum',
'Channel' => 'list, show',
'Tag' => 'filter, show'
The action is registered in EventController.php and looks as follows:
* action geticalaction
* #param \Luc\Lucevents2\Domain\Model\Event $event
* #return void
public function getIcalAction(\Luc\Lucevents2\Domain\Model\Event $event = NULL)
$base_url = $this->request->getBaseUri();
if ($this->request->getArgument('duration')=='6month') {
$events = $this->eventRepository->get_events_for_rss_and_ical($duration,$channel);
$eventsarray= array();
foreach ($events as $obj){
$uri = $this->controllerContext->getUriBuilder()
->uriFor('show', array("event" => $obj->getUid()));
$eventsarray[] = array($obj->getTitle(), $obj->getDescription(), $obj->getStartdatetime(),$obj->getEnddatetime(), $obj->getBuildingid(), $obj->getRoomid(), $obj->getPlace(), $obj->getCrdate(), $uri, $obj->getUid());
$this->view->assign('events', $eventsarray);
$this->view->assign('baseurl', $base_url);
$uri = $this->controllerContext->getUriBuilder()
->uriFor('show', array("event" => $event->getUid()));
$this->view->assign('event', $event);
$this->view->assign('baseurl', $base_url);
$this->view->assign('uri', $uri);
Thank you very much!

How to access complex variables in page typoscript from content element via viewhelper?

I am using cobj_xpath object in my page typoscript as follows.
lib.xpath = XPATH
lib.xpath {
source = http://docsouth.unc.edu/southlit/poe/poe.xml
return = string
resultObj {
cObjNum = 1
1.current = 1
page.10.variables {
title < lib.xpath
title.expression = /TEI.2/text/front/titlePage/docTitle/titlePart
author < lib.xpath
author.expression = /TEI.2/text/front/titlePage/docAuthor
I can access the 'title' and 'author' variables in page template successfully via {title} and {author} viewhelpers but I cannot access them in the content element level. I cannot even find them in at CE level. Also I have the same problem with other COAs e.g.:
taleArgument = TEXT
taleArgument.data = GP:tale
I have created the CE via mask extension and configured it to create the required files in /Resources/Mask/ folder. In this folder there is a json file which contains the CE configuration and two folders named Backend and Frontend. Each of these folders contain Layout/Partial/Templates folders. I have inserted the CE created by mask in one of my pages. I manipulate the HTML file in Frontend/Templates as the template file and I can access the fields which I have created in the CE backend properly, so I suppose that my configuration is working well to this end.
Typo3 Version: 9.5.19
cobj_xpath and cobj_xslt version: 1.9.0
Further Investigations:
To get rid of external extensions, I installed a fresh Typo3. Then I developed a CE in my sitepackage from scratch. My configuration follows:
mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.common {
elements {
my_ext_newcontentelement {
iconIdentifier = folder-open
title = Registration Example
description = Create a registration form
tt_content_defValues {
CType = my_ext_newcontentelement
show := addToList(my_ext_newcontentelement)
defined('TYPO3_MODE') or die();
call_user_func(function () {
// Adds the content element to the "Type" dropdown
'Registration Example',
// Configure the default backend fields for the content element
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['my_ext_newcontentelement'] = [
'showitem' => '
'columnsOverrides' => [
'bodytext' => [
'config' => [
'enableRichtext' => true,
'richtextConfiguration' => 'default',
lib.contentElement {
templateRootPaths.200 = EXT:my_ext/Resources/Private/Templates/ContentElements/
tt_content {
my_ext_newcontentelement =< lib.contentElement
my_ext_newcontentelement {
templateName = NewContentElement
<div>{data.bodytext -> f:format.html()}</div>
I tested my CE after adding one to the backend and it works fine so far.
Then I create a new variable in my_ext/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript:
page.10.variables {
test = TEXT
test.value = test
I can see the variable when I add {_all} to my page template:
but no luck when I try to catch it in my CE template:
each fluid rendering has it's own variables. There are no global fluid-variables.
It is obvious that you can not access test from your content element as the definition of page.10.variables results in fluid variables used while you are renderend the page-template (page.10).
In your content element you have an independent rendering with it's own set of variables.
Meanwhile you often have fluid for some rendering, but each has its own definition and variable set.
The whole page has a page fluid rendering.
Each plugin has it's own fluid rendering, probably for each action. Although they share a common extension setting which results in some common fluid variables.
Each content element has a Fluid rendering, though they might share some definition as the result from the same kind of data (a tt_content record). The kind of CE defines which template is used to start with and there are different renderings.
Using TYPO9 and ext:bootstrap_package (and ext_fluid_styled_content) you can find:
The rendering of the CEs is defined below tt_content. with the name of the CE as next key. All definitions are based on lib.dynamicContent
if you want to access any data independent from context in your fluid you could use typoscript viewhelpers like:
lib.text = TEXT
lib.text.value = test
lib.getText = TEXT
lib.getText.data = GP:text
the calls in fluid:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.text" />

TYPO3: Use t3lib_TCEforms in frontend plugin

I would like to use as much standard TYPO3 as possible to create a form to edit single records from tx_mytable.
In pi1 i load the tca for the table:
Now I would like to use standard functions to create my form elements more or less like it is done in the backend...
I found this for the front end but cannot find any working examples:
t3lib_TCEforms_fe.php (that extends the normal t3lib_TCEforms)
Is this the right way to go or is there a better way?
I got something working but not really that nice code in the frontend
Here is a link that telss that TCA is not enough but two new entries in the array is needed
It is itemFormElName and itemFormElValue
// include tceforms_fe (place outside class where pipase is included)
// load TCA for table in frontend
// init tceforms
$this->tceforms = t3lib_div::makeInstance("t3lib_TCEforms_FE");
$this->tceforms->initDefaultBEMode(); // is needed ??
$this->tceforms->backPath = $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']; // is empty... may not be needed
//////////REPEAT FOR EACH INPUT FIELD/////////
// start create input fields, here just a single select for responsible
// conf used for tceforms similar to but not exactly like normal TCA
$conftest = array(
'itemFormElName' => $GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_ogcrmdb_tasks']['columns']['responsible']['label'],
'itemFormElValue' => 1,
'fieldConf' => array(
'config' => $GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_ogcrmdb_tasks']['columns']['responsible']['config']
// create input field
$this->content .= $this->tceforms->getSingleField_SW('','',array(),$conftest);
// wrap in form
$output = '<form action="" name="editform" method="post">';
$output .= $this->content;
$output .= '</form>';
// wrap and return output
return $output;
Still looking for a working example with custem template for input fields.

Changing the height of ckeditor from a zend form

I am trying to set the height of a ckeditor I am using. Here is what I currently have:
$this->addElement('textarea', 'text_field', array(
'filters' => array('StringTrim'),
'validators' => array(
array('StringLength', true, array(0, 3000)),
'decorators' => array('ViewHelper'),
'required' => false,
'attribs' => array('class' => 'ckeditor'),
'label' => 'Please enter text below',
'value' => isset($this->_text_data[0]['text']) ? $this->_text_data[0]['text'] : ''
This comes from my form, this is then called in my .phtml file by the following:
I have looked everywhere and tried adding:
'height' => '100px',
'config' => array(
'toolbar' => 'Full',
'width' => '550px',
'height' => '100px',
But neither of these have worked. The main reason I need this is I have a text area (using the ckeditor in order to allow the input information to be formatted in a particular way) which is quite long (the default height I am assuming) but it is only ever a few lines input into the box, hence the reason I want it smaller as it takes up too much space on the page.
Thanks in advance
I made a form element and a helper using ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_UiWidget to create a CKEditor with the jQuery adapter. Here's the code of both files :
ZendExt_Form_Element_CKEditor :
class ZendExt_Form_Element_CKEditor extends ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_UiWidget
* Use formCKeditor view helper by default
* #var string
public $helper = 'formCKEditor';
* Default ckeditor options
* #var array
public $jQueryParams = array(
'toolbar' => 'Basic'
And ZendExt_View_Helper_FormCKEditor :
class ZendExt_View_Helper_FormCKEditor extends ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_UiWidget
static $set = false;
public function formCKEditor($name, $value = null, $params = null, $attribs = null)
$hTextA = new Zend_View_Helper_FormTextarea();
$hTextA -> setView($this -> view);
$xhtml = $hTextA -> formTextarea($name, $value, $attribs);
$xhtml .= '<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){$("#' . $this->_normalizeId($name) . '").ckeditor(' . (!is_null($params) ? 'function(){},' . Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($params) : '') . ')});</script>';
if (self::$set == false) {
$this -> view -> headScript() -> appendFile($this -> view -> baseUrl() . '/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js');
$this -> view -> headScript() -> appendFile($this -> view -> baseUrl() . '/js/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js');
self::$set = true;
return $xhtml;
You can use it as any other ZF form element once you copied these 2 files into :
* libraries/ZendExt/Form/Element/ for ZendExt_Form_Element_CKEditor class
* libraries/ZendExt/View/Helper/ for ZendExt_View_Helper_FormCKEditor class
and added the ZendExt namespace in your configuration file (or if you already have a library of yours and want to use it, just put both files in it and change the name of the classes to reflect yours). Then, you'll have tel ZF that ZendExt/View/Helper is a directory to look in for view helpers (in a .ini config file it would look like : resources.view.helperPath.ZendExt_View_Helper = "ZendExt/View/Helper").
Then in your code, just call $ckEditor = new ZendExt_Form_Element_CKEditor(); to create a new CKEditor. You may then add all params you want to the element using $ckEditor -> setJQueryParam($key, $value); as specified in the documentation here : http://framework.zend.com/manual/fr/zendx.jquery.html . For example : $ckEditor -> setJQueryParam('height', '100px');. I understand it's not a jQuery component, but it was the easiest way to be able to make it as everything needed is available there.
To display it, in your view just do <?=$this -> ckEditor?> and you're good.
Make sure you put your ckeditor.js and adapters/jquery.js in your public directory under /js/ckeditor/ or change the path accordingly in the helper.
You'll need to specify the dimensions of the editor when you create it (i.e., in the Javascript part). CKEditor replaces the original form element with its own code, so your changes in the dimensions will be lost.
For instance, if you create it using the jQuery interface, it would be something like the following:
var config = {
width: '550px',
height: '100px'
// Initialize the editor.
Hope that helps...