how to find external links in article in joomla 2.5 plugin - plugins

I am creating a plugin in joomla 2.5 for externallinks
I want find external links and and add some text before that.
like these: => redirect.php?url=
or: => redirect.php?
or: => redirect.php?
i can do all steps but i cant find external links.
please help me

The way i would do it is by using js which you can add to a template and not bother with a plugin. The js script should go through all the "a" DOM elements and check if the href is an external link. If so modify the href value.
Fastest way to detect external URLs


How to add RTE (Rich Text Edit) for the text area in TYPO3 backend module extension template

I have a TYPO3 backend module extension. I want to replace the text area with RTE in the template.
Well, you can configure this with CKeditor plugin. You can follow the step below to make this happen,
1) You can add the JQuery plugin from TYPO3 core here:
2) Load the plugin in the backend module, you can use the below link as a reference.
See: Reference
3) Add custom JS file to write your custom JQuery script (Just like step 2)
4) In your custom JS, initialize CKEditor.
$( 'textarea.editor' ).ckeditor(); // this is your HTML field
See: Reference
Also, you can look at the official document for configuring this.
Hope this will help you!

How to put multiple forms in the same page using joomla?

I'm using CKForms to create 3 forms, so far, they are independent components, I would like to put them in the same page.
This manual could help :
In order to use multiple instances of the same component in a joomla page, you have to check if there is a module or a plugin available.
If there is an option for a module you could publish each instance in a module position.
If there is a plugin, you could create an article (or a module in some cases) and add plugin code to load plugin instance.
Checking CKForms site I could see that there are both options.
Hope this helps

Having trouble to getting typeaheadjs

I have gone through typeahead reference site . they given some examples. In that examples , they have not mention , what are the JS need to added to run the sample program. share some examples to understand . it will be very useful to us
I presume you are referring to the Bootstrap Typeahead plugin, and not the Twitter Typeahead.js, which has links to examples.
For Bootstrap Typeahead you need either the bootstrap.js file - which is already there if you downloaded the full version - or the bootstrap-typeahead.js which you can get from the Customize page. And of course the bootstrap.css.
Here are some example pages that I found useful:
The plugin doesn't support ajax, so go to Github and download one of the forks that enable ajax and also add some other functionality.

Orchard Upload Documents w/TinyMCE

I know Orchard contains a built-in set of options for TinyMCE with uploading media, but is there an equivalent for just uploading standard documents that is similar so users can link to them in the editor?
Have you tried TinyMCE Deluxe?
You can use any of the official pluggins
You can use TinyMceDeluxe, as mentioned, which lets you use TinyMCE plugins. Then, you can use a TinyMCE plugin to get the functionality you need. Here are some of the options that I'm aware of:
Ajax file/image manager
PDW File Browser

Joomla chronoform insert into existing content

I dont know much about joomla but I have a problem.
I started reading for the chromoform and it is a very nice pugin.
I created a form which I can see in the form manager and also I can view in the url.
but I want ot integrate it to an existing content.
I have a content which contains text, photos etc..
The content is editable with tinymce plugin.
And I want to integrate this form also.
One way to integrate would be to copy the html code and paste in the conent but then if I change the form component the changes would not be also in the conent.
is there a way to include the created form in the content?
Or which is the best one?
Anybody any idea?
If you also have the chrono plugin installed & published, you can add a form into content (such as an article) using the following syntax:
This allows you to place the form anywhere within the article - you can preface the form with content (such as a heading) ....
You probably want to use the Chronocontact module (mod_chronocontact), which is provided with ChronoForms. This allows you to insert any ChronoForms form into any module location. The Joomla 1.5 download for this module is here.
Then you just need to define a module location in your template, and create a mod_chronocontact module in that location, with your forms name set up. You'll find having a couple of module locations defined immediately before and after your main content in the template is normally handy, like so:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="beforecontent"/>
<jdoc:include type="component" />
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="aftercontent"/>