golang using functions of imported subdirectories - import

I can't use functions of custom subdirectories.
My Code Organziation
I have under "src" a path hierarchy like
with all my directories and go-Files (it is the "root" of my project). The directories contain no subdirectories and it works fine. So the deepest path is "a/b/c". E.g. I have
with some go-files. Import of "a/b/d" and calling a function with "d.DoSomething()" from a file in "a/b/c" works fine.
Problem description
Now I want ot reorganize "a/b/d". I move some files from "a/b/d" to
and the rest of the files to
If try to import "a/b/d/e" with import-statement
import ( "a/b/d/e" )
from the same file in "/a/b/c" and want to call "e.DoSomething()" (it is the place, where the file with the "DoSomething-function" moved to), I get an error at the line, where I call "e.DoSomething()": "undefined: e".
While searching for a result, I've nowhere seen examples with deeper path hierarchies. Is it generally not possible to use/import subdirectories or what's the problem?
go-version I used: go1.2.2 linux/amd64
Thanks for any advices

Your approach is completely wrong. Go has absolutely no concept of importing files or directories, all you can import in Go are packages. It now happens that the name of a package is it's path relative to GOPATH and you import packages by that name. But the identifier under which an imported package is available in the importing code depends on the package declaration of the package. You cannot simply "move" files between directories as each directory (for the go tool) is a single package without changing the package declaration.
You can have package x under path a/b/c. When you import package x with import ( "a/b/c" ) all the exported stuff from package x is available to you as x.ExportedName.
Please read http://blog.golang.org/organizing-go-code carefully.

Try and do a go build in a/b/d/e first, before trying to build in a/b: that will generate the compiled classes you want to import.


VScode Solidity extension - not finding openzepplin imports

I'm trying to get started with what should be a very simple Solidity contract but VSCode is giving me a hard time.
I'm using Juan Blancos solidity plugin but VSCode cannot find openzepplin imports
import "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
The error is:
Source "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol" not found: File import callback not supported
Even though vscode shows red squigglies I can compile successfully via hardhat compile.
If I change the path to
import "../node_modules/#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
VScode stops complaining but then I cannot compile via hardhard, with the error being:
Source "node_modules/#openzeppelin/contracts/security/Pausable.sol" not found: File outside of allowed directories.
My VSCode settings for Solidity extension for both User and Workspace are:
"solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesContractsDirectory": "contracts",
"solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesDirectory": "node_modules"
Which corresponds to my project structure
|_ contracts
|_ MyToken.sol
|_ node_modules
|_ #openzepplin
I followed the instructions here and have done extensive researching but unfortunately can't get it to working.
Source "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol" not found: File import callback not supported
I had same issue. I had multiple folders added in the unnamed workspace. After removing all other folders and keeping only one project folder resolved issue for me.
Linting issues
If you see something along the lines of:
ParserError: Source "OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts#3.4.0/contracts/access/Ownable.sol" not found: File not found.
import "#openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
In your vscode, these and be safely ignored. However you can also add to your settings to ignore these.
Create a .vscode folder at the root of your project.
Create a file called settings.json
Add the following code:
"solidity.remappings": [
Or whatever version your #chainlink and #openzeppelin contracts need. For example:
For more information see here
Use single quotes instead of doubles.
Instead of:
import "#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
use this:
import '#openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol';

Python importing from incorrect module (which bears the same name), VSC

I have two modules, both named connection.py in two separate environments listed below. Both of the folders containing connection.py are in my PYTHONPATH system environment variable.
However, if that of spec is not placed above that of bvbot, spec's test_connection.py attempts to import from the connection.py of bvbot.
If in cmd, I can resolve this by moving the path of spec above that of bvbot. But, in Visual Studio Code, spec's test_connection.py still imports from bvbot's connection.py.
The two environments of interest are:
Structure of the spec path above:
spec test_connection.py:
import pytest
from connection import Connection, OandaConnection
class TestConnection:
def test_poll_timeout(self):
connection = Connection()
timeout = 10.0
assert connection.poll_timeout == timeout
What I am doing wrong here? How can I resolve this without resorting to manually faffing with my systems environment variables and resolve the VSC issue?
Easiest solution is to not use implicit relative imports (I assume this is Python 2.7). Basically use explicit relative imports and make sure the imports resolve within the package they are contained within instead of Python having to search sys.path for the module.
And if you are using Python 2.7, put from __future__ import absolute_import at the top of the file.

How to let IDE know a certain folder should be mapped into a certain package path?

I use PyCharm and Eclipse with PyDev.
To be specific, I am using Odoo and setting up project.
Here is the folder structure.
| '-web
| '-...
In source code for example:
# Unresolved yet this is the official source code
from odoo.addons.web.controllers.main import Binary
# Resolved perfectly
from addons.web.controllers.main import Binary
I understand the reason why this one works
from addons.web.controllers.main import Binary
but how can I make this works instead?
from odoo.addons.web.controllers.main import Binary
I cannot and should not modify any Odoo source code to make IDE resolving path correctly
In Eclipse/PyDev you should be able to set your source folder to the folder containing odoo and it should work...

Setting module name to be different from directory name in SwiftPM

I have a Swift library with a core module plus optional bonus modules. I would like to use the following directory layout, mapping to exported Swift package names as shown:
Core/ → import Taco
Toppings/ → import TacoToppings
SideDishes/ → import TacoSideDishes
To my eyes, that’s a sensible-looking project layout. However, if I’m reading the docs right, this will pollute the global module namespace with unhelpful names like “Core”. It seems that SwiftPM will only export a module whose name is identical to the directory name, and thus I have to do this:
Is there a way to configure Package.swift to use the tidier directory layout above and still export the desired module names?
Alternatively, is it possible to make the Core, Toppings, and SideDishes modules internal to the project, and export them all to the world as one big Taco module?
There is not currently a clean way to do this, but it seems like a reasonable request. I recommend filing an enhancement request at http://bugs.swift.org for it.
There is one "hacky" way you can do this:
Create your sources in the desired internal layout:
Add additional symbolic links for the desired module names:
ln -s Core Sources/Taco
ln -s Toppings Sources/TacoToppings
Add an exclude directive to the manifest to ignore the non-desired module name:
let package = Package(
name: "Taco",
exclude: ["Sources/Core", "Sources/Toppings"]
is it possible to make the Core, Toppings, and SideDishes modules internal to the project, and export them all to the world as one big Taco module?
No, unfortunately there is no way to do this currently, and it requires substantial compiler work to be able to support.

Why does the scala-ide not allow multiple package definitions at the top of a file?

In scala it is common practice to stack package statements to allow shorter imports, but when I load a file using stacked packages into the scala ide and I attempt to use an import starting with the same organization I get a compiler error from what appears to be the presentation compiler. The code compiles fine in sbt outside of the IDE.
An example code snippet is as follows:
package com.coltfred
package util
package time
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
On the import I get the error object github is not a member of package com.coltfred.util.com.
If I move the import to a single line the error will go away, but we've used this practice frequently in our code base so changing them all to be single line package statements would be a pain.
Why is this happening and is there anything I can do to fix it?
I used the eclipse-sbt plugin to generate the eclipse project file for this. The directory structure is what it should be and all of the dependencies are in the classpath.
Edit 2:
It turns out there was a file in the test tree of the util package (which should have been in the same package), but had a duplicate package statement at the top. I didn't check the test tree because it shouldn't affect the compilation of the main tree, but apparently I was wrong.
Not sure why the Scala IDE is not liking this, but you can force the import to start at the top level using _root_:
import _root_.com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
See if that avoids irritating the IDE.
This is a common annoyance that annoyed paulp into an attempt to fix it. His idea was that a dir that doesn't contribute class files shouldn't be taken as a package. If you can take util as scala.util, you should do so in preference to foo.util where that util is empty.
The util dir is the usual suspect, because who doesn't have a util dir lying around, and in particular, ./util?
apm#mara:~/tmp/coltfred$ mkdir -p com/coltfred/util/time
apm#mara:~/tmp/coltfred$ mkdir -p com/coltfred/util/com
apm#mara:~/tmp/coltfred$ vi com/coltfred/util/time/test.scala
apm#mara:~/tmp/coltfred$ scalac com/coltfred/util/time/test.scala
./com/coltfred/util/time/test.scala:5: error: object github is not a member of package com.coltfred.util.com
import com.github.nscala_time.time._
one error found
apm#mara:~/tmp/coltfred$ cat com/coltfred/util/time/test.scala
package com.coltfred
package util
package time
import com.github.nscala_time.time._
class Test
To debug, find out where the offending package is getting loaded from.