Entity Framework Async vs Task.FromResult - entity-framework

Is there any difference between using async methods provided by System.Data.Entity from Entity Framework and wrapping the same non asynchronous methods with a Task.FromResult ?
For example :
private Task<int> GetCountAsync()
return this._myDbContext.Set<MyEntity>().CountAsync();
private Task<int> GetCountAsync()
return Task.FromResult(this._myDbContext.Set<MyEntity>().Count());

Yes it could, because if the ADO driver implements async methods using the IOCP thread pool (and it does), will not use a worker thread to wait on the operation, instead will use a special waiting mechanism using I/O Completion Ports, in that way, the server should be able to best scale when there's a lot of contention that do long-running operation against IO like a database query does.
Check some article you can find googling:
I/O Completion Ports
IOCP Thread Pooling in C#
Asynchronous Command Execution in ADO.NET 2.0
Took from the last link:
In previous versions of the .NET Framework it was possible to simulate non-blocking execution by using asynchronous delegates or the ThreadPool class; however, those solutions simply blocked another thread in the background, making them far from ideal for cases where it is important to avoid blocking threads...
ADO.NET/SqlClient asynchronous command execution support is based on true asynchronous network I/O under the covers (or non-blocking signaling in the case of shared memory).
...there are no blocked background threads waiting for a particular I/O operation to finish, and we use the overlapped I/O and the input/output completion ports facilities of the Windows 2000/XP/2003 operating systems to make it possible to use a single thread (or a few of them) to handle all the outstanding requests for a given process.
Edit: Move from comment to here to extend the answer regarding the specific problem of Async Repository Pattern:
I think you should expose those Async methods you need, extending the generic repository, avoiding to couple on EF and avoiding task wrapping, adding CountAsync, AddSync, FindAsync, and all sort of methods you need also async.
Example of repository:
public interface IRepository<T> where T : class
Task<int> AddAsync(T t);
Task<int> RemoveAsync(T t);
Task<List<T>> GetAllAsync();
Task<int> UpdateAsync(T t);
Task<int> CountAsync();
Task<T> FindAsync(Expression<Func<T, bool>> match);
Task<List<T>> FindAllAsync(Expression<Func<T, bool>> match);
CountAsync implementation:
public async Task<int> CountAsync()
return await _dbContext.Set<T>().CountAsync();
Directly took from the post to leave here all the contents.
Then you can extend also your generic repository.
Edit: added some useful readings:
Martin Fowler's
Asynchronous Repositories
Implementing the Repository and Unit of Work Patterns in an ASP.NET MVC Application
The Repository Pattern
Generic Unit of Work and Repositories (lightweight fluent) Framework with Sample Northwind ASP.NET MVC 5 Application: Repositories Framework


File handing in WebFlux (Reactor)

I'm working on a greenfield reactive project where a lot of file handling IO is going on. Is it sufficient if I write the IO code in an imperative blocking manner and then wrap them in a Mono, publish them on boundedElastic scheduler? Will the boundedElastic pool size limit the number of concurrent operations?
If this is not the correct method, can you show an example how to write bytes to a file using Reactor?
Is it sufficient if I write the IO code in an imperative blocking manner and then wrap them in a Mono, publish them on boundedElastic scheduler?
This comes down to opinion on some level - but no, certainly not ideal not for a reactive greenfield project IMHO. boundedElastic() schedulers are great for interfacing with blocking IO when you must, but they're not a good replacement when a true non-blocking solution exists. (Sometimes this is a bit of a moot point with file handling, since it depends if it's possible for the underlying system to do it asynchronously - but usually that's possible these days.)
In your case, I'd look at wrapping AsynchronousFileChannel in a reactive publisher. You'll need to use create() or push() for this and then make explicit calls to the sink, but exactly how you do this depends on your use case. As a "simplest case" for file writing, you could feasibly do something like:
static Mono<Void> writeToFile(AsynchronousFileChannel channel, String content) {
return Mono.create(sink -> {
byte[] bytes = content.getBytes();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytes.length);
channel.write(buffer, 0, null, new CompletionHandler<>() {
public void completed(Integer result, Object attachment) {
public void failed(Throwable exc, Object attachment) {
A more thorough / comprehensive example of bridging the two APIs can be found here - there's almost certainly others around also.
After some researching the java.nio and Spring library I have found the convenient approach to write strings to file as DataBuffers (which perfectly connect with WebFlux) into AsynchronousFileChannel using Spring classes.
It's not "truly" reactive way to write lines in file, but asyncronous and it is still better than using some standard blocking API.
public Mono<Void> writeRows(Flux<String> rowsFlux) {
DefaultDataBufferFactory bufferFactory = new DefaultDataBufferFactory();
CharSequenceEncoder encoder = CharSequenceEncoder.textPlainOnly();
Flux<DataBuffer> dataBufferFlux = rowsFlux.map(line ->
encoder.encodeValue(line, bufferFactory, ResolvableType.NONE, null, null)
return DataBufferUtils.write(
Of course, for better performance in this case you can buffer your strings in flux and then append those strings to one string and create a data buffer from it.
Or if you already have Flux of data buffers you can write them to file using DataBufferUtils directly.

DbSet does not have an async method for remove range?

I can't find an async version of RemoveRange. It exists, for example, for AddRange. Anyone knows why? It seems odd to me not to have an homogeneous set of commands.
Because it is synchronous operation and providing fake Async method which runs synchronously and returns completed task would be misleading and against async method principles.
EF Core provides async versions only for methods which potentially access database - e.g. Add{Range}, Find, SaveChanges, Dispose, and sync only version for methods which operate purely on state (change tracker) like Attach{Range}, Update{Range}, Remove{Range}.
As of why Add{Range} have async version, the reason is explained in the documentation:
This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo, to access the database asynchronously.

Does vert.x have centralized filtering?

I am new to Vert.X.
Does Vert.x have a built in facility for centralized filters? What I mean are the kind of filters that you would use on a J2EE application.
For instance, all pages have to go through the auth filter, or something like that.
Is there a standardized way to achieve this in Vert.x?
I know this question is quite old, but for those still looking for filter in Vertx 3, the solution is to use subRouter as a filter:
// Your regular routes
router.route("/").handler((ctx) -> {
// Have more routes here...
Router filterRouter = Router.router(vertx);
// Do something smart
// Forward to your actual router
filterRouter.mountSubRouter("/", router);
Filtering is an implementation of the chain of responsibility in the servlet container. Vert.x does not have this kind of concept but with yoke (or apex in the new release) you are able to easily reproduce this behavior.
Give a look in the routing section: https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-web/blob/master/vertx-web/src/main/asciidoc/index.adoc
Vert.x is unopinionated about how many things should be handled. But generally speaking, these types of features are typically implemented as "bus mods" (i.e. modules/verticles which receive input and produce output over the event bus) in Vert.x 2. In fact, the auth manager module may help you get a better understanding of how this is done:
In Vert.x 3 the module system will be/is gone, but the pattern will remain the same. It's possible that some higher level framework built on Vert.x could support these types of filters, but Vert.x core will not.
If also recommend you poke around in Vert.x Apex if you're getting started building web applications on Vert.x:
Vert.x is more similar to node.js than any other java based frameworks.
Vert.x depends on middlewares. You can define them and attach them to a route. Depending on the order they are defined in they will get called.
For example lets say you have a user application where you would like to run logging and request verification before the controller is called.
You can do something like follows:
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
router.route("/*").handler(BodyHandler.create()); // Allows Body to available in post calls
router.route().handler(new Handler<RoutingContext>() {
public void handle(RoutingContext event) {
//Handle logs
router.route("/user").handler(new Handler<RoutingContext>() {
public void handle(RoutingContext event) {
// handle verification for all apis starting with /user
Here depending on the route set of middleware will get called.
From my POV, this is exactly the opposite to what vert.x tries to achieve. A verticle being the core building block of the framework is supposed to keep the functions distributed, rather than centralized.
For the multithreaded (cluster) async environment that makes sense, because as soon as you start introducing something "centralized" (and usually synchronous), you would lose the async ability.
One of the options is to implement auth in your case would be to exchange the messages with respecive auth-verticle over the event bus. In this case you would have to handle the async aspect of such a request.

Async Repository & CancellationToken

We're moving to .NET 4.5 and I'm considering adding async to my repositories:
interface IRepository<T>
T Find(int id);
Task<T> FindAsync(int id);
IEnumerable<T> FindAll();
Task<IEnumerable<T>> FindAllAsync();
Implementations will likely call DBs, WebServices, etc.
My question is, should I support CancellationToken?
(Don't worry - FindAllAsync() will probably be Rx-based :) )
Well, definitely add async to your repositories. I'm all for async taking over the world. :)
CancellationToken support is another question. I generally do provide it if it's likely to be needed or if the underlying implementation (DB/web services) supports it (in that case, the implementation is so simple I'd rather just provide it).
Note that you can provide an overload without CancellationToken that just calls the primary implementation passing CancellationToken.None. Alternatively, you can give a default value on the interface of new CancellationToken() which is equivalent to CancellationToken.None. I used to use the default value approach all the time but there are some situations (like assigning an Action variable to myRepository.FindAllAsync) where overloads permit method resolution but default values do not.
I was going to ask the same question. I'm starting to think the answer is "only if you believe cancellation is an important scenario". If you believe some repositories will take such a long time that a user or infrastructure service will want to cancel an in-process query, then you should. I can imagine that for a query, though one would think that most updates and inserts would happen very quickly. If they don't, it's likely because of an exceptional condition which would result in a failed (timed out?) task anyway.
Adding the support for CancellationToken will require all callers to provide one, which has a pernicious chaining effect.

Mock network delay asynchronously

I have a Scala application that relies on an external RESTful webservice for some part of its functionality. We'd like to do some performance tests on the application, so we stub out the webservice with an internal class that fakes the response.
One thing we would like to keep in order to make the performance test as realistic as possible is the network lag and response time from the remote host. This is between 50 and 500 msec (we measured).
Our first attempt was to simply do a Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(450) + 50), however I don't think that's accurate - we use NIO, which is non-blocking, and Thread.sleep is blocking and locks up the whole thread.
Is there a (relatively easy / short) way to stub a method that contacts an external resource, then returns and calls a callback object when ready? The bit of code we would like to replace with a stub implementation is as follows (using Sonatype's AsyncHttpClient), where we wrap its completion handler object in one of our own that does some processing:
def getActualTravelPlan(trip: Trip, completionHandler: AsyncRequestCompletionHandler) {
val client = clientFactory.getHttpClient
val handler = new TravelPlanCompletionHandler(completionHandler)
// non-blocking call here.
Our current implementation does a Thread.sleep in the method, but that's, like I said, blocking and thus wrong.
Use a ScheduledExecutorService. It will allow you to schedule things to run at some time in the future. Executors has factory methods for creating them fairly simply.