Throttling messages from RabbitMQ using RxJava - scala

I'm using RxJava to pull out values from RabbitMQ. Here's the code:
val amqp = new RabbitQueue("queueName")
val obs = Observable[String](subscr => while (true) subscr onNext
obs subscribe (
s => println(s"String from rabbitmq: $s"),
error => amqp.connection.close
It works fine but now I have a requirement that a value should be pulled at most once per second while all the values should be preserved (so debounce won't do since it drops intermediary values).
It should be like blocks thread so we're waiting... (RabbitMQ got two messages in queue) pulled a 1st message... wait 1 second... pulled a 2nd message... wait indefinitely for the next message...
How can I achieve this using rx methods?

Alternatively you could create a observable from a timer like that. I personally find this more elegant.
RabbitQueue amqp = new RabbitQueue("queueName");
Observable.timer(0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.map(tick ->

One option may be to use the Schedulers API in combination with a PublishSubject as the observable.
Unfortunately, I don't know Scala syntax but here is the Java version you should be able to convert:
RabbitQueue amqp = new RabbitQueue("queueName");
Scheduler.Worker worker = Schedulers.newThread().createWorker();
PublishSubject<String> obs = PublishSubject.create();
worker.schedulePeriodically(new Action0() {
public void call() {
}, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Your subscribe code from above would remain the same:
obs subscribe (
s => println(s"String from rabbitmq: $s"),
error => amqp.connection.close


Wrapping Pub-Sub Java API in Akka Streams Custom Graph Stage

I am working with a Java API from a data vendor providing real time streams. I would like to process this stream using Akka streams.
The Java API has a pub sub design and roughly works like this:
Subscription sub = createSubscription();
sub.addListener(new Listener() {
public void eventsReceived(List events) {
for (Event e : events)
I have tried to embed the creation of this subscription and accompanying buffer in a custom graph stage without much success. Can anyone guide me on the best way to interface with this API using Akka? Is Akka Streams the best tool here?
To feed a Source, you don't necessarily need to use a custom graph stage. Source.queue will materialize as a buffered queue to which you can add elements which will then propagate through the stream.
There are a couple of tricky things to be aware of. The first is that there's some subtlety around materializing the Source.queue so you can set up the subscription. Something like this:
def bufferSize: Int = ???
Source.fromMaterializer { (mat, att) =>
val (queue, source) = Source.queue[Event](bufferSize).preMaterialize()(mat)
val subscription = createSubscription()
new Listener() {
def eventsReceived(events: java.util.List[Event]): Unit = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters.iterableAsScalaIterable
iterableAsScalaIterable(events).foreach { event =>
queue.offer(event) match {
case Enqueued => () // do nothing
case Dropped => ??? // handle a dropped pubsub element, might well do nothing
case QueueClosed => ??? // presumably cancel the subscription...
Source.fromMaterializer is used to get access at each materialization to the materializer (which is what compiles the stream definition into actors). When we materialize, we use the materializer to preMaterialize the queue source so we have access to the queue. Our subscription adds incoming elements to the queue.
The API for this pubsub doesn't seem to support backpressure if the consumer can't keep up. The queue will drop elements it's been handed if the buffer is full: you'll probably want to do nothing in that case, but I've called it out in the match that you should make an explicit decision here.
Dropping the newest element is the synchronous behavior for this queue (there are other queue implementations available, but those will communicate dropping asynchronously which can be really bad for memory consumption in a burst). If you'd prefer something else, it may make sense to have a very small buffer in the queue and attach the "overall" Source (the one returned by Source.fromMaterializer) to a stage which signals perpetual demand. For example, a buffer(downstreamBufferSize, OverflowStrategy.dropHead) will drop the oldest event not yet processed. Alternatively, it may be possible to combine your Events in some meaningful way, in which case a conflate stage will automatically combine incoming Events if the downstream can't process them quickly.
Great answer! I did build something similar. There are also kamon metrics to monitor queue size exc.
class AsyncSubscriber(projectId: String, subscriptionId: String, metricsRegistry: CustomMetricsRegistry, pullParallelism: Int)(implicit val ec: Executor) {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
def bufferSize: Int = 1000
def source(): Source[(PubsubMessage, AckReplyConsumer), Future[NotUsed]] = {
Source.fromMaterializer { (mat, attr) =>
val (queue, source) = Source.queue[(PubsubMessage, AckReplyConsumer)](bufferSize).preMaterialize()(mat)
val receiver: MessageReceiver = {
(message: PubsubMessage, consumer: AckReplyConsumer) => {
queue.offer((message, consumer)) match {
case QueueOfferResult.Enqueued =>
case QueueOfferResult.Dropped =>
logger.warn(s"Buffer is full, message nacked. Pubsub should retry don't panic. If this happens too often, we should also tweak the buffer size or the autoscaler.")
case QueueOfferResult.Failure(ex) =>
logger.error(s"Failed to offer message with id=${message.getMessageId()}", ex)
case QueueOfferResult.QueueClosed =>
logger.error("Destination Queue closed. Something went terribly wrong. Shutting down the jvm.")
val subscriptionName = ProjectSubscriptionName.of(projectId, subscriptionId)
val subscriber = Subscriber.newBuilder(subscriptionName, receiver).setParallelPullCount(pullParallelism).build

How can I change the period for Flowable.interval

Is there a way to change the Flowable.interval period at runtime?"Start generating bullshit for 7 seconds:");
Flowable.interval(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.map(tick -> random.nextInt(100))
.subscribe(tick ->"tick = " + tick));
TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(7);"Change interval to 2 seconds:");
I have a workaround, but the best way would be to create a new operator.
How does this solution work?
You have a trigger source, which will provide values, when to start start a new interval. The source is switchMapped with an interval as inner-stream. The inner-stream takes an input value for the upstream source for setting the new interval time.
When the source emits a time (Long), the switchMap lambda is invoked and the returned Flowable will be subscribed to immediately. When a new value arrives at the switchMap, the inner subscribed Flowable interval will be unsubscribed from and the lambda will be invoked once again. The returned Inverval-Flowable will be re-subscribed.
This means, that on each emit from the source, a new Inveral is created.
How does it behave?
When the inveral is subscribed to and is about to emit a new value and a new value is emitted from the source, the inner-stream (inverval) is unsubscribed from. Therefore the value is not emitted anymore. The new Interval-Flowable is subscribed to and will emit a value to it's configuration.
lateinit var scheduler: TestScheduler
fun init() {
scheduler = TestScheduler()
fun `62232235`() {
val trigger = PublishSubject.create<Long>()
val switchMap = trigger.toFlowable(BackpressureStrategy.LATEST)
// make sure, that a value is emitted from upstream, in order to make sure, that at least one interval emits values, when the upstream-sources does not provide a seed value.
.switchMap {
Flowable.interval(it, TimeUnit.SECONDS, scheduler)
.map { tick: Long? ->
val test = switchMap.test()
scheduler.advanceTimeBy(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
test.assertValues(0, 1, 2)
// send new onNext value at absolute time 10
// the inner stream is unsubscribed and a new stream with inverval(10) is subscribed to. Therefore the first vale will be emitted at 20 (current: 10 + 10 configured)
scheduler.advanceTimeTo(21, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
// if the switch did not happen, there would be 7 values
test.assertValues(0, 1, 2, 0)

Sample most recent element of Akka Stream with trigger signal, using zipWith?

I have a Planning system that computes kind of a global Schedule from customer orders. This schedule changes over time when customers place or revoke orders to this system, or when certain resources used by events within the schedule become unavailable.
Now another system needs to know the status of certain events in the Schedule. The system sends a StatusRequest(EventName) on a message queue to which I must react with a corresponding StatusSignal(EventStatus) on another queue.
The Planning system gives me an akka-streams Source[Schedule] which emits a Schedule whenever the schedule changed, and I also have a Source[StatusRequest] from which I receive StatusRequests and a Sink[StatusSignal] to which I can send StatusSignal responses.
Whenever I receive a StatusRequest I must inspect the current schedule, ie, the most recent value emitted by Source[Schedule], and send a StatusSignal to the sink.
I came up with the following flow
.zipWith(statusRequestSource) { (schedule, statusRequest) =>
findEventStatus(schedule, statusRequest.eventName))
.map(eventStatus => makeStatusSignal(eventStatus))
but I am not at all sure when this flow actually emits values and whether it actually implements my requirement (see bold text above).
The zipWith reference says (emphasis mine):
emits when all of the inputs have an element available
What does this mean? When statusRequestSource emits a value does the flow wait until scheduleSource emits, too? Or does it use the last value scheduleSource emitted? Likewise, what happens when scheduleSource emits a value? Does it trigger a status signal with the last element in statusRequestSource?
If the flow doesn't implement what I need, how could I achieve it instead?
To answer your first set of questions regarding the behavior of zipWith, here is a simple test:
val source1 = Source(1 to 5)
val source2 = Source(1 to 3)
.zipWith(source2){ (s1Elem, s2Elem) => (s1Elem, s2Elem) }
// prints:
// (1,1)
// (2,2)
// (3,3)
zipWith will emit downstream as long as both inputs have respective elements that can be zipped together.
One idea to fulfill your requirement is to decouple scheduleSource and statusRequestSource. Feed scheduleSource to an actor, and have the actor track the most recent element it has received from the stream. Then have statusRequestSource query this actor, which will reply with the most recent element from scheduleSource. This actor could look something like the following:
class LatestElementTracker extends Actor with ActorLogging {
var latestSchedule: Option[Schedule] = None
def receive = {
case schedule: Schedule =>
latestSchedule = Some(schedule)
case status: StatusRequest =>
if (latestSchedule.isEmpty) {
log.debug("No schedules have been received yet.")
} else {
val eventStatus = findEventStatus(latestSchedule.get, status.eventName)
sender() ! eventStatus
To integrate with the above actor:
scheduleSource.runForeach(s => trackerActor ! s)
.ask[EventStatus](parallelism = 1)(trackerActor) // adjust parallelism as needed
.map(eventStatus => makeStatusSignal(eventStatus))

Rate-limiting multiple observables created by multiple threads using RxJava

I'm developing a simple REST application that leverages on RxJava to send requests to a remote server (1). For each incoming request to the REST API a request is sent (using RxJava and RxNetty) to (1). Everything is working fine but now I have a new use case:
In order to not bombard (1) with too many request I need to implement rate limiting. One way to solve this (I assume) would be to add each Observable created when sending a request to (1) into another Observable (2) that does the actual rate-limiting. (2) will then act more or less like a queue and process the outbound requests as fast as possible (but not faster than the rate limit). Here's some pseudo-like code:
Observable<MyResponse> r1 = createRequestToExternalServer() // In thread 1
Observable<MyResponse> r2 = createRequestToExternalServer() // In thread 2
// Somehow send r1 and r2 to the "rate limiter" observable, (2)
rateLimiterObservable.sample(1 / rate, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
How would I use Rx/RxJava to solve this?
I'd use a hot timer along with an atomic counter that keeps track the remaining connection for the given duration:
int rate = 5;
long interval = 1000;
AtomicInteger remaining = new AtomicInteger(rate);
ConnectableObservable<Long> timer = Observable
.interval(interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.doOnNext(e -> remaining.set(rate))
Observable<Integer> networkCall = Observable.just(1).delay(150, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Observable<Integer> limitedNetworkCall = Observable
.defer(() -> {
if (remaining.getAndDecrement() != 0) {
return networkCall;
return Observable.error(new RuntimeException("Rate exceeded"));
Observable.interval(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.flatMap(t -> limitedNetworkCall.onErrorReturn(e -> -1))

rx reactive extension: how to have each subscriber get a different value (the next one) from an observable?

Using reactive extension, it is easy to subscribe 2 times to the same observable.
When a new value is available in the observable, both subscribers are called with this same value.
Is there a way to have each subscriber get a different value (the next one) from this observable ?
Ex of what i'm after:
source sequence: [1,2,3,4,5,...] (infinite)
The source is constantly adding new items at an unknown rate.
I'm trying to execute a lenghty async action for each item using N subscribers.
1st subscriber: 1,2,4,...
2nd subscriber: 3,5,...
1st subscriber: 1,3,...
2nd subscriber: 2,4,5,...
1st subscriber: 1,3,5,...
2nd subscriber: 2,4,6,...
I would agree with Asti.
You could use Rx to populate a Queue (Blocking Collection) and then have competing consumers read from the queue. This way if one process was for some reason faster it could pick up the next item potentially before the other consumer if it was still busy.
However, if you want to do it, against good advice :), then you could just use the Select operator that will provide you with the index of each element. You can then pass that down to your subscribers and they can fiter on a modulus. (Yuck! Leaky abstractions, magic numbers, potentially blocking, potentiall side effects to the source sequence etc)
var source = Obserservable.Interval(1.Seconds())
.Select((i,element)=>{new Index=i, Element=element});
var subscription1 = source.Where(x=>x.Index%2==0).Subscribe(x=>DoWithThing1(x.Element));
var subscription2 = source.Where(x=>x.Index%2==1).Subscribe(x=>DoWithThing2(x.Element));
Also remember that the work done on the OnNext handler if it is blocking will still block the scheduler that it is on. This could affect the speed of your source/producer. Another reason why Asti's answer is a better option.
Ask if that is not clear :-)
How about:
IObservable<TRet> SomeLengthyOperation(T input)
return Observable.Defer(() => Observable.Start(() => {
return someCalculatedValueThatTookALongTime;
}, Scheduler.TaskPoolScheduler));
.SelectMany(x => SomeLengthyOperation(input))
.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine("The result was {0}", x);
You can even limit the number of concurrent operations:
.Select(x => SomeLengthyOperation(input))
.Merge(4 /* at a time */)
.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine("The result was {0}", x);
It's important for the Merge(4) to work, that the Observable returned by SomeLengthyOperation be a Cold Observable, which is what the Defer does here - it makes the Observable.Start not happen until someone Subscribes.