What difference between libwxbase-xxx-dev and libwxgtk-xxx-dev? - gtk

I am working on a GUI application which aims to be portable between different window managers(Gnome and KDE) and platforms(Linux and Windows).
Most of my work is done with C++ / wxWidgets.
I am currently preparing a new development environment.
I find several packages when searching "wx-config":
myusername#domain:~$ wx-config --version
The program 'wx-config' can be found in the following packages:
* libwxbase2.8-dbg
* libwxbase2.8-dev
* libwxbase3.0-dev
* libwxgtk2.8-dbg
* libwxgtk2.8-dev
* libwxgtk3.0-dev
Try: sudo apt-get install
Could anyone explain to me what is the difference between libwxbase-dev and libwxgtk-dev?
I already know that a package is included in the other, but I need some more detailed information.

libwxbase-dev: wxBase library (development) - non-GUI support classes of wxWidgets toolkit
libwxgtk-dev: wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development)
The second is focused purely on the GUI, using the first.
The first contains basic functionalities of the wxWidgets toolkit, non-gui oriented.


Alternative to GTK WIn7

I have begun to use GTK(2), and I find that the workings of the library to be very good, but the documentation sucks.
I want to upgrade to GTK3, but it seems I need to install something called packman. That is a difficult philosophical step for me. Why can't I simply download a zip file(s) somewhere?
The documentation uses a lot of words without saying much, and the downloads want you to download stuff OTHER then gtk in order to get gtk. Why don't they simply have a GTK package and let me decide if I need all the other stuff.
Also, I have been reading on forums, even if I do the packman stuff, it still isn't enough for C::B.
Anyway, that is mostly a rant, what I'd really like is a suggestion to an alternative to GTK+.
Here are some of my requirements...
#1, It must NOT be an interpreter. Using Code::Blocks and C, I get an exe file and I'd like to continue that way.
#2 It must be programmable using C. I'd really like to stick wiith C::B, but I guess in a pinch I can use Eclipse (although that is another nightmare I won't get into here.)
#3 GTK requires a bunch of DLL's to be shipped along with the exe file. It would be ideal if the entire target could be included in the single exe without having to rely on external dll's or .net framework or other external stuff.
Any suggestions woule be apreaciated.
Thanks, Mark.
You best bet is to give a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_widget_toolkits#High-level_widget_toolkits
If you wan to stick to C and not C++, then Qt is out.
The other that stands out is EFL. I've never used it myself, but it has good reputation and probably your best bet if you want to quit GTK+ and stick to C. However I don't know how easy it is to use it on Windows.
Now about GTK+:
Also, I have been reading on forums, even if I do the packman stuff, it still isn't enough for C::B.
There are people here that use GTK+ with Code::Blocks, so I don't get what kind of problem you're referring to.
Then your other problems:
The documentation uses a lot of words without saying much
the downloads want you to download stuff OTHER then gtk in order to get gtk
What you don't get is that GTK+ is more that just the libgtk library. It has dependencies on a lot of other libraries, like glib, cairo, pango, etc. In the past there used to be a bundle or installer to have that installed on Windows, but people would mess up on setting the environment up based on their needs and give up. As the GTK+ manpower for the Windows platform is limited, the GTK+ team delegated the distribution of the GTK+ binaries to the MSYS2 project.
MSYS2 is a popular project that provides a lot of open source software already built for Windows, and solves the problem of building and installing dependencies by hand for the user. This step is made to make installation simpler, not harder. In a handful of commands you have GTK+ and all its dependencies installed for your platform, and can start coding your app. Another command and you have python and the python GTK+ bindings installed and can get started. Want to depend on another popular library? Chances are MSYS already provides it.
Windows has been known for decades to be bad on dependency management. If package management wasn't a a pain point on Windows, then stuff like chocolatey or conan wouldn't exist.
Your philosophical reluctance is merely that: philosophical. Sure GTK+ on Windows isn't perfect. With MSYS2 you will get packages built with gcc so the debug symbols are not compatible with the Visual Studio debugger and you will need to use gdb instead. But on your other question you say you use gcc and loathe Visual Studio, so this should not be a blocker to you.
GTK requires a bunch of DLL's to be shipped along with the exe file. It would be ideal if the entire target could be included in the single exe without having to rely on external dll's or .net framework or other external stuff.
This is not possible for the moment as static compilation of GTK+ isn't supported. The redistribution of an app, however, isn't as easy as I'd like it to be. The best way on Windows to redistribute your app while using MSYS2 is to create a pacman package for your app, listing its dependencies, then call pacman to install your app on an empty directory and tell it to install all your dependencies there too. The result will be a directory that you can redistribute, with a self-contained installation of your app and all its dependencies, GTK+ included.

Problem installing mjs library (embedded javascript) using platformio cli

I get a build error when trying to use a function in mjs after importing it into platformio:
platformio lib --storage-dir lib install https://github.com/cesanta/mjs.git
I can try #include <../lib/mjs/mjs.h>, but it will only include the header file and not the .c files. Nothing is being linked.
How can I get mjs (or any external library with a .c in it) setup as a platformio library?
I can try #include <mjs.h> or #include <mjs/mjs.h> in main.c, neither work.
I expect libraries to be copied to .pioenvs while they are being compiled. But that doesn't look to be the case.
I have tried several things from my favorite search engine. But no luck. Platformio documentation doesn't seem to be much help either. If you think this requires submitting a github issue, let me know in a comment.
ESP32 espressif DFU library Version 1.5
Currently on Windows 10 (will also be using WSL Debian, Gentoo Linux, and Mac in future)
platform = espressif32
framework = espidf
board = esp32dev
monitor_speed = 115200
p.s. I understand there is a gpl restriction after I finish the
prototyping phase (while prototyping, there is no restrictions). So I
do plan on buying a commercial license. I don't think this library
would be a good fit in the platformio store. I want a local-only library.
But many libraries out there could follow the found steps, expanding
platformio usability...
mjs has a previous project named v7. I am still interested in importing external libraries. But this satisfies my need for now.
platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino
build_flags = -I lib/mjs
-L lib/mjs
-I lib/TFT_eSPI-master
-L lib/TFT_eSPI-master
Got mjs to work. https://github.com/tamusjroyce/platformio-esp32-mjs
Note: MJS is GPL V2 or commercial. License is reasonable. I am in no
way affiliated with Ciesta, MongooseOS, or mjs. Hence, v7 (which I believe is licensed differently?).

Matlab supportpackageinstaller not presemt

I have just installed a fresh copy of elementary OS freya in my lappy and after that did an installation of matlab R2012b. First I tried using the image acquisition commands but they didn't work as the library was not there. To install I typed
but it gave an error
Undefined function or variable 'supportPackageInstaller'.
This is the first time I am installing matlab on linux so I don't know how to solve the problem.
copied from: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/88896-how-to-install-add-on
the supportPackageInstaller is a new feature in R2013b and doesn't exist in older releases than R2013b. Which version are you using? If its not 13b you need to look up the support package on the File Exchange. Only for example Simulink Support Package for Arduino Mega 2560 Hardware (R2012a)
refer to another:
Start Support Package Installer
You can use Support Package Installer to install support for specific third-party hardware and software products.
Support Package Installer guides you through the process of downloading and installing a support package.
To start Support Package Installer, use one of the following methods:
In a MATLABĀ® Command Window, enter targetinstaller.
In a model, select Tools > Run on Target Hardware > Install/Update Support Package.
Double-click a *.mlpkginstall file.
On the MATLAB tool strip, click Add-Ons and select Get Hardware Support Packages.

How do you set up an x64 development environment based on gcc and eclipse?

I want to create 64 bit apps for (for example) 64 bit Windows 7. I've searched the web and found some help but couldn't get it to work.
Sorry I've taken so long to respond but I have tried to get the packages suggested to work but they're not easy or else I'm doing something wrong.
Anyway I ran across an environment called pellesc. It consists of a development environment around a compiler which traces is roots back to a 32-bit version that was once (according to Wikipedia) used to develop Quake. From what I've seen so far it's very promising and generates good code too!
In spite of what other people are saying, Eclipse actually has very good support for C++, even in Windows: check out the CDT project. It's very mature and well-supported -- it works for C/C++ at least as well as Eclipse JDT works for Java.
As for the compiler itself, VonC is right, MinGW-w64 (but the mingw-w64 project is moving to mingw-w64.org so i suggest to use mingw-w64.org) is the best option. Eclipse CDT has built-in support for MinGW so as long as you install MinGW first, Eclipse should automatically detect it.
This Eclipse MinGW64 tutorial mentions:
update (Nov 9, 2010): recent MinGW-w64 versions come with 'as', 'g++', and 'gcc' commands. This step may be unnecessary in your MinGW build.
Meaning you won't have anymore to update the GCC assembler, C++ compiler, C compiler and C++ linker, with 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-as', 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++', 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc', and 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++'.
Other great source for w64 development tools:
Native windows x64 software develop with Mingw-w64 on drangon.org
A 64-bit version of GCC for Windows is available at http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/download. I can't see why you would want to use Eclipse for C or C++ programming - try the Code::Blocks IDE at http://www.codeblocks.org instead.
Honestly, I use cygwin. Its compatable with unix so you can easily move systems and has tons of functionality that is gcc friendly (autoconf, make, makedepends, ...). To use gcc to compile to 64 bit add the -m64 option. To compile for windows use the -mno-cygwin option. Make sure though that you're using gcc 3 and not 4 (then you'd use the mingw compiler series). Otherwise, its all the same as unix which is really useful.

How can I package my Perl script to run on a machine without Perl?

People also often ask "How can I compile Perl?" while what they really want is to create an executable that can run on machines even if they don't have Perl installed.
There are several solutions, I know of:
perl2exe of IndigoStar
It is commercial. I never tried. Its web site says it can cross compile Win32, Linux, and Solaris.
Perl Dev Kit from ActiveState.
It is commercial. I used it several years ago on Windows and it worked well for my needs. According to its web site it works on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX.
PAR or rather PAR::Packer that is free and open source. Based on the test reports it works on the Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, NetBSD and Solaris but theoretically it should work on other UNIX systems as well.
Recently I have started to use PAR for packaging on Linux and will use it on Windows as well.
Other recommended solutions?
In addition to the three tools listed in the question, there's another one called Cava Packager written by Mark Dootson, who has also contributed to PAR in the past. It only runs under Windows, has a nice Wx GUI and works differently from the typical three contenders in that it assembles all Perl dependencies in a source / lib directory instead of creating a single archive containing everything. There's a free version, but it's not Open Source. I haven't used this except for testing.
As for PAR, it's really a toolkit. It comes with a packaging tool which does the dependency scanning and assembly of stand-alone executables, but it can also be used to generate and use so-called .par files, in analogy to Java's JARs. It also comes with client and server for automatically loading missing packages over the network, etc. The slides of my PAR talk at YAPC::EU 2008 go into more details on this.
There's also an active mailing list: par at perl dot org.
It is some time since this question was first asked, but Cava Packager can currently produce executable packages for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is no longer Windows only.
Note: As indicated by my name, I am affiliated with Cava Packager.
I'm a Perl newbie and I just downloaded Cava Packager and that's the only one I found working. I've tried ActiveState 5.10.1005 and Strawberry Perl with PAR-Packager on Windows XP.
pp just hangs in mid-stream and no executables created.
Cava provides the only solution to creating exe on Windows so far. Thks.
You could use the perlcc tool that's shipped with most distributions of Perl. I've also found both perl2exe and Active State's Perl Dev kit useful for shipping Perl applications.