How do I DumpLive results of a long running process? - system.reactive

I've tried Observable.Create
waits to finish before showing any results.
Possibly because the example I'm trying to follow is a changing live value, not a changing live collection.
ObservableCollection<FileAnalysisResult> fileAnalysisResults = new ObservableCollection<FileAnalysisResult>();
I can't seem to apply because .DumpLive() isn't applicable to an ObservableCollection.

Short answer: use LINQPad's DumpContainer:
var dc = new DumpContainer().Dump();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
dc.Content = i;
Long answer: DumpContainer writes to LINQPad's standard HTML results window, so you can see the value change in place while the main thread is blocked, whereas calling DumpLive on an IObservable uses a WPF control to render the updates, so the main thread must remain unblocked in order to see updates as they occur.
It's also possible to dump a WPF or Windows Forms control and update it in place:
var txt = new TextBox().Dump();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
txt.Text = i.ToString();
await Task.Delay(100);
Just as with DumpLive, you must be careful not to block the main thread. If you replaced await Task.Delay with Thread.Sleep, you'd block the UI thread and nothing would appear until the end.


A GMail Script to unstar email loop

I have emails in my inbox and ones that get archived throughout the day. Every night I want to create a script to automatically unstar them for the next day. I created this script but it doesn't seem to work. The Google docs don't seem to be much help in the way of syntax.
Here is the code I was using. Will this code access the archive as well?
function processInbox() {
var threads = GmailApp.getInboxThreads();
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
var firstThread = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(0,1)[0];
var message = firstThread.getMessages()[0];
You are working only on the first thread in your inbox.
You needed to put your 'i' variable in that line in order to iterate on the messages.
Try something like that:
// first limit the script for the top 50 emails (or a bit more) but don't run on ALL of them -it's not efficient.
var threads = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(0, 50);
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
var message = threads[i].getMessages()[0];
Good luck.

Atomically setting a variable without comparing first

I've been reading up on and experimenting with atomic memory access for synchronization, mainly for educational purposes. Specifically, I'm looking at Mac OS X's OSAtomic* family of functions. Here's what I don't understand: Why is there no way to atomically set a variable instead of modifying it (adding, incrementing, etc.)? OSAtomicCompareAndSwap* is as close as it gets -- but only the swap is atomic, not the whole function itself. This leads to code such as the following not working:
const int N = 100000;
void* threadFunc(void *data) {
int *num = (int *)data;
// Wait for main thread to start us so all spawned threads start
// at the same time.
while (0 == num) { }
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
OSAtomicCompareAndSwapInt(*num, *num+1, num);
// called from main thread
void test() {
int num = 0;
pthread_t threads[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, threadFunc, &num);
num = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
printf("final value: %d\n", num);
When run, this example would ideally produce 500,001 as the final value. However, it doesn't; even when the comparison in OSAtomicCompareAndSwapInt in thread X succeeds, another thread Y can come in set the variable first before X has a chance to change it.
I am aware that in this trivial example I could (and should!) simply use OSAtomicAdd32, in which case the code works. But, what if, for example, I wanted to set a pointer atomically so it points to a new object that another thread can then work with?
I've looked at other APIs, and they seem to be missing this feature as well, which leads me to believe that there is a good reason for it and my confusion is just based on lack of knowledge. If somebody could enlighten me, I'd appreciate it.
I think that you have to check the OSAtomicCompareAndSwapInt result to guarantee that the int was actually set.

Devart Oracle Entity Framework 4.1 performance

I want to know why Code fragment 1 is faster than Code 2 using POCO's with Devart DotConnect for Oracle.
I tried it over 100000 records and Code 1 is way faster than 2. Why? I thought "SaveChanges" would clear the buffer making it faster as there is only 1 connection. Am I wrong?
Code 1:
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
using (var ctx = new MyDbContext())
MyObj obj = new MyObj();
obj.Id = i;
obj.Name = "Foo " + i;
Code 2:
using (var ctx = new MyDbContext())
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
MyObj obj = new MyObj();
obj.Id = i;
obj.Name = "Foo " + i;
The first code snippet works faster as the same connection is taken from the pool every time, so there are no performance losses on its re-opening.
In the second case 100000 objects gradually are added to the context. A slow snapshot-based tracking is used (if no dynamic proxy). This leads to the detection if any changes in any of cached objects occured on each SaveChanges(). More and more time is spent by each subsequent iteration.
We recommend you to try the following approach. It should have a better performance than the mentioned ones:
using (var ctx = new MyDbContext())
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
MyObj obj = new MyObj();
obj.Id = i;
obj.Name = "Foo " + i;
If you use an approach with executing large number of operations within one SaveChanges(), it will be useful to configure additionally the Entity Framework behaviour of Devart dotConnect for Oracle provider:
// Turn on the Batch Updates mode:
var config = OracleEntityProviderConfig.Instance;
config.DmlOptions.BatchUpdates.Enabled = true;
// If necessary, enable the mode of re-using parameters with the same values:
config.DmlOptions.ReuseParameters = true;
// If object has a lot of nullable properties, and significant part of them are not set (i.e., nulls), omitting explicit insert of NULL-values will decrease greatly the size of generated SQL:
config.DmlOptions.InsertNullBehaviour = InsertNullBehaviour.Omit;
Only some options are mentioned here. The full list of them is available in our article:
Am I wrong to assume that when SaveChanges() is called, all the
objects in cache are stored to DB and the cache is cleared, so each
loop is independent?
SaveChanges() sends and commits all changes to database, but change tracking is continued for all entities which are attached to the context. And new SaveChanges, if snapshot-based change tracking is used, will start a long process of checking (changed or not?) the values of each property for each object.

Why threads give different number on my program using ThreadPool?

why Number has different value?
class Program
static DateTime dt1;
static DateTime dt2;
static Int64 number = 0;
public static void Main()
dt1 = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(WorkThread), DateTime.Now);
dt2 = DateTime.Now;
public static void WorkThread(object queuedAt)
number = 0;
for (Int64 i = 0; i < 2000000; i++)
number += i;
Console.WriteLine("number is:{0} and time:{1}",number,DateTime.Now - dt1);
number is being shared between all of your threads, and you're not doing anything to synchronize access to it from each thread. So one thread might not have even started it's i loop (it may or may not have reset number to 0 at this point), while another can be half way through, and another might have finished it's loop completely and be at the Console.WriteLine part.
Here you have 10 threads acting on the static variable number at indeterminate times. One thread could on its 10000 iteration while another could just be beginning execution. And your routine begins by resetting number to 0. This logic would produce interesting results but nothing predictable.
If multiple threads access the same variable all at once, there is a risk of race conditions. A race condition is basically when the operations of the two threads are interwoven such that they interfere with eachother. To add a value to "number", the old value must be read, the sum computed, and the new value set. If those steps are being done by many threads at the same time, the value-setting can overwrite work done by previous threads, and the final result can change. You must use a lock (also called a critical section, mutex, or monitor) to protect the variable so this can't happen.

Microsoft Robotics and Sql

I have an issue implementing CCR with SQL. It seems that when I step through my code the updates and inserts I am trying to execute work great. But when I run through my interface without any breakpoints, it seems to be working and it shows the inserts, updates, but at the end of the run, nothing got updated to the database.
I proceeded to add a pause to my code every time I pull anew thread from my pool and it works... but that defeats the purpose of async coding right? I want my interface to be faster, not slow it down...
Any suggestions... here is part of my code:
I use two helper classes to set my ports and get a response back...
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Reader, requires connection to be managed
/// </summary>
public static PortSet<Int32, Exception> GetReader(SqlCommand sqlCommand)
Port<Int32> portResponse = null;
Port<Exception> portException = null;
GetReaderResponse(sqlCommand, ref portResponse, ref portException);
return new PortSet<Int32, Exception>(portResponse, portException);
// Wrapper for SqlCommand's GetResponse
public static void GetReaderResponse(SqlCommand sqlCom,
ref Port<Int32> portResponse, ref Port<Exception> portException)
EnsurePortsExist(ref portResponse, ref portException);
portResponse, portException,
delegate(IAsyncResult ar) { return sqlCom.EndExecuteNonQuery(ar); }), null);
then I do something like this to queue up my calls...
DispatcherQueue queue = CreateDispatcher();
String[] commands = new String[2];
Int32 result = 0;
commands[0] = "exec someupdateStoredProcedure";
commands[1] = "exec someInsertStoredProcedure '" + Settings.Default.RunDate.ToString() + "'";
for (Int32 i = 0; i < commands.Length; i++)
using (SqlConnection connSP = new SqlConnection(Settings.Default.nbfConn + ";MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Async=true"))
using (SqlCommand cmdSP = new SqlCommand())
cmdSP.Connection = connSP;
cmdSP.CommandTimeout = 150;
cmdSP.CommandText = "set arithabort on; " + commands[i];
Arbiter.Activate(queue, Arbiter.Choice(ApmToCcrAdapters.GetReader(cmdSP),
delegate(Int32 reader) { result = reader; },
delegate(Exception e) { result = 0; throw new Exception(e.Message); }));
where ApmToCcrAdapters is the class name where my helper methods are...
The problem is when I pause my code right after the call to Arbiter.Activate and I check my database, everything looks fine... if I get rid of the pause ad run my code through, nothing happens to the database, and no exceptions are thrown either...
The problem here is that you are calling Arbiter.Activate in the scope of your two using blocks. Don't forget that the CCR task you create is queued and the current thread continues... right past the scope of the using blocks. You've created a race condition, because the Choice must execute before connSP and cmdSP are disposed and that's only going to happen when you're interfering with the thread timings, as you have observed when debugging.
If instead you were to deal with disposal manually in the handler delegates for the Choice, this problem would no longer occur, however this makes for brittle code where it's easy to overlook disposal.
I'd recommend implementing the CCR iterator pattern and collecting results with a MulitpleItemReceive so that you can keep your using statements. It makes for cleaner code. Off the top of my head it would look something like this:
private IEnumerator<ITask> QueryIterator(
string command,
PortSet<Int32,Exception> resultPort)
using (SqlConnection connSP =
new SqlConnection(Settings.Default.nbfConn
+ ";MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Async=true"))
using (SqlCommand cmdSP = new SqlCommand())
Int32 result = 0;
cmdSP.Connection = connSP;
cmdSP.CommandTimeout = 150;
cmdSP.CommandText = "set arithabort on; " + commands[i];
yield return Arbiter.Choice(ApmToCcrAdapters.GetReader(cmdSP),
delegate(Int32 reader) { resultPort.Post(reader); },
delegate(Exception e) { resultPort.Post(e); });
and you could use it something like this:
var resultPort=new PortSet<Int32,Exception>();
foreach(var command in commands)
//everything is done and you've got 2
//collections here, results and exceptions
//to process as you want