TERROR MOVIE: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: {} VOL VIII - protractor

I've been checking others threads about this common error and trying to apply what they recommend but still getting same error. I warn you I'm totally newbie at PROTRACTOR.
This it's the first test I'm writting:
describe('Just some shitty test', function(){
'use strict';
it('Testing some shitty test', function(){
beforeEach(function () {
1. Getting in "HEALTH CARE PARTNER / ORGANISATION (KND. NR.: 438)" panel
2. Edit content
3. Save it
// First, I find elements I want to test
//ANCHOR Bearbeiten
var $a = $('a','div.m-pane__control');
//INPUT Name
var $name = $('input[placeholder="Name"]');
var $select = $('select','m-form__select ng-scope');
//INPUT Yearly births
var $yearly = $('input[placeholder="Yearly births"]');
//INPUT Homepage
var $homepage = $('input[placeholder="Homepage"]');
//INPUT Email
var $email = $('input[placeholder="Email"]');
//TEXTAREA. two ways to find it
var $textarea1 = $('textarea[ng-model="model[field.name]"]');
var $textarea2 = element(by.model('model[field.name]'));
//BUTTON Speichern
var $speichern = $('button[ng-click="savebtn()"]');
// Sequence of actions
//Is bearbeiten button displayed?
//Click on it!
//$name.sendKeys('John Smith').submit();
//$textarea1.sendKeys('fahren lassen');
//$speichern.click(); });});
I don't know if elements I've searched are ok but every time I call getText() function or either as click(), sendKeys or whatever, I always get Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: {}.
What I'm forgetting or doing wrong?
Thank you

Try something like this
describe('Just some test', function(){
var ptor;
beforeEach(function () {
ptor = protractor.getInstance();
it('should do something', function(){
var aLink = element(by.css('div.m-pane__control'));
Biggest differences are I ask protractor to wait for angular, since it takes some time to get ready and I used the protractor style of finding elements on the page.


How to verify number of tagName with protractor

I'm a newbie in protractor.
I've written a test with Selenium in Java and everything is OK.
But now, i need to do the same test in protractor and it driving me crazy!
I've to check the numbre of element by tagName in my page.
My code is something like this :
// Click on a button
// Wait for the next page to be present
var isPresent0 = EC.visibilityOf(element(by.tagName('ngx-carousel')));
var isPresent1 = EC.visibilityOf(element(by.tagName('cmyardneo-action-button')));
var condition = EC.and(isPresent0, isPresent1);
browser.wait(condition, 5000);
// Ok, here i want to chek the number of div by tagName
// First try!
// Doesn't work... Fall in timeout!
// Second try
element.all(by.tagName("div")).then((liste) => { //Same Problem, fall in timeout
How can i read the liste return by the element.all?
For time our issue, please refer to http://www.protractortest.org/#/timeouts
One issue in your code:
// First try!
// element.all().count() is to get count of found elements
After another tests, my problem is not about element.all
but about page change....
What i want to do is :
Open a first page
Click on a button that make à routing to a
second page
check this second page
I ve done something like that :
describe('test of application', function () {
beforeAll( () => {
it('Click on the button', () => { // I will go on the second page
it('Check the second page', () => {
// brower.sleep(5000);
var isPresent0 = EC.visibilityOf(element(by.tagName('ngx-carousel')));
var isPresent1 = EC.visibilityOf(element(by.tagName('cmyardneo-action-button')));
var condition = EC.and(isPresent0, isPresent1);
// Here i want to be sure the second page is loaded
browser.wait(condition, 5000);
// Next check....
And the last condition is never OK (I've checked, the two tagName are OK!!!)
It sounds like protractor hasnot seen that a routing occurs...

How to create reusable components using page objects

I have a text box spinner control and some validations against it.
This text box spinner control is used in n number of pages where I need to check for same validations.
So I would like to create a page spinnertextbox.js and call this in other pages.
So my confusion is how to I access this spinnertextbox.js from test spec files.
Test spec - > Pages -> spinnertextbox.js
Do I call the spinnertextbox.js directly from Testspec (which I feel is wrong).
I tried the following to follow the flow of Test spec to Pages and from Pages to spinnertextbox.js
Below is what I have implemented.
var txtbox = function () {
this.Up = function (upArrow) {
this.Down = function (downArrow) {
module.exports = txtbox;
Homepage.js – which is going to call the spinnertextbox.js
var spinner = require('../pages/ spinnertextbox.js');
var home = function () {
var upArrow = element(by.xpath('’));
var downArrow = element(by.xpath(''));
this.spinfn = function (fun) {
var spin = new spinner();
switch (fun) {
case 'uparrowclick':
case 'downarrowclick':
module.exports = home;
And finally my test spec
var home = require('../pages/HomePage.js');
describe('reusability functionality : ', function () {
it('reusability: ', function () {
var hm = new home ();
//call to some other function in home page then
d hm isplaySrc.spinfn('uparrowclick');
Is this approach acceptable or I’m totally in the wrong direction.

Protractor-cucumber: chai.expect does not work

In Steps definition, i declare 'chai' and use to debug:
var chai = require('chai');
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
var expect = chai.expect;
module.exports = function() {
this.Given(/^I go on "([^"]*)"$/, function (arg1, callback) {
var answer = 43;
console.log("this text will be displayed");
When i run the script, text this text will be displayed does not appear ,in console but when i comment this line //expect(answer).to.equal(42);, the text appear as normal.
I know there is a wrong in expect of chai object but cannot find out the solution. Anyone can help me to resolve the issue. Thank so much
cucumber-js supports steps that return promises.
When using chai-as-promised, i need to return the expectation (which is a promise)
this.When(/^I test async code$/,function() {
return expect(true).to.be.true;

Protractor - How to obtain the new URL

I am new to Protractor (and Javascript by the way), and I am writing some tests to practice. My goal so far is to check that when I click on the home button of a website, the redirection leads me correctly to the expected address.
I have written this:
var HomeTopBanner = function() {
this.homeUrl = browser.params.homePageObject.homeUrl;
this.topBanner = element(by.css('.navbar-inner'));
this.homeButton = this.topBanner.element(by.css('.icon-home'));
describe('Home button', function(){
var homeTopBanner = new HomeTopBanner();
var newUrl = '';
it('clicks on the Home button', function(){
browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function storeNewUrl(url) {
newUrl = url;
it('checks that the home button leads to the homepage', function(){
This works, but my question is:
Why do I need to separate the "GetCurrentUrl" and the "expect(newUrl)" parts? I would prefer to have both of them in the same spec, but if I do that, during the comparison of the expect, newUrl=''
I assume this is related to browser.getCurrentUrl() being a promise, but is there a better way to do it?
Yes, getCurrentUrl returns a promise with the url in the form of a string as explained in the protractor api docs. You have to wait until the url is returned in order to use it. Now in order to combine both the specs you can write your expect statement inside the function that getCurrentUrl returns as shown below and there is no need of using a newUrl variable too if you want -
it('clicks on the Home button', function(){
browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
There could also be another issue when after the click action the previous url is being captured due to the fact that protractor is async and fast. In that case you can write your getCurrentUrl() function inside the promise that click() function returns. Here's an example of it -
it('clicks on the Home button', function(){
browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
Hope this helps.

Protractor : wait for element to become invisible/hidden

I saw other protractor related post mentioning about how to wait for an element to become visible. However, recently, I ran into an opposite use case. I wanted to wait for an element until it becomes invisible. Since I could not find anything specific about it. I went ahead and came up with a solution.
var ptor = protractor.getInstance();
ptor.wait(function() {
return element(by.css('#my-css-here')).isDisplayed().then(function(isVisible){
console.log('is visible :' + isVisible);
return !isVisible;
}, 12000).then(function(){
//do whatever you want
hopefully it helps. any suggestion is welcome.
Using the elementexplorer (https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/debugging.md) I looked at the protractor object and found an answer that is working wonderfully for me:
var el = element(by.id('visibleElementId'));
From #Machtyn
This should be the correct answer:
var EC=protractor.ExpectedConditions; browser.wait(EC.not(EC.presenceOf(el)), someTimeoutInMilli);
Protractor now has invisibilityOf function built in.
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Waits for the element with id 'abc' to be no longer visible on the dom.
browser.wait(EC.invisibilityOf($('#abc')), 5000);
Read more for details
None of the solution working for me. Please take a look at below code:
var protractor = require('protractor');
describe('Testing', function () {
it('Should show the settings button', function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var settings = $('.settings');
var isSettingVisible = EC.visibilityOf(settings);
console.log("--------------------welcome 1-------------------");
protractor.browser.wait(isSettingVisible, 10000, "Searching for settings").then(() => {
console.log("waiting complete");
}, (error) => {