Equivalent of Akka ByteString in Scala standard API - scala

Is anyone aware of a standard API equivalent to Akka's ByteString: http://doc.akka.io/api/akka/2.3.5/index.html#akka.util.ByteString
This very convenient class has no dependency on any other Akka code, and it saddens me to have to import the whole Akka jar just to use it.
I found this fairly old discussion mentioning adding it to the standard API, but I don't know what happened to this project: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/scalaz/ZFcjGpZswRc/0tCIdXvpGBAJ
Does anyone know of an equivalent piece of code in the standard API? Or in a very lightweight library?

You might want to check out scodec-bits. It provides two types, BitVector and ByteVector (API docs), supporting fast appends, take, drop, random access, etc. The library has zero dependencies. We split it out of scodec precisely because we thought it might of general use outside of scodec, where it's used heavily.


Does scala offer async non-blocking IO when working with files?

I am using scala 2.10 and I wonder If there is some package which has async IO when working with files?
I did some search o this topic but mostly found examples as following
val file = new File(canonicalFilename)
val bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))
what essentially essentially java.io package with blocking IO operations - write, read etc. I also found scala-io project with this intention but it seems that project is dead last activity 2012.
What is best practice in this scenario? Is there any scala package or the common way is wrapping java.io code to Futures and Observables ?
My use case is from an Akka actor need to manipulate files on local or remote file system. Need to avoid blocking. Or is there any better alternative?
Thnaks for clarifing this
Scala does not offer explicit API for asynchronous file IO, however the plain Java API is exactly the right thing to use in those cases (this is actually a good thing, we can use all these nice APIs without any wrapping!). You should look into using java.nio.channels.AsynchronousFileChannel, which is available since JDK7 and makes use of the underlying system async calls for file IO.
Akka IO, while not providing file IO in it's core, has a module developed by Dario Rexin, which allows to use AsynchronousFileChannel with Akka IO in a very simple manner. Have a look at this library to make use of it: https://github.com/drexin/akka-io-file
In the near future Akka will provide File IO in its akka-streams module. It may be as an external library for a while though, we're not exactly sure yet where to put this as it will require users to have JDK at-least 7, while most of Akka currently supports JDK6. Having that said, streams based asynchronous back-pressured file IO is coming soon :-)
If you're using scalaz-stream for your async support it has file functionality that's built on the java.nio async APIs - that's probably the approach I'd recommend. If you're using standard scala futures possibly you can use akka-io? which I think uses Netty as a backend. Or you can call NIO directly - it only takes a couple of lines to adapt a callback-based API to scalaz or scala futures.

What's the scala alternative to runtime-preserved annotations

I just realized I cannot have annotations in scala, that are preserved and analyzed at runtime. I also checked this question, but I didn't quite get it what are the alternatives.
DI - an answer mentions that there is no need for DI framework in scala. While that might be the case on a basic level (although I didn't quite like that example; what's the idiomatic way of handling DI?), Java DI frameworks like spring are pretty advanced and handle many things like scheduled jobs, caching, managed persistence, etc, all through annotations, and sometimes - custom ones.
ORM - I'll admit I haven't tried any native scala ORM, but from what I see in squeryl, it also makes some use of annotations, meaning they are unavoidable?
any serialization tool - how do you idiomatically customize serialization output to JSON/XML/...?
Web service frameworks - how do you define (in code) the mappings, headers, etc. for RESTful or SOAP services?
Scala users need to have a hybrid scala/java (for the annotations) project in order to use these facilities that are coming from Java?
And are the native scala alternatives for meta-data nicer than annotations? I'm not yet fully into the scala mode of thinking, and therefore most of the examples look ugly to me, compared to using annotations, so please try to be extra convincing :)
Actually, Scala does have runtime-retained annotations. The difference is that they are not stored as Java annotations but are instead encoded inside the contents of binary ScalaSignature annotation (which, by itself, is a runtime-retained Java annotation).
So, Scala annotations can be retrieved at runtime, but instead of using Java reflection, one must use Scala reflection:
class Awesome extends StaticAnnotation
class AwesomeClass
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val clazz = classOf[AwesomeClass]
val mirror = runtimeMirror(clazz.getClassLoader)
val symbol = mirror.classSymbol(clazz)
println(symbol.annotations) // prints 'List(Awesome)'
Unfortunately, Scala reflection is still marked as experimental and is actually unstable at this point (SI-6240 or SI-6826 are examples of quite serious issues). Nevertheless, it seems like the most straightforward replacement for Java reflection and annotations in the long term.
As for now, one has to use Java annotations which I think is still a nice solution.
Regarding frameworks and libraries for DI/ORM/WS/serialization - Scala still doesn't seem to be mature in this area, at least not as Java is. There are plenty of ongoing projects targeting these problems, some of them are already really nice, others are still in development. To name a few that come to my mind: Squeryl, Slick, Spray, Pickling.
Also, Scala has some advanced features that often make annotations unneccessary. Typeclasses (implemented with implicit parameters) are probably good example of that.

What well developed iteratee/pipes libraries are available for Scala?

Does Scala have any well developed libraries in the spirit of Haskell's pipes, or at least iteratee?
I found Play's iteratee library first, but I couldn't make it work, and it seems tightly coupled with Play's concurrency primitive Promise, which could be inappropriate in many cases.
Scalaz has some iteratee support (like IterV), but it seems there are only core classes with no additional support functions, predefined iteratees/enumerators etc. Also I couldn't find any documentation, even scaladoc is very sparse, so it's quite difficult to use properly.
And I couldn't find anything similar to pipes.
Building up on comments from Travis, currently there are:
Scalaz 7 iteratee package (iterv, you mentioned, is a compatibility layer with scalaz 6)
A port of Conduit library
Runar's scala-machines library (presentation, haskell version)

Avoid namespace conflicts in Java MPI-Bindings

I am using the MPJ-api for my current project. The two implementations I am using are MPJ-express and Fast-MPJ. However, since they both implement the same API, namely the MPJ-API, I cannot simultaneously support both implementations due to name-space collisions.
Is there any way to wrap two different libraries with the same package and class-names such that both can be supported at the same time in Java or Scala?
So far, the only way I can think of is to move the module into separate projects, but I am not sure this would be the way to go.
If your code use only a subset of MPI functions (like most of the MPI code I've reviewed), you can write an abstraction layer (traits or even Cake-Pattern) which defines the ops your are actually using. You can then implement a concrete adapter for each implementation.
This approach will also work with non-MPI communication layers (think Akka, JGroups, etc.)
As a bonus point, you could use the SLF4J approach: the correct implementation is chosen at runtime according to what's actually in the classpath.

Is there a way in scala to convert from any Map to java.util.Map?

I use a lot of scala maps, occasionally I want to pass them in as a map to a legacy java api which wants a java.util.Map (and I don't care if it throws away any changes).
An excellent library I have found that does a better job of this:
(bad name, awesome library). You explicitly invoke .asJava or .asScala depending on what direction you want to go. No surprises.
Scala provides wrappers for Java collections so that they can be used as Scala collections but not the other way around. That being said it probably wouldn't be hard to write your own wrapper and I'm sure it would be useful for the community. This question comes up on a regular basis.
This question and answer discuss this exact problem and the possible solutions. It advises against transparent conversions as they can have very strange side-effects. It advocates using scala-javautils instead. I've been using them in a large project for a few months now and have found them to be very reliable and easy to use.