Right click in eclipse is not working? - eclipse

My right click is not working in eclipse.I tried to work on servlet so i downloaded javaEE to work and used yesterday (Aug 13 2014) after i didn't used my eclipse which I am using regularly today i started working on the android in my regular eclipse.When i started working on the project my right click not working in package explorer. Also in Window --> show view showing blank.
These are the different trials i have done.
restarting the eclipse.
Change the work space.
restarted the computer.
But the problem is not solved.

Restart Eclipse with a "-clean"
Open a command prompt (click Start, Run... enter "cmd"), then go to the directory where you have Eclipse installed with "cd ", and then run "eclipse -clean".

I had similar symptoms recently. Turned out it was caused by the Subversion server being unavailable - once that was restarted I was able to right-click. My environment was Eclipse Luna with Subclipse.
So worth checking that any connected source control systems are operational. Hope that helps.

You may try clearing SOCKS proxy if your company using a proxy server.
Window → Preferences → Network Connections → Select SOCKS → Click on
Clear (Make sure you have proxy server listed in it).

Turn on error view in Eclipse: Window -> Show View -> Other. Search for Error
There you'll most likely find errors in the log, which will tell you which plugin prevents the menu from opening.
For example, I found:
java.lang.NullPointerException at
Fixing EasyShell plugin config solved the problem for me

This happened to me, but only in the "SVN Repositories" window (so I couldn't check out anything). Using the right-click button on the keyboard worked (had to connect an external keyboard with such a button to my laptop).

I had this problem with STS and I went to the STS folder where I started STS and opened eclipse.exe instead of STS and this fixed the problem. I was able to use the Right click for my project.
This fixed my problem "temporarily ONLY"

I was facing the same issue and went to Preferences-> Network Connections and changed the Active Provider from Direct to Manual. This resolved my issue.

I had the similar problem.
Later I found that I have installed one plugin name "ContextQuickies" from market place which is causing this problem.
I have uninstalled it and restarted eclipse which solved my problem.
My environment was Eclipse Kepler.
Steps to uninstall:
Help->Install Software->Already Installed -> This will open new window from there you can Uninstall the plugin and restart.
Hope this helps

I just ran into this issue. I simply restarted eclipse since I had it open for days.


Eclipse - Add Server - Next Button is disabled when I select a specific Tomcat (e.g tomcat8)

I open Servers view, right click and go to new->server menu.
When I select Tomcat 6 or Tomcat 7 the next button works well however when I select Tomcat 8 the next button is greyed out.
How can I add a tomcat 8 in this case?
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and Eclipse mars2 and the accepted answer for this question didn't work for me. I tried everthing from installing new software (extensions, unnecessary because mars already have native support for tomcat8), and adding/removing runtime environments without success.
It is a bug into Eclipse.
Here is the workaround that worked for me:
Close Eclipse
In {workspace-directory}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings delete the following two files:
Restart Eclipse
Source: Eclipse add Tomcat 7 blank server name
Eventhough it says tomcat 7, it worked for the same problem with tomcat 8 too.
There are a few resource on the web about this problem but no answer on SO.
If you were never add a tomcat8 to eclipse there would be no problem just like tomcat7 or tomcat6. But there is a setting about tomcat8 and that is wrong. In that menu there is no option to reconfigure settings.
Just go to Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environments and Remove or Edit the old, wrong settings. Then you will be able to add tomcat8 too!
Ref: http://www.codejava.net/servers/tomcat/how-to-add-tomcat-server-in-eclipse-ide
It is a bug in Eclipse.
You can follow following steps for overcome this problem.
Close Eclipse
Go {workspace-directory}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings
delete the following two files:
Restart Eclipse
First try removing/editing respective server at
Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environments
then go ahead adding new server, Even after deleting old setup on Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environments - If you still have this issue while on Define a New Server from servers tab of eclipse, now try adding tomcat at Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environments as we've deleted earlier & then go to Define a New Server from servers tab to create new server, this should work.
I had this issue too, and it was caused by unsufficient file-access rights to the Tomcat server installation directory.
Make sure you have read-access to all files within the Tomcat installation directory you configured in Eclipse (this can be an issue for example if you use the standard tomcat installed in Ubuntu, if you do not belong to the tomcat8 group).
Just go to Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environments and Remove the server.
Try to add the server from there only. You will see another folder has been created with the same name.
Provide valid path. Restart eclipse and add server from server console.
Hope it will help..
Go to
Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environments
remove tomcat configuration and save.
Go to server view( Window -> show view ->server)
configure the tomcat server again.

Where is the TestNG eclipse plugin

Where to find 5.x Testng eclipse plugin
Problem Installing older TestNG plugin on Eclipse 3.5
Both questions are quite old so the links there do not work anymore. I have Eclipse 3.5 and I would like to install the Eclipse TestNG plugin. What is the location of the update site? I am moving to TestNG so I can move the latest version of TestNG
PS: I have tried http://beust.com/eclipse/ but it throw me an NPE as shown below
Try to download TestNG plugin from Market Place.
Eclipse - > Help - > Eclipse MarketPlace -> TestNG..
Install it. After restarting Eclipse use it.
Try the URL that the jar comes from: http://beust.com/eclipse/
Use that above link as the Location, make sure to include the http://.
I used the latest url posted on the following page http://beust.com/eclipse-old/
That is http://beust.com/eclipse-old/eclipse-
It worked perfectly fine.
Your URL looks fine (http://beust.com/eclipse) hence I suspect an issue unrelated to this, maybe your Eclipse installation is buggy or incorrectly configured (I did not need any special config on my Eclipse install though).
IN windows how to install testng plugin in Eclipse:
1. Open Eclipse
2. Click on Help at top menu
3. Click on Install New Software... sub-menu
4. Click on Add button
Do the following at Add Repository pop-up:
5. Enter name as (Example - testng)
6. Enter URL as your requirement:
For Eclipse 3.4 and above, enter http://beust.com/eclipse
For Eclipse 3.3 and below, enter http://beust.com/eclipse1
7. Click on OK button
8. Check process bar is displayed because plugin is installed in eclipse
After installation follow the steps below:
i) Restart eclipse
ii) Go to Window-> Preferences and observe the left panel
iii) TestNG is enlisted
I noticed it was proxy that was stopping for installation after configuring proxy it installed like cream.
earlier comment:
After a lot of attemp and trying different URL finally found the URL worked for me : http://beust.com/eclipse-old/eclipse-
all other URL kept on giving error for MD5 example:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.testng.eclipse,
MD5 hash is not as expected. Expected: da03b0c2cd24e2636ad05a151538b195 and found 60ea74539d11470e704c4210de6e5573.
Problems downloading artifact: osgi.bundle,org.testng.eclipse.maven,
MD5 hash is not as expected. Expected: 91946a86a2a3ae80d8583be62a9fe068 and found 0f70e9fd8a1bb2564f26bc4730a58922.
if the link: http://beust.com/eclipse/ is not working for versions 3.4 and above, there could be some problem with the Network Connections of your eclipse.
Go to Window->Preferences-> search for SSL or Network Connections.
Check if the settings for the same are in place as per your internet/intranet.
open Eclipse
CLick on Help at top navigator
Click on install new software
Click on add Button
Add Repository pop-up is open
Enter name as (Example - TestNG)
Enter URL - http://beust.com/eclipse
Click on OK button
Check process bar is displayed because plugin is install in ecplise
After restart the eclipse
Check Testng is install in ecplise
For eclipse Luna - http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/testng-eclipse/metrics
Drag and drop the install icon to the eclipse workspace and follow instructions.
Works like charm.
In my case, looks like updates for Eclipse was the issue.
I just installed the updates to my eclipse (Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2) Build id: 20150219-0600) and restarted Eclipse.
Then, went to help->Eclipse Marketplace-> searched TestNG and Installed it.
This worked for me.
The given site "http://beust.com/eclipse" gets redirected to
because of that eclipse fails to fetch the plugin in the original URL.
to fix that, go to help->install new software
now add new site at work with
it is "https", doing this will list down the plugins available in the URL,
select TestNG, and continue to install it.
it worked for me, hope it works for you as well.

Installed Software/Plugins On Eclipse Has Stopped Working

I have Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (Indigo) and have been using it for several months.
I had many installed plugins including a SVN one and e-git.
Then one day, they just all stopped working. For example, I used to be able to commit from the Explorer (using the SVN plugin), but that option has disappeared as if it is not installed.
I have checked the installed software list and they are all present.
Is there a setting somewhere that I may have miss?
Thanks in adavnced!
Please check the error log in workspace/.metadata/.log to see if there is any warnings or errors.
Also, have you tried other perspectives, like plug-in development, or SVN.
Open eclipse
Go to Window -> Show view -> Other -> SVN
Choose new workspace and check out the project that you did

Problem Installing EGIT

I have the following configuration
OS: Win XP
Eclipse: Galileo
And i want to install EGIT on it (i already have subclipse). I tried going to Help -> Install New Software but EGIT was not on the list. I tried downloaing from the site but download link http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates is not opening in the browser (chrome)
Please help me how to install Egit.
If the update site (see below) really don't work, you still can try the zip download option.
But you should be able to declare and use the Egit update site, as illustrated in the Egit tutorial, provided you have the right Network connection preferences, allowing you Internet access.
Use the Eclipse Update manager to install the EGit plugin from http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates
I had a very similar problem to this.
I hadn't realised, but the problem was that I still had a proxy server configured (which was no longer turned on).
To solve, I went to Window > Preferences > General > Network Connections.
Would have nice for Eclipse to actually tell me there was a problem to do with the proxy server rather than throwing/reporting some obscure exception...
You need to add the egit link to Eclipse, so it searches it. In the text box it presents (when you go to Install New Software on the Help menu) enter the egit URL and hit enter - it should find the egit plugin and allow it to be selected for install.

Eclipse failed to response under Fedora 12

i tried fedora12 yesterday, but i find eclipse doesn't work. at first i thought this problem is related to SELinux, but after i turn off selinux, i still can't
create a project, i press the "next" or "finish" button, there is no response. well the "cancel" button works. there is no error popup, or error logs.
i tried eclipse -debug -console; but there is no log output when i click the button. it is so weird, is this happened to anyone before?
environment: fedora12, JDK 1.6.0_17, eclipse Galileo.
computer: t400.
This is a bug due to a change introduced in GTK 2.18, see Bug 291257. The current workaround is to export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true before to run Eclipse. I actually use the following startup script:
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla/
export ECLIPSE_HOME=/opt/IBM/eclipse
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
I can't install plugins from update sites, either.
In a blank eclipse install, adding a new update site (es: jboss tools) using the keyboard works; also, it's possible to select a release to install from the available software list.
The new plugin gets installed, but won't appear in perspectives (es: jboss devel) after restart.
After that, adding new update sites and trying to install their releases won't work, the available software list remains empty.
Using Fedora 12 Eclipse 3.5..
By the way, "Fedora Eclipse" rpm is screwed at the moment, it won't install a single file
Eclipse 3.6 fix those problems http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/
Just add helios update site
There seems to be an incompatability with gtk/gdk shipped with F12. You can tell eclipse to use the native GDK and it should correct these problems:
You can also add -DGDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 to your eclipse.ini file. That should help if you switch workspaces.
it's a bug, the keyboard works. try it.