Substring and adding leading zeros to a string value - tsql

Hi all – I need some assistance with prefixing leading zeros into a string.
I have had a look around in the forum but did not quite find anything that suits my scenario.
The string in the column is in the following format: ‘INV-ACC-180 Some description etc’
The ‘INV-ACC-180’ bit is always the same format whilst the description can vary.
The challenge is the ‘180’. Its needs to be 4 leading zeros so it shows as 0180. i.e ‘INV-ACC-0180 Some description etc’
Some records may look like ‘INV-ACC-80 Some description etc’. And in this case the new correct format should be ‘INV-ACC-0080 Some description etc’
Many thanks in advance!

Is the 180 stored as a separate value ?
In that case you create 0180 using:
RIGHT('0000' + mynum, 4)
if the complete string is the input:
‘INV-ACC-' + RIGHT('0000'+substring(myinput,9,charindex(' ',myinput)-9),4) +substring(myinput,charindex(' '),1000)


What function do I use in a Salesforce apex trigger to trim a text field?

I'm new to writing apex triggers. I've looked through a lot of the apex developer documentation, and I can't seem to find the combination of functions that I should use to automatically trim characters from a text field.
My org has two text fields on the Case object, which automatically store the email addresses that are included in an email-to-case. The text fields have a 255 character limit each. We are seeing errors pop up because the number of email addresses that these fields contain often exceeds 255 characters.
I need to write a trigger that can trim these text fields to the last ".com" before it hits the 255 character limit.
Perhaps I'm going about this all wrong. Any advice?
You can use replace() function in Apex.
String s1 = 'abcdbca';
String target = 'bc';
String replacement = 'xy';
String s2 = s1.replace(target, replacement);
If you need to use regular expression to find the pattern, then you can use replaceAll()
String s1 = 'a b c 5 xyz';
String regExp = '[a-zA-Z]';
String replacement = '1';
String s2 = s1.replaceAll(regExp, replacement);
For more information please refer Apex Reference Guide
The following code I think that covers what you are searching:
String initialUrl = '';
Integer comPosition = initialUrl.indexOf('.com');
System.debug(initialUrl.left(comPosition + 4));
The main problems that I see are that other extensions are not covered (like ".net" urls) and that urls that have a ".com" appearing previous to the last one (something like ""). But I think that this covers most of the use cases.
Why not increasing the length of that specific field? Trimming the text might cause data loss or unusable. Just go to object manager find that object and that specific field. Edit field and increase the length.

Using the toInteger function with locale and format parameters

I've got a dataflow with a csv file as source. The column NewPositive is a string and it contains numbers formatted in European style with a dot as thousand seperator e.g 1.019 meaning 1019
If I use the function toInteger to convert my NewPositive column to an int via toInteger(NewPositive,'#.###','de'), I only get the thousand cipher e.g 1 for 1.019 and not the rest. Why? For testing I tried creating a constant column: toInteger('1.019','#.###','de') and it gives 1019 as expected. So why does the function not work for my column? The column is trimmed and if I compare the first value with equality function: equals('1.019',NewPositive) returns true.
Please note: I know it's very easy to create a workaround by toInteger(replace(NewPositive,'.','')), but I want to learn how to use the toInteger function with the locale and format parameters.
Here is sample data:
I was able to repro this and probably looks to be a bug to me . I have reported this to the ADF team , will let you know once I hear back from them . You already have a work around please go ahead that to unblock yourself .

How to display an int without commas?

I have a list of Text views that include a year saved as an int. I'm displaying it in an interpolated string:
Text("\($ \($0.year) \($0.etc)")
The problem, it adds a comma to the int, for example it displays 1,944 instead of the year 1944. I'm sure this is a simple fix but i've been unable to figure out how to remove the comma. Thanks!
There is explicit Text(verbatim:) constructor to render string without localization formatting, so a solution for your case is
Text(verbatim: "\($ \($0.year) \($0.etc)")
Use Text(String(yourIntValue)) if you use interpolation you need to cast it as a string directly. If you allow the int to handle it, it shows with a ,.
So to recap.
let yourIntValue = 1234
Text(String(yourIntValue)) // will return `1234`.
Text("\(yourIntValue)") // will return `1,234`.
I use the built-in format parameter. It's useful for formatting well beyond just this one specific usage (no commas).
Text("Disk Cache \(URLCache.shared.currentDiskUsage,
format: .number.grouping(.never))"))

Crystal Formula to exclude if value does not contain a certain format

I'm trying to exclude any value from a certain field (table.value) that does not match this format AA#####A. Example if they entered APT12345T, or PT12345PT and No Value then I want to exclude it from the report. It needs to match example AP12345P. What selection formula can I use to accomplish this.
Any help is greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance.
try reading Crystal's help topics on the mid() and isnumeric() functions.
here's an example from the help file:
Examples The following example is applicable to both Basic and Crystal
Mid("abcdef", 3, 2)
Returns "cd".
so, in your case, you want to strip your value into three pieces,
and build up a three-part boolean variable where:
the first piece is not numeric(), or between 'AA' and 'ZZ', or however
else you want to test for letters,
the second part isnumeric(), and
the third part passes the same test as the first part.
where are you getting stuck?
something like this:
not isnumeric(mid({table.field},1,2)) and
isnumeric(mid({table.field},3,5) and
not isnumeric(mid({table.field},8,1))

what is the difference between doc.Content.Text and doc.Range(start, end).Text

Could you please explain what is the difference between doc.Content.Text and doc.Range(start, end).Text
Actually, if I extract a string like
doc.Content.Text.SubString(start, lenofText)
and if I do the same with
doc.Range(start, start + lenofText)
I get correct result for doc.Content.Text but incorrect result with doc.Range ... do you know the reason? I need to find a text and then convert it to a Hyper LINK but the doc.Range does not give the me the correct results...
Your description is a little vague (for instance, how is it not the correct results?) but a document is actually comprised of as many as 17 story parts (which includes things like the main story [the document area], footers, headers, footnotes, and comments). 'Content' refers specifically to the main text story. ‘Doc.Range’ is broader and can include more than one story. If the results are not correct because it looks like the text is offset by a certain number of characters, it may be counting other stories. If you want to limit the results to the body text, specify one of the following: