Is tracking modified fields in hibernate envers still an experimental feature? - hibernate-envers

i want to use this feature, configuration is:
<property name="org.hibernate.envers.global_with_modified_flag"alue="true"/>
is this still an experimental feature?

I guess it's been there long enough to be considered stable. You can file a JIRA to fix the documentation :)


Rexster OrientDB configuration

i'm trying to setup Rexster (version 2.5) to work with OrientDB (1.7 rc2). The problem is that i don't know what should i put in the <graph-type> field in the graph configuration. Most recent Rexster documentation ( states that OrientDB support was removed from the package, and therefore one has to copy orientdb-client and orientdb-enterprise jars from OrientDB distribution.
So that's what i did. Then i've setup the <graph> section as follows:
I get java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientGraphRexsterConfiguration upon Rexster startup.
I've also tried setting up Rexster 2.1, which works just fine when using orientgraph for <graph-type> (as per This approach fails for 2.5. I feel that i must be missing something obvious. Can someone please point to the solution?
Looks like I didn't get the documentation quite right. The <graph-type> should be:
You can see the class here:
I've corrected the documentation. As the class is still in the develop branch I'm not sure that it has been released yet. I know Luca keeps track of what's going on here in StackOverflow, so perhaps he can offer additional comment on when that will be released. If not you may want to write something to the OrientDB mailing list.

Fix "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" WITHOUT screwing up a pom?

This, and many other posts, suggest to change a pom to get it working, which is quite a bold demand as for a mere plugin. Is it possible to leave pom intact and still do not see those errors?
Best regards,Eugene.
Well, it's not possible. This in-POM mess is some kind of workaround if you don't want these errors. Unless your plugin somehow provide m2e connector, you don't have really choice. Sorry.

SONAR code violation filtering by user

Does anyone know if there is SONAR extension for filtering violations by user/author who introduced them ?
Idea is to pick a user, and SONAR would list all violations made in the code by that specific user.
Maybe some ideas could be provided if it is possible to achieve such functionality ?
You could also use the REST-API to get the violations (something like 'http://sonar-host/api/violations?resource=1&depth=-1&priorities=BLOCKER,CRITICAL,MAJOR') to get the interesting violations and then use 'svn annotate' to get the relevant annotions and therefore the user. That is what I did, and in the meantime it works well.
SonarQube, "Issues" Main manu/tab provides this feature. You can do all sorts of filtering by project, by user etc through that feature.
This is in version 4.3.2

Does any know if there is MongoDB-CSharp driver documentation?

I'm looking at using the MongoDB-CSharp driver for MongoDB on a small test project. The downloads have binary and source, but I can't find any documentation anywhere.
Does anyone know if there's documentation for MongoDB-CSharp, or should I just be reading the source??
I've been looking at the source :-). I found the Linq Integration Tests in the typedcollections branch to be a good start:
Craig's wiki is good too, but I only found that last weekend.
You may want to give the typedcollections branch a look rather than the downloads because that's were all the recent development has been going on.
MongoDB-CSharp is about to release a beta. With it comes some wiki documentation. You can check out the pre-release docs at Can you tell me what other types of information would be useful?

Is there an easy way to integrate scaladoc into IntelliJ Idea?

How do I use/generate scaladoc from within IntelliJ Idea (running on ubuntu)? Most preferably I would like to configure Tools/generate javadoc to also generate scaladoc, though that might be hard as of the differences between both according to this thread.
The scaladoc support in IntelliJ is pretty basic for now: some keywords are highlighted in comments, but there is no "generate scaladoc" option in tools. We'll create an issue in the tracker to keep it in mind.