Using (Re)Captcha without any server code? - server

Is it posible to use the recaptcha API without any server side code? I keep getting a CORS error. Then I found this saying Recaptcha doesn't allow requests directly from browsers.
I also tried creating a php proxy on my server (although defeating the purpose of this question) but keep getting an error that the challenge field is not valid even though I'm sending the correct value.
I know that client-only captchas are inherently unsafe, but this is a low-consequences app and I need to put something in there.


How to configure Big Blue Button for Xirsys TURN server?

I run an self-hosted instance of BigBlueButton and signed up for Xirsys TURN server services because we need to serve clients behind (pretty restrictive) firewalls. Before I had been running my own instance of coturn, but as this led to problems recently, I thought I will got someone who does this for a living a try.
Now the configuration in BBB is explained here:
Yet so far I completely failed to match the parameters I receive from Xirsys with what I have to put into the /usr/share/bbb-web/WEB-INF/classes/spring/turn-stun-servers.xml file in the place of the <> and <secret_value>.
Did anyone ever make this work? I did try and find a tutorial but also failed.
bbb_web, is returning this the turn uris. passwords to the html5 client, that the client is using in sip.js
so you can either get bbb-web to send valid username/passwords is same method is used, or modify the html5 client to make a Xirsys api call, to get access to the turn candidates.
Would need to look at api docs. twilio has a similar service.
not the most elegant solution but the easiest one for me:
modify the final bbb js bundle to load the stunturn info from a fixed url in
/usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/web.browser/f30716b2b57e2862c4db2325 b7aac63f4622842b.js
the minified part should then look somewhat like:
and put either the static credentials or generated ones in a file stunturn.json besides the js bundle.

403 Forbidden for SharePoint version APIs BUT they work at design time AND all other REST calls work

I have a strange problem whereby any REST APIs relating to SharePoint versions work when testing at design time but generate a 403 Forbidden error at runtime. What is also odd is that all other REST API calls work fine at both design time and runtime and all the parameters are identical to the ones that don't work (headers etc.) and I've done a cut and paste on everything, but still anything relating to versions isn't working, although that might just be a red herring?
The app can successfully delete files and overwrite them, check in and out, etc. so seemingly there are no permission issues. I have also tried checking a file out before reading the version information just in case (as check out is forced before any actions can be carried out on this site) but that didn't work either.
This is an example of one of the calls that is causing the error:{SiteName}/_api/web/GetFileByServerRelativeUrl('/sites/{SiteName}/Shared%20Documents/{FilenameAndPath}')/version
Look at this post:
https://sharepoint/_api/web/folders/getbyurl('Documents')/files/getbyurl('myfile.docx')/versions?$filter=VersionLabel eq '2.0'
Check the Accept and Content-Type headers in the OnBeforeRequest REST API callback.
I have found that when testing the IDE will send for instance "application/json" for both, but at runtime, the platform adds ";utf-8" to the values of these headers. The requests are then often rejected without a proper error specification/declaration.

How to do a Hoplon CLJS Server or AJAX Call

I am using Hoplon to create a fairly simple site and an stuck on the AJAX part. In the past I have used Castra as the backend but since it is no longer maintained I have switched to a normal LuminusWeb backend. I am in need of making a call to the server in which I will the server and then wait for a response. I know how to do it on the server side but I can't seem to find any information about how to do it on the Hoplon Client side.
How can I send a request to the server using an AJAX call?
I know how to do it in jQuery and assume, possibly wrongly, there is something similar to $.POST in Hoplon.
The best way to solve this AJAX problem that I found is to use the library 'cljs-http' and then you can make an synchronous request using a call such as:
(http/post "http://localhost:8080/" {:with-credentials? false})
Then, on the cljs-http GitHub it gives plenty of examples so you can then do asynchronous in Hoplon.

Blackberry ksoap2 request issues

First time posting a question. I'm trying to call some SOAP webservices from inside a blackberry app using the ksoap2 library. I've successfully managed to get a response from the one service, which uses an HTTP url, but now that I'm trying to get response from a (different) HTTPS url, I've run up against a brick wall.
The response dump I'm getting has the following fault message:
"An error occurred while routing the message for element value : (country option I specified in my request). Keep-Alive and Close may not be set using this property. Parameter name: value."
The weird thing is that using Oxygen XML's SOAP tools with the XML request dump works just fine. Any ideas where to start looking? This has taken up a full day already.
Responding to your comment below - it turns out the double quoting is part of the SOAP spec. Some servers are more relaxed in their implementation, and will work without the quotes.
ksoap2 doesn't force the quotes onto your actions - you may want to patch your ksoap2 library to ensure the quotes are always there.
I don't think this is a SOAP related problem, nor with BlackBerry.
I think the problem lies on the server side, since that error string is not a common error (just google it to see no hits on the whole internet other than this question).
Looks like this is a job for the network guy on the server side to tell you what he's seeing on his end.
Only other thing I can think of is to make the call using HTTP instead of HTTPS. You can then use some network sniffer to see what the difference between the messages is. Alternatively, install an SSL proxy with something like "Charles" and sniff the packets like that.

SOP issue behind reverse proxy

I've spent the last 5 months developing a gwt app, and it's now become time for third party people to start using it. In preparation for this one of them has set up my app behind a reverse proxy, and this immediately resulted in problems with the browser's same origin policy. I guess there's a problem in the response headers, but I can't seem to rewrite them in any way to make the problem go away. I've tried this
response.setHeader("Server", request.getRemoteAddress());
in some sort of naive attempt to mimic the behaviour I want. Didn't work (to the surprise of no-one).
Anyone knowing anything about this will most likely snicker and shake their heads when reading this, and I do not blame them. I would snicker too, if it was me... I know nothing at all about this, and that naturally makes this problem awfully hard to solve. Any help at all will be greatly appreciated.
How can I get the header rewrite to work and get away from the SOP issues I'm dealing with?
Edit: The exact problem I'm getting is a pop-up saying:
"SmartClient can't directly contact
due to browser same-origin policy.
Remove the host and port number (even
if localhost) to avoid this problem,
or use XJSONDataSource protocol (which
allows cross-site calls), or use the
server-side HttpProxy included with
SmartClient Server."
But I shouldn't need the smartclient HttpProxy, since I have a proxy on top of the server, should I? I've gotten no indications that this could be a serialisation problem, but maybe this message is hiding the real issue...
chris_l and saret both helped to find the solution, but since I can only mark one I marked the answer from chris_l. Readers are encouraged to bump them both up, they really came through for me here. The solution was quite simple, just remove any absolute paths to your server and use only relative ones, that did the trick for me. Thanks guys!
The SOP (for AJAX requests) applies, when the URL of the HTML page, and the URL of the AJAX requests differ in their "origin". The origin includes host, port and protocol.
So if the page is, your AJAX request must also point to something under For the SOP, it doesn't matter, if there is a reverse proxy - just make sure, that the URL - as it appears to the browser (including port and protocol) - isn't different. The URL you use internally is irrelevant - but don't use that internal URL in your GWT app!
Note: The solution in the special case of SmartClient turned out to be using relative URLs (instead of absolute URLs to the same origin). Since relative URLs aren't an SOP requirement in browsers, I'd say that's a bug in SmartClient.
What issue are you having exactly?
Having previously had to write a reverseproxy for a GWT app I can't remember hitting any SOP issues, one thing you need to do though is make sure response headers and uri's are rewritten to the reverseproxies url - this includes ajax callback urls.
One issue I hit (which you might also experience) when running behind a reverseproxy was with the serialization policy of GWT server.
Fixing this required writing an implementation of RemoteServiceServlet. While this was in early/mid 2009, it seems the issue still exists.
Seems like others have hit this as well - see this for further details (the answer by Michele Renda in particular)